The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1920 Copied data!

Chapter 1920 Copied data!

"Of course! Brother Shen and the others developed the Genesis. The final power system problem has been overcome. The entire battleship has been completed. It has been ascended into space more than ten days ago. According to Brother Shen, it is now hidden in the The back of the moon can completely avoid the appearance of human satellites. Genesis will become a transit base between us and outer space. All mining robots will be transported to Genesis by special transport spacecraft after the production of the earth is completed, and then Then from Genesis, they were shot to various planets around the solar system, and were commanded by the players to carry out mining actions.

"Genesis has ascended into space?" Song Shuang's words surprised Li Xiaogang, and he opened his mouth full of astonishment and asked.

Song Shuang nodded heavily, and said with a smile: "You didn't expect it to happen so soon, did you?"

Li Xiaogang rubbed his nose and murmured: "It's really too fast, it seems that I have to do a good job to work hard, Big Brother Shen and his group of scientists.

Song Shuang said in full agreement: "That's right! You don't know, Big Brother Shen and the others have been working hard all day and night in order to get the Genesis into space earlier, and it's been hard work!

Li Xiaogang smiled, looked at her and said, "Yes, Big Brother Shen and the others have worked hard, but it's easier than them if you don't see each other! The contributions you have made are not only for me, Li Xiaogang, but one day, all human beings will be grateful. Yours!

Song Shuang smiled and said: "I don't care whether all human beings thank me or not, as long as you treat me well alone, I will be satisfied!
Song Shuang's words made Li Xiaogang's heart flutter, he waved his hands, and said: "Just tell me, as long as you ask, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely help you achieve it!

"This is what you said, you won't go back on your word, will you?" Song Shuang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he held Li Xiaogang's hand tightly, and said repeatedly.

Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, and said with a serious face: "A man is a real man, he will keep his word and never go back on his word!
Song Shuang glanced at Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong, and Long Ling'er, and said in a vibrating voice, "Well, now I want you to promise me one thing!
Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Whatever, just say it!
Song Shuangdao: "Yesterday, Chang Xuefei called me. On the phone, she told me about Mikiko. She did not hesitate to commit suicide for you. Although I don't care much about islanders, Mikiko She is really a good girl, husband, what do you think?"

When Li Xiaogang heard about this, he couldn't help letting out a long sigh, nodded, and murmured: "Mei Jizi is indeed a good girl. But don't worry, I have promised Chang Xuefei that I will never let you She died just like that. Now I have used my power to shock her body, preventing her body from decomposing, and once I find the panacea, I will immediately revive her! Believe in me, I will do what I say!"

"Of course we believe that you have the ability to save Mikiko. But the problem is, Mikiko thinks of you all. If she still cannot get your love after she is resurrected, then I believe that even if she is alive I will also live in incomparable pain. Therefore, I have discussed with several sisters, please accept Mikiko no matter what, let her be your woman like us, and share your love! ?"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help turning his head to look at Gao Yuanyuan and the others, only to see that Gao Yuanyuan and the others were all staring at him with pleading eyes.Li Xiaogang sighed softly, and said: "Let's talk about it! I have to save Mikiko first, and then I can think about other things.

In the past, whenever Gao Yuanyuan and the others mentioned this matter, Li Xiaogang had always firmly opposed it, and had no intention of accommodating him at all, but now he agreed to consider it. Obviously, Meikiko's infatuation has already touched his heart.After all, Li Xiaogang is not a cruel person, Gao Yuanyuan and the four daughters looked at each other and smiled, full of confidence in Mikiko's matter.

Li Xiaogang was afraid that the four girls would continue to entangle with the issue of Mei Jizi, so he quickly changed the subject, and said to Song Shuang with a smile: "I see, basically we have nothing to do here, why don't we leave it to Chen Sheng and the others, and I will accompany you." You guys go to the tourist street well. Over the years, I have been busy, and I rarely have time to accompany you, and I have always felt sorry for it! Today is a rare opportunity, I am the host, how about asking you to go shopping?"

"Hey! Did you see that, the sun is coming out from the west, and our Mr. Iron Rooster is about to pluck his hair! Chuck!" As soon as Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Long Ling'er laughed softly.

"It's rare to have such a good opportunity, sisters, what are we waiting for, do it, kill!" Gao Yuanyuan also said repeatedly with a charming smile.Four flowery women surrounded Li Xiaogang and left Pioneer Network, only Chen Sheng was left there with envious faces.

Big H online game company headquarters.

A technician, trembling and pale, came to Park Zhengyin and Jin Zhengqiao, his lips were trembling, and he opened his mouth several times, but he didn't say a word.

Chen Sheng, who was a little annoyed by Pu Zhengyin, shouted: "Speak if you have something to say, and let go if you have to fart!

The technician let out a long breath, bowed his head and said: "Mr. President, I checked just now, and all the company's data and technical information are gone."

"What?" Although Pu Mianshu had expected such a result, he couldn't help but collapsed on the chair after being confirmed.

"President, President!" Jin Zhengqiao was startled and exclaimed twice.

In the blink of an eye, Pu Zhengyin seemed to be more than ten years old, and a few white silver strands appeared from his originally black temples.He waved his hand with difficulty, and murmured: "I'm fine—I'm fine—" Although he said he was fine, Pu Zhengyin's tears rolled down his cheeks like a lake with a broken embankment.

More than ten years of painstaking efforts were wiped out in the blink of an eye. Even Park Zhengyin, who had experienced countless storms, could not bear such a heavy blow.

The person Jin Zhengqiao admired the most in his life was Pu Zhengyin. Seeing that Pu Zhengyin was hit like this, he was heartbroken and shouted angrily, "President, let's sue them and make them compensate us for the loss!
"Accuse? Hehe, Zhengqiao, what face do we have to sue others? Don't forget, we are the ones who started this war? A criminal who wanted to put people to death was beaten and maimed by others. This criminal Not reconciled, but going to sue others for intentional injury and demand compensation for their losses, which country's laws do you think will support us?"

"This one..." Jin Zhengqiao was at a loss for words for a while, he was speechless, and froze to the side with embarrassment on his face.

"To lose is to lose. Although it is cruel, we have to accept it. Today, we have done too many shameless things, and we can no longer completely lose the face of our big H nation." Tears were shining in Pu Zhengyin's eyes, but his words were very firm.

Jin Zhengqiao didn't know what to say, sadness came from his heart, and he couldn't help but flow out.Seeing the two persons in charge of the company weeping together, the rest of the company felt sad and wiped away their tears...

"Mr. President, don't be too sad, this matter is not completely irreparable!" The technician who reported to Park Zhengyin wiped his eyes, and suddenly said to Park Zhengyin solemnly.

Park Zhengyin's face brightened when he heard this, and he turned to look at him, and asked, "What do you mean? All the hard drives have been destroyed, do you have a better way to fix them?"

The technician shook his head and said: "This is impossible. The enemy's destruction is very thorough, and all the hard disks seem to have exploded. No matter how high the recovery data is, I believe there is no way to restore the data on it." back to normal.

"Then what do you mean by that?" Pu Zhengyin was even more puzzled, with doubts flashing on his face.

The technician said: "When I checked the hard disk, I found that the hard disk seemed to have been copied by someone just before it was destroyed. At first I thought I was wrong, so I asked a few other colleagues to verify it together. Colleagues also said that the traces seemed to be left after being copied.

Park Zhengyin was overjoyed when he heard this, and looked at the technician with excitement in his eyes and asked, "When did you copy the data? This time, you have done a great job. I will definitely report it to the board of directors and give you a lot of rewards!

A bit of bitterness flashed across the technician's face, he scratched his head, and said quietly: "Mr. President, you misunderstood.

According to our company's express regulations, no one is allowed to copy the data in the main server without the consent of the board of directors. Even if we have the courage, we dare not do so.

When Park Zhengyin heard it, he immediately thought that there is indeed such a regulation in the company, and his excited heart suddenly cooled down, and he asked, "Then who copied our data? Where is the copy? "

"According to our testing, the copy was made just before the hard drive was destroyed, so we all generally believe that the person who copied our data is probably the one who destroyed our main server. That is to say, nine out of ten are Pioneer Network people!
"It's Pioneer Network!?" Jin Zhengqiao exclaimed, turned his head full of anger and said to Park Zhengyin: "President, Pioneer Network is too much, they are naked robbery, we can file a lawsuit against them, accuse!

Compared to Jin Zhengqiao's anger, Park Zhengyin calmed down, turned his head and looked at the army of hundreds of copies that he had carefully prepared in advance, and felt an inexplicable bitterness in his heart.

It's really ironic to say that he wanted to copy other people's data, but he didn't succeed, and instead his own data was copied.If this is said, Park Zhengyin's face will be lost at home.Wiping the tears on his face, Park Zhengyin cheered up, turned his head to look at Jin Zhengqiao, and said, "Don't bring any more charges, lawsuits. It's our fault. If Pioneer Network doesn't sue us, we will It's fate. You should book two tickets to Huaxia as soon as possible.

"President, what are you going to Huaxia for?" Jin Zhengqiao looked at Park Zhengyin in surprise and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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