The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1633 What kind of wife did you find for me?

Chapter 1633 What kind of wife did you find for me?
Wang Qi said lightly: "Knowing your mistakes is useless, you have to remember them in your heart. Then how can you remember the mistakes you made? There is only one way, which is to make it hard for you to pay because of this mistake." The price of forgetting!" "Brother! One" Wang Gui was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble when he heard this, but he still said his plea, only to see a figure flashing suddenly, with a piercing cold light slashing straight at him. come over.

Wang Gui obviously knew what the cold light meant, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly and subconsciously wanted to dodge.However, the cold light came too fast and without warning, even though Wang Gui had exerted all his strength, he could not dodge it after all. A flash of blood flashed, and one of Wang Gui's arms left his immediately. The body fell to the ground.

Accompanied by Wang Gui's muffled groan in pain, a slender and cold figure appeared in front of him.In his hand was a very thin and sharp machete.I saw that the scimitar was made of unknown metal, and the flickering cold light was like the bright moonlight, and the coldness could penetrate into people's hearts one after another.

Wang Gui knew this man, even though he had cut off an arm, he didn't even dare to fart, he just gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain that pierced his heart, and bowed his head in silence.The man holding the knife is called Liu Yue, and he is second only to Wang Qi in the Brotherhood.But people's fear of him is no less than that of Wang Qi.Wang Qi is sinister and ruthless enough, but he doesn't have a knife that can kill people instantly.However, Liu Yue has, it is this sharp and frightening scimitar in his hand.Not only countless enemies of the fraternity died under this knife, but there were also countless people within the fraternity who died under his knife because they disobeyed Wang Qi's will.

No one knew where Wang Qi found Liu Yue, but everyone knew that Liu Yue was devoted to Wang Qi.Whoever Wang Qi asked him to kill, he would kill!He didn't even hesitate at all.Because of Liu Yue's existence, people's fear of Wang Qi was even stronger.

"Wang Gui, this arm is the price you have to pay for the mistakes you made today. Do you feel wronged?" Wang Qi asked quietly. "No wrong, no wrong, this is what the subordinate deserves!" Wang Gui gritted his teeth and said while holding back the severe pain.Wang Qi laughed loudly, and said coldly: "You say you are not wronged, that is nonsense, I know this in my heart! But there is nothing you can do about being wronged, who made me, Wang Qi, the master of this world? Just be wronged Well, this world is inherently unfair, and some people must be wronged." Sneering a few times, Wang Qi said quietly, "Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

On Wang Gui's forehead, cold sweat rolled down like rain, his brows were tightly frowned, and he said in pain: "President Qicha, Lord Zhuo, he was killed!" "What!?" Wang Qiyi Listen, a pair of half-squinted eyes suddenly opened, turned his head to look at Wang Gui with chills, and said in a low and cold voice: "Say it again!" Wang Gui said: "Today, Lord Zhuo led a few subordinates , went to the hospital to warn Sang Longhao and his woman not to cause trouble for you, the president, but they were killed. None of Zhuo Ye’s subordinates were spared. And according to the people present at the time , the other party's method of killing Master Zhuo is very cruel, it is clearly torture!"

"Murder!?" Wang Qi stood up from the chair, and asked coldly: "Don't the other party know that Zhuo Yao is Wang Qi's man?" Wang Gui replied: "The other party knows! And the other party also said, It is precisely because they are the people who are the president of you that they are allowed to die!" "It's unreasonable! Who is so bold?" Wang Qi has been in M ​​City for many years, and it has been a long time since no one dared to confront Wang Qi like this .Wang Gui shook his head and said, "The other party didn't say anything, but the other party did. If the president wants to seek revenge from them, then go to the Sanyuan Hotel. They will be waiting for you there."

"Oh?" Wang Qi fell into deep thought when he heard it, and after a while he came back to his senses, glanced at Wang Gui, saw that his face was pale, and he couldn't hold it anymore, he waved his hand and said, "Take it!" Your severed arm may be reconnected if you go to the hospital right away. After you recover from the injury, go and collect 10 yuan, which will be treated as medical expenses!" "Yes!" Wang Gui hurriedly picked up the severed arm, stood up, He turned his head non-stop for a moment and rushed to the hospital.

"Liu Yue, who do you think the other party is? Could it be that they have taken the courage to kill me? Not only did they not escape, they even waited openly for us to come and settle accounts with them." After Wang Gui left, Wang Gui Qi turned his head to look at Liu Yue, and asked faintly.Liu Yue shook her head, and said coldly: "Brother Qi, do you want me to kill them all?" Wang Qi shook his head, and said slowly: "These people clearly came after me, Wang Qi, they can't I don't know my power, Wang Qi. I know that I am not easy to deal with, but I am so blatant, there is only one reason, that is, the other party came prepared, and the background is not shallow. If you know yourself and don't know the enemy, if you act rashly, you will suffer a big loss of!"

"Brother Qi, what do you think we should do? He killed Zhuo Yao, and he was trying to trick you. If you don't get the debt back, your brothers won't accept you." Liu Yue said lightly. .Wang Qi said coldly: "Of course this account must be recovered. However, it's not time for us to come forward. The other party's doing this is clearly forcing us to meet them with swords and guns. Heh, I just won't let them get it." Fulfill your wish. Didn’t Wang Gui just say that they killed people? Then we will call the police and let the police station come forward.”

Liu Yue frowned, and said quietly: "But I'm afraid those useless policemen can't deal with this group of people!" Wang Qi said with a smile: "They dare to kill Zhuo Yao, so the police station can't do anything to them. I also I don't expect the police station to do anything to them. Besides, if they are really dealt with by the police, how can I have a chance to vent my hatred and avenge Zhuo Yao? I just want the police to help us find them As long as I know where they came from, I can deal with them!" Liu Yue nodded and said, "Brother Qi, then I will call the chief of police immediately." Wang Qi nodded and sat down slowly. Back on the chair, he said coldly: "It's been a long time since no one dared to break ground on my head, hehe, this time I have to play with them! Hahaha!"

Just when Scar and Wang Qi were about to confront each other for the first time, in the Middle East, Lightning came to Shen Zhenxin's office with a relaxed expression.During this period of time, the middle-east was calm, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and Lightning was free for a while. When he had nothing to do, Lightning would chat with Shen Zhenxin, and Shen Zhenxin got used to it.

Seeing Lightning walking in, Shen Zhenxin just raised his head, then continued to look at the document in his hand, and said casually, "Come on, there is tea in the cupboard, make it yourself. I will greet you after reading this document." Lightning smiled Laughing, and not alienating Shen Zhenxin, he walked to the cabinet by himself, took out the tea, and made a cup of fragrant tea for himself.After taking a sip carefully, he turned his head to look at Shen Zhenxin contentedly, and said, "Uncle Shen, why are you always so busy?"

Shen Zhenxin snorted, and said, "Isn't it because of my suffering? I can't compare to you. Now that the Middle East is peaceful, your life is very happy and carefree!" He threw aside the documents that he had finished reviewing. Shen Zhenxin stood up and said to Lightning.Lightning smiled wryly, and said: "You only see thieves eating meat, but you don't see thieves being beaten. The reason why I can be as leisurely as I am today is because I fought desperately. When I charged into battle and fought desperately with the enemy Hey, you are sitting in the office drinking tea and playing chess!"

Shen Zhenxin waved his hand and said: "Okay, everyone has scriptures that are difficult to recite, let's not talk about these. Tell me, why are you here today?" Lightning smiled and asked: "Shen Zhenxin Uncle, I remember you told me that Baraku would come to see you today, didn’t you?” Shen Zhenxin glanced at the quartz clock hanging on the wall, and said, “Yes, we have an appointment at three o’clock, and he should be there in a while. Here we come." Lightning chuckled and said, "That's great, it saves me a trip."

"Why, you have something to do with Baraku?" Shen Zhenxin asked with some doubts.Shancha, you shook your head, and said slowly: "Strictly speaking, it's not me who is looking for him, but Brother Gang is looking for him." "Li Xiaogang? Has he come to the Middle East?" Shen Zhenxin was excited when he heard it asked endlessly.Lightning glanced at Shen Zhenxin who seemed very excited, frowned, and asked quietly: "Uncle Shen, you are so excited, do you miss Brother Gang, or your son?" Think. Oh, time flies so fast. It has been more than a year since Li Xiaogang visited the Middle East last time. In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed. If you don’t want to, it’s impossible. Just say Li Xiaogang Is it here?"

Lightning shook his head and said: "Brother Gang didn't come. But Brother Gang called me. On the phone, Brother Gang said that your son Shen Qihong is currently working on a very important scientific research project, so he can't leave for a while. But he promised that once the project is solved, he will give Shen Qihong a vacation and let him come and accompany you!" Shen Zhenxin laughed and said: "Mr. Li is still careful, he cares about me so far, hehe one"

"Ha! Uncle Shen, what you mean is that I'm rough-hearted and don't care about you!" Lightning curled his lips and said.Shen Zhenxin glared at him and said, "You care about me! However, you only care about me when you have something to ask of me." "Uncle Shen, you are so heartless when you say that! Who did you do that not long ago? You have been eager to find a wife for you, have you forgotten that?" Lightning raised his voice by an octave, and asked in a really unhappy manner.

"Hmph! It's good if you don't mention it, but when you mention it, I'm really angry. What kind of wives have you introduced me to? One of them is only in his 20s! He looks like a flower and a jade, but I am so Don't you feel wronged by being older?" Shen Zhen said angrily. "Uncle Shen, you still feel wronged when you say you are old and stubborn! What age is this? Let me tell you, everything is no longer a problem between men and women, let alone age. You think you are old, but others But I think you are mature and attractive!"

(End of this chapter)

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