The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1914 A Comprehensive Attack

Chapter 1914 A Comprehensive Attack

Jin Zhengqiao said, "According to the analysis of data sources, the attack wave was released from Pioneer Network headquarters. President, it seems that what I have been suspecting is probably true."

"You mean, the famous Rose of Death is really Song Shuang, the new director of the "Tianyu" development department of Pioneer Network?" Park Zhengyin asked in a serious voice.

Jin Zhengqiao nodded heavily, and replied, "It must be her! I dare to guarantee it with my head now!"

Park Zhengyin lowered his eyelids, pondered for a moment, and said, "Although we have attracted a lot of hackers in this attack, none of them are really top-notch experts. It seems that we can only use crowd tactics to entangle them." her!"

"President, let me come!" Jin Zhengqiao looked at Park Zhengyin and said in a vibrating voice.

Park Zhengyin nodded and said, "That's good! You are the best top hacker in our big H! You have played against Death Rose many times, and you are familiar with her. You will lead the team yourself, and I will dial [-] for you." A hacker, I must entangle her tightly and prevent her from doing anything!"

"Five thousand? President, don't you think highly of her too much? I think I can do it myself!" Jin Zhengqiao said loudly with confidence.

"Zhengqiao, I don't want you to compete with her now. The overall situation is important! This is my order, go!" Park Zhengyin shouted with a very serious expression, not allowing Jin Zhengqiao to have the slightest objection.

Jin Zhengqiao responded, took over the task, separated [-] hackers from the crowd, led them personally, and went straight to Song Shuang.

"Master! They are getting more and more shameless, and even sent more than 5000 people to attack you. You have to be careful!" Seeing the black attack data flow, they moved towards Song Shuanggai layer by layer. , Chen Sheng was so frightened that his eyes almost popped out, he hurriedly reminded Song Shuang loudly.

Without his reminding, Song Shuang had noticed it long ago. While quickly manipulating the keyboard, dashing left and right in the crowd, dealing with it carefully, he said, "Although there are many people, there are only one or two real masters. I can still hold on." .Quickly ask Tiezi, how is his analysis going, and how long will it take to find the enemy's headquarters!"

Chen Sheng hurriedly dialed the phone and yelled loudly into the microphone, "Tiezi, are you fucking dead!"

After a while, Tie Zi's voice came from the microphone, "Not yet, but it will be soon! Tell Sister Sister, give me another 10 minutes, and I will soon find out the lair of this gang of grandchildren!"

"10 minutes? In 10 minutes, Lao Tzu's body will harden! At most 5 minutes, give it to me!" Chen Sheng roared anxiously.

"Damn it!" Tie Zi on the other side of the microphone cursed angrily, and then fell silent.

10 more minutes!Song Shuang kept circling Tie Zi's words in his head.Although Jin Zhengqiao led a group of mobs to attack her fiercely, it was impossible to get her out of the game.However, there was one thing that gave Song Shuang a headache. It seemed that Jin Zhengqiao and the others did not want to destroy Song Shuang, but simply wanted to entangle her so that she would not be free to do other things.It has to be said that Jin Zhengqiao's commanding ability is quite good. Under his deployment, the five thousand mobs are like brown sugar, sticking Song Shuang tightly. No matter how Song Shuang moves, he just can't get rid of them. .

You can't shake it off, you can't beat it but you can't break it, time just slips away every minute and every second.If things went on like this, even if Tie Zi detected the enemy's lair, Song Shuang would have no way to free up his hands to deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

"Master, it's bad, they are going to launch a general attack on the main firewall of "Tianyu"!" Wang Chong, Zhao Yu, Mi Hui, and Xue Qi gave a warning at the same time.

At such an urgent juncture, everyone couldn't help raising their hearts to their throats, but Song Shuang calmed down at this moment.As if he didn't hear their warning, he just fixed his eyes on the computer screen in front of him, operating it with concentration.

"This rose of death is really hard to deal with! She was almost rushed out by her several times! If there is a chance, I really want to get to know this powerful Chinese woman!" Jin Zhengqiao wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured .

Park Zhengyin said, "Knowing how powerful the death rose is, you must deal with it more carefully. From now on, entanglement with the death rose is your only task!"

"What about the general attack on the "Tianyu" server?" Jin Zhengqiao asked eagerly.

"I'm in charge of this! Don't worry about it!" Park Zhengyin replied decisively.

Jin Zhengqiao snorted and didn't say anything, but from his face, unwillingness and depression could be clearly seen.

"Pass my order! Concentrate all the firepower, totaling the main firewall of "Tianyu"! The copy team is on standby. Once you enter the core of "Tianyu", I ask you to complete the copying of all the data of "Tianyu" within 10 minutes! Although it is a bit shameless to do so, However, if we don’t get the valuable technical data of "Tianyu", all we have done is to delay our death! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" There was a tsunami-like echo in the entire hall.

Looking around, everyone will be surprised!In order to copy the technical data of "Tianyu" so that it can be used in his own online game development, Park Zhengyin prepared hundreds of people just for the copying personnel...

It is conceivable that once the main server of "Tianyu" is taken down, these people will immediately swarm into the core of "Tianyu" like locusts, and copy all the technical data without missing a trace.

Even if "Tianyu" was produced based on the super-intelligence of the Galaxy Smart Chip, technically they have no way to copy it, but the leak of all the data and settings of "Tianyu" will undoubtedly deal a fatal blow to this online game.

It can be seen from this that the purpose of Park Zhengyin organizing such an unprecedented hacker attack is not only to force Pioneer Network and delay the release of "Tianyu", but to completely strangle him in the cradle.It's hard to say that they are not vicious. No wonder even Park Zhengyin himself said that their actions this time are a bit shameless.

Now, only the firewall of "Tianyu" is left, as long as the firewall is broken, the war will be over.As the organizer and commander of the entire war, Park Zhengyin's heart was in his throat at this time.

In the communication system, there were constant news that the troops from various countries were ready and on standby at any time, but Pu Zhengyin frowned a little bit.

Now, in the world, even the big H online game, which has the most cutting-edge online game technology, can only maintain the virtual degree of the game at about 30.00%.And Pioneer Network's virtual Chengdu has reached 90.00%, which undoubtedly shows that Pioneer Network has far surpassed them in technology.Can such a firewall designed by a company with terrible technology be breached so easily?Even if Park Zhengyin thought about it with his toes, he knew it was impossible.What will he encounter next, is it perfect success, or complete destruction?Park Zhengyin didn't know, he only knew that he was very disturbed.

"President, the hackers from all over the world are ready to launch a general attack at any time!" a subordinate reported loudly.

Park Zhengyin shook his head vigorously, throwing all those uneasiness and worries out of his mind, squinting his eyes, waved his hands imposingly and shouted: "Attack with all your strength!"

As soon as Park Zhengyin's words came out of his mouth, the entire Internet became chaotic again.The attack data flow from more than a dozen countries, like missiles overwhelming the sky, bombarded the firewall of the main server of "Tianyu" with a destructive aura. The war on the Internet was raging. It is also unprecedented.For this press conference, spent a huge amount of money to build a huge auditorium that can accommodate 6 to [-] people.The super luxurious lighting and sound effects, and the gorgeous and beautiful stage design made it one of the highlights of this press conference.Even people who have no interest in online games can't help but join in the fun.Even if it's just a chance to get in touch with your favorite star, it's not bad.

As soon as Tian Huihui, Dong Feifei, Britney Sweets, and Lin Zhi entered the arena, the atmosphere immediately reached its peak.There were deafening cheers and shouts, and the atmosphere was as enthusiastic as any concert of unprecedented scale.

Whether it is Tian Huihui, Dong Feifei, Britney, or Lin Zhi, they all know that Pioneer Network is actually Li Xiaogang's company. How could they not work hard when performing?On the stage, they all showed off their special skills in a single brain, and ignited the enthusiasm of the audience time and time again.

Fang Tianxing, who was seated on the podium, could not watch the performance with peace of mind at this time.Thinking of the huge crisis that "Tianyu" is facing at this time, Fang Tianxing feels like sitting on pins and needles.

"President Fang, it's time for you to give a speech." The secretary sitting next to Fang Tianxing nudged him lightly with his elbow, and whispered in his ear.

"Speech?" Fang Tianxing didn't react, and looked at the secretary with a bewildered expression.

Secretary: "Why, have you forgotten? This is arranged in advance, and the manuscript is in your pocket."

When Fang Tianxing heard this, he quickly rummaged through his pockets, and sure enough, he took out a piece of densely printed printing paper.Only then did Fang Tianxing think of it, and a wry smile came out of his mouth.Back then, he had put in a lot of effort to prepare this speech and to leave the most brilliant moment in his life.

How many nights had Fang Tianxing dreamed of reciting his carefully prepared speech impassionedly under the gaze of all the people, and couldn't help jumping up from his sleep with excitement.Now the moment he's longed for has finally come, but he's in a state of disarray.Originally, he could memorize the speech without memorizing it, but he couldn't remember a single word.His mind was blank, and his heart was beating fast, as if it was about to pop out of his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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