The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1647 Poaching brothers?

Chapter 1647 Poaching brothers?
"Fester's old friend? Who is it?" Lightning couldn't help asking curiously.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about it, anyway, let Fester come, I'll wait for him in country M!" Don't..."

Lightning pondered for a moment, then faltered and said.Hearing Lightning's words, Li Xiaogang subconsciously glanced at Hong Tao, wondering in his heart, what kind of people he recruited in this way, how could one be more stingy than the other?Before Lightning could finish speaking, Li Xiaogang cut off his words, and said loudly: "That's unreasonable! Who do you think I am, Li Xiaogang? Although I like to poach walls, I will never poach my brother's corners. One hundred hearts, let Feiste come over!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone heavily.

Turning around, he asked Hong Tao: "Hong Tao, tell me, am I a person who likes to poach my brothers?" Hong Tao nodded unceremoniously, and replied without thinking: "Yes!" Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment Dazed, his eyes widened suddenly, and he asked angrily: "What did you say?" Hong Tao looked at Li Xiaogang in fear, and said faintly: "Brother Gang, I didn't talk nonsense. Not long ago, you still wanted to kill me. The Longjian Securities Company was swallowed up."

"That's right! But it just shows that I'm not the kind of person who likes to poach my brothers' corners!" Li Xiaogang said in a confident voice.Hong Tao thought about it seriously, but he still didn't go around this corner, and looked at Li Xiaogang with a puzzled look.Li Xiaogang laughed evilly a few times, and said: "This fully shows that I generally don't dig the corner of my brother's wall, I prefer to dig the whole wall of my brother, haha!" Amidst Li Xiaogang's wild laughter, Hong Tao foamed at the mouth fell down...

"Mr. Francis, Mr. President is waiting for you in the office!" The White House, the beautiful assistant to the President of Country M, said to Francis with great demeanor.Francis gave the other party a handsome smile, turned around and walked into the office of the president of country M. The reason why the president of country M was elected president was that during the campaign, Francis, as the boss of GM, spent a lot of money in it, so the president of country M was very polite to him. Seeing Francis coming in, Standing up hastily, he went up to greet him, and said with a smile: "Dear Francis, I heard that your GM has encountered a lot of trouble recently, why do you still have time to come to me?"

Francis smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't it because GM is in trouble, and I came to you for help?" "Oh? GM's troubles are so big that you need to ask me for help." ?” Francis said bitterly, “General Motors is about to become Chinese, do you think it’s a big trouble?”

"What? Francis, don't worry, sit down and talk slowly!" The president of country M heard that the situation was serious, so he hurriedly pulled Francis to sit down and said.Francis took a sip of water, took a long breath, and then said to the President of Country M: "Mr. President, if it wasn't for GM at the last moment, I wouldn't bother you either! About 'Blood Steel' You already know the thing. In order to get 'Blood Steel', I didn't expect to act too hastily. I fell into the trap of the Huaxia people and turned almost all the working capital of the GM Group into worthless raw materials. You should You know that too?"

"I know, but as far as I know, the shareholders of GM Group have reinjected funds into GM. GM has basically returned to the right track. The crisis should be resolved, right?" the president of country M asked in bewilderment .Francis said bitterly: "I thought so too at first, but the Chinese people are too hateful, and I don't know what method they used to make my shareholders withdraw their capital from GM one after another, sell GM shares, and put GM back into Put into the crisis of breaking the capital chain!"

"There is such a thing?" Francis' words obviously surprised the President of Country M, and he looked at Francis in amazement, "As far as I know, your general shareholder They are not ordinary people or companies. How can the Huaxia people force them to withdraw their capital?" Francis said with a wry smile: "I don't know, but the Huaxia people have already done it. Now there are a large number of GM shares circulating in the stock market. Among them, if the Huaxia people buy aggressively at this time, then GM will really fall into the hands of the Huaxia people."

"This is absolutely impossible!" The president of country M roared with excitement when he heard it, and said, "General Motors is the pride of our people in country M. It is the representative of the advanced manufacturing industry in country M. It concerns the honor and disgrace of the entire country. It must not fall into the hands of the Chinese people, we cannot afford to lose this face!" Francis nodded hastily, and said repeatedly: "President, what you said is so right! I also consider it based on this point , That's why I found you, Mr. President, I hope that the government of country M can invest to buy back all the GM stocks that have flowed into the stock market. Only when the government funds come forward can we ensure that GM will not fall into the hands of the Chinese!"

The President of Country M gritted his teeth, and said angrily: "Huaxia people, Huaxia people, why are they always causing trouble for us? Is the rise of China already unstoppable?" Francis said long He let out a sigh, and murmured: "Yes, in the past few years, our country M has been fighting for years and fighting everywhere, but the Chinese people have taken this opportunity to promote economic development, and their power has become stronger and stronger. I have the power to dominate the world over country M." "Override country M? Impossible! Even if I die, I will not let the Chinese stand on top of us. Francis, don't worry, I We will definitely do our best to persuade Congress to buy GM with government funds!"

"Mr. President, then I will entrust everything to you!" Francis said hurriedly after hearing this.

The President of Country M nodded, and said slowly: "However, the government must follow the procedures in everything it does. Otherwise, those from the opposition party will jump out and criticize. So, I may need a little time!" Francie Si Zhensheng said: "It's okay, I can understand this! As long as the government of country M is willing to step forward, time is not a problem, and I will do my best to withstand the pressure of the Chinese people!" "Okay! Francis, as long as you have such confidence, we will People from country M have no chance of losing to Chinese people!"

M City, Wang Qi's mansion.Looking at Liu Yue who came back from the investigation, Wang Qi frowned and asked: "How is it? Did you find out anything?" Liu Yue said in a deep voice: "The group of people are still living in the Sanyuan Hotel. It was true that he brought a large number of people to the Sanyuan Hotel some time ago. According to the description of the hotel owner, Han Sanping really wanted to arrest them at the beginning, but he was knocked down halfway before he did it. In the end, Han Sanping was ashamed Those who left the Sanyuan Hotel in a hurry, didn't take anyone away."

"Oh? Those people dare to fight the police? Have you found out their identities?" Wang Qi asked in surprise.Liu Yue shook her head, and said full of shame: "No. Those people have never left the hotel room for half a step and have asked the hotel owner not to disturb them, so I have no chance." Wang Qi frowned He tightened his grip, and murmured: "This group of people dared to hit the police, Han Sanping didn't even dare to give a fart, it can be seen that these people have a lot of background. And their behavior is so secretive, it seems that they are definitely not good men and women! "

"Brother Qi, that Han Sanping dared to lie to us, he clearly wanted to rebel!" Liu Yue said in a deep voice.Wang Qi nodded, and said coldly: "Basically, it can be concluded now that Han Sanping must know the identity of the other party, so he wants to draw a clear line with us. A fool like this, with different hands in his hands. Don't keep any secrets about us, we really can't keep him anymore. Liu Yue, you go there immediately and kill Han Sanping for me!" "Yes!"

Liu Yue responded and was about to do it when Wang Qi called him back again and told him: "Before killing him, find a way to find out the identities and origins of those people from his mouth. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be safe." Victory!"

When it's time to get off work, Han Sanping stretched himself a long way.For him, this day is really a bit long.However, he also knew that this day would be a significant turning point for him.In the future, whether he will be a ghost in the dark or a man in the sun will depend on the choice he makes today.Looking out of the window in a blink of an eye, Han Sanping watched as his colleagues returned home from get off work one by one, but Han Sanping stayed down, turned on the computer, and began to sort out the criminal evidence in his hands about Wang Qi.Most of the criminal evidence in his hands was recorded by Han Sanping unintentionally. Even he himself did not think that one day, these criminal evidence would be put to great use.

Recalling what he did before, Han Sanping's heart was full of regret, and at the same time, his determination to get rid of Wang Qi and restore the clear sky and white clouds in M ​​City was strengthened.In this state of mind, Han Sanping gritted his teeth with hatred for Wang Qi's actions when he was sorting out the criminal evidence, wishing he could tear him into pieces.

"Bang bang bang!" Han Sanping was fascinated by watching, when a knock on the door interrupted him.Han Sanping frowned and said in a deep voice: "Come in!" The door opened, but the person who walked in surprised Han Sanping.Liu Yue looked at Han Sanping and smiled coldly, and said quietly: "Director Han, you really work hard. It's really rare that you are still here to focus on political affairs after everyone is off work!" Han Sanping closed the door calmly. The computer looked at Liu Yue and asked indifferently: "You don't leave President Youhan by your side to protect him, what are you doing here?"

Liu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Wang thinks Director Han has worked hard for a while, so he specially asked me to express my condolences to you. By the way, what was Director Han up to just now?" Han Sanping chuckled lightly and said lightly : "It's nothing, it's just some daily chores." "Isn't it right? Why do I think, Mr. Han, your nervous expression is related to our Mr. Wang? Our Mr. Wang is dead!" As she spoke, several cold and murderous lights flashed in Liu Yue's eyes, which made Han Sanping choke in his heart.The court hurriedly said with a smile: "Mr. Liu is really good at joking! I have cooperated with Mr. Wang for so many years to sort out Mr. Wang's criminal evidence. Isn't that the same as sorting out my criminal evidence? I am living a very comfortable life now, and I don't want to die. !"

(End of this chapter)

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