Chapter 1987

"No!" Princess Jona was even more reluctant to part with Leon Horton, and opened her mouth to let out a miserable cry.

Just when Jona and Nafi thought that Leon Horton was going to die this time, in the diagonal stab, Shaqima rushed out like a wild horse, and slammed into Zixiu's body fiercely. Xiu was caught off guard and didn't even have time to hide, but was hit hard by Shaqima...

Shaqima had absorbed the energy of the amethyst. Although his strength was not as good as Zixiu's, it was stronger than Leon Horton's.Caught off guard, Zixiu couldn't stand upright after being hit by him like this, and couldn't help but fell to the side.As a result, the terrifying sword energy guided by him immediately crooked, and slid to the side against Leon Horton's body.Poor house, half of the wall was shattered by the sword energy.

In Qi Meng's eyes, Shaqima was really too weak.He was so weak that he didn't even bother to deal with it, and he didn't even take precautions.He only focused on Nafei and Nahui, which created a chance for Shaqima to succeed.

Sha Qima knocked Zixiu down, and Leon Horton temporarily saved his life.He shouted at Shaqima: "Thanks, brother! You have saved me twice!"

Shaqima nodded to Leon Horton, as a thank you.

Seeing that Leon Horton was about to die in front of him, but was destroyed by Shaqima again, Zixiu's steel teeth were about to be crushed.

"You foreign pariah, see if I don't tear you into pieces!" Zixiu roared, and rushed towards Shaqima like a ghost.

Zixiu's movements were too fast, and at the same time too weird.Shaqima couldn't even see clearly, let alone resist.He just felt his eyes go dizzy, and then he was horrified to find that Zixiu's rapier was resting on his neck.

"Zixiu! What are you doing? He is just a foreigner and has nothing to do with our Bixiu Empire. You can't kill him!" Seeing that Shaqima's life was in danger, Princess Qiaona yelled anxiously.

Zi Xiuxiu was about to kill Shaqima with his sword, but when he heard Princess Qiaona's urgent cry, an extremely cruel sneer appeared on his face.He said sinisterly: "Just let you die like this, it's too cheap for you! I want to torture you bit by bit, so that you can't die! Hahaha..." As he said, Zixiu's huge fist was on the ground. Wrapped in a ball of purple light, it ruthlessly hit Shaqima's lower abdomen.

How domineering Zixiu's fist was, Shaqima's whole body immediately arched like a prawn after this punch.There was a violent retching, and even the yellow bile was vomited out.

The severe pain caused Shaqima's facial features to squeeze together, and big drops of cold sweat slid down Shaqima's cheeks like a spring.

Zixiu's cruelty filled Qi Meng's eyes with admiration, and the smile on his face grew stronger.Haha smiled and said: "Zixiu, you little guy, I like you more and more. No wonder General Via will favor you. You are not only smart and aware of current affairs, but more importantly, you are ruthless and can be successful. Big deal, not bad! Hahaha..."

"Dog thief! I'll kill you!" Zixiu's actions completely enraged Leon Horton.

Shaqima saved his life twice.In order to save him, now he has to endure Zixiu's inhuman torture. Leon Horton is also a warrior who values ​​love and righteousness, and knows how to repay him.Shaqima could endure such pain to save him, so couldn't he risk his life to save Shaqima?Although Leon Horton couldn't even stand still due to a lot of blood loss, his iron will still pushed his body, holding the broken sword, step by step, moving towards Zixiu.

After finally coming to Zixiu, blood was spilled all the way.Leon Horton let out a roar, and with the last breath of strength in his body, he raised the broken sword high.However, before he aimed at Zixiu's head and slashed down fiercely, Zixiu's body spun violently, and the tip of his toe was like a whip, hitting Leon Horton's chest fiercely.The explosive force immediately spread throughout Leon Horton's body, causing his body to fly backward uncontrollably.From the throat, a bright red blood arrow spurted out, it looked so soul-stirring.

After landing, Leon Horton gritted his teeth, desperately trying to stand up again.But he couldn't do it, his body no longer belonged to him at this time, no matter how his brain gave orders, every inch of his body would no longer obey his orders.

"Hmph! When death is imminent, you are still obsessed with obsession, stupid!" Zixiu glanced at Leon Horton coldly, and shouted.

Kuesh took out the sword from his waist and said to Zixiu, "General Zixiu, why don't you let me take care of him for you?"

Zixiu shook his head, bared his teeth and showed a ferocious beast-like smile, and said quietly: "No! Leon Horton has to be resolved by myself. I will torture this foreign pariah to death first, and then follow He is having fun! Chief Qi Meng, will you allow it?"

Qi Meng sneered and said, "You can play as much as you want, we have plenty of time. Hehe..."

"Enough!" Nafei couldn't bear the anger in his heart any longer. With a roar, he exerted all the star power in his body to the extreme, and even temporarily got rid of Qi Meng's suppression on her, and successfully escaped. , and shot at Zixiu fiercely.

"Huh? You little girl still has some skills!" Qi Meng didn't expect Nafei to burst out with such astonishing power, and a slight surprise appeared on his face.But the surprise was fleeting, replaced by coldness.I saw Qi Meng waved his hand seemingly casually, and a thick black air gushed out from his palm immediately.This black air was like a black dragon, with extremely fast speed, it crossed the space in a blink of an eye, and slammed into Nafei's back fiercely. Nafei wanted to kill Zixiu, so he focused all his attention on Zixiu On Xiu's body, at the same time, Qi Meng's power is too strong, even if she wants to resist, it is impossible.

The black air came in a blink of an eye, and she was not given any time to react. There was a bang, and Nafei let out a miserable roar in the air, and her body fell from the air like a kite with a broken string.Blood spurted wildly, and his face immediately turned pale.

"Sister!" Seeing that Nafei was so severely injured, the most anxious person was Nahui, whose delicate body shook continuously, wanting to use the star power burst to get rid of Qi Meng's coercion just like Nafei.However, Nafei's luck could never happen to her again.After Nafei left, Qi Meng had expected that Nahui would follow suit, and secretly increased the coercion on Nahui by more than [-]%.In this way, no matter how Na Hui wants to leave, let alone relying on star power to explode, even self-destruct is impossible.

Seeing the strenuous pain on Na Hui's face, Qi Meng sneered sinisterly and said: "Little girl, you are too naive. In front of me, Qi Meng, you still want to play tricks? Dreaming!"

Accompanied by Qi Meng's cold snort, Na Hui's expression became more painful.Her delicate body trembled several times as if she had been electrocuted, and then a stream of bright red blood slowly overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Princess Qiao Na saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart.If it continues like this, it won't be long before Na Hui will be crushed to death by Qi Meng's coercion.

"Enough! Stop it, stop it!" Seeing the people around him, one by one fell, or were about to fall.She was kind, but she couldn't bear the pain.The whole person seemed to be on the verge of collapse, crying.

"Hey... Qiao Na, if you want to save them, then kill yourself in front of me. If you die, they can live!" Qi Meng smiled evilly, and took out a handful of azure blue The delicate dagger was thrown far to Qiao Na's feet.

"Princess...don't!" Nafi struggled to sit up halfway, and said to Jona with difficulty.

Although Leon Horton didn't have the strength to move at this time, his tears were rushing wantonly, and his eyes were fixed on Qiao Na's body.

"Shameless, despicable! Don't you big men feel ashamed to bully a weak woman?" Shaqima spat out a mouthful of blood and yelled at Zixiu full of anger and sarcasm.

Without saying a word, Zixiu punched Sha Qima directly in the chest.Shaqima's whole body was like a baseball that was blown away, and immediately flew out.

"You foreign pariah, when is it your turn to speak? Shut up!" Zixiu took a quick step, and slammed on Shaqima's chest. There was only a click, and Shaqima's ribs did not move. I know how many are broken.

Such intense pain still failed to make Shaqima succumb.Shaqima used all her strength to widen her eyes, and stared at Zixiu intently, the hatred in her was as strong as a volcanic eruption.

In Zixiu's eyes, Shaqima is no different from an insignificant ant, but he hasn't had a good time yet, and he doesn't want Shaqima to die like this, which temporarily spares his life.Turning around, he looked at Princess Jona to see how she would make a choice.

Seeing that Princess Qiaona was still hesitating, Qi Meng's expression became ruthless, and he pressed down on the void with his right hand. Na Hui, who was covered by his coercion, immediately let out a miserable cry of pain, spurting blood, and completely collapsed. Sitting down on the ground.

"Qimeng, you..." Princess Qiaona widened her eyes angrily.

However, Qi Meng smiled slightly, with an expression of indifference, and said lightly: "Princess Qiaona, you have to make a decision quickly. Otherwise, I don't think this poor woman can last long."

"Hahaha... Qiaona, you have always been known for your kindness in the empire. But now it seems that you have pretended that. Both Nafei and Nahui grew up with you. They wanted to protect you , I don’t know how many times I have experienced the test of life and death. They have saved you so many times, but now you, who are kind, refuse to save them once. I really feel worthless for them. It’s ridiculous because of your courage Little women, and so many stupid people, are willing to give their only life."

Zixiu's wild laughter made Qiao Na's heart sting, and his sarcasm eyes made Nafei and Leon Horton extremely resentful.

(End of this chapter)

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