The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1997 Unknown Forces

Chapter 1997 Unknown Forces
"And then?" McKinley asked.After all, country M has made a big head this time, so I asked a lot.

"Then, what should you do?" Li Xiaogang shrugged.

"Uh, Mr. Li, can you make it clearer, so I can't explain to the public." McKinney said helplessly in blunt Chinese.

Li Xiaogang sneered, thinking that McKinley was no better than Harvin, the earth was almost lost, and he was still wondering if his position was secure.

"President McKinley, how many of your people know that Star Wars is real?" Li Xiaogang said playfully, "Besides, if I say no, you will be nothing tomorrow!"

McKinley choked on a single sentence and immediately became speechless.

"Mr. Li, I only have one request." Yukio Yamamoto, who had been silent for a long time, opened his mouth.

"You want to say Mikiko?" Li Xiaogang frowned. Although he accepted Mikiko, after all, he had an island country father-in-law, and he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Exactly. I have no other requirements, I just hope that you can take good care of her." Yukio Yamamoto said sadly.

"Don't worry, she is my wife now, and I will arrange for her to be in the safest place." Li Xiaogang answered by saying so.

Yukio Yamamoto nodded, with a look of gratitude in his eyes.

"It's best for you to transport the combat preparations to the place before tomorrow, and then contact a person named Shen Qihong when you get there." Li Xiaogang continued.

Everyone nodded and asked a few more details. McKinley and Yukio Yamamoto left by special plane.

"Master Xi, I still want to take Li Wenqing away." Li Xiaogang said.

"No problem! Even if you let my old man go in person, I have no objection, haha." Zhu Xi said generously.It is a good thing that Li Xiaogang can use Li Wenqing. In the future, when Li Wenqing returns to the space agency, his value will appreciate many times.

Lin Chaoran also nodded vigorously.

At this time, suddenly Na received a call from Song Shuang.

"Husband, Shen Qihong has already produced the helmet and put it into use. It is very popular now." Song Shuang's sweet voice full of excitement came from the other end of the phone.

"This is good news." Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

"According to this trend, within a day, the treasure resources on the asteroid should be almost mined." Song Shuang said confidently.

"Okay, I know, you must inform me as soon as possible." After Li Xiaogang finished speaking, he ended the call with Song Shuang, turned around and said to Zhu Xi: "The asteroid will be destroyed in a day. Zhu Xi can Notify the countries that they can put their hearts in their stomachs for the time being."

When Zhuxi heard the news, his face immediately beamed with joy, and he said yes repeatedly.

Li Xiaogang saw that things were almost done, so he said goodbye to Zhu Xi and Lin Chaoran, and took Li Wenqing straight to the Taklamakan Base.

As soon as I arrived in Taklamakan, I saw Shen Qihong and Hu Dinghai busy from a long distance, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

"You're here." Shen Qihong saw Li Xiaogang and waved from a distance.

"Yes, and I brought a big helper." Li Xiaogang pulled Li Wenqing over and smiled at Shen Qihong.

"Ah, it's Director Li." Shen Qihong stretched out his hands to express a warm welcome.

Li Wenqing smiled awkwardly, and shook hands with Shen Qihong.After all, Shen Qihong can be regarded as his subordinate, so it doesn't matter if his subordinate quits and gets poached, even his boss follows suit, which is somewhat embarrassing.

Li Wenqing is a literati, and Shen Qihong saw Li Wenqing's concerns to some extent, so he said carelessly: "In the future, Director Li will give you more advice. We are all for the cause of the earth now, and Director Li must not hesitate to give advice." embarrassment.

Li Wenqing was right in thinking, no matter what, I came here for the rise and fall of the earth, so I shouldn't think too much, and nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, Old Shen, prepare the purple light cannon to blast that asteroid down tomorrow." Li Xiaogang said casually.

"Okay! The purple light cannon has been set up, just waiting for you to speak." Shen Qihong said, patting his chest.

"You should contact Song Shuang for the specific launch incident." Li Xiaogang said again.

According to the agreement with Qi Meng, we will leave for Planet Najib tomorrow, and the first thing to do is to check the combat readiness, Li Xiaogang thought to himself.

"Also, Director Li, you have a mission too." Li Xiaogang turned to Li Wenqing and said.

"Mr. Li, you said, I came here to complete the task!" Li Wenqing replied sternly.

Li Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction and said, "The spaceships of country M and island countries will be handed over to you. From now on, you will be the commander-in-chief of the spaceship team."

"What is the specific task?" Li Wenqing was a little puzzled.

"The specific task is to detect the movement of Planet Najib. Report to me at any time." Li Xiaogang said.

"Okay! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Li Wenqing gave a straight military salute.

"Where are Princess Qiaona and the others?" Li Xiaogang looked around, but he didn't see them.

"They are still explaining the surrounding environment and combat instructions of Planet Najib to the soldiers." Shen Qihong replied.

Li Xiaogang nodded, and then said: "Your side is the headquarters, you must be more fully prepared."

"Don't worry, water and food, as well as heavy weapons and interstellar warfare preparations, are all ready." Shen Qihong replied.

"By the way, what's the situation with Li Wenqing? If you can't get in touch, you must tell Shen Qihong's headquarters." Li Xiaogang continued to reiterate.

Li Wenqing nodded solemnly.

"According to the agreement between me and Qi Meng, I am going to go to Naji planet tomorrow, and I will hold a pre-war meeting today. Zhou Xing, Sun Gan, and you guys will call on Princess Qiaona and the others to make the battle plan ahead of time. Make sure." Li Xiaogang continued.

At this time, a soldier came over and reported to Hu Dinghai: "General Hu, the spaceships and personnel from country M and island countries are already in place!"

"Okay." Hu Dinghai answered briefly, waved his hands, and then ordered: "You inform Zhou Xing, Sun Gan, and Princess Qiaona to gather here immediately."

"Received!" The soldier saluted straightly.

"Tsk tsk, your soldiers are no less than our field army." Li Wenqing's face was full of distrust again.

"Director Li, from now on we will be on the same front, not yours or ours." Shen Qihong smiled.

"Yeah. That's what you said." Li Wenqing said shyly.

Shen Qihong's phone rang just in time.It was Song Shuang.

It turned out that their asteroid mining plan had been completed, but besides that, she also discovered a strange phenomenon.

Shen Qihong immediately reported the situation to Li Xiaogang.

"What, she found a UFO on the asteroid?" Li Xiaogang didn't quite believe it.

"It's true. Song Shuang has sent dozens of robots to surround these unknown objects. However, despite many times of strong attacks, these ineffective objects always disappear and regenerate repeatedly. Song Shuang asks you what to do. Should we withdraw the robots and destroy the entire planet directly, or?" Shen Qihong asked.

Li Xiaogang pondered for a while. For some reason, he always faintly felt that he was getting closer and closer to the seventh fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen. Since Nuwa came to an alien planet from the fairy world, he must not let go of any suspicious clues.

"I'll take a look in person. When I figure it out, it's not too late for you to use purple light to bombard me. When Sun Gan and the others come, you should think about the details first, and then assign tasks. I'll talk about it when I come back." Li Xiaogang stepped down decided.

Just as Shen Qihong was about to say something, it happened that Sun Gan and Princess Qiaona arrived.

"Brother Gang, just now you said where are you going? Aren't you going to fight them tomorrow?" Sun Gan said carelessly.

Seeing that Princess Qiaona was also there, Li Xiaogang didn't hide anything at all, and said, "I want to go to outer space. The asteroid may not be able to be bombed for the time being."

"Brother Gang, what asteroid are you talking about?" Princess Jona asked hesitantly with her eyes wide open.

"It was the planet Suda that Via and the others destroyed." Li Xiaogang replied.

Princess Qiao Na's plump breasts immediately heaved wildly, looking terrified: "You, what did you find on it? Are there many monsters that can be destroyed?"

"How do you know?" Li Xiaogang said, her uncharacteristic reaction made Li Xiaogang more interested and determined to find out.

"It seems that the legend is indeed true." Princess Jona's face turned pale, as if she had lost all her previous confidence.Leon Horton, Nafi, and Nahui also reflected in the same way.

"You said it, I'm really anxious to death." Sun Gan shouted impatiently.

Princess Qiao Na let out a long sigh, and said quietly: "At that time, I told you that the reason why the Najib Federation came to Suda Planet was because they wanted to give the Earth a bad blow. In fact, the most fundamental reason is not here."

In fact, Li Xiaogang is also skeptical about this point. According to the strength of the planet Najib, destroying another planet in order to seize the earth is really a bit of a brain-dead way.

Li Xiaogang didn't express his displeasure, nor did he interrupt Princess Qiaona. Based on his understanding of this woman, she couldn't even bear to hurt Shaqima and Shanrou. The reason why she concealed something must be something unspeakable.

Seeing that no one answered, Princess Qiaona continued: "The problem is that the planet Najib has discovered a force that cannot be suppressed and has a very strange method. They have almost exhausted all their energy to expel this force. The power of the tiger led them to the Suda planet, and then wiped them out in one fell swoop. Who knew that the Suda planet was just a creature that was destroyed, but it seemed to be immortal. , and then used external force to change its orbit, the reason is to want Suda planet and the earth to die together."

Sun Gan finally understood, and said angrily, "Damn it! I understand now, your Najib planet is a bastard!"

When Leon Horton heard this, he could only stare blankly.

"You've been talking for a long time, what kind of power is this?" Shen Qihong asked.

Princess Jona's big eyes were filled with fear immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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