The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1678 Treat me well!

Chapter 1678 Treat me well!
The captain of the security guard turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang. Seeing that it was Li Xiaogang, he couldn't help being shocked. Li Xiaogang's stay here was arranged by the leader himself by calling. Naturally, Li Xiaogang became the most honored guest of the State Guest House.The superior personally handed over the order to all departments to cooperate sincerely and leave a good impression on Li Xiaogang. Unexpectedly, such a thing would happen. This is undoubtedly the fault of his security captain. If he is held accountable by the leader, Losing his job is a trivial matter, and whether he can stay in the capital is a problem. "Who is your friend?" The security captain asked the man in the suit in a deep voice.

"It's those two girls, Chang Xuefei and Mikiko!" This time the man in the suit learned his lesson, and before the security captain asked, he took the initiative to report the names of the two girls.Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi were also arranged here by the leader, and the security captain naturally knew that the man in the suit was right, so he couldn't help turning his eyes to Li Xiaogang, and murmured, "Mr. Li, what's going on with this?" Something?" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly, "Arrest these bastards, they are all hooligans! They are the ones who really want to take advantage!"

"Yes!" As soon as Li Xiaogang said that, the security captain responded loudly without even the slightest hesitation, pinned the man in the suit behind his back, and neatly put the handcuffs on his wrists.It wasn't until he was handcuffed by cold handcuffs that the man in the suit came to his senses and shouted in surprise, "What are you doing? Why don't you trust me, but trust him? He's the hooligan, I'm not!"

"Hmph, you really dare to say that! Mr. Li is a guest arranged by the leader himself. What a distinguished status, but you say that Mr. Li is a hooligan. I don't think you will be released from prison in this life!" The security captain angrily Said. "Tithe what?" The security captain's words almost scared the man in the suit away, looking at the security captain with eyes full of horror, he asked in a trembling voice.

Seeing that the man in the suit turned pale and trembled from fright, the security captain sneered and said, "Bastard, you have taken advantage of everything here. Don't you know that this is my territory? When the police come to arrest you Before taking them away, I will teach you a good lesson! Brothers, drag these bastards to the security room!" It seems that the security captain is also a ruthless character, and he is cold to the man in the suit. Said.The man in the suit never dreamed that things would turn out like this, he kept trembling and couldn't even speak.

After dragging away the man in the suit and his younger brother, the security captain said to Li Xiaogang with apologies: "It was our negligence that Mr. Li allowed these scumbags to come in and surprised you. I'm so sorry!" "Surprised!" Hahaha—I think you are the one who is frightened, you are almost sweating." Li Xiaogang looked at the security captain and said with a big smile.The face of the security captain suddenly looked very embarrassed. What Li Xiaogang said was right, he was indeed shocked. If Li Xiaogang told the leader about this, let alone a small security captain, even if he is the owner of this hotel The person in charge is also to blame.Just thinking about how to intercede with Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang said with a considerate smile: "Okay! I don't blame you for this matter, and I won't make it public. Just pretend nothing happened! But, just now Those little bastards, you have to say hello to them for me."

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the captain of the security team felt relieved, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will let your bastards get what they deserve!" Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "Then Alright, let's go!" The security captain glanced at Chang Xuefei and Mikiko who were snuggling up in Li Xiaogang's ping, and said, "Mr. Li, do you want me to help?" Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "No I can handle it by myself." The security captain thanked him again, turned around and left, seeing him walking quickly, it seemed that he was in a hurry to teach the men in suits a lesson.

After solving this little episode, Li Xiaogang looked down, the two flower-like faces in his arms, the two girls were already fast asleep, and there would be slight familiar sounds from time to time.Although the two girls smelled of alcohol after drinking, it couldn't conceal the orchid-like virgin fragrance that they originally possessed.The body fragrances emitted by the two women are different, but they are all so soul-stirring that Li Xiaogang only feels as if a group is burning in his dantian, which burns his heart a little bit.

Li Xiaogang knew that if he continued to think wildly, something might happen, so he hurriedly summoned Nuwa's divine power to calm down and suppress the raging fire in his heart.Opening the room of the second daughter, Li Xiaogang put the two daughters one by one on their respective beds, tucked the quilts for them, and then retreated.He took a long breath and went back to his room.Lying on the bed, as long as Li Xiaogang closes his eyes, the beautiful faces of the two women will appear in his mind involuntarily, and he who can't sleep at all, let alone want to sleep.Looking at the night outside, it was only a few hours before dawn, so I simply sat up cross-legged and settled down. There was nothing to say all night, and dawn broke in the east.In Chang Xuefei's and Mikiko's room, Chang Xuefei and Mikiko opened their eyes one after another, accompanied by a burst of shouting. "How did I come back last night?" The two women asked in unison as soon as they opened their eyes, and then the two women laughed in unison. "Mikiko, I had a dream yesterday." Chang Xuefei leaned on the pillow and said to Mikiko, "I dreamed of Li Xiaogang."

"You also dreamed about Li Xiaogang?" As soon as Chang Xuefei finished speaking, Mikiko shouted excitedly.

Chang Xuefei couldn't help being taken aback, looked at Meijizi and asked nah: "Don't tell me, you dreamed of him too." Meijizi nodded repeatedly and said: "I really dreamed of Li Xiaogang, it seems that he is in the dream In the corridor outside." "Ah!? That's such a coincidence, I also dreamed that Li Xiaogang was in the corridor!" Chang Xuefei couldn't help but exclaimed.The two women looked at each other for a moment, then they jumped off the bed at the same time as if they had been electrocuted, ran to the door, and opened the door violently.But the corridor outside the door is empty, not even a hair, let alone Li Xiaogang.

Chang Xuefei smiled wryly, closed the door, and said to Meikiko: "I think the two of us are going crazy." Meikiko held her head and said bitterly, "I think I'm already crazy! Sister Xuefei, do you think Li Xiaogang knows that we are looking for him so hard?" Chang Xuefei shook her head and murmured, "I don't think so?" Meijizi came out a little discouraged. With a sigh, he said, "Sister Xuefei, otherwise we should go to Sister Linger and Sister Hu Rong for help. I think they will be able to contact Li Xiaogang."

Chang Xuefei shook her head and said, "No way! Rong'er is busy with the auto show in G Province, and Ling'er is the same. Longquan Group has things she can't finish, so we can't disturb them casually. What's more, I I feel that this should be God's test for us. If we have a destiny with Li Xiaogang, we will eventually find him no matter how hard we go through, but on the other hand, if we don't have a destiny with him, even if Rong Rong They helped find Li Xiaogang, but it was of no avail." Mei Jizi nodded, and said softly: "Sister Xuefei, I think you are right. Since it is God's test, let us use our own strength to complete the test."

"En!" Chang Xuefei nodded heavily. "Dong dong dong" the two women were talking, when there was a knock on the door suddenly.Chang Xuefei shook her head and said, "It must be room service! You go wash up first, and I'll ask the waiter to bring some breakfast. Last night, I drank a lot of wine and didn't eat something, it would be bad for my stomach. "Mei Jizi nodded casually, got up and walked to the bathroom, while Chang Xuefei turned to open the door.

When the door opened, Chang Xuefei seemed to have been hit by a petrification spell, and she was completely stunned. Looking at the handsome smiling face outside the door that made her miss it day and night, Chang Xuefei could hardly Can't believe it's true.Subconsciously, he slammed the door shut.While trying to adjust her breathing, Chang Xuefei murmured: "Impossible, impossible, I must be dazzled." As she spoke, Chang Xuefei rubbed her eyes vigorously.

After rubbing for a long time, he didn't stop until his eyes were almost blinded by rubbing any more.Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the door again.

"What's the matter, you don't want to see me so much?" After the door opened, Li Xiaogang looked at Chang Xuefei with a depressed face and asked.This time, Chang Xuefei no longer doubted her eyes, it was impossible for the same illusion to appear twice.Chang Xuefei's heart was violently tumbling like a pot of hot oil being poured into a pot of cold water.Chang Xuefei felt that it was difficult to breathe, as if her head had been hit with a sap, she became dizzy wave after wave.I had to hold on to the wall to barely be able to stand, so as not to fall. "Hey, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?" Seeing that Chang Xuefei's expression was not quite right, Li Xiaogang couldn't help asking with concern.

"Li Xiaogang!" Li Xiaogang's magnetic voice could be heard in the ear, and Chang Xuefei finally completely believed that the one standing in front of her was Li Xiaogang.Unable to restrain the excitement and excitement in his heart any longer, he threw himself into Li Xiaogang's arms with a loud cry, and couldn't restrain himself for a while, sobbed bitterly.Li Xiaogang didn't expect Chang Xuefei to be so excited, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.Afterwards, she felt that Chang Xuefei was holding her arm harder and harder, and there was a wet feeling on her chest.Li Xiaogang looked down and saw that Chang Xuefei's face was already covered with tears.

Seeing Chang Xuefei in pain, Li Xiaogang suddenly felt Chang Xuefei's burning and exuberant feelings for him.If it wasn't because of missing Li Xiaogang too much, how could Chang Xuefei burst out with such strong emotions when she suddenly saw Li Xiaogang?Chang Xuefei has a deep affection for him, but he just ignores Chang Xuefei, which makes Li Xiaogang can't help but blame himself for being cruel.He was busy, and the days passed quickly, and in the deep love of Hu Rong, Gao Yuanyuan and others, the days were sweet and happy, but Chang Xuefei, she was deeply missed, and she was greatly affected. torment.Thinking of these, for the first time Li Xiaogang felt guilty towards Chang Xuefei and Mikiko.Not only is love a responsibility, but being loved is also a responsibility, but Li Xiaogang has always ignored it.

"It's too embarrassing for such a big girl to cry and shed tears all the time, isn't it?" Li Xiaogang joked with Chang Xuefei with a smile. "You still say it!" Chang Xuefei heard it, couldn't help but beat Li Xiaogang's chest hard, and said in a voice. "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, don't cry. Wipe away your tears, I brought you breakfast. After drinking so much wine last night, you must feel sick to your stomach?" Li Xiaogang said softly He patted Chang Xuefei on the back and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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