The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1969 The Fourth Primordial Spirit Fragment

Chapter 1969 The Seventh Primordial Spirit Fragment

Zhu'er's face was also condensed, she looked at Qingsong and nodded heavily, and said with a promise: "Don't worry, I will definitely think of everything as soon as possible." After speaking, she pushed Qingsong to Li Xiaogang's side, alone down the kitchen.

Seeing that Qingsong was still full of sentimentality, Li Xiaogang patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Take your time, sister-in-law is doing very well now.

Qingsong shook his head helplessly, and said: "If you don't take your time, what else can I do? God made a joke with Qingsong again, hehe"

Zhu'er went to cook, Li Xiaogang took out an amethyst from Nuwa's god ring, handed it to Qingsong, and said, "Brother, you take this amethyst. In the future, sister-in-law will inevitably have a headache when recalling the past. , you can use the power of this amethyst to suppress sister-in-law's pain, and it should have some effect.

As soon as Qingsong took the amethyst, he immediately felt the incomparably abundant spiritual power contained in it. He was taken aback, looked at Li Xiaogang and asked blankly: "The spiritual power of this amethyst is so powerful, it is not at all stronger than the black one." There must be something famous about the top-grade immortal stone that Venerable Pao gave me, right? Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "I discovered it by chance, and I don't know what it's famous for.

But anyone who has been in contact with amethyst is healthier than ordinary people, it is indeed a treasure.

Qingsong held the amethyst and looked it over carefully, and said: "There are indeed many inconceivable natural treasures in this world, but, in my opinion, this amethyst does not seem to grow naturally.

"Oh? Why did Brother Qingsong say that?" Li Xiaogang asked curiously.

Qingsong shook his head and said: "As far as I know, the immortal stone is conceived by the aura of the fairy world, without any artificial influence, it is made by nature, and that is the real treasure of heaven and earth.

"What is the relationship between Ke Yike Xianshi and this amethyst?" Li Xiaogang became more and more confused.

Qingsong said: "Although this amethyst is not a fairy stone, it contains more powerful power than the fairy stone, which is a bit strange. If the fairy stone is bred by the spiritual energy of the fairy world, then what is the amethyst bred from? How about it? Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "Maybe it's also the aura of heaven and earth, but the aura of our human world is different from the aura of the fairy world, so the fairy stones bred are also different. "

Qingsong chuckled, and asked: "Do you know why immortals are stronger than us mortals, and the cultivation speed of immortal Qi and Yang is much faster than us mortals?" Li Xiaogang replied without thinking: "Of course it is because of the immortals. The aura is more abundant than our mortal aura, much more abundant! "As he spoke, Li Xiaogang frowned suddenly, as if thinking of something, his expression suddenly became serious.

Qingsong smiled and said: "You have also thought about it, right? Our mortal aura is not as rich as that of the fairy world, but why is the amethyst bred by our mortal aura stronger than the fairy stone bred by the fairy world's aura? Woolen cloth?"

"Yeah? This really doesn't make sense."

"So, I suspect that it's not the aura that gave birth to these amethysts, but something else. But no matter what it is, it must have huge energy, at least much stronger than the aura of the fairy world! Qingsong said made his own guess.

"But what could that be?" Li Xiaogang murmured, asking Qingsong and himself at the same time.

Qingsong stared at the amethyst for a while, then suddenly frowned, and asked: "Xiao Gang, do you see that the light emitted by this amethyst is very similar to the light emitted by your Nuwa divine power?" Li Xiaogang With a cry, he quickly took out another amethyst and looked at it carefully.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned.The purple light emitted from the amethyst is pure and clear, mysterious and possesses a noble aura, exactly the same as the purple light released by his Nuwa divine power, no difference.

"It's really the same! Is this just a coincidence?" Li Xiaogang asked blankly.

Qingsong laughed softly and said: "I don't think this is a coincidence. Even if it is a coincidence, the so-called coincidence is actually a kind of necessity, with its own causal relationship.

"Brother, you mean to say one"

"That's right! As soon as you took out this amethyst, I began to suspect that the energy that gave birth to these amethysts came from the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen, and belonged to the same source as the Nuwa's divine power in your body.

"But there is something wrong. If the power of the amethyst is really the same as my Nuwa's divine power, then I should be familiar with it and kind, but why do I hold the amethyst and feel a little Didn't feel it either? Qingsong smiled and said, "It's not surprising!Although your power comes from the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen, the situation of energy expression has changed.Just like us humans, our ancestors are all apes, but we have multiplied into different races.Strange, even hostile to each other.

Qingsong's explanation gave Li Xiaogang a feeling of enlightenment, his mind was moved, and he said to Qingsong full of surprises: "Brother, if your guess is true, does it mean that there is a piece of nuwa stone in the place where these amethysts grow?" Primordial spirit fragment? Qingsong nodded, and said in a vibrating voice: "Yes, it is probably the seventh primordial spirit fragment that you haven't found so far! "Could it be that the seventh Yuanshen fragment is still on the earth?" Li Xiaogang frowned tightly.

There is hope, but also worry and doubt in the eyes.

Qingsong asked a little strangely: "Shouldn't the seventh piece of Yuanshen fragment be on the earth?" Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said slowly: "At the beginning, I used to search for the last piece of Nuwa Yuanshen fragment. My spiritual sense has searched every corner of the entire earth, but I have not found it. Therefore, I once suspected that the seventh fragment of the primordial spirit is not on the earth, but in the vast universe.

Qingsong thought for a while, and said: "You failed to find the seventh piece of the soul, I think it should be because the breath of the seventh piece of the soul was covered by these amethysts, so it escaped you probing.

Li Xiaogang took a long breath, smiled and said to Qingsong: "Brother, if it wasn't for your advice today, I'm afraid I would never find the seventh piece of Yuanshen in my life.

Qingsong shook his head and said with a smile: "Xiao Gang, you are wrong! The reason Nuwa chose you to be his disciple is because of your fate. Fate is the same as love, it is the most important thing in this world. One of the wonderful things, even if I don’t call you today, someone else will.”

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said with a smile: "Brother Qingsong, your knowledge is really much higher than mine, and it makes me ashamed to be a younger brother."

Qingsong smiled and said: "Xiao Gang, although your cultivation is far above mine, you have only lived for a few decades, but I have lived for thousands of years. Speaking of this experience, you are much worse than me . And that's what worries me the most about you."

"Worried? What are you worried about me?" Li Xiaogang asked puzzled.

Qingsong sighed, and said: "You have also seen, the black-robed lord, Taoist Pure Fire, the good and the evil in the fairy world, have already set their sights on our mortal world. The turmoil in the fairy world will come to us one day Mortal. Although your cultivation base is high, I am afraid that in terms of experience, you will not be as good as those guys in the fairy world who have lived for tens of thousands of years. I am afraid that you will suffer."

"Hmph! Brother, just watch! As long as those so-called immortals dare to bring turmoil to the mortal world, I will let them taste my strength!" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, his face covered with frost.

Qingsong nodded and said: "Xiao Gang, if that day comes, I, the big brother, will definitely fight alongside you. It's a pity that my cultivation base is poor, and I'm afraid I may not be able to help you at that time. "

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said to Qingsong sincerely: "Brother, I am very grateful for you to say that!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang took out a few more amethysts and said to Qingsong: "There is nothing in this amethyst. Since the energy conceived is stronger than the precious fairy stone in the fairy world, if you use the energy in it to cultivate, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. You take these amethysts and use them to improve your cultivation and your sister-in-law!"

Qingsong took the amethyst, but there was a look of embarrassment on his face, Li Xiaogang looked at it strangely and couldn't help asking: "Brother Qingsong, is there anything wrong?"

Qingsong smiled wryly, and said: "Xiao Gang, if it was in the past, I would definitely jump up happily, because my cultivation base can be improved quickly. But now, the fairyland is in a mess, and the Ascension fairyland has not left behind at all. The world is at ease, but this improvement in cultivation has actually become my trouble."

Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked a little puzzled: "Brother Qingsong, what did you say? Even if you don't want to ascend to the fairy world, you can continue to improve your cultivation. Is there any conflict between the two?"

Qingsong said: "You cultivators are different from us cultivators. When our cultivation reaches a certain level, it will attract the nine-day thunder calamity. Either you successfully overcome the calamity and ascend to the fairy world. Or your soul will fly away and disappear. It exists in the world. You can only choose one of the two!"

"Is there such a thing?" Li Xiaogang really didn't know this point, who made him a god, a higher existence than immortals!
Qingsong bitterly said: "Yes! Even if you don't want to cross the catastrophe, the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation will still come. I'm afraid that when the time comes, if you don't want to stay in the world, you won't be able to do it."

Li Xiaogang thought for a while, and said: "Is there no way to improve my cultivation without letting Jiutian Lei Jie find me?"

Qingsong shook his head and said, "Since ancient times, there has never been such a precedent."

"By the way, Brother Qingsong, your experience is richer than mine. Let me tell you why we cultivators don't need to cross the tribulation. What is the difference between us and you cultivators?"

After listening to Li Xiaogang's question, Qingsong thought about it carefully, and then replied in a deep voice: "I think, the difference between the two should be the epiphany of the way of heaven and the control of the energy level? You guys God cultivators are closer to the way of heaven than us immortal cultivators, and have even surpassed the way of heaven, so the power you can control is much stronger than what we can control, and the level of power itself is also different. The power of immortal cultivators and god cultivators is comparable The comparison should be the difference between the internal force cultivated by ordinary martial arts masters and the spiritual force mastered by us immortals."

Li Xiaogang continued to ask: "Does that mean that the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation actually came after the spiritual power. When the spiritual power stored in a cultivator's body reaches a certain level, the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation will smell it, and then Come here. Where is the cultivator? Wherever the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation followed, this is probably because he was guided by the spiritual power of the cultivator, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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