The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1935 Storm on the Highway

Chapter 1935 Storm on the Highway

Walking closer, Li Xiao just discovered that there was an old man lying in the bucket of the agricultural tricycle.Li Xiaogang took a closer look and found that the old man seemed to be suffering from some serious disease and was already dying.After listening carefully for a while, I realized that the man and woman stopped by the traffic police were farmers nearby. Because the old father had a sudden illness, in order to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, they took the risk of driving on the highway.Unexpectedly, if a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will make his teeth gag, but he will encounter a patrolling traffic policeman and be stopped.

It stands to reason that these two traffic policemen were enforcing the law, and the agricultural tricycle did have some violations. It is understandable that the traffic policeman stopped them, but what made Li Xiaogang unbearable was their arrogant attitude like uncles .

"Brother policeman, my father is about to die. Even if you want to punish me, please let me send my father to the hospital first. I beg you two brothers!" The man pleaded, anxiously They were about to kneel down to the two policemen.

However, the two policemen were fine, they just glanced contemptuously at the critically ill old man on the farm vehicle, and said indifferently: "You violated traffic regulations, do you know that? What do you think this is, a three-wheeled Mercedes? How dare you drive onto the highway! Don’t you even look, is this road a path that you, a pile of scrap iron, can walk on?”

"Hahaha!" As soon as the policeman finished speaking, the surrounding crowd burst into laughter.It was as if he had heard a joke and didn't realize at all that as time passed by, the old man on the farm vehicle would be in danger of dying at any time.

The indifference of the world can be clearly seen, which makes Li Xiaogang not chill.Song Shuang pursed her lips even more angrily, her delicate face seemed to be covered with frost, it was frighteningly cold.

It was indeed the owner of the agricultural tricycle who was at fault. Li Xiaogang didn't want to stop him too much, but after hearing what the policeman said, he changed his mind. Law enforcement is right, but uncivilized law enforcement is unacceptable!
Amidst the laughter of the surrounding audience, the two policemen seemed to have found a stage suitable for their performance, and they were even more arrogant.Pointing at the man and the woman in turn, pointing and sarcasm.

This really opened Li Xiaogang's eyes wide, and he couldn't see that our police still have such outstanding characters. It would be a waste not to talk about cross talk.

The man and the woman are obviously a couple.He was a farmer again, and he had no knowledge. He was psychologically afraid of the police when he saw the police. In addition, he had violated the rules first, so he didn't dare to speak back.But being a human being is a three-point anger. After being ridiculed by two policemen, the man finally couldn't bear it, and pushed one of the policemen violently.

The police officer said that he was enjoying himself, he was defenseless, and the farmer had some strength, so he was pushed to the ground by the man in response, and he screamed when he fell.

Seeing the other policeman, he was furious. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and punched the man in the cheek.

"Damn it, you don't want to live, the police dare to beat you!" Then he took out the bright handcuffs and clicked, and handcuffed the man.

Seeing that the police handcuffed her husband, the woman burst into tears and begged the police not to arrest her husband.

The policeman who was pushed felt ashamed, so he jumped up from the ground with a gloomy face, and punched and kicked the man when he came up.The attack was so ruthless, it seemed that he was not hitting a person, but a general.In just a short while, the man's face was covered with frightening blood stains.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me again! Please!" The woman looked at it, and she didn't know where the strength came from. She threw herself on her man and blocked the policeman's fists and feet with her body.

But anyone with a bit of conscience should stop when faced with such a situation.However, the two people's policemen were not like that at all.Seeing that woman rushing forward, even the woman started to fight.

The poor couple was beaten and rolled around under the fists and feet of the two, and the screams resounded through the sky.

What was even more irritating was that not only did no one come out to stop the crowd watching, but they all commented and smiled happily, as if they were enjoying a blockbuster movie from country M.This not only chilled Li Xiaogang's heart, a kind of anger shot up from his heart immediately.

"Stop it!" Song Shuang couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed forward, trying to pull the two policemen away.

How did they know that the two policemen were in the middle of a fight, and they ignored Song Shuang's obstruction at all. One of them was very impatient, and with a violent shake of his hand, Song Shuang was completely thrown out.

Fortunately, Li Xiaogang mobilized in time and supported Song Shuang, which prevented him from falling.

"Honey, stop them!" Song Shuang yelled at Li Xiaogang in a tearful voice, ignoring himself.

Li Xiaogang's face was ashen for a long time, after hearing Song Shuang's words, he stepped behind one of the policemen and patted him on the shoulder.

The policeman turned his face away subconsciously, and shouted: "It's none of your business, just go away!!"

Before the policeman finished speaking, Li Xiaogang kicked the man in the lower abdomen. The policeman didn't even have time to react, and he flew out like flying through the clouds, flipping several times in the air. A somersault, and finally hit the ground like a broken sack.

This scene as it happened stunned all the onlookers, and the other policeman was even more astonished. He probably didn't expect that in broad daylight and under the eyes of everyone, someone would be so bold as to beat up the policeman.

"Old Liu! Old Liu!" It took a long time for the policeman to utter a cry, exclaiming that he didn't care about arguing with Li Xiaogang, and ran to the policeman surnamed Liu to check his condition.

This inspection was terrible, and old Liu was so angry that he looked like he was going to die at any moment, which shocked the other policeman so pale that he almost cried.

Just now Li Xiaogang was too angry in his heart, impulsively, he unconsciously used more strength on his feet.This old Liu spent his days eating, drinking and having fun, his body had already been hollowed out, how could he resist Li Xiaogang's foot strength, if he didn't die directly, it was already his fate.

Although this policeman surnamed Liu is hateful, he did not deserve to die after all. Li Xiaogang's face darkened, and he quietly passed a bit of Nuwa's divine power into the policeman surnamed Liu, protecting his heart and preventing him from dying.However, if the policeman surnamed Liu wants to return to the level of being lively and vigorous, and not soft on punching and kicking people, he may never think about it in his life.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's vicious attack, and the target is the policeman, the surrounding crowd all looked sideways at him and sighed in their hearts. Today, I dare to meet a violent person.

Although Song Shuang knew in his heart that with Li Xiaogang's power today, even if he really beat the policeman to death, no one could do anything to him, but he still didn't want Li Xiaogang's hands to be stained with blood, and his eyes were a little nervous. He took Li Xiaogang's hand.Li Xiaogang smiled at her, shook his head, indicating that it was all right.

"You are so courageous! You dare to kill even the police, so I will call the police and arrest you!" Another policeman pointed at Li Xiaogang tremblingly and shouted viciously.

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said with a sarcasm on his face, "You idiot, have you been frightened out of your wits? You are the police, why should you call the police?"

The policeman couldn't help but blushed, and stammered, "I'm asking for help!" After speaking, he took out the radio.

Li Xiaogang's face turned cold when he saw it, and he took a few steps before coming to the policeman.The policeman's eyes widened suddenly, filled with incomparable fear, and he murmured in a trembling voice, "What do you want to do?"

Li Xiaogang ignored his words, stretched out his hand and snatched the radio from his hand, and with a swipe of five fingers, the radio was instantly shattered into pieces under Li Xiaogang's hand, and then was thrown far away by Li Xiaogang.

"You-you-" The traffic policeman was furious and frightened by Li Xiaogang's actions, looked at Li Xiaogang, blushed and couldn't even speak.

Li Xiaogang grabbed his collar, stared into his eyes, and asked coldly: "Do you think you can bully people casually with this skin on?"

Li Xiaogang's eyes were cold and piercing, like two sharp knives shining with cold light, a strong sense of fear was surprised in the policeman's heart.He said in a trembling voice, "They—they broke the rules, and I—I'm just punishing them—"

"Bastard!" Before the policeman finished speaking, a roar like a thunderstorm exploded from Li Xiaogang's mouth. The policeman's eyes were dreamy, his ears were buzzing, and his body trembled several times. A thick fishy smell permeated the air.

Li Xiaogang frowned when he smelled this strange smell, glanced at the policeman's drenched trousers, and threw him aside with a look of disgust, cursing, "You're so fucking useless!"

As soon as Li Xiaogang's scolding came to an end, the surrounding crowd also noticed that the policeman was so frightened that he peed his pants, as if he had seen something funny, they burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at!" Li Xiaogang turned his head suddenly, his sharp eyes suddenly shot at the crowd.All the onlookers felt as if someone had hit them hard on the back of the head, and they were all a little dazed.

Li Xiaogang threw the policeman aside, and turned his attention to the onlookers, his cruel and scary eyes were swimming among them, his voice was extremely low, and he asked angrily: "You think it's fun, don't you? You have no sympathy, no sense of right and wrong, and live in emptiness spiritually. You are simply walking corpses of human scum, living in this world, what else are you going to do besides adding chaos to this world? Ah!?"

Every roar of Li Xiaogang's was whipping their consciences, making these onlookers all shocked and looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Hey boy, don't be so arrogant! Let's watch the fun, don't care about you! You are breaking the law if you hit the police, we can send you to the police station at any time!" The man walked out from the crowd and pointed at Li Xiaogang with a finger. The huge emerald ring on his finger, under the stimulation of the sun, reflected dazzling light from time to time and pierced into Li Xiaogang's eyes. .

(End of this chapter)

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