The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1725 Lin Chaoran Goes to the Desert

Chapter 1725 Lin Chaoran Goes to the Desert
"Boss! Since the matter has already happened, it's useless to be upset! Let's think of a way!" Lin Chaoran sighed and said.

"Is there any way to think about it? It's not like you don't know Xiaogang's temper! Forget it, I'd better go to Taklamakan first!" The leader got up and got ready to get dressed.

Lin Chaoran smiled wryly, and said, "How can you get away from this juncture? The leaders of several major state-owned banks don't understand why we want them to give up all the business related to the subprime lending in country M. According to their words , These businesses are currently one of the most profitable businesses in their bank. If they give up, it is tantamount to throwing money into the water. We still have a lot of persuasion work to do, and now time is tight. Maybe you can do it, you can't walk away at this time!"

"Those guys keep saying that they are bankers. Why can't they see what others can see? There is nothing to say to them. If it makes sense, say it. If it doesn't make sense, issue administrative orders to force them. Do this! If they tremble again, we will call a personnel meeting and replace them all!" The leader was already angry, but when he heard it, he said even more annoyed.

Lin Chaoran said: "Even if you want to issue administrative orders and replace people, you have to come! I don't have the power."

"But Lao Lin, on the Taklamakan side, if you delay for just one minute, something unexpected may happen to you and me. Can't wait!" The leader said anxiously.

Lin Chaoran pondered for a moment, and said, "Well, I'll take care of the Taklimakan affairs, and you should sit here and direct the overall situation!"

"Are you going?" The leader's eyes lit up, and he asked in a vibrating voice.

Lin Chaoran smiled and said: "In terms of friendship, my friendship with Xiaogang is definitely better than that of you and Xiaogang. I think Xiaogang should give me some face. Although your status is higher than mine, But the effect of your going may not be as good as mine!"

"That's right! Xiaogang may not give me face, but he will definitely give you face. Well, you go, you go, hehe." The leader came to his mind and said with a smile.

"Then I'll leave now, you stay and deal with those bankers!" Lin Chaoran nodded and smiled.

The leader told Lin Chaoran: "In any case, even if you want to tell Xiaogang all this, you have to wait until you arrive, and after you hold Wu Yifei in your palm, tell Xiaogang! Do you understand?"

Lin Chaoran smiled and said: "You treat me as a child! I need you to remind me of this, don't worry, I know it well! However, if we don't tell Xiaogang about this, shouldn't we tell? Where is Wu Jingtong?"

"Him?" The leader couldn't help being stunned, he really hadn't thought about this question.After pondering for a while, he said faintly: "We should not tell him about this matter now, let him and Scar have a warm relationship. The two have become friends, and we may be able to deal with this matter smoothly in the future." some!"

Just when the leader and Lin Chaoran were about to get into a mess about Wu Yifei, Harding and his think tank in country M, thousands of miles away, were also devastated, especially Harding, who was in a particularly bad mood.Looking at Levins, the head of his think tank, he asked, "What exactly does Hong Tao want to do? Is it because he wants to drive me down?"

Levins was not an ordinary person. He held a very high status in the Republic Hall, and he had quite a lot of power in his hands. What was more important was that this person was resourceful, deep in the city, and possessed a very high talent for a politician.He has contributed a lot to the fact that Gonghetang has been able to suppress Democracy Hall for so many years.Such a character, Harding could not and did not dare not to reuse, and appointed him as his chief staff officer and head of the think tank.

Levins is 50 years old this year, with a refined appearance. It seems that he is much younger than his actual age. He is in his early forties at most, and he is a very elegant man.At this time, Harding looked angry, but Levins looked quite calm and composed.Seeing Harding running around in a hurry, Levins chuckled lightly, and said quietly: "Hating, what's wrong with you? Hong Tao just said a few words complaining about you on TV, and then Are you in such a hurry?"

Harding smiled wryly, and said, "Levins, how can you be so calm? Hong Tao is not an ordinary person. He has tens of millions of Chinese holding votes under him. Hong Tao's words are quite suitable for them. Influential!
Levins nodded and said: "Of course I know this! It's not that I can hold my breath, but that there is really no need to worry about it! Although Hong Tao said a few words about dissatisfaction with you on TV, he didn't I didn’t say against you, I want to drive you out. And what he said is not unreasonable. Now the housing prices in country M are indeed ridiculously high, not to mention those Chinese. Even our people in country M can afford it There are fewer and fewer people in the house. Hong Tao represents the interests of the Chinese in M. At this juncture, it is common sense for him to put some pressure on you to improve the living conditions of the Chinese in M. If it were you, you would do the same, wouldn't you?"

Harding frowned and said: "It's reasonable for you to say that, but although the advantage over McKinley is huge, Hong Tao can't be allowed to continue talking like this.

"Then you have to find a way to deal with Hong Tao, make him face you, and stop saying something unfavorable to you.

Levins said in a deep voice.

"Do you think I don't want to? But it's not easy to deal with Hong Tao? This person seems to be indifferent to politics on weekdays, but in fact he is the most difficult to deal with! I have fought against him several times, and I am very impressed with his methods and tricks. I’ve seen it before!” Harding shook his head solemnly and said.

"I see that Hong Tao seldom appears on TV, but this time he showed up on his own initiative and said these words for one purpose, which is to force you to go to him and negotiate with him!" Levins said in a deep voice.

"Forcing me to find him? Why didn't he come to see me? If there's anything you can say no to, why do you have to play so many tricks?" Harding said with some dissatisfaction.

Levins shook his head, and said quietly: "Harding, you have been engaged in politics for so many years, and you should be a person who is very proficient in political knowledge. He came to you and you to me How big is the difference, you don’t know, right? If I come to you, the initiative is on your side, but if you are forced to come to me, then the initiative is on my side. When the negotiation period comes, it will naturally be the same. I'm in a good position! Do you think Hong Tao's TV show is really for nothing?"

"Since this is the case, then I can't even go to him. Isn't that the same as sending me to my door and letting him kill me?" Harding said in a deep voice.

Levins smiled wryly and said, "Harding, I'm afraid you have to go this time! Don't forget, we need the tens of millions of votes in his hand, in other words, we need others!
"Hmph! I don't think so! I'm leading McKinley by dozens of percentage points, and he is my foil. Even without the votes of the Chinese Federation, I can still win!" Harding said arrogantly.

Levins shook his head and said, "Harding, how can you think like that? Do you know how dangerous it is to think like that? If you have time, carefully review the elections of country M over the years. At first it was far ahead, and in the end However, there are countless cases of being completely reversed by the other party. Do you want to follow in their footsteps? The influence of the Chinese Federation is not limited to the Chinese in M. As far as I know, many people in M ​​country want to survive in M ​​country If you go on, you have to rely on the Chinese Federation. If you calculate it this way, the votes that the Chinese Federation can affect are not just 1000 million. Don't forget that Chinese people are the most humane. Even the people of M country can't keep up with the flattery!

"Levins, is it really as serious as you said? You are almost scaring me!" Harding looked at Harding in disbelief and asked blankly.

Harding shook his head and said with a wry smile: "If you don't properly handle the relationship with the Chinese Federation, the consequences may be even worse than we expected!
Harding said annoyedly: "But I really don't want to be led by the nose by the Huaxia people like this!
Levins said quietly: "When you win the presidential election and get re-elected, you will have a lot of time to recover from the Chinese people the humiliation you have suffered now. Endure it for a while, and the world can find something! Not bad for you.

"Be patient for a while?" Harding looked at Levins and asked quietly.

Levins nodded heavily, and said, "Forbearance!"

Harding said hello and shouted out of the office: "Mary, come in!

A neatly dressed female secretary in a suit, "Mr. President, what are your wishes?"

"Give me an appointment with Mr. Hong Tao from the Chinese Federation immediately, and ask him to come to my office. I want to see him right away!" Harding said.

"Wait!" Levins stopped Mary, who was about to go out, and said to Harding, "Harding, you didn't understand me, I mean we have to go to see Hong Tao in person, not let him come See you here! Chinese people are most concerned about etiquette, if you do this, you will make Hong Tao feel that we have neglected him, and it will only make things worse!"

Harding groaned for a moment, then said Zihao!Everything is up to you! "

"President, Mr. President is here and wants to see you!" Hong Tao said in the office of the Chinese Federation.Hong Tao was chatting with Gao Yuanyuan when someone opened the door and said to Hong Tao.

Hong Tao turned his head and smiled at Gao Yuanyuan, and said, "Sister-in-law, you are right! This trick really works, haha ​​let him in!"
When they came to Hong Tao's office and saw Gao Yuanyuan was there, Harding and Levins looked at each other, Harding said with a smile, "Miss Gao Yuanyuan, why are you here?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled, stretched out his hand to shake Harding's hand, and said with a smile: "Mr. Hong and I are good friends in private, and I often come here for a sit-down. But Mr. President, you always have a lot of things to do, so why do you have time to come?" Here, do you have something important to discuss with Mr. Hong?"

(End of this chapter)

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