The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1989 A Voice From 9 Days Away

Chapter 1989 Voice from Nine Heavens
The villagers of the clan lived in this isolated place all year round and lived a peaceful life. They had never seen such a ferocious devil like Qi Meng. His actions immediately brought a lot of shock to the hearts of these villagers.The originally noisy roar suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the scene fell into deathly loneliness.

A few more innocent villagers died, and Shaqima was heartbroken, but she was helpless. Tears flowed down her face, and she yelled, "Evil thief, what are you waiting for? Kill me, kill me!"

Qi Meng raised his head, and said coldly to Zixiu: "Let's do it! These alien pariahs, with me around, dare not do anything."

Zixiu chuckled, and without hesitation, he was about to stab the thin sword in Shaqima's throat fiercely, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Zixiu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and then the rapier in his hand flew out automatically as if it had grown wings.Zixiu couldn't help being stunned by this sudden scene, and turned his head to look at Qi Meng blankly, thinking that it was Qi Meng who snatched his rapier away.After all, with his status as a five-star warrior, only Qi Meng has the strength to be so tough here that he doesn't even have the slightest room to resist and take away the weapon in his hand.

Seeing Zixiu looking at him, Qi Meng shouted in a deep voice, "What do you see me doing? It was fine just now, why did you throw away the weapon?"

"Ah? I'm one." Hearing what Qi Meng said, Zixiu couldn't help but froze.He thought that Qi Meng had some new ideas, so he took his weapon away to stop him.But hearing what Qi Meng said, in Qi Meng's eyes, he threw the sword himself.Zixiu's heart suddenly trembled a few times, a strong, unprecedented fear suddenly attacked him.

The sword was definitely not thrown by him, but was snatched away by someone. Zixiu, as the person involved, has no doubts about this.But in Qi Meng's eyes, he threw the sword himself. This undoubtedly shows that Qi Meng didn't see someone trying to grab the sword in his hand, so he mistakenly thought that Zixiu threw the sword himself.

So what does this mean?Zixiu shivered, and murmured: "How is it possible? Even the powerful leader of the Qimeng Pavilion has not discovered the existence of this person, so how high should this person's cultivation be? Eight-star warriors Or a nine-star fighter?" Thinking along this line of thought, Zixiu's forehead immediately seeped a thin layer of cold sweat.He stared blankly at the direction in which the rapier flew out, and even held his breath.

Qi Meng, who was about to see how Zixiu put Shaqima and Shanrou to death, suddenly found that Zixiu was motionless, as if he was stupid, and couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Zixiu, what the hell are you doing?" ?”

This is not only what Qi Meng wants to know.Princess Qiaona, Nafei, Nahui, Leon Horton, Shaqima and Shanrou all looked puzzled.I don't know why Zixiu would do this at the last moment.Even Qi Meng thought it was Zixiu who threw the sword, especially with their cultivation base.

"Could it be that Zixiu repented at the last moment, so he showed mercy?" Princess Jona asked herself, but even she herself felt that this conjecture was too naive and absurd.

"Who is it? Who is it!?" Zixiu asked with a trembling voice as he looked out of the door in a panic.

However, there was no one else outside the door except the villagers who were also full of astonishment.Qi Meng frowned even tighter, and asked coldly: "Zixiu, what's wrong with you, you yelled, did you lose your mind and go crazy?"

"The leader of the big pavilion, there are masters, there are masters!" Zixiu hurried to Qi Meng and said in fear.

"What master? Are you the devil? If there is a master, the chief of the pavilion would have noticed it long ago!" Seeing the ridiculous panic in Zixiu, Qi Meng waved impatiently and shouted.

"No! No! Dage leader, there are really masters, and he is a top master! The sword in my hand was taken away by him just now." Dage leader, dangerous, dangerous! " Zixiu has completely lost his composure, trembling all over, like sifting chaff.

Qi Meng's eyes turned cold, and he slapped Zixiu hard on the face.The beating made Zixiu's eyes go numb, and one of his cheeks bulged.

"You kid, what nonsense are you talking about? Are you kidding me?" Qi Meng was furious, pointed at Zixiu's nose, and cursed loudly.

When Qi Meng was furious, Sha Qima and Shanrou also looked at each other in blank dismay.He didn't know what Zixiu was staged.

"Dage leader, my sword—my sword was not thrown by me, it was taken away by someone. It's true, what I said is true!" Zixiu ignored the sharp pain on his cheek, Hastily explained.

Qi Meng's eyes immediately widened, and he shouted in a deep voice: "What did you say? Your sword was taken away by someone? You bastard! Unless it was done by a ten-star warrior, it is absolutely impossible to hide it from my eyes. I think you're a tough kid, but at the last moment, you don't dare to make a move, do you?"

"No big cabinet leader, it's really not what you said, I can swear to God, I'm really one." Zixiu eagerly wanted to prove what he said.However, Qi Meng was not interested in listening to him at all.

"You coward! Thanks to our General Via, who still values ​​you so much, you are a coward! If you don't do anything, I'll do it!" Qi Meng kicked Zixiu to the ground, and with a move with his right hand, a wave The black air immediately jumped into his palm.Qi Meng was about to kill Shaqima and Shanrou in one fell swoop, when at this moment, an ethereal voice seemed to come from nine days away, resounding far but clearly between heaven and earth.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that this place is much more lively than when I left last time!"

With the sound, everyone hurriedly looked around, trying to find the speaker, but everywhere they looked, they saw faces full of confusion...

With the sound, everyone hurriedly looked around, trying to find the speaker, but wherever they looked, they saw faces that were also full of confusion.Shanrou's heart was lifted, she couldn't help but gently pushed Shaqima, and said in a low voice: "Shaqima, do you think this voice is familiar?"

"Ah?" Women should be more careful after all, Sha Qima was shocked and curious, but she didn't realize that this voice was familiar to him.Being reminded by Shanrou, Shaqima thought about it carefully in her mind, her expression suddenly lifted, and an unbelievable ecstasy surged up in an instant. "Shanrou, you mean, the person here is..."

Shanrou was very sure at this time, and nodded with a smile.Shaqima was overjoyed immediately, couldn't help laughing, and said repeatedly: "If it's really his old man, then we...we will be saved!"

This time, Qi Meng was really shocked.This time, he realized that Zixiu hadn't lied to him, he was telling the truth, and indeed here came a master, a real master.With this ability of sound transmission alone, Qi Meng couldn't do it even if he was exhausted.Don't say he can't do it, even Via, whom he admires, can't do it.

Qi Meng opened his mouth in surprise, and couldn't understand how there could be such a powerful existence on this backward planet that he despises and despises.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Qi Meng was surprised and Zixiu was about to be frightened, Qiao Na quietly came to Nafei's side.Seeing Nafei's nervous face, he looked around suspiciously, as if he was looking for someone.Jona asked in a low voice, "Nafei, who do you think is coming?"

Nafi shook his head blankly, and murmured with a dull expression: "I don't know, I really don't know. However, this person is definitely very powerful, the most powerful can crush us to death like ants."

"Could it be that my father is here?" Although Princess Qiao Na is smart, she has no interest in martial arts.But she knew that in the entire Bixius Empire, the most powerful person was her father.At this time, she thought that it was her father who had escaped Via's clutches and came to rescue him specially.

" doesn't look like your majesty's aura. Your Highness, please forgive me for saying something disrespectful. Even a mighty majesty can't have such a powerful aura." Nafei shook his head slowly, with a full face They are all dignified colors.

"It's not my father, who could it be? Will he be a friend or an enemy?" Qiao Na became nervous, looking in the direction of the door without blinking, eager to see clearly, the one that made so many people present What kind of person is a person whose expression changes all at the same time as a powerful warrior?

"Who are you? Stop!" At this moment, there was a roar outside the room.It was a black-armored warrior from the Bixiuth Empire. Obviously, someone who came had already made contact with them.

"Ah!!!" After a brief silence, a shrill scream suddenly resounded through the entire sky.Qi Meng and Zixiu shuddered at the same time, and their complexions became ugly.

At this time, among the villagers of the clan, cheers like waves suddenly erupted.All the faces were covered by strong joy.Seeing this, Shaqima and Shanrou strengthened their guess that the person who came was indeed their savior.

"Brother Gang! Brother Gang!!!" Shaqima's excited heart was beating wildly, and she couldn't help shouting loudly.Although Shanrou didn't yell loudly, her unstoppable tears showed that her heart was not at all calmer than Shaqima's.

The performance of Shaqima and Shanrou seemed to be a reassurance, which made Princess Qiaona, Nafei, Nahui, and Leon Horton all feel at ease.

Princess Qiaona couldn't wait to ask: "Shaqima, Shanrou, do you know who is here?"

Shaqima laughed and said, "Of course I do! Your Royal Highness, we are saved! These damn villains will be punished! Hahaha..."

The more excited Shaqima was, the more ugly Qi Meng and Zixiu's expressions became. The two hurriedly raised their star power to the extreme. Although they were terrified, they had to give it a go in order to survive.

The villagers outside the room slowly moved to the sides, revealing a passage for one person to move forward.With his hands behind his back, Li Xiaogang's body stretched into the clouds, with a smile all over his face, he walked step by step into the eyes of everyone in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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