The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1703 The fairy descends!

Chapter 1703 The fairy descends!

The two women let out an exclamation at the same time, and in the exclamation of the two, the gorgeous amethyst and the charming and sexy car model fit together perfectly.And so another earth-shattering work of art was born.Under the shadow of the amethyst's light, the beauty of Chang Xuefei and Mikiko has been elevated to the extreme.That kind of beauty has reached the point where it can take one's heart and soul, even Li Xiaogang is a little distracted.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and murmured, "I regret it a little! After making you so beautiful, after going out, wouldn't you want to steal the limelight from Galaxy Auto?" Chang Xuefei and Mikiko looked at themselves in the mirror. They were all a little mesmerized. After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, the two women took a few steps back at the same time, and they were a little farther away from Li Xiaogang. Chang Xuefei said to Li Xiaogang with vigilance, "You don't want to take these back!" "That's right! It's It's already ours!"

Mikiko hastily shouted in a coquettish voice.Seeing the nervousness of the two, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said quietly, "Who do you think I am, Li Xiaogang? Am I the kind of wretched man who takes back what I give away?"

Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi smiled at each other with reassurance, Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said, "Since you have already got the gift, what are you doing here? Why don't you go out to work quickly? If you can't attract everyone Come to Longhao Group's booth, and don't tell others that I know you!" Chang Xuefei pouted and said, "Understood, boss!" After speaking, she took Mikiko's hand and ran out together.

Outside the lounge, a large number of tourists rushed to book the car of Longhao Group. Zhou Tao and Ma Bing led a group of staff to collect orders and deposits, busy with all their feet.Suddenly, a purple light flashed in the corner of Zhou Tao's eyes. Zhou Tao was attracted by it, and subconsciously turned his head to look.Seeing Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi coming out together, she immediately widened her eyes in surprise, pulled the horse soldier beside her, and murmured, "Ma Bing, look, the fairy has come down to earth!" "Stop messing around! Brother, I'm busy now!" For the first time, Ma Bing felt that the business was too good to be a very painful thing, so he couldn't help but slapped Zhou Tao's hand off his body and drank.

Then he looked at the customer in front of him and said, "Sir, this is your order. Please pick up the car at our 4S store on time according to the date on the order. Thank you! Sir?" After Ma Bing finished speaking, he saw the person opposite him That gentleman, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points, was stiff all over, staring dumbfounded into the distance, no matter how he greeted him, he just ignored him, feeling very strange in his heart, followed his eyes and looked at the past. Look, the horse soldier trembled all over immediately, and the order in his hand fell silently to the ground...

"Sister Xinran, what's wrong?" The atmosphere just now was very warm, but suddenly the atmosphere turned 'cold', Hu Rong couldn't help poking Xinran, and said quietly.Xinran said to Hu Rong full of strange things, "Okay, Rong'er, you didn't tell me that you invited such a beautiful car model, why, do you want to surprise me?" "Car models? Aren't there all car models?" Did you invite it?" Hu Rong looked confused and asked in a murmur. "Then tell me, where did they come from?" Xin Ran snorted softly, and pointed to Chang Xuefei and Mikiko.

Following Xinran's gestures, Hu Rong saw Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi, and immediately couldn't help but exclaimed, "Why are they?" "Sister Rong'er!" Seeing Hu Rong, Chang Xuefei Kazumi Kiko walked towards her with a charming smile.Being watched by so many pairs of eyes made Chang Xuefei a little uncomfortable, blushing all over her face, but this did not reduce her charm at all, on the contrary, it made her conquer most of the men present.Compared to Chang Xuefei's reservedness, Mikiko is much more lively.I really enjoy the feeling of being watched by people.It is simply a stunner that makes your man crazy.

The two women came to Hu Rong's side together, together with Xin Ran, the four beauties stood together and set off each other, as if attracting the brilliance of the whole world at this moment.Li Xiaogang's worries came true.Facing the four top beauties at the same time, no matter how great the charm of Yinhe Auto can't resist, especially at this time, those men have been completely conquered by the looks of the four women.Each of them has become a zombie puppet, unable to move.Many people couldn't help complaining, why didn't they bring a few more batteries, why didn't they bring more film—"Xuefei, Mikiko, why are you two here? And you're dressed so beautifully" Hu Rong hugged the two women with both hands, and asked in surprise.Chang Xuefei giggled and said, "We're here to help you out! Look, the two of us will be your car models, so we won't lose you, right?" Hu Rong smiled happily and said, "I I'm not afraid of your embarrassment, but what I'm afraid of is that if you two stand there, others will only look at you, not the car, giggling." "Beauty is a cool car. Only when the car model is beautiful enough can this car look cool! Haha!" "Li Xiaogang walked over with a smile.

Seeing Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong was even more happy. Regardless of the crowds around her, she threw herself into Li Xiaogang's arms, and said excitedly, "Honey, why are you here?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help pinching Hu Rong. Rong's nose complained, "Good girl, you didn't even notify me of such an important day?" Hu Rong took a sip of incense on Li Xiaogang's face, and said softly, "Isn't she afraid that you are busy, so take off your clothes?" If you don’t move away, it will be difficult for you at that time!” Li Xiaogang leaned into Hu Rong’s ear, and said with infinite warmth, “It’s fortunate that you think so, otherwise, I would definitely beat your little butt to swell!” "Come on, come on, I'm not afraid of you!" Hu Rong twisted her buttocks, rubbing against Li Xiaogang, making Li Xiaogang's heart burn with desire.

"Hey, you two, pay attention! This is under the watchful eyes of everyone, if someone else takes a good shot, then you will have fun!" Xin Ran stared at Li Xiaogang and Hu Rong with some jealousy, curled her lips and said .Li Xiaogang turned to look at Xinran with a smile, and said, "Xinran, this Longhao Group's auto show is very successful, you really did not disappoint me!" Xinran snorted softly and said, "I don't care if you are disappointed or not! I mainly don't want to disappoint Rong'er!" Li Xiaogang pretended to let out a long sigh, and murmured, "Sure enough, the world is so cold, people's hearts are not old, I just sold Qiangnong to you, and you treat me like this , I'm so sad!"

"Sad? It would be good if you died! You bastard, you just lost such a big company to me, and you don't have any sympathy!" Xin Ran said angrily.Li Xiaogang's heart moved, and he said, "Xinran, when it comes to pity and sympathy, I remember it. Have you not had a boyfriend yet?" Xinran turned his head and glared at him, then curled his lips and said, "So what?" Li Xiaogang smiled Laughing, he said, "Oh, it's not that good! I just think you're not too young, and it's not a problem to be alone all the time, so I'm going to introduce you to a boyfriend."

After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Hu Rong hurriedly poked him with her elbow.Everyone knows that Xinran has always liked Li Xiaogang, but Li Xiaogang has never understood the language of flowers, which often makes Xinran troubled by it.At this time, Li Xiaogang still said that he wanted to find a boyfriend for Xinran, didn't he intend to anger Xinran?Sure enough, as soon as Li Xiaogang's words fell to the ground, the always strong Xinran immediately accumulated tears in his eyes.When Hu Rong saw it, she was even more annoyed. She gave Li Xiaogang a hard look, and hurriedly took Xinran's hand, saying, "Sister Xinran, don't pay attention to Li Xiaogang, he is talking nonsense!"

Hu Rong said that Li Xiaogang was talking nonsense, but in fact Li Xiaogang didn't mean to be talking nonsense at all.And Li Xiaogang is also aware of Xinran's feelings for him, but because of this, Li Xiaogang feels that it is necessary.Because some things, especially things like feelings, are best explained clearly.Those who are confused will be prone to accidents.What's more, Li Xiaogang already has a plan in his heart, and he has found the most suitable person to spend his whole life with her for Xinran.However, seeing the tears in Xinran's eyes, Li Xiaogang fell silent again.He didn't want Xinran to waste his precious youth on him, but he found that he shouldn't, and he didn't have the right to arrange Xinran's feelings.

"What are you still doing there? Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Sister Xinran?" Hu Rong glared at Li Xiaogang with some annoyance, and shouted softly.Li Xiaogang snorted, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, handed it to Xinran, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that just now." Although Xinran gave Li Xiaogang a hard look, she still stretched out her hand to take the handkerchief away. I took it over.Seeing that Xinran was fine, Hu Rong hurriedly changed the topic, turned to Chang Xuefei and Mikiko and said, "Since you two are all dressed up, don't hurry up and start working for me." Be careful I will whip you! "" When you know it, my boss! "Chang Xuefei and Mikiko smiled at each other, said in unison, and then each stood next to a Galaxy car and made car models.

It was the first time for Chang Xuefei, and she seemed a little restrained, but it was this restraint that made Chang Xuefei present a unique and wonderful beauty full of shyness, and became an undoubted film killer .

Mikiko's performance is completely different from Chang Xuefei's. She is familiar and generous, fully charming, showing her own sexiness and temptation to the fullest, which makes people applaud.Naturally, it also became the focus of everyone, and the flash lights intertwined into a piece of silver lightning, one after another.The Galaxy Automobile of Longhao Group is enough to attract people's attention, coupled with the bewitching beauty, it makes Longhao Group steal the limelight in this auto show.Let other exhibitors, can only sigh in vain.

Having unparalleled popularity does not mean success, only the orders in hand are real achievements.However, this point never disappointed Longhao Group.Relying on the accurate data provided by authoritative automobile quality certification organizations in the world's automobile field, it is difficult for Galaxy Auto to be recognized especially in terms of performance and safety.The orders flowed to Longhao Group like snowflakes.In just one hour, the total value of the orders received by Longhao Group reached nearly [-] billion US dollars.And this number is still soaring as if drinking stimulants.Looking at the mouths of Zhou Tao, Ma Bing and other staff of Longhao Group, one can see that the wealth these orders have brought to Longhao Group has definitely exceeded everyone's imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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