The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1710 Really Wrong?

Chapter 1710 Really Wrong?

Dao Scar frowned and said, "How can I sit down! How long has it been? Even if Mu Ping is lying down, he should lie down here, right? But listen to the outside, it's quiet, it doesn't look like an explosion How does the battle look like? I'm worried, could something happen?"

Liu Jiangsheng smiled and said, "Mr. Scar, you don't need to worry too much! Mu Ping is such a smart person. Let him sit in charge, and nothing will happen! If you are really anxious, just give Mu Ping another call." .

"Do you think I don't know? But I have made more than a dozen calls, but every time, that kid Mu Ping said that he is preparing, preparing, and I don't know what he has to prepare? I am really anxious !

Scar rubbed his fists and said repeatedly.

"Only if you are fully prepared can you win with one blow! You don't want your brother to charge up rashly, only to be beaten up by Wu Jingtong?" Liu Jiangsheng said with a smile.

"Bullshit! Wu Jingtong's few pieces of food are not even a plate of food in front of my lightning gang! They beat me to pieces, unless my gang of brothers are all bewitched!" Dao Scar waved his hand , roared angrily. "Forget it, let me call Mu Ping again! Hey! The battery is out!" Dao Scar was about to call Mu Ping, but when he found that the phone had turned off automatically because of the lack of power, he couldn't help shouting even more annoyed up.

Seeing the scar was about to go crazy, Liu Jiangsheng hurriedly comforted him, "It's okay, it's okay! Mu Ping might make a move right away, wait a little longer!"

Scar said angrily, "I can't wait any longer! Listen to me outside, come in with a phone, your grandpa Scar wants to call!
"Scar, you are going too far! You want to call and order your people to attack us, but you even ask us to provide you with a phone number. Who do you think we are?" Wu Jingtong was upset, and unconsciously When I got here, I heard Scar's roar outside the tent, and couldn't help walking in.

As soon as he saw Wu Jingtong, Scar's face suddenly became more angry, staring at Wu Jingtong with lightning eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Old guy, you are so brave. How dare you come to see the person who killed me?" I?"

"Don't move!" Seeing that Scar opened his teeth and claws as if he was going to eat Wu Jingtong alive, the two soldiers beside Wu Jingtong hurriedly pointed their guns at Scar and shouted angrily.

Scar glanced at them coldly, and said quietly, "Can you just stop me?"

Wu Jingtong waved his hands at them and said, "You all step back, don't get in the way here."

"But Deputy Chief Wu." These two soldiers were loyal, knowing that the scars were severe, but for Wu Jingtong's safety, they insisted on not wanting to retreat.

Wu Jingtong shook his head lightly, and said quietly, "Don't worry! Mr. Scar won't do anything to me. Besides, you can't stop him from doing anything to me. Go down."

"Scar, I want to have a good talk with you!" After pushing the two soldiers back, Wu Jingtong looked into Scar's eyes and said.

"Since the moment you killed my people, there is nothing to talk about between us! My army will wipe out you and your troops in a short time!" Scar said coldly.

"No matter what, I represent the country. If you do this, you will no longer have a foothold in China!" Wu Jingtong said in a deep voice.

"Are you scaring me?"

"I'm stating a fact!"

"Since you are so talented, what are you talking about with me? Let's just wait and see!" Dao Scar snorted coldly and said.

Wu Jingtong shook his head, and said slowly, "Scar, to tell you the truth, I suddenly feel that I seem to have made a mistake." " Scar sneered and asked faintly.

Wu Jingtong sighed and said, "I have rarely admitted my mistakes in my life, but this time... But don't be too happy. Although I think I may have done something wrong, I will still persevere and never give up until I achieve my goal! "

Scar curled his lips and said, "This is probably the legendary saying that you won't cry without seeing the coffin!"

"Why haven't the people who know you come here yet?" Wu Jingtong said with a raised voice.

Scar's brows suddenly frowned, "What do you mean, you can't be the one who made trouble again, right?"

"Don't worry! The reason why your people didn't move is not because of my mischief, but because they thought of a more poisonous strategy." Comrade Wu Jing said.

"A more poisonous strategy?" Scar murmured in confusion.

"That's right! I have to admit, I really underestimated your Lightning Gang, and even more so, the wisdom of your subordinates!

I thought that if you were locked up, the Lightning Gang would be outnumbered and mess up.But your subordinates are really powerful, not only did not do what I wished, but instead mobilized the people of the whole city of M, making me an enemy of the people.Now a large number of people in M ​​City are gathering, roughly estimated to be tens of thousands of people, these people are preparing to storm the barracks in order to force me to release you!My five thousand soldiers really can't stop them.Scar, did you come up with this strategy? "

"What? There is such a thing?" Scar and Liu Jiangsheng looked at each other in surprise, and Scar murmured, "When did Mu Ping become so smart? If I thought about it earlier, I could use m The people in the city force you to submit, why am I so stupid to come here to be your hostage?"

After hearing Wu Jingtong's words, Dao Scar was both surprised and delighted.Unexpectedly, Mu Ping played such a beautiful move. With the support of hundreds of thousands of people in M ​​City, the Lightning Gang will defeat Wu Jingtong without a single soldier.Not only achieved the goal, but also avoided casualties. It was better than mobilizing a large number of troops to fight with Wu Jingtong's army.Scar's previous annoyance with Mu Ping had completely dissipated at this moment.

Seeing the joy on Scar's face is like holding the winning ticket privately, Wu Jingtong's heart is really uncomfortable.He never thought that one day he would be defeated by a group of punks. This would be a big stain on his brilliant record.

"Why, are you ready to surrender now? It's still not too late. I can say a few good words for you in front of the people of City M. After all, you are just confused for a while, and you are not really standing out for Wang Qi. I think everyone The people in Dudu will forgive you." Scar said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need! I firmly believe that people's eyes are discerning, and they will not let your Lightning Gang manipulate and instigate them." Wu Jingtong said coldly.

"Deputy Chief Wu, what you said makes sense, but it's not entirely true!" Liu Jiangsheng opened his mouth and said slowly, "You said that the people's eyes are sharp, that's right. But it's because the people's eyes are sharp , They will not gather together to oppose you because they were instigated and manipulated by the Lightning Gang. I think it is precisely because the common people have a steelyard in their hearts that they will not hesitate to fight you for the Lightning Gang and Mr. Scar The dignified deputy leader of this country is fighting. Don’t the actions of these people make you reflect on yourself?”

"Self-examination? Humph—it is because of my daily introspection that I am so determined to disband the Lightning Gang!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Jingtong turned his head to look at Dao Scar, and said in a deep voice, "Dao Scar, the reason why I want to talk to you is that I hope you can tell your subordinates not to incite the people of City M to make trouble anymore. There are casualties among the people in the city, and you, the Lightning Gang, are fully responsible!"

Dao Scar frowned, and shouted angrily, "Wu Jingtong, what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to open fire on the people of City M?"

"If I have to, I think I will!" Wu Jingtong said with a cold face.

"Wu Jingtong, I think you are crazy! Have you ever thought about it, if you cause a civil uprising because of this, you will never be able to afford it!" When Dao Scar heard this, he roared anxiously.

"I have a clear conscience, so I'm not afraid of anything! Even if I bear a bad reputation through the ages, as long as it is beneficial to the country and the people, I will not hesitate!" Wu Jingtong said in a deep and firm voice.

Scar couldn't help but sarcastically said, "I think you're really old-fashioned. If it's really beneficial to the people, how could they turn against you? I really don't know what to say!"

"I've said it before, the people in City M were just instigated and manipulated by your Lightning Gang! I always have a way to make them recognize everything!" Wu Jingtong shouted.

"Deputy leader Wu, it's not good. There are a large number of people rushing towards us from all directions. They are all holding slogans and shouting slogans. Let's get out of City M!" An adjutant hurried over Come in and report to Wu Jingtong with a pale face.

"Come here so soon?" Wu Jingtong was surprised and asked with a change of expression.

"Yes, you should go out and have a look!" the adjutant said in a panicked trembling voice.

"Hehe, Wu Jingtong, it seems that you are busy, so don't talk nonsense with me here, go out and have a look, right?" Dao Scar said with a smile.

Wu Jingtong gritted his teeth, took a look at the scar, and said, "You just have to laugh! I, Wu Jingtong, won't be defeated so easily!" After speaking, he rushed out of the tent.

"It's fucking enjoyable! Hahaha!" After Wu Jingtong left, Dao Scar couldn't help but roared to the sky and laughed.

Liu Jiangsheng nodded and said, "Mr. Scar, isn't it true that you instructed Mr. Mu Ping to do all this?"

Scar shook his head, and said, "If it was really me who arranged all this, would I have been so anxious before? It seems that my vision is really right, Mu Ping really has a future, Hahaha one"

After rushing out of the barracks, Wu Jingtong saw groups of people holding various banners and slogans, shouting slogans as loud as mountains and tsunami, coming here from all directions, like a turbulent wave The flood of the flood was likely to destroy Wu Jingtong's barracks in one fell swoop.Wu Jingtong is also someone who has seen big scenes, but he couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene.Even if Wu Jingtong was like this, the officers and soldiers in charge of the guards turned pale with fright, and even the hands holding the guns were shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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