The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1697 The car show opens!

Chapter 1697 The car show opens!
These world-class auto giants would not miss this excellent opportunity to show themselves to the world, and the host, Huaxia Auto Industry, would certainly not miss it either.More than 100 domestic vehicle manufacturers all participated in this auto show and made great efforts in publicity.

The auto industry at home and abroad attaches great importance to this auto show, and this auto show did not disappoint them.

On the first day of the opening of the auto show, there were over a million tourists and car enthusiasts from home and abroad, and many of them came with large orders.For this auto show, Province G deliberately spent a lot of money to hold a grand opening ceremony that was no less than the Olympic Games, attracting crowds of spectators.The entire province of G is like being submerged in a sea of ​​joy, and there is a strong festive atmosphere everywhere.As soon as people set foot on this land, they can't help but feel a burst of joy and enthusiasm.

In order to show the advantages of their cars to the maximum extent, the major companies can be said to be full of tricks and ingenious ideas in their respective booths.Beautiful women and cool cars complement each other, creating a strong visual impact.The grand scene is only one of the reasons why this auto show attracts the attention of so many people. The key lies in the fact that various auto companies have shown their unique skills at this auto show.Some technologies that have never been seen before, as well as concept cars from this era, have all been unveiled through this auto show.Let the tens of thousands of car lovers in the world really have an addiction.Even those people whose understanding of cars in the past was only at the level of transportation, through this auto show, they have begun to have a new understanding of cars.For the first time, an expert equated cars with works of art.

As a leading company in the global automotive field, General Motors has been continuously challenged by Huadao, Korean, and European auto companies over the years, but for now, it is still the king of the global automotive industry.Therefore, it is also the biggest highlight of this auto show, attracting the attention of car lovers all over the world.In order to build momentum for this auto show, to consolidate GM's position, and to get GM out of a series of difficulties as soon as possible, Francis rushed to Huaxia Province G one day in advance, and prepared a wonderful speech for the auto show. , Show off your personal charm.Try to win a few big orders, and make a comeback quickly.

The reason why Francis took the time to participate in the auto show and was full of confidence in this auto show was because the thing he was most worried about did not happen for a while.Although Saudi Arabian Petroleum, M Country Communications, and Fortis Telecom jointly sold all their GM shares, which caused panic among other GM shareholders and caused a large-scale sell-off in the stock market, however, in M ​​Country Under the strong financial intervention of the government, these GM shares that were sold were all collected by the government of country M with a lot of money, which not only successfully curbed the sharp decline in the stock price of GM in country M, but also made the stock price of GM in country M A small increase.

Although the GM shares held by the government of country M in this way have surpassed those in his hands, which has actually made him lose the absolute dominance over GM, but compared to being annexed by the Longhao Group, this is undoubtedly the most Good result.What reassures Francis even more is that when the shares of General Motors in M ​​country were floating in the stock market, Longhao Group did not absorb a large amount of money at any cost, as he imagined, in order to seize the shares of General Motors in M ​​country. control, but silently, as if they didn't know it was happening.After being puzzled for a period of time, Francis thought that it was the Longhao Group that gave up the crazy plan of annexing GM, which made Francis feel at ease, and his heart was finally firmly on the ground.

Now Francis' focus has completely shifted from Longhao Group to this auto show.This auto show is of great significance not only to GM, but also to Francis.He is very grateful that he can take advantage of GM's excellent performance at this auto show to obtain a large number of orders around the world.Because GM has not made a profit for a long time, Francis is eager to make money, because only by making enough money can he buy back GM's stocks under the control of the government of country M.The GM Group is like his child, and he absolutely does not want the GM Group to be ordered around by other people, not even the government of country M.

"Mr. Francis, the auto show has already started. Our booth has been crowded with people from the very beginning. I think it's time for you to go out and meet everyone." Ye Lina walked in quickly, full of excitement. Francis said.Francis withdrew his chaotic thoughts, stood up from the soft and comfortable sofa, looked at Ye Lina with a smile, and said, "Lina, you have worked hard for a while." Ye Lina giggled and said, "You Why do you say that, this is my duty. Although it is hard, it should be!"

Francis nodded, and said with admiration, "If every employee in our GM could be like you, would we still be afraid of external challenges? Who can take over our GM's power?" go? go!
We've been down for long enough.It's time for the sleeping King of Beasts to wake up, and it's time for his roar to shock the fiery land again! "Francis burst out with confidence, as if it made him a lot younger. It is undeniable that Francis is indeed a charming person, although he is already old now.

Compared with the bustle of the general booth, the booth of Longhao Group, which is separated from the general booth by a wall, is deserted and deserted.This is not because Longhao Group's publicity is not in place, but because Longhao Group's booth is empty.If there is nothing, naturally no one will stop.Although when passing by the booth with the label of Longhao Group, many people will show incomparable surprise on their faces.Among the hundreds of domestic and foreign auto companies participating in the meeting, Longhao Group's advertising investment is undoubtedly the largest.Tens of billions of special publicity funds, even GM has to weigh it, others can imagine.

In the industry of advertising, how much money is invested will produce as much advertising effect.Longhao Group's astronomical advertising investment has brought them a strong reputation that everyone in the world knows and knows.The promotion of Longhao Group has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. More than half of the people who come here want to see whether the actual Longhao Group is as great as it is advertised on TV, so when they came to Longhao Group with great interest The booth of the Howe Group, but when it was found to be empty, there would be that surprised expression on his face.

Li Xiaogang, Chang Xuefei, and Mikiko are no exception.When the three of them came here excitedly, they wanted to give Hu Rong a surprise, but unexpectedly found that not to mention Hu Rong could not be found here, not even a staff member of the Longhao Group could be seen. People's expressions are also full of astonishment and surprise, even Li Xiaogang is no exception.

"No way? Did we go the wrong way?" Chang Xuefei took the auto show map quoted by the organizing committee and looked at it again and again, asking in surprise. "You can't be wrong! Look, here is the logo of Longhao Group! I've seen it on TV many times, and I can't see it wrong!" Mikiko said, pointing to the logo printed on the wall.

"Li Xiaogang, do you know what happened? Did something happen to Rong'er and the others?" Chang Xuefei asked Li Xiaogang anxiously.Li Xiaogang shook his head, slowly closed his eyes, his spiritual consciousness spread out in all directions invisibly, and it didn't take long to cover the whole province of G, looking for Hu Rong's figure.After a while, Li Xiaogang opened his eyes, with a bright smile on his face, and said to Chang Xuefei and Mikiko, "Don't worry about Rong'er, they will come soon. Let's go shopping first. .

Seeing that Li Xiaogang didn't even feel worried at all, although Chang Xuefei and Mikiko were full of doubts, but out of trust in Li Xiaogang, they didn't say anything more, and followed Li Xiaogang to the GM next door. booth.As an automobile company with a long history, GM has experienced a long-term downturn, but its strength is still unquestionable.Under Ye Lina's almost genius planning, GM's booth was beautifully arranged. Being here, people feel awe of GM Group besides the novelty.It makes people feel as if they are in the luxurious and gorgeous palace of the emperor, and the majesty is everywhere.Yelena is indeed capable of creating such an atmosphere.

The highlight of the GM Group booth is of course not only reflected in the layout and aesthetics of the booth, the latest cars developed by the GM Group's scientific research personnel, not to mention the beautiful and moving models, the technology content implied in them is even more impressive. To the point of astonishment.At least as the strongest enemy of country M, the island country's auto companies, which have always won with technology, feel strong pressure from it.

"To be honest, this car produced by GM is really good. Not only is it comfortable to ride, but it also shows a kind of humanity." Mikiko got into a car and tried it out, and said to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly and said, "You think this is good? If you have tried the car produced by Rong'er and the others, you may wish to live in it for the rest of your life and never come out, ha ha."

"Hahaha, isn't this Mr. Li Xiaogang? Why, you are also interested in our car?" Francis saw Li Xiaogang, and immediately walked over with a smile.Seeing Francis smiling all over his face, Li Xiaogang said with a smile, "Francis? I didn't expect you to come too. Why, have you solved all the messy things you have been doing?" "Hehe, thank you very much. Mr. Li, you are concerned. But you are too worried. The situation of General Motors Group is very good now, and there is nothing bad about it as you said. But Mr. Li, you must not have a good life recently, right? Such a grand plan, but Let it go, I think you must be very upset." Although Francis is a business tycoon, it is not bad to be sarcastic!Fortunately, everything is under Li Xiaogang's control, otherwise he would vomit blood from anger.

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly, "I forgot, now that you have the powerful financial resources of the M country government backing you, you can really rest easy. However, Mr. Francis, our Chinese sages said In a word, it is called to be born in peace and die in sorrow. No one is sure whether General Motors is as safe as it appears on the surface. I advise you to be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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