The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1923 The person who can turn the tide!

Chapter 1923 The person who can turn the tide!

"Then when do the people of Country M think it's the best time?" the leader asked.

Without waiting for the secretary to answer, Li Wenqing interjected: "When the asteroid is [-] kilometers away from the earth. Because of this distance, even the lowest-level nuclear bomb in the world can reach it. In addition, the asteroid is in the earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere has enough time to digest these fragments. At the same time, our conventional missiles can also have enough time to intercept the fragments that break through the atmosphere and reduce the loss twice.

"Totally correct! The opinion of the expert from country M is exactly the same as Director Li's!" The secretary glanced at the document in his hand and nodded.

"Boss, even so, there will be many huge fragments that will hit the earth, and the casualties will still be incalculable. We should act as soon as possible. Mobilize the masses and take refuge!" Li Wenqing was full Said anxiously to the leader.

The leader frowned, and said in a deep voice: "After the nuclear ejection explodes, will it cause nuclear pollution to the earth's atmosphere? Have you estimated the impact of the nuclear dust?"

The words of the leader of "this one" made Li Wenqing pause for a moment. He had calculated thousands of times, but he missed this point.He calculated that he would use nuclear bombs to crush the asteroids and face the asteroids hitting the earth as a whole, but he forgot that the explosion of a nuclear bomb itself carried great danger.When [-] nuclear bombs explode at the same time, the nuclear dust will inevitably cover the entire earth. At that time, even those who survived by chance will live under the threat of nuclear radiation all the time.Lesions, deformities, injuries, these will be like the devil's claws, firmly grasping human beings, unable to get rid of.

"I'm sorry, leader, I really haven't thought about this! But no matter what, the earth can at least survive. As long as the earth is still there, there is still hope for mankind, isn't it?" Li Wenqing said sincerely.

The leader shook his head and denied his words again, and murmured in a low voice: "At that time, I don't know whether human beings will continue to have hope. The only thing I know is that human beings will always live in pain." Among them, I can't extricate myself!

"But leader one." Li Wenqing wanted to say something more, but the leader interrupted him with a smile on his face. "Okay! After such a big stimulus, I believe everyone is tired. Today's meeting is here for the time being. Wait a minute, everyone, don't go back. I will ask my police officer to give you a speech at the State Guesthouse. Once the room is ready, everyone will live in it for the time being. After this incident is over, I will let you go home! In addition, according to the confidentiality agreement, you should turn in all communication items such as mobile phones, and my police officers will keep them centralized for everyone. This is to prevent the spread of the news and arouse the fear of the people, I think everyone can understand my painstaking efforts, right?" When the leader said these words, there was always a smile on his face, but there was something hidden in his heart. Everyone present could hear the majesty and seriousness in the words clearly.No one dared to say anything more, stood up silently, under the leadership of the police!Under the leadership of the party members, he walked out of the meeting room slowly.

"Sikong Ming, Li Wenqing, Lao Lin, Lao Cao, and the Prime Minister, stay!"

Lin Chaoran, Cao Qingdong and Zongli had known for a long time that the leader would keep them, so they didn't move at all.

Li Wenqing and Si Kongming also stood up just now, and sat back after hearing what the leader said.

After the others had left, Li Wenqing couldn't wait to say: "Chief, I still feel that it is extremely irresponsible to the common people to conceal this matter unfairly!"

In order to let the leader adopt his opinion, Li Wenqing spoke a bit harshly.I couldn't help looking at the leader with a bit of anxiety in my heart, waiting for the leader's 'storm'.

However, to Li Wenqing's surprise, the leader just chuckled a few times and waved his hand to signal him to calm down, but he didn't show any signs of getting angry. It makes sense. I hope the leader will think twice!"

The leader chuckled a few times, and said slowly: "Wen Qing, Kong Ming, do you think I look like a lunatic?"

Li Wenqing and Si Kongming looked at each other, shook their heads together, and said, "Of course not!"

"That's right, don't you think I will just watch the people of the whole country fall into dire straits and remain indifferent?"

"But leader, if you don't spread the news in time and let the common people move as soon as possible, I'm afraid not many people will survive the day when the catastrophe comes!" Li Wenqing's voice was urgent, trying to make the leader understand the whole incident seriousness.

"Wen Qing, you have been an official for most of your life, why haven't you learned how to read your words? You look at the leader's expression, relaxed and calm, it is clear that you have a plan in your chest, and you didn't even see it." Lin Chaoran couldn't help laughing Got up, shook his head and said.

"It's ready? Does the leader have a better way?" Li Wenqing's face was full of disbelief.He is an expert. After hearing the news, he meditated day and night, and then he came up with such a way to barely survive the earth.If there is another better way, he can't think of it.So curious.

The leader smiled, and said leisurely: "Wenqing, tell me, if I have a way, not only can I solve that 'naughty' asteroid, but also prevent it from causing any trouble to our earth, I still have a solution." Is it necessary to disclose this news and let our masses worry in vain?"

Li Wenqing was stunned for a moment, and said blankly: "If this is really done, then it is really unnecessary. But leader, is it possible to say all this? That asteroid is not paper, and it is real. It’s really hitting our earth constantly, this is no joke!” The leader’s expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice: “You don’t need to remind me, of course I know it’s not a joke . "But my method has a success rate of at least 80.00%. It's worth fighting for!"

"80.00% success rate? If that's the case, then I really want to listen carefully. I don't know what your method is, sir?" Li Wenqing heard that there was such a success rate. Although he didn't believe it in his heart, he still couldn't help it. Zhu asked with a bit of eagerness.

"Hehe, the most important part of my method is to find someone! As long as you find this person, you will be half successful!" the leader said with a smile.

When Lin Chaoran, Cao Qingdong and the general manager heard this, they already understood what the leader meant, and the corners of their mouths showed knowing smiles.

"A person? Are you talking about him, the leader?" Li Wenqing opened his mouth in surprise and asked.

"Oh? Tell me, who is it?" The leader frowned and asked Li Wenqing with a smile.

"Shen Qihong! Besides him, who else can there be?" Li Wenqing said anxiously as a matter of course.

Hearing Li Wenqing call out Shen Qihong's name, the leader looked at him in surprise and asked, "How do you know about Shen Qihong?"

Li Wenqing smiled wryly, and said: "Shen Qihong is now the number one scientist in China who is well-known and can make enviable eyeballs pop out. Not only does he have the most elite scientific research team in the world, but more importantly, his scientific research The abundance of resources and advanced technology and equipment are among the top in the world. Even those of us that can enjoy state financial support sometimes have to reach out to others and borrow their equipment. I heard that the top of the Academy of Sciences Scientists are about to be dug up by him. Dean Guo of the Academy of Sciences, tears will fall every time he talks about this with me.

"Hehehe, that's it! Then do you know what project Shen Qihong is working on now?" The leader asked with a knowing smile.

Li Wenqing shook his head, with doubts on his face, and said leisurely: "I don't know about this! Shen Qihong has always kept himself very mysterious. Although I have been to Taklimakan several times because I want to borrow their equipment, but Every time I asked to visit Shen Qihong's laboratory, he sternly refused. Lao Guo and I always thought in private that Shen Qihong accepted the order of the state and was developing some terrible secret weapon!

The leader laughed loudly, and said, "You guessed it right! The weapons developed by Shen Qihong and the others are definitely beyond your imagination!

"I understand. What you mean, leader, is that Shen Qihong and the others have actually developed a weapon that is more powerful than a nuclear bomb. This weapon is 80.00% sure that it can completely smash an asteroid into pieces, making it a complete threat to everyone. to Earth. But, for example, a weapon comparable to [-] atomic bombs, what kind of amazing weapon would it be?"

Li Wenqing used his imagination to the extreme, but he couldn't think of it.

The leader smiled and said: "Shen Qihong and the others are researching weapons that are indeed much more powerful than nuclear bombs, but the person I mentioned who can help us solve this trouble is not him." Then he turned to look at Sikong Ming , said: "Kong Ming, you should know this person!"

Sikong Ming was full of surprise and asked: "I know? Among the people I know, there seems to be no one who has such great ability?"

"Yes! He is Li Xiaogang!" The leader said calmly, no longer trying to keep his eyes open.

"It's Li Xiaogang!?" As soon as the leader's words fell to the ground, Sikong Ming couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Li Xiaogang? I also know this person. He is indeed a legendary figure in our country, but I don't understand. Even if he is capable, what can he do to settle such a big planet?" Li Wenqing was full of enthusiasm. asked in puzzlement.

Si Kongming also had the same question.Although Li Xiaogang has shocked him again and again since he and Li Xiaogang met, but now the life they are facing is an asteroid, an alien visitor, no matter how you look at it, it cannot be done by one person alone, so it is inevitable that Suspicious eyes turned to the leader.

The leader stood up, looked at the sunset sky outside the window, and said slowly: "To us, Li Xiaogang is a mystery! No one of us can tell how much energy this person has."

(End of this chapter)

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