Chapter 1945
"Fart!" Heiying roared angrily, scaring Song Yuanshan into shock.Hei Ying said coldly: "You actually think that the frequent birth of deformed children in my Banished Immortal Clan in recent years is due to inbreeding, you are simply stupid!

"Then... why is that?" Song Yuanshan asked full of doubts.

Heiying sighed softly and said, "I came today to tell you the reason.

"Grandfather, grandpa, please clarify!

"En! Listen carefully, my Immortal Clan has always been under my protection, the grain is abundant, and I live a carefree, fairy-like life. However, over the years, my skill is getting better and better. It's not working, and the ability to pray for our Immortal Clan is getting weaker and weaker. This has led to the frequent birth of deformed children in my Immortal Clan in recent years.

"Is that so?" Song Yuanshan murmured dumbfounded.

"Why, you don't believe what I said?" The black shadow snorted coldly, which shocked Song Yuanshan again.

"Don't dare! Even if I have a hundred courage, I still dare not disbelieve your words.

Heiying was very satisfied with Song Yuanshan's attitude, nodded, and continued: "However, all this is just the beginning. Because of the weather, my cultivation base has been declining over the years. I am worried that it will continue to decline like this. Well, it won't be long before I no longer have the ability to protect the people of the Banished Immortal Clan. At that time, I don't know how terrible things will happen, even I dare not even think about it!
As soon as Song Yuanshan listened to Shen'er, he hurriedly asked: "Grandfather, it is because of your protection that the Banished Immortal Clan has survived for thousands of years. If we lose your protection, it will be difficult to survive in this world. Please ancestors Grandpa, you must find a way to save our clansmen!
Heiying waved his hand and said, "Do you think I will sit and wait for the demise of the exiled immortals? To tell you the truth, I have been trying to find a way to restore my former cultivation level as soon as possible. The Immortal Clan will no longer encounter such a crisis. However, after all, I have been relegated to the mortal world, and my mana is limited to this day. There is really no other way.

"Ah? If you can't even help our ancestors and grandpa, then our Immortal Clan is really facing extinction?" Heiying's words almost scared Song Yuanshan to the ground.His complexion was extremely pale, and cold sweat dripped down.

Heiying laughed a few times and said: "You don't have to be too anxious, I came to you this time in person to discuss with you a way to help the Immortal Clan wipe out the disaster.

"Grandpa Ancestor, as long as you can save the entire clan of the Banished Immortal Clan, no matter what you wish for, I will do it!
Song Yuanshan was completely intimidated by the black shadow, and hurriedly kowtowed and said.

"Okay! You can say that, it seems that you, the patriarch of the Immortal Clan, are not in vain after all! Now, there is only one way to help the Immortal Clan from the disaster of extinction, and that is to do everything possible to help me recover my mana!
"Grandpa, just say, what are we going to do?"

Soi Ying paused, and said in a deep voice: "It's very simple, if I want to restore my cultivation base as soon as possible, I can only get more virgin blood. Draw strength from it!
"What?" Song Yuanshan's heart skipped a beat, with a trace of panic in his eyes, "Yuanshan...doesn't quite understand what Grandpa Zu means—"

Heiying snorted and said, "My meaning is very simple. In the past, the sacrificial ceremony was held once every ten years. From now on, it will be held every six months!
"Ah!?" As soon as Heiying's words came out, Song Yuanshan, his wife, and Song Shuang exclaimed, their faces full of horror.But Li Xiaogang's eyebrows trembled slightly, and a killing intent flashed across his face like lightning.

"What, is there a problem?" Heiying asked Song Yuanshan sideways, and asked coldly.

"Grandpa Ancestor, every time a sacrifice is made, a girl from the clan must be sacrificed. Now the sacrifice is changed to once every six months, that is to say, two girls will be sacrificed every year. Twenty girls will be sacrificed every ten years! Soon, there will be no more women in the clan!" Song Yuanshan said boldly.

"That's right! The memorial ceremony is held every ten years, and it's already like a dark cloud over the heads of the clansmen, making people breathless. Now you ask to hold it every six months, isn't that killing the clansmen?" Song Shuang was very sad It was dissatisfied and yelled at the black shadow coquettishly.

"Shuang'er, shut up!" Song Yuanshan hastily glared at Song Shuang for fear that Soi Ying would get angry at Song Shuang, and then said to Soi Ying, "Grandpa Zu, my daughter is young and ignorant, so don't blame her! But Her words are not completely unreasonable. The grand ancestor worship ceremony is held every ten years, and every time it creates a gloomy cloud and mist in the family, and people panic. If it is changed to once every six months now, how will those families with daughters live? Ancestral grandfather, please You think twice!

"Presumptuous!" Heiying roared like a thunderbolt, scaring Song Yuanshan to kowtow repeatedly.

"Do you think that I did this for myself? If it was for myself, I would have ignored you a long time ago, and just found a fairyland-like paradise to live my fairy life. The reason why I am eager to restore my mana is not In order to better protect you my descendants? I am so painstaking, you can't understand at all, it really disappoints me! Believe it or not, as long as I let go of me, within a year, the people in the clan will die Will be completely dead!" Soi Ying's voice was very cold, as if it was going to freeze Song Yuanshan's blood.

"Grandfather, calm down, grandpa, calm down!" Song Yuanshan begged repeatedly in a hurry.

Hei Yingchang took a breath, and said in a slow voice: "Don't worry, as the ancestor of the Immortal Clan, I can't bear to watch my own descendants die for me. All this is only temporary. I believe that within a few years, my magic power will be completely restored. At that time, when the ancestor worship ceremony is held, there will be no need to use the blood of a virgin to pay homage to me.

"Alright then! I'll hold a tribal meeting tomorrow to discuss this matter with them." Song Yuanshan sighed helplessly and nodded.

"Discuss? What is there to discuss with them! This matter, you have to do it, you have to do it! Tomorrow, you will directly inform them of my decision. If anyone dares to object, let him come to me directly It's done! People who don't respect their ancestors like this don't deserve to live in this world!" Heiying snorted ruthlessly, making Song Yuanshan's heart tremble a few times.

Seeing that Song Yuanshan was submissive under the black shadow's despotic power, not daring to resist in the slightest, and seeing that dozens of girls in the clan were about to be murdered because of this, Song Shuang couldn't sit still anymore in the face of such a tragedy. Couldn't help punching Li Xiaogang hard, glared at her, and shouted angrily: "You are deaf or dumb, why are you still silent and refusing to say a word?"

Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly and asked, "What do you want me to say?"

Song Shuang was almost stunned by Li Xiaogang's attitude, gave him a hard look, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you think?"

Li Xiaogang groaned, turned his head to look at the black shadow, and said coldly, "You are not human, ghost or ghost, if you don't want to die, immediately kneel down and apologize to us both!
"Xiao Gang!..." After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Song Yuanshan and Song's mother almost fainted from fright.Song Yuanshan couldn't help shouting trembling all over.

Song Shuang was very happy when he heard this, and couldn't help but smeared heavily on Li Xiaogang's face, and said with a smile: "This is my mighty good husband! Haha!"

Li Xiaogang's words made Sombra startled and angry. Ever since he was demoted, no one had dared to disrespect him like this.At that moment, his complexion changed, he stared at Li Xiaogang with a gloomy and gloomy gaze, like a poisonous snake, and roared every word: "You brat, I think you are tired of living!" He was about to chop Li Xiaogang to death.

When Song Yuanshan saw it, he hurriedly kowtowed, and begged bitterly as he kowtowed: "Grandfather, please be merciful! Seeing that my daughter and son-in-law are just juniors and are ignorant, you should be a big deal!" , forgive them!

"Hmph! Song Yuanshan! As the patriarch of my Immortal Clan, you actually despise my majesty by marrying your daughter to such an outsider who disrespects my ancestors! It seems that the Immortal Clan needs a new patriarch!

"Hehe, hearing what you mean, you are planning to kill all of us." Li Xiaogang sneered and asked gloomyly.

"You are so disrespectful to this ancestor, this ancestor naturally cannot allow you to continue to live!" There were layers of murderous intent on Heiying's face, which made Song Yuanshan's heart chill to the extreme.

Song Yuanshan was about to kowtow to the black shadow again when Li Xiaogang suddenly stood up.Walking to Song Yuanshan's side, he pulled him up from the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle, this guy is just a lonely ghost. Where are your ancestors? Don't be fooled by his appearance." Scared, lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong!
"Tithe what?" Song Yuanshan turned to look at Li Xiaogang full of surprise.asked with trembling lips.

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, turned around and pointed at the black shadow, and said with a gloomy face: "Don't even think about it, if you were the ancestor of the Immortal Clan, wouldn't you want your descendants to live happily and peacefully? Are you going to kill your offspring instead?"

Song Yuanshan shook his head blankly, and said nana: "But one"

"Dad, there's nothing wrong with it! You just listen to Xiao Gang, he won't be wrong!" Seeing that the look of suspicion still flickered in Song Yuanshan's eyes, Song Shuang straightened her eyebrows and said.

Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, turned his head to stare at the black shadow with flickering cold electricity, and said in a word: "You are not the ancestor of the Banished Immortal Clan at all, you are just a lonely soul who refuses to reincarnate! I know where I learned about the origins of the ancestors of the Immortal Clan, so I pretended to be their ancestors and enslaved the people of the Immortal Clan. Let them give you a virgin every ten years, and use the extreme Yin energy in their blood to increase Your cultivation is so good that you can achieve your way of ghosts and immortals!
Am i right? "

Li Xiaogang's words were like frost, every word, every sentence that got into the shadow's ears would make him feel a chill in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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