The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1967 Resurrection!

Chapter 1967 Resurrection!

Taoist Chunhuo held Xuanyuan Dan with trembling hands, kowtowed three times to Li Xiaogang, and said loudly: "The great kindness and virtue of the Great God, I will never forget each other in Futu Sect! If there is a chance in the future, Xiaoxian and My fellow disciples, even if their bodies are smashed to pieces, they still have to repay the great favor of the Great God! Li Xiaogang shook his head, sighed, and said, "Okay!Let's talk about these gossips later!After you go back this time, be careful in everything!Taoist Chunhuo nodded heavily, said goodbye to Li Xiaogang, took Fantian, turned into two auspicious clouds, and went straight to the fairyland.

"Xiao Gang, from what they said, the situation in the fairy world should be extremely critical. Why are you unwilling to help them? This pure fire Taoist is much stronger than the black-robed venerable. They won the final victory. Is it much better than people like Heipao winning in the end?" Qingsong asked Li Xiaogang full of surprise.

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said quietly: "It's not that I don't help them, it's just that the time hasn't come yet!" The time hasn't come yet?So... when will it be considered time?Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, and murmured: "At least I have to wait until I find the last fragment of the primordial spirit and fuse it. With my current strength, even if I go to the fairy world, I'm afraid I won't be able to help them much. It could just be to die with them!" "No way?With your current cultivation base, can't you still not be able to deal with the gang of immortals in the fairy world?Qingsong asked with disbelief in his eyes.

"Immortals? Hehe, when I showed my face, it was the immortals who charged forward, but the one standing behind them and in charge of all this is not an immortal! They are my real enemies!" Li Xiaogang's face showed a hint of worry.The warning from Nuwa's sixth Yuanshen fragment made him feel a strong ominous feeling every time he thought about it.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this! Brother Qingsong, let's hurry up and revive my sister-in-law!" Li Xiaogang said, changing the subject.

Qingsong immediately seemed impatient, nodded quickly, and said: "Yes, yes! I want to revive Zhu'er, immediately! Compared with refining Xuanyuan Dan, it is easy to revive Zhu'er. Feed Xuanyuan Dan into the Putting it into Zhu'er's mouth, the Xuanyuan Pill immediately transformed into an incomparable spiritual power, which instantly poured into Zhu'er's internal organs...

After a brief silence, golden rays of light emerged from Zhu'er's body, and then slowly wrapped Zhu'er's body, turning into a huge golden silk cocoon.

The golden light lingers everywhere, making people unable to open their eyes.The medicinal power of Xuanyuan Pill was so strong that Qingsong's eyes widened in surprise.

After half an hour, the golden light slowly dispersed, and the big golden cocoon that wrapped Pearl was also peeled off, gradually revealing Pearl wrapped in the cocoon.

"Pearl's complexion changed!" Qingsong immediately cried out in joy and surprise upon seeing Zhu'er.

Although Zhu'er's body was well preserved by Qingsong's magical power, it was no better than a living person after all. The blood on her face had faded away long ago, and she was as pale as paper. At this time, Zhu'er's face was flushed again Bloody, it looks like a stranger.However, Pearl's eyes were still just closed.

"Xiao Gang, what's going on, why hasn't Pearl woke up?" Qingsong couldn't help but asked Li Xiaogang anxiously.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "Brother, you have to wait for the medicine to fully exert its power. Don't worry.

Xuanyuan Pill was created by Nuwa, it must be effective!Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Qingsong nodded, tried hard to suppress the tension and anxiety in his heart, stared at Zhu'er full of unease, watched the changes in her body bit by bit, and didn't even dare to blink his eyes.

About half an hour later, the thing that surprised Qingsong finally happened, Zhu'er's eyelids jumped suddenly, Qingsong couldn't help exclaiming, a heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"Xiao Gang, did you see it?" Qingsong pointed to Zhu'er's eyes, and said to Li Xiaogang with surprise and trembling voice.

Li Xiaogang smiled, nodded and said: "I see!" Before Li Xiaogang's words fell to the ground, Zhu'er uttered a gurgle, and slowly opened her eyes, seeing that Zhu'er's eyes were filled with spirit and vitality again, Qingsong almost burst into tears with excitement.

"Zhu'er, my Zhu'er, you finally woke up! Great, this is really great!" Qingsong was so excited that her lips trembled and said again and again.

Zhu Er, who had been sleeping for a hundred years, suddenly woke up, looking very unaccustomed, with a flustered look on her face.Hearing Qingsong's voice and seeing Qingsong, Zhu'er became even more flustered, suddenly jumped up from the bed, drifted back a few steps with the wind, stared at Qingsong with crescent eyebrows and shouted: "Who are you?"

The medicinal power of Xuanyuan Pill was indeed powerful, not only brought Zhu'er back from death, but also restored her cultivation.

Although Qingsong knew long ago that Zhu'er, who was revived after taking Xuanyuan Pill, would completely forget herself.But when Zhu Er really didn't remember herself and questioned who she was, her indifferent eyes were full of guard, just like an invisible sharp knife, carving Qingsong's heart, causing him pain, even his soul trembling.

Seeing the grief on Qingsong's face, Li Xiaogang couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but uttered softly, "Sister-in-law, don't you really remember brother? He has suffered so much to bring you back to life!" Sister-in-law ?resurrection?what are you talking about?What nonsense! "Zhu'er's eyes widened, and she repeatedly scolded coquettishly.

"You one" Li Xiaogang was annoyed for a while, and was about to reprimand Zhu'er again.

Qingsong suddenly pulled him back, and blocked the words that came to his lips.There was love and sadness hidden between the brows, and she smiled at Zhu'er: "Girl, don't be afraid, we have no malicious intentions. You just woke up, and your body is still weak. You must be very hungry. I'll get you some porridge." Come, please?" As soon as Qingsong's voice fell to the ground, Zhu'er's stomach started to growl.She hadn't eaten for hundreds of years, so her body didn't care so much, and immediately protested.

Zhu'er's face turned red, she coughed, she pointed at Qingsong, and said softly: "You better not play tricks, this girl is not a vegetarian, she can split you into fifteen or sixteen sections with one palm! Zhu'er in front of you With a bit of savagery, Qingsong seemed to have gone through a time tunnel and returned to the time when she first met Zhu'er, and couldn't help laughing.

"You can still laugh now, that's because you don't know how good I am!" Zhu'er scolded coquettishly.

Qingsong smiled and said: "Okay, I understand!" Then, she winked at Li Xiaogang and told him to take care of Zhu'er, and went to prepare food for Zhu'er herself.

Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at Zhu'er, and saw Zhu'er staring at him with wide eyes, full of vigilance.Li Xiaogang couldn't help smiling, and asked, "Do you still remember who you are?"

As soon as Li Xiaogang's words came out of her mouth, Zhu'er's crescent eyebrows immediately frowned, and a deep confusion appeared on her pretty face.

"By the way, why can't I even remember who I am. Who the hell am I?" Zhu'er was full of pain and crouched down with her head in her arms.

Li Xiaogang was a little worried that if Zhu'er continued to think like this, something would go wrong, so he hurriedly said: "If you can't remember it, don't think about it, why bother yourself?"

Zhu'er turned her head and gave him a hard look, and said softly: "You are not the one who lost your memory, so stop talking sarcastic here!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, "I really didn't realize that your temper is so hot, I don't know how Brother Qingsong tolerated you.

When Zhu'er was furious, she shouted softly: "What do you mean? What do I have to do with that Qingsong? Why do you want him to put up with me?"

"I really don't want to provoke you, but you are my elder brother Qingsong's wife and my sister-in-law. This is a fact."

"You're talking nonsense!" Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Zhu'er pointed at Li Xiaogang with her pale jade finger, and said softly, "How could I marry that guy? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you." Cut off your tongue!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help but sighed softly, and said, "I don't know what crime my big brother Qingsong has done, but God tormented him like this. Facing the body of his beloved for hundreds of years, But after the loved one came back from the dead, he was actually forgotten. You said, "Brother Qingsong, am I more wronged than Dou E? "

"Stinky boy! It seems that if I don't show you some color, you don't know how powerful this girl is! Look at your palm!" Zhu'er scolded softly, her pink palm relaxed, and a dark energy, like a wave of air He swept towards Li Xiaogang like a sweep.

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and waved his hand casually, the dark energy exerted by Zhu'er dissipated without a trace.

Zhu'er's complexion changed immediately, her face was full of astonishment, she looked at Li Xiaogang and asked blankly: "How is it possible?"

Li Xiaogang laughed softly and said: "Sister-in-law, you have just been resurrected and your body is still relatively weak, it is best not to get angry, let alone fight desperately with others, otherwise, it will hurt your primordial spirit.

"You, you keep saying that I am resurrected from the dead, have I really died?"

Li Xiaogang pointed to the bed in front of him and said: "Do you know that you have been lying on this bed for hundreds of years. Brother Qingsong has suffered so much to wake you up. You can be regarded as the most beautiful person in the world. happy woman again.

"Zhu'er, the porridge is ready, come and drink it!" Qingsong carefully held a bowl of fragrant lotus seed porridge, walked over, and said with a smile full of love.

"You—what did you call me just now?" Zhu'er turned her eyes to Qingsong.

Afraid of irritating Zhu'er, Qingsong hastily yelled, and said casually: "No! Girl, you should drink the porridge quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold.

"You... call me Pearl? Is that my name?"

Seeing that Zhu'er insisted on asking, Qingsong didn't know what to do, so she turned to look at Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said: "Brother Qingsong, her memory has all disappeared now, and she is eager to know who she is, so you can tell her, she should know.

"But in this way, will it be one?"

Seeing Qingsong's extremely worried look, he said: "Stimulation is inevitable, but if she loses all her previous memories now, if you don't tell her, she may not be able to remember her name for the rest of her life. Even yourself I can’t even remember my name, this feeling is ten times more painful than amnesia itself!” “Tell me quickly, am I called Pearl!Why do I feel familiar with this name? "Zhu'er urged Qingsong anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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