The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1625 Scanning Documents

Chapter 1625 Scanning Documents
"Li Xiaogang, why, we can cooperate with each other and benefit each other, but you want to do things so absolutely? Could it be that we can only be hostile and not join forces?" Huang Ziwen's death is very important to Francis , The blow is not small. After losing hope in Area 51, Francis naturally put all his hopes on Huang Ziwen, but now, even Huang Ziwen has become the soul of Li Xiaogang's subordinates, and his last hope has completely disappeared. Bubble, angry and anxious in his heart, said to Li Xiaogang full of annoyance.

Li Xiaogang smiled coldly, and said quietly: "Mr. Francis, in fact, the cooperation between Longhao Group and General Motors Group was not impossible at the beginning. But look at what you have done? You first encouraged Agents from Area 51 of country M secretly infiltrated our country to steal blood steel information, but failed. You failed in one plan, and another trick made Jonathan kidnap my girlfriend, and wanted to use my girlfriend to threaten me , Forced me to hand over the information on blood steel, and I was so angry that I destroyed Area 51. But you still didn't give up, and you even hit my friend, Zhang Gong, with the business. Humph Francie Mr. Si, has this always been how you cooperate with others?"

"What did you say? Even Area 51 was destroyed in your hands? How is this possible?" After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Francis was so shocked that he couldn't even speak clearly. Sen refused to answer his phone calls, and even refused to meet him, probably because Li Xiaogang took over his old home.Having dealt with Area 51 for so many years, it is impossible for Francis not to know how powerful Area 51 is.It was precisely because he was so clear that he was shocked that Area 51 was destroyed by Li Xiaogang.Before Francis didn't think that Li Xiaogang was capable or threatening, but after this incident, he had to re-evaluate Li Xiaogang's energy.

Hearing Francis' surprise, Li Xiaogang said coldly: "So, you should be clear that even Area 51 is not my opponent, let alone you. It's better to be a human being!" Mr. Li, I admit that I was the one who disclosed to Jonathan about the 'Blood Steel' incident in Area 51, but I swear that it was definitely not me who threatened you by letting Jonathan kidnap Miss Gao Yuanyuan! This is all Jonathan Mori's own idea!
"So what, if it wasn't for you, Jonathan wouldn't know the existence of 'Blood Steel', let alone kidnap my girlfriend. In the final analysis, all of this was caused by you alone. You are the culprit !” Li Xiaogang said coldly. "Then there is nothing more to talk about between us?" Jonathan said in a low voice.Li Xiaogang said: "This is all caused by you, no wonder me!"

"I don't want things to come to this point. However, GM Group is my life's effort, and I absolutely don't want to see it being swallowed up. I don't want to see GM Group being swallowed up by others." , I don’t think I’m the only one. As you can see, the GM Group is in such a huge crisis. My shareholders, my partners, did not withdraw their capital, but increased their investment. From this One point, you can see that they will not bow to you easily. So, Mr. Li, I have to remind you that it is a tough battle for you to annex our General Motors Group. Mr. Li should think twice before acting , so as not to wait until things get out of hand and regret it!"

"GM Group is a hard nut to crack. I don't need you to remind me of this. I know it very well. But you don't have to worry about me. I, Li Xiaogang, have a good set of teeth, and I can crack even the toughest bones." Move, and must move! Your partners, no matter how determined they are to stick to GM Group, in the end, GM Group will also change hands! If you don’t believe it, keep your eyes open and wait and see Let's go!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone heavily.

"Mr. Li, it seems that the battle between Longhao Group and General Motors Group is imminent. If you want, I can go back to Tianma Metallurgy now and contribute to Longhao Group!" Zhang Huairen looked at Li Xiaogang solemnly. Said.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Zhang Gong, I am already very grateful for your kindness! However, it is not necessary now, your family should continue your global travel! I will deal with the three corpses of Huang Ziwen and the others!" After finishing speaking, he carried the three of Huang Ziwen together on his shoulders.These three together weighed at least five or six hundred catties, but it was on Li Xiaogang's shoulders, as light as a feather, and Zhang Huairen and the others all gave a thumbs up to Li Xiaogang's supernatural power.Li Xiaogang chuckled, waved to the four people, turned around and walked out of the room, his figure disappeared into the air out of sight of the four people.First came to the depths of the Pacific Ocean, threw the bodies of Huang Ziwen and the others into the sea, and then returned to Gao Yuanyuan's villa in country M.

As soon as he returned to the villa, Li Xiaogang saw Gao Yuanyuan curled up on the sofa, holding a thick document and flipping through it.Looking at the time, it was already midnight, Gao Yuanyuan was still working, Li Xiaogang felt distressed, and hurried forward to hug her.Gao Yuanyuan was fascinated by reading the document, and was suddenly hugged by someone, and was about to exclaim, when the familiar and infatuated smell of Li Xiaogang suddenly came from her nose, and she quickly swallowed back the exclamation that came to her mouth, turned over He hugged Li Xiaogang back and asked, "Is the matter over?" Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "My friend is safe. Gao Yuanyuan, it's so late, why are you still awake?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled wryly, and said, "During the time I was kidnapped, I have accumulated a lot of official business. If I don't hurry up and finish it, I will miss it." Li Xiaogang sighed, and said faintly: "Everyone thinks they are Being an ambassador is very beautiful, but they don’t know that an ambassador hides unspeakable bitterness behind the glamorous appearance. When he was in the Middle East, Ambassador Shen Zhenxin also worked so hard, and he often had to work until midnight without resting.” Gao Yuanyuan knew that Li Xiaogang was feeling sorry for her, and said with a smile: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, I'm used to it.

Besides, after you gave me Zhuyan Pill, I feel that I have more energy than before, and I seldom feel tired. "

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "That's good!" "Xiao Gang, you must be tired after working for a long time, why don't you rest first, I still have a lot of documents to read!" Gao Yuanyuan said. "Do you have to finish it tonight?" Gao Yuanyuan nodded and said, "A lot of things have been delayed, so I want to catch up with the progress as soon as possible." Li Xiaogang glanced at the tea table beside Gao Yuanyuan. If you want to read all of Houyi's documents, you probably have to wait until dawn.Although Gao Yuanyuan was full of energy after taking Zhuyan Pill, she might not be able to withstand such a toss.Frowning, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Gao Yuanyuan, let me help you!"

"Can you read it for me?" Gao Yuanyuan was stunned, and said with a wry smile: "I know, with your ability and intelligence, it won't take you long to finish reading these documents, but just because you finished reading it doesn't mean that I finished it. I can't bring you with me all the time and act as my secretary, right?" Li Xiaogang smiled and didn't speak, just took a document casually and flipped through it quickly.At this time, Li Xiaogang's eyes are like a scanner, to put it literally, but everything that Li Xiaogang's eyes see will be printed in his mind in an instant. After reading a document, Li Xiaogang stretched out a A finger pressed against Gao Yuanyuan's forehead.Not knowing what Li Xiaogang was going to do, although Gao Yuanyuan was surprised, she did not dodge.

Just when she was feeling suspicious, there was a sudden tightening on her forehead, as if a hole had been opened where Li Xiaogang's finger pressed, and a hot current poured into her mind from this hole. .Gao Yuanyuan's head shook, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something extra in her head.

"Now look at this document again." Li Xiaogang handed the document he was looking at just now to Gao Yuanyuan.Gao Yuanyuan took the document and opened it. As soon as she saw a word, an extremely strong sense of familiarity enveloped her whole body. A symbol accurately appeared in her mind.Gao Yuanyuan compared them one by one, and found that the whole document seemed to have been copied into her mind, without even the slightest mistake.

Gao Yuanyuan turned to look at Li Xiaogang in astonishment, and said, "What's going on here?" Every time Li Xiaogang collected a piece of Yuanshen fragments, the myriad of memories contained in the Yuanshen fragments would fade away. It flowed into his mind intact and became a part of his memory. It was this that inspired Li Xiaogang. Li Xiaogang first printed the document into his mind, and then passed it on to Gao Yuanyuan with his consciousness.However, this explanation is too complicated, and Li Xiaogang didn't want to explain it to Gao Yuanyuan, so he just asked with a smile: "How about it, can you let me read these documents for you now?" Gao Yuanyuan gave him a hard look, pouted Said: "Since you have such a skill, why didn't you use it earlier. What are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Then all the documents of that fucker were withheld in front of Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing wryly, and began to look through these documents.

If Ji Gao Yuanyuan reads one by one by herself, then she won't be able to sleep tonight.But with Li Xiaogang here, everything became much easier.In less than 10 minutes, all the contents of the document entered Gao Yuanyuan's mind and became an indelible part of her memory.After printing the last document into her mind, Gao Yuanyuan threw all the documents into the trash bag excitedly, hugged Li Xiaogang and kissed her vigorously, and said with a charming smile, "My husband, Nice to have you!"

(End of this chapter)

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