The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1621 Caught in the Devil's Claw!

Chapter 1621 Caught in the Devil's Claw!

"Swallow, Mr. Li does have that power, but the problem is, Mr. Li is a noble man with many things, and he must be very busy. I'm afraid he may not have time to take care of your father's affairs..." Mrs. Zhang expressed her worries.After hearing this, Zhang Huairen waved his hands and said, "You have only met Mr. Li once, but you don't know what Mr. Li is like. Mr. Li is actually a very righteous and enthusiastic person. Unless he doesn't know what happened to the Yanzi family, as long as he Now that I know, he will definitely not stand idly by! Don’t worry about this, I’m sure, when I get in touch with Mr. Li, I’ll tell him right away!”

"Uncle, I really don't know how to thank you. If you can help my father get justice, our whole family will thank you!" Hearing that Zhang Huairen agreed, Sang Yan was so excited that she didn't know what to say. up.Zhang Huairen looked at her with a smile, and said, "Yanzi, we are going to be a family soon, why are you still so far away? Haha, that's right, didn't you say that your father's medical expenses have not yet been settled, and now he is facing the threat of stopping his medication?" Is it dangerous? Tomorrow, you will call 50 to your family first. Let your father recuperate first."

"This is so much money, I'm afraid our family can't afford it." Sang Yan said, looking at Zhang Huairen with gratitude and embarrassment.Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but interjected: "You silly boy, you said you were alienated, and you are becoming more and more alienated. You will soon become a member of our Zhang family, and you will be handed over to us. The 50 yuan Do you want to pay me back? Besides, our family is not short of money now, if your uncle gives it to you, you just leave it at that, don't be polite!" Sang Yan's teary-eyed mother-in-law nodded gratefully, and said: "In that case, on behalf of our whole family, I would like to thank Uncle and Auntie. If it weren't for you, our family would probably fall apart!"

"No, God always keeps his eyes open and won't let good people suffer!" Mrs. Zhang took Sang Yan's hand and comforted her softly.Zhang Huairen thought for a while, and then said: "Swallow, you have to persuade your mother, such a head-on confrontation is like hitting a stone with an egg, and we will only suffer. Let her swallow this breath first, and heal the wounds of her future in-laws first. As for asking for restitution To be fair, I will tell Mr. Li, let Mr. Li handle it, and she will stop running around." Sang Yan nodded, and said: "I will tell my mother, uncle, just don't worry, I will do it too. I don’t want my mother to be murdered by those villains again.”

Perhaps it was because of speaking out the troubles that were suppressed in her heart, the haze between Sang Yan's eyebrows dissipated a lot, and her whole person seemed much more cheerful.The four of them stopped talking about Sang Yan's parents, and started talking about happy things, which made the originally gloomy atmosphere much more cheerful. The four of them ate something again to see that it was getting late so as not to delay tomorrow. The itinerary, the four of them decided to go back to the hotel to rest.

Zhang Huairen stood up first, and was about to go to pay the bill. When he rolled his eyes, Huang Ziwen's face was inadvertently reflected from the corner of his eye. Zhang Huairen was taken aback, and hurriedly turned his head to confirm. But the place is empty, there is no shadow of Huang Ziwen at all.Zhang Huairen gave a wry smile, thinking that he was hallucinating, shook his head, turned around and went to the counter to pay.

A group of four came to the hotel where they were staying by taxi, talking and laughing.This is a four-star hotel with a beautiful environment and considerate service. Of course, the price is not cheap, but for Zhang Huairen now, it is a trivial matter.The four of them opened two rooms, now that times have changed, the tradition that you can only sleep together after marriage has long been the old emperor's calendar, Zhang Huairen and his wife are not stubborn people, so let Sang Yan and Zhang Jinlong sleep directly In a room.The two rooms opened by the four were not next to each other, but Mrs. Zhang still wanted to chat more with Sang Yan, so the four of them came to the room of Zhang Huairen and Mrs. Zhang together.Zhang Huairen took out his room card and was about to open the door when Huang Ziwen's voice suddenly rang out: "Zhang Gong, what a coincidence, I didn't expect us to meet in this foreign country, I don't know if this is a fate between us Well, it’s still the so-called Narrow Road to Encounter.”

Hearing Huang Ziwen's voice, Zhang Huairen's heart was startled, and he looked back full of astonishment, only to see Huang Ziwen leisurely appearing in front of him with the two burly men sent to him by Francis. before.Seeing Huang Ziwen here, Zhang Huairen's heart was shocked, and his face immediately changed color.

"Dad, who is he, is he your friend?" Seeing Huang Ziwen, Zhang Jinlong said to Zhang Huairen full of puzzlement.Zhang Huairen shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Jinlong, as soon as there is a chance, take Yanzi and your mother and run away!"

"Tithe what?" Zhang Jinlong looked at Zhang Huairen in surprise, and asked in a nasty voice. "Jinlong, listen to your father, this man is Huang Ziwen, the bastard who once framed your father!" Mrs. Zhang also said to Zhang Jinlong nervously.

"Zhang Huairen, you are so courageous, you dare to play tricks on me! You must be very happy to travel around the world with my money from Huang Ziwen, right? You must have never thought that I would block you here, right? Hmph Zhang Huai Ren, I, Huang Ziwen, are not so easy to bully, today I will let you try to play with me!" Huang Ziwen said coldly, while leading two big men, approaching them step by step.Zhang Huairen said angrily: "Huang Ziwen, what do you mean? You said that I want you, it's nonsense! I gave you all the technical information of 'Blood Steel' and taught your people, I just left. Do you still remember what we said at the beginning? You said that we have settled between us, and the money originally belonged to me!"

"You still dare to quibble? You keep saying that you have passed on the technology of 'blood steel' to my people, but why can't my people even produce a piece of blood steel after you left! Dare you say, no Did you ask for tricks?" Hearing Zhang Huairen's words, Huang Ziwen was very annoyed, and roared a little out of control.Huang Ziwen said coldly: "It's so funny! When I was refining 'Blood Steel', so many experts under you watched it with their own eyes! It was they who said they had learned it, so I left. They refined It has nothing to do with me not being able to make 'Blood Steel', they are too stupid!"

"Zhang Huairen! Don't think I don't know. You must have hidden something from it, which caused my experts to fail repeatedly. What exactly are you hiding, you'd better tell it obediently, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you! "After speaking, he winked at the two burly men beside him, and the two immediately rushed forward one from the left and the other from the right.

Seeing that the two were going to be unfavorable to Zhang Huairen, Zhang Jinlong hurriedly stood up, stood in front of Zhang Huairen, looked at the two and shouted angrily: "What do you want to do?" The two burly men ignored Zhang Jinlong's words at all. , at the same time stretched out a big hand, grabbed Zhang Jinlong's skirt, and pushed it hard at the same time, Zhang Jinlong immediately lost control, and sat down on the ground ruthlessly. Fortunately, the corridors of this hotel are covered with thick A thick carpet, otherwise the fall would be enough for him.

As soon as Zhang Jinlong sat on the ground, he jumped up full of anger, and rushed towards the two sweaters desperately.However, Zhang Jinlong, a student, how could he be the opponent of these two specially trained thugs? One of them casually flew out and kicked straight on Zhang Jinlong's chest. Zhang Jinlong let out a muffled sound. He fell to the ground again. "What do you want to do? How can you hit people casually?" Seeing Zhang Jinlong being beaten, Sang Yan was very distressed, ran forward, hugged Zhang Jinlong, and shouted angrily at the two burly men.

Huang Ziwen grinned a few times, and said quietly: "Beat people? What's the big deal about beating people? Tell you, I killed you, and no one can do anything to me!" "Huang Ziwen, all this has nothing to do with them, don't hurt me. They!" Zhang Huairen yelled at Huang Ziwen unbearably.Huang Ziwen laughed, and said: "You are right, they are really innocent. It's a pity that you have forced me, Huang Ziwen, into this position, and I can't control that much anymore. Don't you want me to die? Alright, I will let your whole family be buried with me!"

"What do you want? Big deal, I'll just give you back your money!" Zhang Huairen said with a frown.He has already seen that Huang Ziwen came to seek revenge on him today, if he made his family suffer from him and lost their lives, Zhang Huairen would not forgive himself even in the underworld.

"Return? Can you pay it back? Thanks to you, I have nothing now. Not only have I lost my original prominent status and identity, but Mr. Francis even wants to kill me because of this matter. How do you pay it back?"

"Then what do you want? If you want to kill someone, then kill me!" Zhang Huairen roared.Huang Ziwen sneered a few times, shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I won't kill you! If I kill you, I won't be able to get 'Blood Steel' again. Then what I have paid for all this Isn't it all in vain? I want you to go back with me to smelt 'blood steel' for General!" "I'm no longer a member of General, and I don't seem to have this obligation!" Zhang Huairen shouted angrily.

"No such obligation? Hahaha! Good! You two, go, kill his son for me!" Huang Ziwen gestured to the two burly men.The two burly men really listened to Huang Ziwen's words. As soon as Huang Ziwen finished speaking, one of them strode towards Zhang Jinlong with a dagger in his hand. "You guys, what do you want to do?" Sang Yan was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly protected Zhang Jinlong tightly, asking in horror.

"Little girl, I checked. You are Zhang Jinlong's girlfriend. You are really unlucky. You thought you had caught a rich man, but you didn't expect that you are actually a dying man. Fortunately, you are not married now. You are still going to be a widow. Forget about him and find a new boyfriend! Haha!" Huang Ziwen had been holding back his anger for a few days, and now he let it out, and couldn't help laughing out loud.That arrogant and complacent demeanor made Zhang Huairen grit his teeth angrily.He shouted angrily: "Huang Ziwen, you have done a lot of evil, God will definitely come and clean you up, just wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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