Chapter 174

The diamonds that Li Xiaogang put in Nuwa God's ring flew out of the ring one after another, and they were quietly arranged in front of Li Xiaogang, reflecting the cold moonlight and emitting a faint light.

Li Xiaogang wrapped them all up with all his might. He searched for the huge memory passed down to him by Nuwa in his mind, presenting countless beautiful and suffocating flowers that existed in ancient times but have disappeared now. Come out, and the diamond wrapped by his divine power quickly began to undergo wonderful changes, and flowers carved from pure diamonds began to slowly appear.

Crystal clear and fabulous.

What's more amazing is that these flowers will automatically change colors under the moonlight, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, rainbow-like colors are constantly changing and contrasting with each other, the strong visual impact makes people dare not stare.

These carved diamond flowers were perfectly matched one by one on the stage that had been set up long ago, and they were released in a place where no one was around, and they were immediately brilliant.

There are no neon lights, only moonlight. The cool and elegant light shrouds the whole stage in a haze. In addition, the countless exquisite flowers made of diamonds around the stage emit colorful lights from time to time. It's like a fairyland on earth.

Faced with this situation, even Li Xiaogang, who hates singing, is a little ready to move at this time, especially his throat is itchy.

Like a thief, Li Xiaogang sneaked a few glances around, and when he was sure that there was no one there, he imitated the appearance of a star on TV, and Li Xiaogang pretended to be stepping on the ladder made of diamonds, although it was slow but very graceful. Stepping off the stage, feeling the breeze blowing from all directions, scanning the empty wilderness in front of him, bathed in the somewhat holy light absorbed and projected by diamonds, Li Xiaogang suddenly found that everything seemed to have changed.

Become full of life and vitality.

What is presented in front of his eyes is no longer the boundless silence, everything is moving, this feeling is really amazing, Li Xiaogang mistook himself as a god standing on the altar with brilliance shining on the mortal world, a kind of An unprecedented sense of responsibility welled up in my heart.

Under an inexplicable impulse, Li Xiaogang slowly opened his lips, and a deep and warm voice jumped out of his throat, like a lively little elf, constantly dancing around, for a long, long time Then it slowly disappeared.

Li Xiaogang was intoxicated by it, and he didn't realize that his voice had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The heavenly singing voice seemed to be like water flowing out of his mouth slowly.

Li Xiaogang didn't know what the song he was singing was or what the content of the song was!They seemed to be imprinted in Li Xiaogang's mind from the beginning, they flowed out naturally without memorizing.

Countless dancing notes are flying and overlapping in the endless night sky, just like cute and naughty children playing and playing with each other.

Li Xiaogang has never experienced such a feeling, no wonder singing can bring people a good mood, Li Xiaogang is already fascinated by it at this time.

That night, no one in Xingfu Village slept, but even though everyone was awake, the small village was more peaceful and peaceful than ever before.

Everyone held their breath and listened quietly to the beautiful singing voice that seemed to come from the sky, letting it lead them to gallop between the heaven and the earth, among all things, at that moment, it seemed that there were many things that no one understood before It suddenly became clear and clear.

A feeling of sudden enlightenment is constantly intertwined in people's hearts.

After a long time, Li Xiaogang finally stopped. When he woke up from the intoxication, the east had already turned white. Unknowingly, a night was passed like this. Li Xiaogang sighed inexplicably, feeling a sense of comfort in his heart.

After singing all night, Li Xiaogang clearly felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind.

After the singing disappeared for a long time, the villagers woke up one by one.

Although they didn't sleep all night, no one felt tired. Instead, they felt an unprecedented refreshment and fuller energy.

Dong Feifei is an expert in singing, so she naturally knows how rare and precious the singing voice she heard last night is.

Even she who has always been very conceited about singing has no choice but to lower her noble head at this time, willing to bow down!Seeing Lie Xinxi, she hugged Gao Yuanyuan in her arms, and asked impatiently: "Yuanyuan, I didn't expect to hear such a beautiful singing here! Come on, tell me who is this? You must know." isn't it?"

Gao Yuanyuan finally struggled out of Dong Feifei's clutches, and was a little at a loss when faced with Dong Feifei's barrage of questions.

There was a vague answer in her heart, such a miraculous thing must have something to do with Li Xiaogang, but she couldn't believe that Li Xiaogang, who could kill people with his singing a few days ago, could sing such a moving song last night. Music, she was a little confused...

Taking advantage of the dawn and no one around, Li Xiaogang hastily put away the stage, this is his secret weapon, he is going to use this to hit Dong Feifei who is always ready to watch his jokes, every time he thinks of Dong Feifei With a stunned expression as if he had seen a ghost, Li Xiaogang would laugh out loud in relief.

But now Li Xiaogang has another secret weapon. After showing off his singing voice last night, Li Xiaogang has basically found a knack for singing. The key is how to control the opening and closing of his glottis. This is really easy for Li Xiaogang.

He had already made up his mind that when the day of the concert came, he would definitely steal Dong Feifei's limelight and fight on behalf of the peasants.

When Li Xiaogang was not going well, Xie Zifeng's work went smoothly.

As soon as the same song entered the countryside, it received the full support of the whole country, and the conquest was given the green light all the way, and Xie Zifeng's request was given priority.

Secondly, with the help of Dong Feifei's huge fame, it has attracted countless first-line singers.

Being able to perform on the same stage with Dong Feifei is really quite tempting for them, and it is also a shortcut to enhance their reputation.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that this concert is definitely the most luxurious lineup ever for the same song. Looking at the list of actors, it is enough to move anyone.

In addition, thanks to Dong Feifei, because Dong Feifei agreed to perform for free, this was a huge shock to other actors.

Even a big star like Dong Feifei chose to perform for charity, so how could others be ashamed and dare to ask for an appearance fee?It would be strange not to be scolded to death by the majority of fans!Invisibly saved Xie Zifeng a lot of expenses, and now it seems that the 1000 million budget will not be insufficient, but may not be used.

Therefore, in those few days, Xie Zifeng laughed from ear to ear every day.

But he is not completely free of worries, the stage is a problem.

As the stars became more and more famous, and the lineup became more and more luxurious, Xie Zifeng was a little worried about whether the blueprints about the stage that he handed over to Li Xiaogang were too shabby.

These stars have strict requirements on the stage. If they can't satisfy them, it's a small thing to smash their own brand. If it affects the concert, then his crime will be serious!
But thinking about it, it has been several days, the stage must have been set up, and it is obviously too late to redesign the plan. In the end, the helpless Xie Zifeng could only bite the bullet and secretly hoped that Dong Feifei's reputation would be big enough to be able to The complaints of those stars were suppressed.

But God seemed to be joking on purpose. When Li Xiaogang solved all the problems and was waiting for the official start of the show, Xie Zifeng started to have problems.

On this day, an uninvited guest came to the director's team suddenly. Wearing a pair of extremely arrogant sunglasses, Hua Zixiong broke into Xie Zifeng's office without even knocking on the door.

Xie Zifeng is in a good mood these days, so he has become a lot more generous. He was not very annoyed when he found someone intruding in. When he saw that the person who came was a well-known prince in the entertainment industry, he just frowned and looked kindly. He said: "It turned out to be Mr. Hua, what kind of wind brought you here?"

Hua Zixiong glanced around for a week, then walked to the sofa and sat down on his own.

Xie Zifeng is also an old man in the entertainment industry, so he naturally knew Hua Zixiong's temperament, so he didn't take it to heart, and still looked at him with a smile.

Such a good-tempered director like him is rare in today's entertainment industry.

Hua Zixiong coughed, took out something like a contract from his pocket, brought it to Xie Zifeng, and said, "Director Xie, let's take a look at this first, let's talk about it later.

"Xie Zifeng picked up the contract in confusion, and after reading a few pages, he couldn't help but change his face, "This... is this Miss Feifei's contract?How is it in your hand? "

Hua Zixiong laughed and said, "You don't need to turn it off, you just need to understand that Dong Feifei is a signed artist of our Shining Star Group, and her performance arrangement must be approved by our company, that's enough !"

In the entertainment circle, everything is decided by the contract, Xie Zifeng also had to agree with Hua Zixiong's words, nodded and said: "I understand this! Since you have a contract in hand, I have nothing to say! Okay, now Can you explain your purpose?"

Hua Zixiong smiled triumphantly, and then said: "There is no other meaning, I am just representing our company to terminate Miss Feifei's performance plan in the same song with you, our honorable Miss Feifei will never appear in the dirty In the countryside, go and perform for those dirty peasants who are annoying to look at!"

"What!? You can't do this. You must know that all the operations of the same song are centered around Miss Feifei. Without her, there will be no performance of the same song this time.

This is what hundreds of millions of farmers across the country are eagerly looking forward to. If it is canceled because of you, how do you ask me to explain to them? "

Xie Zifeng was almost roaring out the strong dissatisfaction in his heart.

Faced with Xie Zifeng who was so excited, Hua Zixiong looked indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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