The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1635 Communication Disaster in Country M!

Chapter 1635 Communication Disaster in Country M!

"Ah? Mr. Lightning, you mean that if I don't agree to divest from General Motors, Mr. Li will let you deal with me?" Baraku was shocked when he heard this, and asked, looking at Lightning in astonishment.Lightning shook his head, and said flatly: "I just said that there is such a possibility."

"Baraku, you have always been smart, but what happened today? What is the GM Group? What they can give you, Li Xiaogang can also give you, and he will give you even more! If you withdraw the capital from the GM Group, then Undoubtedly, Li Xiaogang owed you a favor. With Li Xiaogang’s personality of repaying favors, how could he not take care of you? In the future, don’t say that your Shate Petroleum is popular in the Middle East, even in the world, it will be unimpeded!” Seeing that Baraku still had a hesitant expression, Shen Zhenxin couldn't help reminding him.

After pondering for a while, Baraku couldn't help but let out a wry smile, raised his head and said to Lightning: "Mr. Lightning, Your Excellency the Ambassador, I have figured it out, since General Motors is a ship that is bound to sink, I really don't want to die with him! Alright, I promise, I will withdraw the capital from the GM Group!" Hearing Baraku's words, Lightning let out a long breath, and said to Baraku with a smile: "Barack, if you can figure it out, you finally let me Breathe a sigh of relief! I am afraid that you will end up with nothing if you are obsessed with obsession. If we are friends, I will also feel sorry for you!
Don't worry, don't feel sorry for your little loss on the General Group. Brother Gang said that after the General Group was acquired by him, he also needs a partner. At that time, you and your Shet Petroleum will be the first choice!You lost one today, tomorrow, brother Gang will give you ten, give you a hundred! "

Hearing what Lightning said, Baraku had a smile on his face, and said in a vibrating voice, "Okay! With Mr. Li's words, I don't have any worries anymore! I'll go back and arrange the divestment from General Motors!" Lightning stood up and said with a smile: "The business is important, so we won't keep you. If I have time, I'll ask you for a drink!" Baraku hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I don't think it's okay to drink! Mr. Lightning's Everyone knows how much you can drink, even if you tie ten of me together, I won't be your match, I don't want to get drunk and make a fool of myself in front of you!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, I will take it easy then!" Lightning said with a big laugh.After sending Baraku away, Shen Zhenxin was full of surprise and asked Lightning: "Lightning, do you think Xiaogang really wants to annex General Motors?"

Lightning shrugged his shoulders and said: "Of course! Brother Gang told me himself, are you kidding me?" Shen Zhenxin sighed again and again: "This Xiaogang is really getting more and more daring. General so He dares to attack a big group?" Lightning chuckled, and said: "Brother Gang doesn't even look down on country M, how can a small general group be hard to stop him? However, I am very straightforward. Looking forward to what kind of expressions those arrogant M countrymen will have when the GM Group falls into the hands of us Chinese people."

Shen Zhenxin smiled slightly, and said faintly: "I guess, that expression must be as ugly as it is! Hahaha!" "Hahaha!" Lightning also laughed.

Federal Communications of Country M and Futong Telecom of Country M are the two largest communication operators in Country M.It controls more than [-]% of mobile phone and Internet users in country M.These two companies have hundreds of optical communication satellites.As a monopoly industry, these two companies are making money every day, and their profits are frighteningly high.Of course, peers have been enemies since ancient times. Federal Communications and Fortis Telecom have never stopped competing and confronting each other.Especially under the stimulation of this high profit, the competition between the two companies is even more thrilling, to the point of astonishment.

On a clean morning, Dyno, the president of Federal Communications, was awakened by a sudden ringing of the phone.

Dai Nuo reluctantly opened his eyes, let go of his sleeping wife, and picked up the phone, "Hi, I'm Dai Nuo!" "Mr. President, something serious happened to the company, you'd better come back and take a look! "The voice on the phone shocked Dyno's heart.Federal Communications was the greatest effort of his life, to which he had devoted almost all of himself.In Dyno's heart, no one and nothing can replace the status of Federal Communications.

Hearing that there was a problem with the company, Dino hurriedly jumped out of bed, put on his clothes indiscriminately, Dino didn't even bother to wash his face, and drove straight to the headquarters of Federal Communications.

When he came to the headquarters of Federal Communications, Dyno realized that the company's problems were not as serious as usual.All but a few of the fifty-odd communication satellites belonging to Federal Communications failed simultaneously.More than 90.00% of telephone users cannot make and receive calls, and more than [-]% of network users cannot connect to the Internet.Not only the entire Federal Communications was in a panic, but outside the company, a large number of citizens of country M also fell into great panic and anxiety because of the inability to communicate.

"Who can tell me, what's going on!? Why do dozens of satellites have problems at the same time, is the end of the world coming?" In the headquarters of Federal Communications, on the huge display screen of the core server, there are constant Jumping out of the error reporting dialog box, in Dyno's eyes, is no different from the end of the world!

Dozens of technicians were working on computers in front of the sweaty operators, and they had no time to answer Dyno's questions.Communication satellites are located in outer space, facing too many unpredictable dangers, such as solar storms, geospace storms, and even space junk and meteorite fragments floating in space, may bring fatal disasters to satellites.Therefore, abnormalities in communication satellites are commonplace for Federal Communications, but dozens of satellites fail at the same time without any symptoms, and the probability of this is not as high as winning the jackpot.It was a joy to see the technicians busy, but the problem showed no sign of relief.There was cold sweat pouring out from Dai Nuo's forehead.You know, every minute is a loss of tens of thousands, and even a world-class rich man like Dyno cannot afford it.Dy Nuo seemed to see his own money evaporating and disappearing right in front of his eyes. That feeling was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Baker, tell me what happened!" Seeing the company's technical director passing by him, Dyno grabbed him and asked angrily.Baker said anxiously: "Mr. President, what happened, we are investigating, and the results will be available soon!" Didn’t find out, and told me it would be soon, huh!?” At this moment, Dyno was like an enraged lion, grabbing Baker’s collar, wishing that he would be torn to pieces.

"Tell me, have we been attacked by hackers on a large scale?" Dyno asked in a deep voice.Baker shook his head and said, "After our investigation, we found no signs of hacker attacks." "If they weren't attacked by hackers, why would dozens of satellites malfunction at the same time?" Dy Nuo asked in a thunderous voice.Baker wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said quietly: "I-I don't know the reason, I just feel strange-"

"As the technical director, how can you say that you don't know what the problem is? Do you know how much money we will lose every minute? Those phone and Internet users will sue us for bankruptcy!" Dyno listened Baker's answer was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back his anger, and yelled at Baker again and again. "Mr. President, please calm down. All our technicians are trying their best to find out the problem. I believe these faults will be fixed soon!" Baker said in a trembling voice, a little scared by Dyno.

"Mr. President, it's the number of the Ministry of National Defense!" Dai Nuo's beautiful secretary hurried over with the phone and said to Dai Nuo.Dyno reached out to take the phone and said to the microphone: "Don't ask me what the problem is, because even my technical director doesn't know. Now we are doing our best to repair it!" After finishing speaking, he didn't even give the other party a chance to speak. Then hung up the phone.Turning his head and glaring at Baker fiercely, he shouted: "You heard it all, the Ministry of National Defense called in person, if you still destroy the second order within half an hour, then I will strangle you to death with my own hands!"

"Half an hour? But Mr. President," Baker said hurriedly.Before he could finish speaking, Dyno interrupted him viciously and said: "You only have half an hour, if you feel that you don't have enough time, then stop standing here and talk nonsense with me, and go to your work quickly Yes!" Baker frowned tightly, and returned to his job full of helplessness.

"You bastard! They're all a bunch of trash!" Dai Nuo, who was always gentle and polite, couldn't help but curse at this moment, which shows how anxious he is at this moment.

"Dai Nuo, get out!" At this moment, a burst of furious shouts suddenly rang out.Even without looking back, Dyno knew who made the sound.Because this is the most annoying voice in Dyno's life, it comes from his competitor, the president of Fortis Telecom, Bagel.Dai Nuo looked back with deep dissatisfaction, and saw Bagel leading a group of people, ignoring the security guards, rushing in aggressively.Before reaching in front of Dai Nuo, he pointed at him angrily and yelled, "Dai Nuo, you bastard, what did you do? Why are all my satellites paralyzed?"

Dyno was full of anger because of this matter, and there was no place to vent his anger. When he saw that Bagel came to blame himself, he was very angry, and shouted: "Bastard! I didn't say that you paralyzed my satellite!" What! It’s good for you, but you ran over and beat him up instead?”

"Tithe what? Your satellite is also paralyzed?" Hearing Dyno's roar, Bagel couldn't help being stunned for a moment, looking at Dyno full of differences and asking.Dai Nuo snorted coldly, and shouted: "Don't you have eyes, see for yourself!"' Segel hurriedly looked up, saw that Federal Communications had encountered the same disaster as himself, shook his head and said slowly: "It turns out that your satellite is also paralyzed, so the satellite of our Fortis Telecom should not be destroyed by you."

(End of this chapter)

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