The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1689 The Power of the People

Chapter 1689 The Power of the People
"Stop! This is an important area of ​​the military camp, and the idlers are not allowed to approach!" Sang Longhao and the others hadn't walked a few steps before they were loudly stopped by a guard.Sang Longhao coughed, and said in a vibrating voice, "We are citizens of M City, we want to see Wu Jingtong, Deputy Chief Wu!" "Deputy Chief Wu has a lot to do every day, how can anyone just say they can see each other?" Dai Hu patrolled the barracks He happened to come here, and when he heard Sang Longhao's words, he let out a cold snort and walked over.

Sang Longhao said neither humble nor overbearing, "Deputy Chief Wu is a public servant of the people. Now that the people want to see him, why should he not see him? No matter how busy he is, he probably won't be at this moment, right? Everyone, right?"

"Yes!" Han Sanping, Luo Rongrong and others immediately echoed loudly.Seeing that Sang Longhao was so bold, Dai Hu couldn't help frowning, and said coldly, "I think you are not the people, but troublemakers! I am the guard responsible for the personal safety of Deputy Chief Wu. How can I let you Are these unidentified people approaching Deputy Chief Wu? You'd better leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Ha! I'd like to see how you can be rude. If you have the ability, you can let your subordinates shoot us all with machine guns!" Sang Longhao and Dai Hu shouted tit for tat .Seeing that Sang Longhao and others saw that this posture was going all out, Dai Hu didn't dare to do whatever he wanted. If something unexpected happened, he didn't care, but he might cause trouble to Wu Jingtong. After all, he is in the central government now, and Wu Jingtong is in Fight against the leader, if someone else gets hold of him, the leader will definitely take him down without mercy.

Dai Hu restrained himself a little, and said lightly, "Let's do this! Now Deputy Chief Wu is resting, so it's inconvenient to disturb you. If you have anything to say to me, I will tell him when Deputy Chief Wu wakes up." "You It's just a small guard of Wu Jingtong, can he be in charge?" Sang Longhao asked Dai Hu suspiciously.Dai Hu shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "I didn't say to be the master, I just said that I can tell the story for you!"

Sang Longhao thought for a while, this is his territory after all, five thousand soldiers armed with live ammunition, even if they have wings, they may not be able to fly in, if they are shameless, they will probably be the ones who will suffer.So he cleared his throat, and Sang Longhao said to Dai Hu, "Then listen! We are citizens of city m, and we are here representing the public opinion of all citizens of city m. To make a long story short, I only have one appeal, and that is Deputy Chief Wu, please release Mr. Scar!" "Yes! Let Brother Scar go! Brother Scar is a good man, you can't treat him like this!" Luo Rongrong said a little excitedly.

Dai Hu didn't expect that people like Sang Longhao came here for the scar, he was startled at first, and then filled with infinite anger.Recalling the earlier scene where Scar was justifiable and made Wu Jingtong angry, he was already annoyed enough, but at this time, Sang Longhao and the others came to ask them to let Scar be free, and treated Wu Jingtong extremely The disrespect made the fire in Dai Hu's heart even more turbulent.He couldn't help but turn cold, and shouted angrily, "Bastard! Scar is a repeat murderer, how can he just let him go? Hurry up and stop messing around here!"

"Nonsense? I think it's you who are making nonsense! The bad guys are not caught, but the good guys are caught! Are you the public servants of the people, the people's army, or the umbrella of the bad guys? Let me tell you, if you put Scar today, everything Well, if you don't let go, we won't leave here!" After speaking, Sang Longhao sat down on the ground.The rest of the people followed suit and sat on the ground.Dai Hu gave Sang Longhao a cold look, and said angrily, "What do you want to do? Are you playing tricks here? Open your eyes and see, this is the army, not a place where you can mess around!"

"What happened to the army? The army has to be reasonable!" Han Sanping raised his head and glared at Dai Hu, shouting loudly.Dai Hu snorted coldly, and said faintly, "Of course we are reasonable! However, that is for good people, but it is unreasonable for bad people!" Han Sanping shouted angrily, "What do you mean? Do you think we are bad people? "Dai Hu turned his head to look at Han Sanping, and said loudly, "I really didn't expect that you, a dignified public security chief, would be bribed by Dao Scar and become his accomplice. And you!" Dai Hu Pointing at Sang Longhao and the others fiercely, he shouted angrily, "Don't think that I can't see it. In fact, you are not citizens of City M at all. You are with Scar, and you are all scum of the Lightning Gang! Humph!" It's so whimsical, and you want to use the name of the people to rush into the barracks, I see that none of you will leave today!"

"What's the matter, are you going to lock us up too?" Sang Longhao didn't expect that Dai Hu would act so boldly, he couldn't help but stare in surprise and asked.Dai Hu sneered, and said, "All of you are unknown. I can arrest you for a thousand reasons, and no one can find fault with me. Come here, and detain them all!" "Han Sanping jumped up from the ground when he heard it, and shouted at Daihu angrily, "You can't do this! You don't have any right to detain people! If you really dare to do this, we will sue you." Court martial!"

Dai Hu sneered, and said faintly, "It's up to you, but I'm afraid we will have to wait until you regain your freedom!" After speaking, he looked at the dozen or so soldiers in charge of guarding, and shouted, "Why are you still standing there, why don't you do anything?" ?” “Yes!” When a dozen soldiers heard this, they rushed up immediately.Han Sanping hurriedly shouted, "Brother Sang, these people are crazy, take everyone away!" After finishing speaking, he suddenly took out a pistol from his pocket, aimed at Dai Hu, and shouted, "Tell them to stop!" Dai Hu's eyes were dim Looking at Han Sanping, he said with a calm face, "Do you know what you are doing now? If you don't put away the gun, they have the right to kill you at any time!"

"You bastard! With Wu Jingtong backing you up, you acted so recklessly! One day, you will pay for what you did today!" Han Sanping said that although he had been a policeman all his life, he was a policeman with guns and soldiers. Confrontation is the first time.Seeing the dozen or so black gun muzzles around him, it would be nonsense to say that Han Sanping was not nervous.But now at this juncture, Han Sanping can't control so much anymore. Although his forehead is sweating and his hands are shaking, Han Sanping still stands firm and refuses to give in at all.

Seeing that Han Sanping never retreated, Dai Hu couldn't help but sneered, and said quietly, "It seems that you, the chief of the public security bureau, still have some skills." Yes!" Han Sanping shouted at Daihu with a forced calmness. "Kill him!" Dai Hu's eyes turned cold, and he spit out three words faintly.Hearing the crisp sound of bullets being pushed into the chamber, Han Sanping's spine suddenly felt a cold chill, and he shouted tremblingly, "Who dares!? I'll shoot him first!" Han Sanping Sanping's roar made those soldiers hesitate for a while. After all, the gun in Han Sanping's hand is not a toy, and Dai Hu is not an invulnerable god.

"Hahaha, if you really have the guts to shoot, why would you be shaking all over?" Hearing Han Sanping's roar, Dai Hu laughed and said, "Don't worry about me, if he doesn't dare to shoot, just shoot and kill him." He!" Dai Hu has been on the battlefield for a long time, and the aura on his body is really not something Han Sanping, a small public security chief, can resist.Amid Dai Hu's loud laughter, Han Sanping's body trembled even more.And those soldiers saw and really listened to Dai Hu's words, and all of them aimed at Han Sanping's eyebrows.

Seeing Dai Hu seemed to be crazy, he was really going to shoot Han Sanping, Sang Longhao and others had never seen such a scene before, all of them couldn't help being stunned, and began to believe what Mu Ping said to them before , this trip is really dangerous.Just when these soldiers were about to pull the trigger and kill Han Sanping, the Lightning Warrior who was following behind Sang Longhao and the others made a sudden move.It flashed into those guards like a phantom.Hearing the sound of bang bang, those guards didn't know what was going on, so they were punched one after another and fell to the ground.

All this happened not only suddenly, but also so quickly that even Dai Hu was dumbfounded, and didn't even have a chance to react.At best, it only took a few seconds before and after. The guard who was still majestic and standing with a gun just now

They were all lying on the ground at this moment, unable to move.The [-] Lightning Gang fighters showed their teeth, and surrounded Dai Hu in groups.Seeing the murderous Lightning Gang fighters all around him, Dai Hu couldn't help feeling guilty, and his eyes were faintly chaotic.The danger was lifted instantly, and Han Sanping, Sang Longhao and others breathed a long sigh of relief.Especially Han Sanping, who seemed to have lost his strength, sat on the ground panting heavily.

Seeing that all the fighters of the Lightning Gang were so skilled, Dai Hu was shocked and asked, "Who are you? You are so courageous!" "You are here! It is really thanks to you!" Sang Longhao looked at These Lightning Warriors said gratefully. "Hehe, Mr. Yisang, we should apologize to you. I'm really sorry that you have been frightened like this!" The Lightning Warrior who had been ordered by Mu Ping'er came out and looked at Sang Longhao with guilt. Said.

"What are you talking about? It's all our fault. We didn't listen to Mr. Mu's persuasion and insisted on acting recklessly. No wonder you!" Sang Longhao said hastily.The Lightning Warrior smiled and said, "Mr. Sang, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, you and everyone should leave quickly!" "Oh! It turns out that you are all members of the Lightning Gang, and you came just in time! None of you want to leave today!" Tiger let out a roar. "Hmph, can you stop us?" The Lightning Warrior looked at Dai Hu and sneered, and said quietly. "It's too arrogant! Have you forgotten what this place is?" Dai Hu snorted coldly, and suddenly pulled out a pistol from his waist. The Lightning Warriors were afraid that Dai Hu would shoot indiscriminately and hurt Sang Longhao and the others. , No one gave an order, but they all formed a human wall subconsciously, blocking Sang Longhao and the others with their bodies.Seeing this scene, Sang Longhao, Han Sanping and others were all greatly touched, and Luo Rongrong couldn't help the tears flickering in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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