The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1947 It really is a treasure!

Chapter 1947 It really is a treasure!
.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said: "I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen you so shameless! That treasure was passed down to the clan by the ancestors of the exiled immortal clan. When did it become yours? You need to give it to me." ?"

"Yes! I admit that you are right. But I want to tell you that since the treasure fell into my hands, it has nothing to do with the Banished Immortal Clan long ago. To tell you the truth, I am already on the treasure , a kind of restriction has been imposed, as long as my mind moves, that baby will immediately disappear into nothingness!"

"Bastard! How could you do this? That treasure was passed down to us by our ancestors, how could it be destroyed in your hands?" Song Yuanshan became very anxious when he heard this, and roared angrily.

Song Shuang pouted, and said to Song Yuanshan: "Dad, don't get excited, seeing his sneaky appearance, maybe he is just scaring us!"

"Xiao Gang, is that so?" Song Yuanshan cast a proving look at Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said slowly: "Although you can't believe everything he says, you can't disbelieve it. After cultivating to his level, he does have the ability to set up restraints and then detonate them with his mind."

"Hey, the great god is the great god, and you really have insight! In this way, as long as you let me go, I will not only offer the treasure with both hands, but also lift the restriction, and I will swear that I will never come to the land of the exiled fairy clan from now on. , I will never do anything that harms you again!" After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the little devil immediately regained his spirits and said triumphantly.

"Hmph! You're talking to me about conditions, aren't you?" Li Xiaogang's expression turned cold suddenly, his eyes flashed with murderous aura like electricity, which made the kid's complexion change drastically in fright, and he couldn't help but shudder. shivering.

"Don't dare! The villain just wants to live, please let the little one survive!" the little ghost stammered.

To destroy the treasure is to destroy the roots of the Banished Immortal Clan and the belief of the Banished Immortals. Li Xiaogang can't mess around.

After thinking about it, he said coldly: "We will discuss your life and death when we see the baby!"

"But one..." The little ghost opened his mouth to speak, but Li Xiaogang gave him a fierce stare, and he swallowed back the words that came to his mouth involuntarily.

"Uncle Xiao, let's go!" Li Xiaogang turned to Song Yuanshan and said.

Song Yuanshan nodded and said, "Shuang'er, stay at home with your mother, and I will go with Xiaogang."

Song Shuang shook his head without thinking and said, "I don't want to! I want to go with you. How can such a lively event leave me behind?"

Mother Song smiled kindly, and said, "Go, go, but be careful!"

Song Shuang nodded happily, and kissed Song's mother on the cheek, making Song's mother giggle non-stop.

The little ghost thought wholeheartedly, hand over the treasure to Li Xiaogang earlier, and then leave as soon as possible, as far away as possible from Li Xiaogang.Therefore, it seemed that he couldn't wait, and walked out of the house without waiting for Li Xiaogang to speak.

Li Xiaogang's hands immediately flashed a purple light, binding him like a rope.

"Great God, you are one." In front of Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power, the little ghost had no room to resist at all, looking at Li Xiaogang full of astonishment and fear, and asked nah.

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and shouted: "Are you going to just walk out with such a big swagger? If someone from the Banished Immortals saw you, wouldn't you be scared to death by your ghostly appearance?"

How could the little ghost think of this, after hearing Li Xiaogang's scolding, he stopped talking.With a slight sway of his figure, his whole body turned into a wisp of black mist. Under the cover of night, it was difficult to see his existence.Seeing this, Li Xiao just nodded, took Song Shuang's hand, and walked out with Song Yuanshan.

Not long after walking towards the ancestral hall where the exiled immortals worshiped the holy stone, they passed a mansion, and Song Shuang suddenly looked at the mansion and stopped.

Li Xiaogang took a step forward, and found that Song Shuang hadn't followed, turned around and saw her staring at the mansion next to her in a daze, and asked, "Shuang'er, what's wrong?"

Song Shuang shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face, and murmured, "This is Song Yuantong's home."

Li Xiaogang immediately understood Song Shuang's mood at this time, shook his head, sighed lightly, and said, "Shuang'er, this incident has already happened after all, and it wasn't your intention, so you really don't have to feel too guilty! "

Song Shuang said sadly: "That's what I said, but the death of Uncle Song's daughter is really unjust!"

Seeing Song Shuang'er's face covered with deep sadness, Li Xiaogang was furious, a purple light hit the little ghost pretending to be the ancestor of the exiled fairy clan silently, the little ghost immediately let out a cry of pain, and the black mist trembled After a few tremblings, it almost fell apart.

"Great God, forgive me, I know I was wrong!" The little ghost hurriedly begged Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, glared at him fiercely, then turned to look at Song Shuang worriedly, not knowing how to comfort him.

Song Yuanshan also let out a long sigh at this time, and said quietly: "This Song Yuantong is indeed pitiful. He loves two women the most in his life, one is his daughter and the other is his wife. The daughter is dead, and now it's his turn His wife, no matter how strong a man is, probably can't stand such a torment.

With a thought in Li Xiaogang's mind, he turned to Song Yuanshan and asked, "Uncle, you seem to have told me that Song Yuantong's wife has an unexplainable strange disease, and she is groggy all day long, right? "

Song Yuanshan nodded, and said: "Yes! In order to treat his wife's illness, Song Yuantong has traveled all over the surrounding mountains and rivers in the past ten years, and found countless rare medicines and fairy grasses, but his wife's illness It just doesn't improve. I don't know if God is deliberately playing tricks on Song Yuantong. Hey!"

"Strange disease?" Li Xiaogang frowned, his consciousness spread quietly, like a thin mist, slowly covering the entire mansion of Song Yuan's family.

Feeling the abundant and frightening energy surge around him, the little ghost shuddered several times in fright.Cursing secretly that he was really blind, and even showing off his power in front of Li Xiaogang, isn't that a typical performance of being tired and crooked?With Li Xiaogang's consciousness, he found Song Yuantong's wife easily.Seeing Song Yuantong's wife lying on the bed like a dry manuscript, she is no different from a dead person.After careful inspection of Song Yuantong's wife's body, Li Xiaogang understood why, after ten years, her cause of disease could not be found out.With a slight smile, there is a care in my heart.

And at this moment, Song Yuanshan thought about Li Xiaogang miraculously recovering Song's mother's eyesight. His heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "Xiao Gang, you can cure Shuang'er's mother's eyes, which shows that your medical skills are not ordinary. .

Song Yuantong's wife's illness, I wonder if you can think of a solution? "

Song Yuanshan's words undoubtedly reminded Song Shuang, Song Shuang's eyes lit up suddenly, he held Li Xiaogang's hand tightly, and said repeatedly with excitement: "Yes, Xiaogang, you are so capable, you must have There is a way to cure her, right? If you can cure Uncle Song's wife, then my guilt towards their family will be reduced a bit!"

Looking at Song Shuang's pleading eyes, he said with a smile, "Since my wife and lord have ordered me, is there any reason for me not to follow?"

"So, you can really cure Aunt Xiao's illness?" Li Xiaogang's words were like a shot in the arm, making Song Shuang's spirits suddenly uplifted like never before.

Li Xiaogang nodded, touched Song Shuang's pretty face lightly, and said: "Of course! If I don't even have this ability, how can our beautiful Song Shuang fall in love with me? Haha!" "

"It's great, it's great!" Song Shuang was so excited that she didn't know what to say, so she kept repeating these two sentences.

Song Yuanshan was also very happy.He and Song Yuantong were originally brothers, they had hated each other all these years, it was like a heavy stone weighing on Song Yuanshan's heart, making him breathless.Now there is hope that he and Song Yuan will turn the fight into friendship and renew the brotherhood. There is nothing that makes Song Yuanshan happier than this.

Song Yuanshan couldn't wait to say: "Then Xiaogang, I will tell Song Yuantong the great news now, so that he will be happy too."

When Li Xiaogang heard this, he quickly stopped him and said, "Uncle, don't be in a hurry. You can't let me take him to treat people, right?" Li Xiaogang pointed and stayed around him, not daring The wisp of black mist that caressed away.

Song Yuanshan let out an oh, and said with a dry smile: "I'm too impatient!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Song Yuantong's wife will not have any problems with her life in a short period of time. It's important for us to solve the immediate matter first."

Song Yuanshan nodded and said in a vibrating voice, "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at Song Shuang, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Are you feeling better now?"

Song Shuang stared at Li Xiaogang in a daze, and murmured, "Husband, tell me, one day, if I don't have you, what should I do?"

Li Xiaogang gently scratched her nose, and said: "What are you talking about? I will always be by your side, guarding you, protecting you!"

When Song Shuang heard it, she was almost drunk with happiness, and buried her head on Li Xiaogang's chest with a shy face, which reminded Song Yuanshan vaguely of how he felt when he was in love with Song's mother when he was young, and felt a sense of urgency in his heart. A kind of happiness is born.

The ancestral hall of the Immortal Clan is very large, and the architecture can be described as magnificent.From the ancestors of the Immortal Clan down, the tablets of the patriarchs and elders of the past dynasties are placed in order from top to bottom, like a hill, solemn and dignified, just like the history of the Immortal Clan.

In front of the hill-like altar, there is a huge altar made of red sandalwood, on which are placed seasonal fruits, and the incense burner is very fragrant. In the middle is an exquisite wooden box, in which there are faint golden rays of light. Seeing from it, the immortal energy is lingering, and it is not an ordinary thing at first glance, it is a sacred thing passed down by the immortal clan for dozens of generations.

Without needing Song Yuanshan to say anything, Li Xiaogang fixed his eyes on the box, chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Sure enough, it's full of fairy spirit, not a mortal thing."

(End of this chapter)

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