The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1713 Let go of the past!

Chapter 1713 Let go of the past!

"Scar, can you assure me that the Lightning Gang will never harm the country and its people?" Wu Jingtong looked into Scar's eyes solemnly and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course! I've said it a long time ago. Everyone in the Lightning Gang, including me, Scar, is patriotic from the inside out. We love this country so much that we don't hesitate to sacrifice our lives for this country. How could we hurt him?" Scar said in a serious vibrating voice.

"Okay, I believe you! Let's go, I want to personally say sorry to the people of M City. They have suffered from Wang Qi for so many years, and I am also responsible for a large part of it. I should admit my mistake to them and ask Their forgiveness!" Wu Jingtong let go of his prejudice against the Lightning Gang, and his mentality seemed to relax a lot, and he said slowly.

"Okay! I'll go with you!" Dao Scar said, feeling relieved after hearing this.

As soon as the two walked out of the camp, they saw hundreds of thousands of people from M city rushing into the military camp from all directions.The soldiers in olive green military uniforms were like isolated islands surrounded by the sea, so small that they seemed to be submerged by the sea at any moment.Although they tried their best to stop the people of City M, they couldn't do it. The line of defense they had just formed was overwhelmed by the angry people of City M within a few seconds. ~ Seeing his soldiers trembling amidst the roar of the people in City M, Wu Jingtong felt very uncomfortable.Frowning, he shouted at the top of his throat, "Stop me! Stop!" But it didn't work. The whole situation seemed to be out of control. Even though Wu Jingtong broke his throat, no one listened to him.

"Stop!" Just when Wu Jingtong was at his wit's end, and his eyes were staring anxiously, a thunderous roar shot up from Scar's mouth, and the earth seemed to tremble.Under Scar's energetic and earth-shattering roar, the restless crowd slowly calmed down.

"Mr. Scar!" Upon seeing Scar, Sang Longhao and the others were overjoyed and rushed up.

Seeing that there was a small spot on Sang Longhao's face that was bruised and purple, it was obviously caused by the collision just now. hand, and said, "Mr. Sang, your injury is still not healed, just for me—I really don't know how to thank you."

Sang Longhao waved his hands with pride and said with a smile, "If you are grateful, don't say it! If you want to say it, we say that without you, Mr. Scar, there would be no happy life for the people of M City! Look, everyone is here No matter who it is, there is no way to embarrass our savior!" Sang Longhao said while giving Wu Jingtong a hard look.

Wu Jingtong was stared at by Sang Longhao, as if someone had fed him with vinegar, making his heart tumbling with sourness.Once upon a time, he was loved by the people like this, but now, with the passage of time, he has become a person hated by the people. This made Wu Jingtong realize that the life of a high-ranking official has made him more and more far away from the people and the people. .This is definitely a bad signal for him, and it deserves his vigilance.

Scar turned his head to look at the people of City M in front of him, and said loudly, "Thank you folks for your deep friendship to Scar, as long as Scar is alive, I will never forget you! However, the matter is over now Everyone must exercise restraint and stop embarrassing the army!"

"Mr. Scar, what they said to you today, we big fellows have to be angry for you!" Sang Longhao shouted resolutely.

"Exactly! You are a good person, but they detained you. If you don't have an explanation, what can you do?" Han Sanping greatly agreed with Sang Longhao's words, and raised his arms and shouted.

Scar smiled, and said to Wu Jingtong, "Deputy Chief Wu, let me say a few words to everyone."

Wu Jingtong nodded solemnly, and said loudly to the people of City M, "Folks, I, Wu Jingtong, am sorry for everyone, and even more sorry for Mr. Scar. I was wrong!" After speaking, he addressed the people of City M, He bowed deeply.Seeing Wu Jingtong's pale head lowered slowly, Dao Scar couldn't help but feel sorry for Wu Jingtong in his heart.Sang Longhao and the people in M ​​City are kind. Although Wu Jingtong did something wrong this time, everyone has not forgotten Wu Jingtong's contribution to this country before.Even if the merits and demerits are balanced, the people of City M couldn't bear to completely deny Wu Jingtong's life because of this incident.Everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere calmed down.

"Deputy leader Wu, we didn't want to do this at first, but we really couldn't accept what you did to Mr. Scar, that's why everyone gathered together and wanted to ask you for an explanation." Seeing that Wu Jingtong had already expressed Quite sincere, Sang Longhao's tone softened, and said to him.

Wu Jingtong nodded heavily, full of shame, and said, "Your actions are right! If it weren't for you, maybe I would still be confused. I should thank you!"

"Okay, okay, the rain is over, the bad things are over, everyone be happy!" Dao Scar clapped his hands, and said to Sang Longhao and Han Sanping, "Brother Sang, Brother Han, let everyone go away!" Go? I'm already very embarrassed for wasting everyone's time because of me."

Now that Scar has been rescued, Wu Jingtong also admitted his mistake, Sang Longhao and the others have already achieved their goal, and there is no need to gather so many people together, not to mention, there are tens of 10 people in City M here, the whole The social order of City M is almost paralyzed, it's really not a good thing after a long time.So Sang Longhao, Han Sanping, together with Luo Rongrong, and the shopkeepers of Baihui Commercial Building, split up and persuaded the people in City M to disperse.

Seeing that the people in City M had finally dispersed, Wu Jingtong took a long breath and said to Dao Scar, "You are right! The people's minds are really broad."

"That's right! It is said that a prime minister can pull a boat in his belly. I think even the prime minister's heart is not as good as our lovely people. Deputy Chief Wu, the reason why water can carry a boat can also capsize it. I think you must be better than me." I have a deep understanding. I hope this incident can give you something." Scar said.

"Harvest? My harvest this time is really great. Li Xiaogang is an incredible person, and you are no exception. I really hope that you two can really think about this country and do more practical things for this country. "Wu Jingtong said sincerely.

Scar said with a smile, "If we want to do practical things, we must have the support of you elders? If you didn't guard us, Brother Gang and I wouldn't be able to let go."

"Me? Hehehe—I can't do it anymore. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, and I'm really getting more and more confused. Otherwise, how could I do such a stupid thing? I thought about it. After returning to Beijing this time, I asked Please resign, the leader, and leave the stage to you young people, I'd better go fishing, plant flowers, and enjoy my happiness." Wu Jingtong waved his hand and said with a sigh.

"Deputy Chief Wu, why are you talking so frustratingly? This time I have a fight with you. You are old and strong, and you are full of spirit. You don't look like an old man who can only fish. I think you With the current vigor, he will have to work for at least another ten years!" Dao Scar said with a big laugh.

"Ten years? Hahaha, you should just take my old life!" Wu Jingtong smiled, his voice turned serious and said, "Scar, I have one thing to ask of you, and I hope you can promise me."

"Say! As long as I can do it, I will never refuse!" Scar said straightforwardly.

"That's right, Wang Qi is domineering in City M. Although I am not secretly supporting him, he is indeed relying on my influence. Among them, I must blame my stupid grandson Wu Yifei. He is too young after all. Unclear people and unkind people, unknowingly became Wang Qi's umbrella. The people of M City have suffered so much, and my grandson is also responsible. If it is pursued, even if he is sentenced to three In five years, he was not wronged! But Dao Scar, Yifei is the only child of our Wu family. If he goes to jail, our Wu family will have no hope. So, I beg you, can you see him In order to save my face, I will not pursue Yifei anymore, and give him a chance to change his ways and let him be a new man. I know that if I say this, people will say that I am protecting my shortcomings, but I still ask for this love. "Wu Jingtongman He looked at the scar pleadingly, and murmured.

After hearing this, Dao Scar smiled and said, "Deputy Chief Wu, if you don't tell me about this, I will tell you. We have already investigated, and the existence of Wu Yifei is indeed the reason why Wang Qi dared to do so much. One of the reasons for this is that he has also taken a lot of money from Wang Qi in the past few years, but after all, Wu Yifei did not personally participate in Wang Qi's criminal activities, but as you said, it was because he was too young , that's why Wang Qi took advantage of it. In view of this fact, we don't plan to pursue Wu Yifei, so you don't have to worry about it. But speaking of Wu Yifei's temperament, he is very playful, and it may not be a good thing to continue like this. It is better to take time to discipline more!"

"Naturally! I used to be too used to that kid. After this incident, I finally know the disadvantages of spoiling him! After I go back, I will definitely discipline him strictly!" Wu Jingtong nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Then it's all right! Deputy Chief Wu, we've been fighting for so many days, it's time to sit down and have a drink. How about it, I'm treating you tonight, how about we get drunk?" Scar said with a smile.

"You scar wants to invite me, do I dare not go? Hehe - but I have to make arrangements for the withdrawal of troops tomorrow. I will go by myself at night!" Wu Jingtong said with a smile.

"The troops will be withdrawn tomorrow? Isn't it too soon? Why don't you stay for a few days?" Scar asked.

"How many days to stay? Hehe, I also want to stay for a few more days, but these 5000 people have to eat every day. Staying here for one more day will cost an extra 10 yuan. I'd better save some money for the country! "Wu Jingtong smiled wryly and said quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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