The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1706 The Trouble of Too Many Orders

Chapter 1706 The Trouble of Too Many Orders
At the end of the day's auto show, Longhao Group has reaped a lot. Looking at the orders piled up like a hill, Hu Rong, Ma Bing and others laughed so hard that they couldn't even close their mouths.

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhou, although I thought that as soon as the Yinhe car was unveiled, it would immediately cause a worldwide sensation, but I didn't expect that it would cause such a sensation! We succeeded, we finally succeeded, hahaha "Ma Bing laughed and said repeatedly.Yu Guangfa arrived at Zhou Tao, but found that Zhou Tao was frowning and looked worried, which formed a completely different contrast with the atmosphere at the scene. Ma Bing couldn't help but poke him with his elbow and said, "Zhou Tao, what are you doing?" What are you doing? Everyone is so happy, but what are you doing with your head down?"

Looking at the pile of orders, Zhou Tao smiled wryly, and said, "I really can't laugh! Do you know that with so many orders, with the current production capacity of our Longhao Group, within the next ten years, our Longhao Group will have to It can only be completed day and night. If there is a mistake in one link, a large number of orders will be delayed. At that time, just paying the deposit will be enough to make us bankrupt.

Zhou Tao's question was realistic and reasonable, and Ma Bing couldn't laugh anymore, and murmured, "Yes, too many orders may not be a good thing.

"Hehe, one too many orders is better than none at all, right?" With hearty laughter, Li Xiaogang and Xin walked in together.

Seeing the smiles on Xinran's face, Hu Rong thought it was Li Xiaogang who accepted Xinran, she hurriedly pulled Xinran aside, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Xinran, have you settled with Xiaogang?"

"Okay!" Giggle replied with a smile.

"Great! Sister Xinran, you are so beautiful and capable, I knew Li Xiaogang would definitely accept you!" Hu Rong was very excited after hearing this, and said with a charming smile.

Xin Ran couldn't help shaking her head, squeezed her cheek wearily, and said with a smile, "Is there something wrong with you girl? Are you not afraid of me and her husband if you push other women into your husband's arms desperately?" After Li Xiaogang is together, will he neglect you because of me?"

"No way! I have confidence in you, Sister Xinran, and even more in Xiaogang, hehe." Hu Rong shook her head and said with a smile.

Shaking his head happily, he said solemnly to Hu Rong, "Rong'er, I am very grateful that you let me share your most beloved person with you. However, Li Xiaogang only has the four of you in his heart, and he won't accommodate you any longer. Anyone else. Li Xiaogang and I have reached an agreement, because I finally confessed to him and told him personally that I love him! But we will not be together, and I will not become Li Xiaogang's woman."

"How could this be?" After hearing Xin Ran's words, Hu Rong was greatly surprised, and couldn't help asking in surprise.

Xin Ran giggled and said, "It's nothing to be surprised about! Li Xiaogang is right, you don't have to be with him if you like someone. Sometimes, simply loving someone is more important than living with that person. beautiful!"

"Sister Xinran, isn't Fang Deng aggrieved by this?" Hu Rong said to Xinran with some distress.

Xin Ran giggled and said, "How can I be wronged? Maybe the person who is destined to spend the rest of my life with me will appear soon, and I am too excited! By the way, I have already promised Li Xiaogang, and I will leave for M Country! So, I’m afraid I’m going to rely on you alone, isn’t it a problem?”

"I'll take care of things here. There's nothing wrong with it, but what are you going to do in Country M?" Hu Rong asked curiously.

He smiled happily and said, "Li Xiaogang said this is a secret, and no one should know. So, hehe, Ronger, I'm sorry!
Hu Rong said with crescent eyebrows, "Can't even I say it?"

She shook her head happily and said, "I can't say! But I can tell you that what I'm about to do is a big, big thing. If it's done, I'll be proud of it for the rest of my life! Rong'er, Wish me success!"

Hu Rong nodded blankly, and said, "Sister Xinran, of course I will bless you, but one"

"Don't be fooled anymore, let's discuss with Xiaogang how to complete these orders?" Xin Ran interrupted Hu Rong's words and said.

"Actually, what's so difficult about this? After we acquire GM Group, GM Group's automobile production lines all over the world will be under our control! Even if the order is doubled, we can still deal with it calmly!" Li Xiaogang Without thinking, he opened his mouth and said.

"Husband, are you still thinking about annexing the GM Group? I think if it's impossible, forget it. Why force yourself?" Hu Rong said quietly.

"Impossible? Hehe, how many truly impossible things are there in this world?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

"However, when the GM Group was facing a huge crisis, we still couldn't take it down. Now that the GM Group has regained its strength and gained a firm foothold, we can't do anything about it. The GM Group is really huge , the market value is more than one trillion yuan, and the government has been reluctant to allocate funds for us to annex GM. Relying on our own strength is too limited. So I think it’s better to forget it! Take it step by step slowly, relying on With the superior performance of the Galaxy Automobile, one day it will knock the GM Group off the altar!" Hu Rong said sincerely.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said quietly, "Rong'er, you have known us for so long, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

"I know! You always keep your word, and you will do what you say! But don't embarrass yourself because of this!"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said, "I am a person who will follow what I say, and I will never go into a dead end!"

Hu Rong curled her lips and said, "But if you insist on buying General Motors, you're clearly trying to dig into a dead end!"

"Yes, Mr. Li! In my opinion, do what is right, and retreat if you don't do what is right!" Ma Bing also persuaded him.

Li Xiaogang laughed loudly, and said faintly, "When even you all think that I am trying to kill myself, it means that I am not far from victory! Let me tell you, in fact, the crisis of the GM Group It has never been lifted. On the contrary, the crisis facing the GM Group is getting bigger and bigger. It won’t be long before you will find out that what I said today is correct! GM, I’m going to make a deal!”

Seeing that Li Xiaogang refused to let go, Hu Rong sighed helplessly and stopped talking.

"Hey, the two of us have been doing volunteer work for half a day, why is no one paying attention to us?" Mikiko said to the crowd full of displeasure.

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle, "That's right, Rong'er, you see we all worked so hard for you all day, shouldn't you express it?"

Hu Rong clapped her hands and said with a smile, "Okay, everyone has worked hard today! In order to thank everyone and celebrate the victory of our Longhao Group, I decided to invite everyone to have a hearty meal!"

"Yeah!" There was a burst of cheers from the crowd.A group of people walked out of the auto show in a mighty manner and went straight to the best hotel in the province of G.

Longhao Group has made such brilliant achievements, so naturally Hu Rong will not be stingy, ordered several tables of good wine and food in a row, and managed all the employees in place.After arranging the staff, Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong, Chang Xuefei, Mei Jizi, Zhou Tao, Ma Bing, Xin Ran, Xiao Xiong, and Xiao Li sat in the quieter box. "

Li Xiaogang took a few glances and asked Hu Rong, "Rong'er, where's Uncle Hu?"

Hu Rong curled her lips and said, "I called just now, and he said that we are a group of young people together, and that he, an old man, would not come to cause trouble for us. However, when I was talking to him, I heard that there seemed to be some people around him. A woman. Probably because she didn't know she was fascinated by that old lady."

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said, "Uncle Hu must have worked very hard to live a single life for his career and to support you. Now that he is old, he should find a wife and spend the sunset together."

Hu Rong nodded and said, "If my father can really find a confidant to share his old age with him, I won't stop me! But I'm afraid that some people have ulterior motives. Seeing that our Longhao Group is getting bigger now Then come close to my father and come to destroy it!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing, and said, "You are looking down on Uncle Hu. Uncle Hu has been in the world for decades, and he has seen and met him. I don't know how much more than you. Is there anyone who wants To play tricks with him is to humiliate yourself!"

Hu Rong said, "Don't flatter my father! He has seen a lot of things in the world and experienced a lot of wind and rain, but haven't you heard that the IQ of a person in love is infinitely close to zero, I'm afraid even his I can't stand it anymore! Well, let's not talk about my father, let's raise our glasses together, for Longhao Group's big victory today, cheers!" Amidst bursts of cheers, everyone drank the wine in their glasses.

Hu Rong finished drinking a cup, picked up another cup, looked at Xinran and said, "Sister Xinran, I will definitely respect you for this cup! If you hadn't planned all this back and forth, we might not have won such a big prize today." Success! I believe everyone in Longhao will remember your contribution to Longhao Group!"

Xin Ran hurriedly said, "Rong'er, don't say that. Longhao Group's success mainly depends on the excellence of Galaxy Auto itself! A clever woman can't cook without rice. If Yinhe Auto is not good enough, I will do it No matter how much there is, it will be in vain!"

"I told you two to stop being modest about each other, and hurry up and drink!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help but said with a smile when he saw the two women playing back and forth.

Hu Rong and Xinran had a very tacit understanding, and at the same time they turned their heads and gave Li Xiaogang a hard look, and then they toasted together and drank the wine in the glass.Then Hu Rong made a toast to Zhou Tao, Ma Bing, Xiao Xiong, Xiao Li, Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi one by one, but Li Xiaogang was ignored.

After seeing Hu Rong finished toasting, she seemed to be fine, sat down, and ate the food without looking at herself, which made Li Xiaogang a little dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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