The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1925 Great Treasure!

Chapter 1925 Great Treasure!
"So, I have already vetoed this only solution!" The leader smiled.

"Since this is the only way, if it is rejected, what should we do?" Li Xiaogang asked blankly.

The leader shook his head, curled his lips and said, "I don't know, I'm waiting for you to give us an answer!"

"Me?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, the leader really looked up to him, the heavy responsibility of saving the world was so light and of course placed on his shoulders.

Now that things have become like this, Li Xiaogang no longer complains.After all, his parents, relatives, and friends all live on this earth, and this is a responsibility he cannot shirk.

After taking over this burden, Li Xiaogang immediately became serious, and asked Li Wenqing, "How big is this asteroid, and how many nuclear bombs are needed to destroy it?"

Li Xiaogang's eyes are very bright, as if he can directly see through people's hearts, which makes Li Wenqing feel a majesty that cannot be resisted in Li Xiaogang.Although this majesty was invisible, it was everywhere, which made him dare not underestimate Li Xiaogang Qian.He hurriedly replied: "It's huge! According to our estimates, it's as big as half the earth!
"Damn it! It's half the size of the earth, and it's still called an 'asteroid'?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help shouting with his eyes wide open when he heard this.

Li Wenqing shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly, "Compared with other planets, it's really not that big."

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and asked, "How many nuclear bombs do we need to destroy it?"

Li Wenqing said: "If you want to completely blast it into 'powder' that does not threaten the earth, you will need about [-] nuclear bombs!"

"[-]? Do you need so many nuclear bombs? I think even to destroy the earth, a few thousand nuclear bombs are enough to destroy this asteroid that is only half the size of the earth, but [-] nuclear bombs are needed?" Li Xiaogang was in disbelief. asked.

Li Wenqing calmly explained: "Although the asteroid itself is not big, it is in a high-speed motion. During this high-speed motion, a powerful magnetic field will be generated. This magnetic field is very strong. It is not easy. It can be broken. In addition, the asteroid is surrounded by countless fragments. If you want to approach it, you must pass through these fragment areas, which will also consume a lot of nuclear bombs. In addition, we not only want to destroy it, but also It is the most important thing that the fragments produced after it is broken do not pose a threat to our earth. Therefore, according to our calculations, [-] nuclear bombs are still a conservative number."

"Then how many nuclear bombs are there in total in the world?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"It's a full count, less than [-] pieces!"

"In other words, there is still a shortfall of [-] nuclear bombs?" Li Xiaogang asked.

Li Wenqing said: "If all nuclear-armed countries hurry up and assemble and produce from now on, they may be able to manufacture another [-] pieces."

"That's only [-] pieces in total, which is still half!" Li Xiaogang frowned even more.

"Xiao Gang, no matter what, you will take care of the missing [-] coins! I think it's all right?"

The leader winked at Li Xiaogang and asked with a smile.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "You have given the order, even if I have any questions, I have to keep it."

The leader chuckled a few times, and asked quietly: "Then tell me now, do I need to worry about that asteroid?"

Li Xiaogang's expression brightened, and he said loudly: "Even if I risk my life, I will not let that asteroid destroy the earth!"

"Hahaha, with your words, it seems that we can sleep peacefully tonight!" The leader laughed with great satisfaction after hearing this.Turning to Li Wenqing, he said: "Wenqing, from now on, you will do your best to assist Li Xiaogang. After the matter is settled, I will credit you!"

"Yes!" Seeing that the leader had such confidence in Li Xiaogang, Li Wenqing's originally heavy heart also inexplicably eased a lot.

Li Xiaogang said: "Boss, don't be too busy being a shopkeeper. Huaxia's nuclear bombs are easy to talk about, but country M and Russia have to coordinate with you. Otherwise, the [-] bombs from my side will be settled. Something went wrong on your end, and the result is still the same tragedy."

The leader smiled and said: "It is my responsibility, of course I will take care of it, you don't need to remind me." After finishing speaking, he walked out of the meeting room with Lin Chaoran, Cao Qingdong, and the benevolent people in Zongli. It seems to be looking for a place to play chess.

Li Xiaogang, Li Wenqing and Si Kongming were left in the conference room.Last time, Sikong Ming and Li Xiaogang had a very unpleasant quarrel, and Sikong Ming seemed a little embarrassed at this moment.At first, he wanted to just leave like this, but then he thought again, Li Xiaogang is a man with all-hands and eyes at this time, and the relationship between the two has been so rigid, it may not be a good thing for him.So he coughed, smiled at Li Xiaogang with a little embarrassment, and said, "Li Xiaogang, haven't we seen each other for a long time?"

Li Xiaogang glanced at him, and asked indifferently: "Why, Mr. Minister misses me?"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang's face was not very good-looking, and his words were full of sarcasm, Si Kongming's heart sank immediately, and the embarrassment on his face quickly spread, and he didn't know what to say.

Just as Sikong Ming froze here in embarrassment, the expression on Li Xiaogang's face suddenly loosened and softened, he laughed and said, "Brother Si, I just made a joke with you, don't mind it."

Si Kongming's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly asked: "Xiao Gang, don't you blame me now?"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "You have always performed your duties, so I have nothing to blame you for."

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Si Kongming's heart sank completely. He laughed loudly and said, "That's right! How could the Li Xiaogang I know be such a small-bellied person? Hahaha!"

Li Xiaogang smiled, his expression became serious again, and said: "I don't mind, but Ge Jun..." Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Si Kongming said repeatedly, "Don't worry! In fact, not long after that incident, I figured it out. I personally went to the door and apologized to Ge Jun. At present, the relationship between us has completely eased. Last Sunday, we went fishing together! Hehe "

After hearing this, Li Xiaogang felt a lot more comfortable, nodded, and said with a smile: "That's good!"

"Xiao Gang, I'm going to do what the leader wants me to do. When we have a chance in the future, let's call Ge Jun and go fishing together!" Sikong Ming said.

"Fishing?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face. When he can really catch fish for a day leisurely, the world will really be peaceful.

After sending Si Kongming away, Li Wenqing asked Li Xiaogang: "Mr. Li, what do you want me to cooperate with you, just ask, I will try my best!"

Li Xiaogang thought for a while, frowned, and suddenly opened his mouth to ask: "Director Li, you have profound knowledge of astronomy, can you tell me what this asteroid is made of?"

Li Wenqing shook his head and said: "I can't tell you this. Because we have only observed this asteroid and its orbit, it is still far away from our earth, and we have not been able to analyze its specific composition. However, ordinary asteroids are nothing more than a large amount of rocks, minerals, and sometimes a large amount of ice, and we believe that this asteroid is no exception!"

"Wait! You said just now that there are minerals on asteroids?" Li Wenqing's words suddenly inspired Li Xiaogang, and asked with a smile on his face.

Li Wenqing nodded and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"What kind of minerals are those?" Li Xiaogang didn't answer, but followed up with a question.

Li Wenqing frowned, and replied: "Well, in most cases, iron is the majority, followed by a large number of rare metal mines. Some asteroids even have minerals that are not found on the earth. This needs to be obtained from asteroids. Obtain a certain amount of substances and conduct scientific analysis to get the answer.”

Li Xiaogang couldn't help being excited when he heard this, touched his chin, and murmured: "Where is this evil star that will destroy the earth? It is clearly a great treasure flying towards us from the depths of the universe! Hehe!"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang could still laugh at such an emergency, Li Wenqing really admired him.What does it mean that the sky will not be shocked? He has really seen it today.

"Mr. Li, there are indeed a lot of precious minerals on this asteroid, but the problem is that with the mining technology we have at this stage, there is nothing we can do. I advise you not to think about it!

"Delusion? Hey, that's not necessarily true! Come with me!
"Where are you going?" You'll know when you get there! After all, with a wave of Li Xiaogang's hand, a purple halo immediately emerged from his palm, covering Li Wenqing. Before Li Wenqing could figure out what was going on, a dazzling purple light suddenly moved towards him The shot came, and a severe dizziness caused Li Wenqing's mind to go blank, and he lost consciousness for a short time.

When Li Wenqing regained consciousness, the place where Li Wenqing was standing was no longer the secret meeting room of the base camp.The surrounding scenery has undergone earth-shaking changes.This sudden upheaval frightened Li Wenqing, her legs gave way, and she collapsed on the ground involuntarily, her face was pale, and her eyes were wide open, full of fear.

Seeing Li Wenqing's appearance, Li Xiaogang was taken aback, and asked: "Why, the leader didn't tell you my details?"You - who are you? "Li Wenqing looked at Li Xiaogang, just like looking at an alien, which made Li Xiaogang feel a little uncomfortable.

Coughing, Li Xiaogang murmured: "If I had known you knew nothing about me, I wouldn't have taken you to use teleportation. Fortunately, your nerves are thick enough. If I was frightened to death, wouldn't I people!"

As a scientist, Li Wenqing has used science to accomplish many things that are unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people, so just as Li Xiaogang said, his nerves are really not ordinary.However, he has studied science all his life, but it was the first time he encountered such a mysterious thing, and he was still taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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