Chapter 1699 Rage!
"Mikiko, did you appear here suddenly just to give me a surprise?" Yu Tianshangnan finally calmed down from the great excitement, and asked with a touch of emotion while holding Mikiko.Mikiko couldn't help laughing bitterly in her heart, this Yutian Shangnan is really narcissistic.The crescent eyebrows frowned and said in a delicate voice, "Hey, you have been following me, haven't you? Otherwise, why can I meet you everywhere?"

You Tianshangnan shook his head and said repeatedly, "No, no, no, I have never followed you. The reason why I am here is because I was assigned to take full charge of this ft auto show." Hearing what Youtianshangnan said , Mikiko really wished she could hit her head to death.She actually forgot about it, and took the initiative to send it to the door. "Mei Jizi, just wait, I'll call my uncle and aunt right away. You don't know that during the time you've been away, everyone has been looking for you everywhere, especially uncles and aunts, who are going to die of anxiety!" By Tian Minami chattered on without noticing that Mikiko's expression was getting uglier.

Seeing Yu Tianshangnan took out the phone and was about to call Yukio Yamamoto, Mikiko slapped the phone in his hand on the ground.Yu Tianshangnan was taken aback, and looked up at Mikiko in astonishment.Meijizi couldn't suppress the anger in her heart, and yelled at Youtian Nanjiao, saying, "Youtian Shangnan, how many times have I told you that I don't like you at all, are you together with me?" Will be happy! Don't you understand, how many times do you want me to repeat it?"

You Tianshangnan's handsome face twitched a few times, and he said to Mikiko in embarrassment, "Mikiko, stop making trouble. How could you not like me? Our company is the future successor of the Tian family, ft The future helm of the company, we will have innumerable power and wealth in the future, and we will have a very happy life." Mikiko threw away the hand stretched out to her from the sky, and shouted even more angrily: "By Tianshangnan, you know, what I hate the most and what I can't stand the most is your innate sense of superiority. You do have many, many things that most people can't have in their lifetime, but have you thought about it? No, how many of these things you have are obtained through your own efforts? No, none of them! You are nothing but better luck than others!"

"Mei Jizi, how can you say that about me? Is it my fault that I was born better than others?" You Tianshang Nanqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, and shouted in a deep voice. "Yes! One's birth is determined by God, there is no choice. But, you come here to show off and think you're great, that's your fault. From heaven to south, let me tell you again solemnly, I already have a boyfriend Please don’t pester me anymore! Don’t let your family put pressure on my parents. My Mikiko’s marriage should be decided by myself, and no one has the right to interfere!” Mikiko shouted loudly.

"Joke! You are my Yutian Nan's fiancée, the unmarried daughter-in-law of our Yutian family. Who in the entire island country doesn't know? I don't believe that there is anyone else who dares to marry you besides me!" Minami was completely enraged by Mikiko's words, her originally handsome face became distorted and terrifying due to the incomparable anger.Meijizi looked at Youtian Shangnan, shook her head and said, "You know why I don't like you, right? To paraphrase the Chinese people's words, you are like gold and jade, but you are like a loser! My husband, Meijizi, will never be like you So hypocritical!"

"Really? You said you have a boyfriend, so let me see how extraordinary your boyfriend is!" Youtian Nan said coldly. "You really want to meet him?" Mikiko asked. "Of course! I always want to know why I lost to my rival, right?" Mikiko said with murderous intent in her eyes. "That's good! Today I will let you be completely selfish!" Mikiko gritted her teeth fiercely, and jumped in front of Li Xiaogang in a few steps.Li Xiaogang vaguely guessed Mikiko's intentions, frowned, looked at Mikiko, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Mikiko's eyes were full of pleading, and she said in a low voice, "Li Xiaogang, I know, I only have unrequited love for you. You may like me a little, but it is far from the point where you can accept me as your woman. I have always been I am working hard and striving for it, hoping that one day, I can become your wife in a legitimate way. But now, I can't wait any longer, please, just treat it as a favor for me, okay?" Facing Mikiko Just when Li Xiaogang was hesitating in his heart, Chang Xuefei pushed him violently behind him and said, "At this point, why are you still hesitant? It's not what a gentleman did!" Li Xiaogang was pushed in front of everyone by Chang Xuefei as Mikiko's girlfriend.Mikiko saw the opportunity very quickly, and took Li Xiaogang's arm with one hand, and leaned her head lightly on Li Xiaogang's shoulder, making the two of them seem very intimate and ambiguous!

The matter has come to this point, although Li Xiaogang is unwilling in his heart, he can only rush the duck to the shelves and pretend to be it.With Li Xiaogang by her side, Mei Jizi's spirit became stronger, and she brought Li Xiaogang straight to You Tian Shang Nan.Seeing Mei Jizi nestled in Li Xiaogang's arms like a little bird clinging to others, Yu Tianshangnan's nose was so angry that his eyes were full of cold murderousness when he looked at Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang fully believed that if You Tianshangnan could, he would definitely tear him to pieces and bite him to pieces.This made Li Xiaogang really dumbfounded. It was a disaster from the sky, and he offended such a prominent nobleman for no reason. I am afraid that troubles in the future will be inevitable.Although Li Xiaogang is not afraid of troubles, he even believes that it is one trouble after another that makes life wonderful.But then again, it's a lot more troublesome, and it's really going to be annoying.

"You Tian Shang Nan, let me introduce you formally. This is my boyfriend, my beloved man, Mr. Li Xiaogang!" Mikiko said, pointing at Li Xiaogang solemnly. "He turned out to be a Chinese!?"

When You Tianshangnan heard it, his face was distorted with anger, and he roared angrily. "Yeah, what's the problem?" Mikiko asked lightly, her eyebrows clustered. "It's unreasonable! How can the daughter of our big island country marry a Chinese? This is an insult to the blood of our island country!" Youtian Nankuang roared.

As soon as Li Xiaogang heard Youtian Shangnan's words, his heart suddenly became angry, and his face turned cold. Looking at Youtian Shangnan, he said in a low voice, "What kind of shit are you talking about? Are Chinese people inferior to your islanders?" Is it?" "Of course! How can you Chinese people compare with us islanders!?" You Tianshangnan probably got dizzy, Li Xiaogang roared as soon as he finished speaking.Li Xiaogang was already upset at seeing You Tian Shang Nan, but when he heard this, he became even more furious, with a flick of his body, his hands firmly strangled You Tian Shang Nan's neck.He gritted his teeth and said, "If you have the guts, just tell me what you just said!"

"I-I-" Li Xiaogang's hands were like iron tongs, tightly strangling You Tian Shangnan's throat. He couldn't breathe, and he saw You Tian Shang Nan's face flushed instantly. "Let go!" "Baga!" Following a burst of shameful noise, the bodyguards from Tianshangnan rushed up one after another, roaring continuously.But Li Xiaogang firmly held the little life of Youtian Shangnan in his palm, as long as Li Xiaogang wanted to, he could kill him at any time.Tianshangnan's bodyguards were wary and didn't dare to act rashly, so they could only keep making meaningless roars.

Mikiko didn't expect things to develop to such an extent all of a sudden.Although it is said that you dare to slander the Chinese people in front of Li Xiaogang with such wild words, Li Xiaogang will not treat him too much.But Youtian Shangnan is the only seedling of the Youtian family in the island country. If he died in Li Xiaogang's hands, it would definitely cause endless troubles for Li Xiaogang.Mikiko didn't want Li Xiaogang to have something to do, but she didn't know what to do, so she froze on the spot in panic and mistakes.

"Let go of Master Youtian!" "Long live the big island country!" Those tourists from the island country around here, seeing You Tianshangnan being strangled by Li Xiaogang, immediately became excited and shouted slogans loudly, gnashing their teeth one by one. , staring at Li Xiaogang with tearful eyes, as if to eat him alive.The islanders who came to participate in the auto show learned about the situation here from various channels, and gathered here one after another. There were hundreds of them at once.All of them were cursing and accusing Li Xiaogang, and among them were insults and abuse of Huaxia people.

The situation seemed to be getting out of control, Li Xiaogang frowned, and the hand holding You Tianshangnan's throat loosened slightly.You Tian Shangnan took the opportunity to take a few breaths, and said angrily to Li Xiaogang, "I don't care who you are, you'd better let me go immediately, otherwise, I will definitely let our island country government lodge a solemn protest against your Chinese government! At that time, if the relationship between the two countries of Huadao went wrong because of this, you are the culprit!

"Humph—are you scaring me?" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said.You Tiantiannan said coldly: "I didn't scare me, I was warning you! Look around, we island people are everywhere, if you hurt me, they will definitely tear you to pieces!" "You Tiantiannan said through gritted teeth.

"Li Xiaogang, if it's not enough, it's fine, just spare his life and don't make things worse." At this time, Mei Jizi was already in the hospital.Originally, she just wanted to use Li Xiaogang to repel Youtian Shangnan's entanglement, but she never thought that she chose the wrong occasion, there are too many islanders here, and the bones of the islanders are full of corrupt ranks idea.Their natural admiration for nobles makes them desperate.Seeing Li Xiaogang being surrounded and accused by more and more islanders, Mikiko was really a little scared.What she was afraid of was not that Li Xiaogang would be hurt by these people, but that Li Xiaogang would do something terrible to them in a fit of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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