The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1687 The Power of the People

Chapter 1687 The Power of the People
Sang Longhao looked at Han Sanping full of satisfaction and admiration and said, "Director Han, you are different from us! We are ordinary people. Although Wu Jingtong has power and power, he has nothing to do with us, but you are different. It’s not easy for you to get everything today, don’t you think it’s a pity if Wu Jingtong takes it away?” “What a pity! Isn’t it just a little police chief? Compared with my conscience, it’s nothing What? If Wu Jingtong wants to sack my post, I can take off the police uniform immediately, and then throw it in his face!"

"Hahaha, good! Have fun! This is what a man should say!" Sang Longhao laughed and said while shaking Sang Longhao's hand. "Brother Sang one" Mu Ping just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Sang Longhao. Sang Longhao pointed to the excited crowd and said, "Brother Muping, I know you are doing it for our own good, but now, It is impossible for you to stop us, so let us go!" Mu Ping nodded and said, "Originally, it should be my responsibility to save Brother Scar! But before Brother Scar left, he ordered I will stay here and command the brothers of the Lightning Gang, so I can't leave. It may be dangerous for you to go, you must be more careful!"

Sang Longhao said: "Brother Mu Ping, don't worry! This is a country where the people are the masters of the country. I don't believe that Wu Jingtong dares to do whatever he wants, and we will be fine!" Mu Ping nodded and turned towards the door. The outside shouted, "Come here!" "Brother Ping!" A burly Lightning Gang soldier strode open the door and walked in. 2 Mu Ping said to him with a serious face: "Go and gather [-] brothers and go with Brother Sang to accompany you for protection, pay attention to concealment, and don't let Wu Jingtong's people discover you. Once you see Brother Sang and they are in danger, you must Get them out as soon as possible! Remember, you can die, but Brother Sang and none of them can die! Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood! We will definitely protect them with our own lives!" The Lightning Gang soldier shouted with firm eyes and raised his head and chest without any ambiguity.

Chapter 930 The power of the people!
"Understood! We will definitely protect them with our own lives!" The Lightning Gang soldier shouted with firm eyes and raised his head and chest without any ambiguity.Sang Longhao and others were very moved when they heard this, looked at Mu Ping and said, "Brother Mu Ping, what are you doing?" Mu Ping shook his head, held Sang Longhao's hand and said, "Brother Sang, this is the only one we have I can do it for you. In order to save Big Brother Scar, you risk yourselves, if we cannot even guarantee your safety, then what face do we have to stand between heaven and earth?"

Sang Longhao nodded heavily speechlessly, waved his hands to everyone and said, "Big fellow, come with me! Go save Mr. Scar, our benefactor!" After speaking, with Mrs. Sang's support, he strode forward After walking out, everyone followed. "Rong Rongyi" saw that Luo Rongrong was going too, Mu Ping yelled full of worry, Luo Rongrong looked back at him with a smile, and said: "I have always wanted to do something for Brother Scar, and now the opportunity has come, Don't stop me, okay?" Looking at Luo Rongrong's bright and proud smile, Mu Ping nodded, and quietly said: "I won't stop you, but you have to promise me, be careful!" Luo Rongrong giggled He said: "With your Lightning Gang fighters protecting me, I will not be in danger! Wait for me to come back!" After finishing speaking, he followed out with a slight twist.

After everyone left, Mu Ping sat down on the sofa and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. "Brother Gang, I'm Mu Ping, and I've already done as you asked." Mu Ping said slowly into the microphone.Li Xiaogang on the other end of the phone was sitting on the special plane prepared for him by the leader to fly to Province G. After hearing Mu Ping's words, Li Xiaogang said with a smile, "Pingzi, this alone is not enough. The people are all moving." Mu Ping nodded, and quietly asked: "Brother Gang, if we do this, shouldn't we tell Brother Scar first?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said: "No, you must not tell Scar! Scar is a person who values ​​love and righteousness too much. If he knows that we mobilized all the people in City M to fight against Wu Jingtong's army, he will definitely feel his heart. If you are uneasy, you should tell him after the matter is over!" "Brother Gang, I want to tell you something from my heart." Mu Ping said quietly.Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "Okay! You don't need to say it, I know what you want to say. You have been with Scar for so many years, and you will definitely be influenced by him. I understand this. But you have to know, All happy lives must be created and fought for by people themselves! This process may be very difficult, and there may even be sacrifices, but only the happiness obtained through their own efforts will be cherished by people."

"But it's Brother Gang, I always feel that we are taking advantage of the people in City M by doing this." Mu Ping said with a bit of unbearable.Li Xiaogang said: "Pingzi, Wang Qi relied on only a few thugs under his command for more than ten years in M ​​City. The reason why he dared to do whatever he wanted was because the people in M ​​City were too weak and lacked a lot of money. A spirit of resistance! They are like a group of sheep raised in captivity, they can only be slaughtered! This is not possible, who knows if we eradicated a fraternity today, will there be a second fraternity in M ​​City tomorrow! We, the Lightning Gang, cannot protect them forever. They must become stronger on their own, and we are only helping them take the first step. If the people of City M dare to contend against Wu Jingtong’s army today, even if there is another brotherhood in the future, Don't even think about bullying them again. It's like weaning a baby, you can't be handsome if you don't be ruthless."

"But if you do this, the people in City M will probably suffer casualties. You don't want to see people die again, do you?" Mu Ping said bitterly. "Of course I don't want to see anyone lose their lives again! That's why I asked you to do your best to protect the safety of the people of City M no matter the cost. This time, the mission of our Lightning Gang is not to compete with Wu Jingtong's army , but to protect the people of City M, do you understand?"

"I think I understand, Brother Gang." Mu Ping nodded heavily and said. "It's good to understand. In addition, you underestimated the power of the people. When all the people in City M are mobilized, it will be an all-powerful force that can destroy Wu Jingtong and his army!" Li Xiaogang was full Said confidently.

"Brother Gang, didn't you expect that Brother Scar would take the initiative to write Wu Jingtong, that's why he called me as soon as he left and asked me to arrange all this?" Mu Pingsha asked happily.Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Isn't it just the character of Scar to be shallow? I called him on purpose and told him that I would not interfere with the affairs of City M and that everything would be resolved by him, but I would firmly support him. It was to let him face Wu Jingtong calmly without any worries, but he did go, hehe."

Mu Ping nodded, and said with a smile: "Brother Scar's style is always to show courtesy first and then fight. He is willing to take the initiative to meet Wu Jingtong, not because of your support, Brother Gang. He is confident and wants to convince Wu Jingtong with reason first. If not , and then use force to defeat Wu Jingtong in one fell swoop!"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "That's right! It's just that Dao Scar didn't expect that Wu Jingtong is getting older and more stubborn. Even the leader and Lin Chaoran's eloquence can't make sense of him. How can he do it? Perhaps It was he who thought of it, but because I heard that Wu Jingtong is a hero who has made great contributions to the country, and he hopes to save his life, that's why Scar has illusions and wants to give it a try. Wu Jingtong, then everyone will be happy." "Yes! Brother Dao Scar must have thought so at the beginning." Mu Ping was surprised by Li Xiaogang's understanding of Dao Scar, and echoed repeatedly.

"But in this way, Scar made two mistakes. First, he overestimated his ability and underestimated Wu Jingtong's stubbornness. Second, Scar thought that as long as Wu Jingtong was defeated by force, Wu Jingtong would give up. Stop making trouble for the Lightning Gang and me." Li Xiaogang concluded. "Brother Gang, I don't understand when you say that.

First of all, Big Brother Scar is indeed wrong.But the second one, is Brother Scar also wrong?If we defeat Wu Jingtong militarily and let Wu Jingtong experience our strength, will he not obediently surrender to our Lightning Gang? "Mu Ping asked suspiciously.

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "You say that because you really don't understand people like Wu Jingtong who came from the old society. They have experienced the most difficult years in China and fought the most difficult battles in China. In this way The experience made the people of that era not only full of flaws all the time, but also cultivated a spirit of never giving up, never yielding, and the courage to face any powerful enemy without shrinking Driven by this quality, if Wu Jingtong cannot realize his mistakes from the heart and change his mind, then even if you kill him, his soul will still fight unyieldingly!"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Mu Ping was full of astonishment and said quietly: "Brother Gang, is it really as evil as you said?" Li Xiaogang nodded, and said quietly: "Yes! More than that! Every time Thinking about it, it makes me feel pity. Why is this precious quality becoming less and less in modern society? Pingzi, let me tell you the truth, in fact, for him and old revolutionaries like Mr. I feel admiration in my heart. I am deeply grateful and proud that our country has such an older generation of revolutionaries. Therefore, even if the leadership asks me for mercy, I will definitely not kill Wu Jingtong."

"Brother Gang, I understand. But according to what you said, Wu Jingtong will hardly give in, so how can we convince him?" Mu Ping asked worriedly.Li Xiaogang said with a slight smile: "Actually, this is the real reason why I asked you to mobilize the people of M City to join this war. We can indeed defeat Wu Jingtong easily, but it is very difficult for us to make him submit. We It can’t be done, but the people of City M can do it. The establishment of New China is inseparable from the support of the people. Therefore, old revolutionaries like Wu Jingtong value the people more than themselves. Only when the people stand When we get up and tell him he was wrong, he will come to his senses, and only then will he be truly convinced by us!"

(End of this chapter)

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