The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1658: Gunshots Ring Out!

Chapter 1658: Gunshots Ring Out!

"No! No matter what, you can't let the Baihui Commercial Building have an accident! Han Sanping, you immediately bring enough people to the Baihui Commercial Building to take a look, and do your best to assist President Wang to deal with the problems of the Baihui Commercial Building!" Cai Qing will Turning his gaze to Han Sanping, he said anxiously. "I don't agree!" As soon as Cai Qing's words fell to the ground, Liu Jiangsheng couldn't wait to stand up and objected loudly.Although Liu Jiangsheng is not like Han Sanping, who knows everything that happened, but Liu Jiangsheng is a very smart person. From some clues that came from M City, he faintly felt that a powerful force The powerful forces have already entered the city of m, and directly aimed at the brotherhood.

Although Liu Jiangsheng doesn't know where this mysterious force comes from, let alone whether this mysterious force is evil, but in Liu Jiangsheng's view, none of this is important, as long as this mysterious force is dealing with evil brothers Yes, it is Wang Qi who does all kinds of evil, and that is enough.Now Wang Qi led a large number of people to the Parkway Building, obviously wanting to fight this mysterious force.As a high-ranking city official in city m, he was unable to eradicate the evil and protect the common people, which already made Liu Jiangsheng very uneasy. At this moment, with great difficulty, someone was willing to stand up and eliminate the brotherhood. The police are at this time to help seal the abuse.

"Liu Jiangsheng, when will it be your turn to speak here?" Cai Qing frowned and stared at Liu Jiangsheng, shouting angrily without showing any face. "Nonsense! I am the secretary of the city. Is there any place in this city government building that I can't speak? Cai Qing, I order you as a high-ranking city official to continue the meeting!" In the eyes of me, Cai Qing, you are not even as good as the old man who watches the gate! You better shut up obediently, otherwise, I will drive you out of here!" Cai Qing laughed wildly said.

"Cai Qing! I'm going to the higher authorities to sue you!" Liu Jiangsheng was overwhelmed by Cai Qing's arrogance, pointed at his nose, and shouted angrily. "Go! What are you still doing here? Go ahead and sue, even if you go to Shangfeng, it's useless!" Cai Qing snorted coldly, curled his lips full of contempt, and then cast his eyes on Han Sanping said in a deep voice: "Han Sanping, what are you still doing here? Why don't you hurry up and carry out my orders?"

Han Sanping gave Cai Qing a cold look, and said quietly: "It seems that my Public Security Bureau is not under your command, but under the orders of senior city officials! Just now you had donkey hair stuffed in your ears, didn't you hear?"

Seeing that Han Sanping dared to confront him blatantly, Cai Qing was furious, pointed at Han Sanping and shouted angrily: "Han Sanping, you are so brave, aren't you afraid of death?" Qing shouted: "I, Han Sanping, have already died once, and now I am not afraid of death anymore! Why don't you yell at me here, I don't like to hear it!" "Okay, okay, okay! Count on you Han Sanping has the guts! It doesn’t matter if you don’t listen to me, just today, Director Qi Feng is here!” Cai Qing was greeted three times in a row by Han Sanping, then turned to Qi Feng and said: “Director Qi, now I order you , Immediately bring together the police station's manpower and rush to Baihui Commercial Building!"

"Yes!" Qi Feng seemed eager to get this opportunity. When he heard Cai Qing's words, he was so excited that he almost jumped up. While wearing a police cap, he shouted loudly without even looking at Han Sanping.Han Sanping sneered, curled his lips and said: "Qi Feng! You are my deputy, I am sitting here without moving, what are you in a hurry for?" Qi Feng turned to look at Han Sanping, and said, "Director Han, I am here Executing Mayor Cai's direct orders! Doesn't seem to have anything to do with you?"

"Hahaha, Qi Feng, Qi Feng, you are really snobbish. You were serving me tea and water yesterday, and now you are Cai Qing's dog?" Han Sanping laughed and sneered. "Director Han! I, Qi Feng, am not anyone's dog. I am just performing my duties!" Qi Feng said loudly, righteously. "Fortunately, I came to the meeting today on an empty stomach, otherwise I would have to spit it out after hearing what you said! What are you talking about performing your duties, thanks to your words! I think your duty is to be a pawn for Wang Qi The dog that guards the house! By the way, how much did Wang Qi pay you to make you work hard for him like this?"

"Director Han, please pay attention to your words! If you continue to speak nonsense like this, I think I will sue you for defamation!" Qi Feng blushed with anger from Han Sanping's few words, and shouted in a deep voice. "Director Qi, don't talk to him anymore! Most people who lose power are like this, you should take pity on him and pity him, just don't be as knowledgeable as him!" Cai Qing said with a sneer.Han Sanping snorted coldly and said: "Things like power, if you lose them, you will have a chance to get them back. But if you lose your life, you will never have it again. Cai Qing, Qi Feng, you two Wang Qi dogs, I'm afraid it won't last long!"

"Han Sanping, feel free to scold! Before long, you won't have the chance to scold again!"

Cai Qing glared at Han Sanping, and shouted to Qi Feng: "Director Qi, act now!" "Yes!" Qi Feng responded, and walked outside the meeting room. "Stop!" Qi Feng had just taken three steps before he was stopped by Han Sanping's stern shout. "Han Sanping, what exactly do you want to do?" Hearing Han Sanping's angry shout, Cai Qingman angrily turned his head and stared at him and asked in a deep voice.

Han Sanping said quietly: "Unexpectedly, before the battle of Baihui Commercial Building started, our city government's guns would be fired first. But it doesn't matter, it's better to fire early than late!" Cai Qing frowned, full of anger. He looked at Han Sanping in confusion, and asked, "Han Sanping, what the hell are you talking about?" Han Sanping sneered, and said, "From now on, no one is allowed to leave this office!"

"Hahaha Han Sanping, Liu Jiangsheng is crazy, are you crazy too? What do you think you are qualified to give orders here?" Cai Qing said with an angry smile.Han Sanping shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly: "Anyway, I've already said it. If anyone has the courage to go out, he can try it!" "I just don't believe in this evil! Director Han, I'm going out soon. If so, come and block me!" Qi Feng sneered, said something, then turned around and walked towards the door.However, just as he was about to push the door open, a gunshot rang through the entire city hall, and Qi Feng suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg, and Qi Feng looked down in horror. Going, I saw a blood hole on my calf out of thin air, and blood was gushing out.

"Ah!!!" After being silent for a while, Qi Feng suddenly let out a scream like killing a pig, and sat on the ground with his legs limp.All the people in the meeting room were stunned by the gunshot. They all looked at the pistol that was still smoking in Han Sanping's hand, and no one could say a word for a long time.

The door of the conference room was knocked open, and five or six policemen rushed in when they heard the gunshots, "Director!" Several people saluted Han Sanping at the same time and shouted in unison.Han Sanping nodded coldly, and shouted: "Let me go out and guard! From now on, the entire city government building will be sealed off, neither entering nor exiting! Anyone who dares to enter and exit at will will be shot to death!"

"Yes!" After hearing Han Sanping's order, the policemen responded without the slightest hesitation, took out loaded pistols from their pockets, walked out of the meeting room, and blocked off the city. Various entrances and exits of government buildings.Seeing all this, Cai Qing looked at Han Sanping in astonishment, and asked anxiously: "So you have prepared for it a long time ago?" Han Sanping sneered, and did not answer Cai Qing's question.When Mu Ping told Han Sanping that the Lightning Gang would take action tonight, Han Sanping had already realized that the Lightning Gang's action to wipe out the Brotherhood was about to start in full swing.In order to cooperate with Dao Scar and Mu Ping, Han Sanping had to control the municipal agencies of the entire city of M, especially the Public Security Bureau.If Cai Qing sent thousands of police officers from the Public Security Bureau of City M to help Wang Qi deal with Scar and the others, it would undoubtedly be a huge trouble for Scar and the others.

However, almost all the people in the m city government are Wang Qi's people. Even a few upright people are excluded, and they cannot enter the core power level of m city at all.It is simply whimsical to rely on Liu Jiangsheng and him to control the municipal operation of City M.After much deliberation, Han Sanping only had to use force.As Cai Qing said, Han Sanping had indeed made early preparations today. He brought with him a dozen of his subordinates who he had befriended with his life over the years, and entered the city hall with guns, waiting for this moment.

Looking at the startled Cai Qing, Han Sanping sneered, and quietly asked, "Are you scared?" Cai Qing frowned, and roared angrily, "Han Sanping, do you know Knowing what you are doing, you are rebelling! You will be shot!" Han Sanping snorted coldly, pointed his pistol at his forehead, and said coldly: "You'd better be honest with me, otherwise I will kill you now!"

It was the first time in Cai Qing's life that someone pointed a black gun at the muzzle, and he felt as if an invisible cold air gushed out from the barrel of the gun, which made him shiver a few times, subconsciously Three steps back!Han Sanping has a gun in his hand, that is the uncle. The people in this meeting room are almost all soft bones that are afraid of death. They bow their knees to villains like Wang Qi and let them be ordered like dogs.Seeing Han Sanping being so ruthless, everyone panicked, and some even got under the table with their heads in their arms.

Looking at these people's various ugliness, Han Sanping's face was full of contemptuous sneers.In the eyes of Liu Jiangsheng, Han Sanping's actions, although it made him feel happy and happy, but Han Sanping's actions were a bit too hot, which made Liu Jiangsheng worried and asked Han Sanping: " Chief Han, it’s not good to do this, is it?” Han Sanping said with a smile: “What’s wrong? These bastards, relying on Wang Qi’s power to do things wrong, have oppressed the local people and made them suffer. It's cheap for them!"

(End of this chapter)

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