The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2017 The Mysterious Wooden Box

Chapter 2017 The Mysterious Wooden Box

"Is this okay? What if Via and the others spy on General Monterey?" Leon Horton said worriedly.

"No! The federation has an unwritten rule that members are not allowed to monitor each other. Moreover, General Monterey is the Minister of Military Affairs. Even Ben Bensa has to back down by three points, let alone Via! At least according to his current He doesn't dare to take General Monterey's idea!" Princess Jona said. .
"What if General Monterey also faces Via and Benkosa?" Leon Horton asked.

Princess Jona smiled and said with certainty: "No! My father and General Monterey have been friends for decades. They were together when they were in military school. Uncle Monterey is very straightforward, maybe he is not necessarily They will help us, but they will definitely not rely on Ben Bensa and the others."

Leon Horton nodded, and the two began to prepare for the landing.

The Monterey Manor is decorated with lights and festoons tonight. Today is Newcastle’s birthday. According to the past practice, Monterey will invite all the members of the manor to have a carnival together and hold a grand feast. In the end, Monterey will give Newcastle the best Surprise gift.And the last activity is the moment that Newcastle is most looking forward to.

In a corner of the manor, Ratty and Mia were chatting about happy things.

"Mia, you're so smart, you guessed it right, grandpa just scares us, he doesn't really want to tear us apart!" Ratti said happily.No matter what kind of festival it is, the happiest thing is the children. After all, there are delicious and fun things, and they are satisfied.

"Hehe, in this world, the person grandpa loves the most is you, so he can't bear to make you sad!" Mia said with a smile.

"However, since Newcastle became my grandma, I found that grandpa doesn't take care of me much." Latti said disappointedly, and the smile disappeared from his face.

"Little fool." Mia gently pulled Latti into her arms, stroked her soft hair, and said comfortingly: "Grandpa is getting old, and sometimes he needs a companion, and you are slowly growing up. , I will leave grandpa one day in the future, do you want grandpa to be lonely in the future?"

Latti broke free from Mia and said, "I don't want to leave grandpa! I will stay with grandpa for the rest of my life!"

"Haha, who separated you from Grandpa? Baby?" It was Monterey's voice.

"Master Monterey!" Mia hurriedly bowed to Monterey when she saw Monterey walking over.

"Mia, you are really sensible!" Monterey said approvingly, it seems that Monterey has heard their speech.

"Thanks to the master, you educated well!" Mia said very obediently.

"Haha, don't call me master, from now on, I will also be your grandfather." Monterey said heartily.

"I..." Mia hesitated. After all, she had seen Monterey get angry before, and she was still very scared of him.

"What me, you came to Monterey Manor in just a few months, I almost watched you grow up, you can't call me grandpa?" Monterey pretended to rise, and his mustache flickered when he was blown of.

"No, no..." Mia waved her hands quickly.

"Sister Mia, hurry up and call grandpa! Then we are sisters!" Latti laughed, clapping her hands and bouncing up and down.

"Grandpa..." Mia whispered.

"Good boy! Hehe." Monterey seemed very happy as he stroked his mustache.After all, it is nearly seventy years old, and I especially enjoy the feeling of family happiness.

"By the way, Grandpa, today is Newcastle's birthday, you should hurry over to accompany her!" Mia raised her head and said.

Monterey was moved in his heart. Since the death of his first wife, he has never felt such a warm feeling.

Monterey didn't leave, and asked Mia as if he suddenly remembered something, "Are you done this year?"

"Grandpa, you are really forgetful. Didn't you celebrate sister Mia's birthday last month? Why have you forgotten it now!" Latti said with a small mouth.

"Oh, that's right, Grandpa is forgetful." Monterey patted Latti's little head.

"Grandpa, I just turned [-] this year." Mia answered honestly.

"Hehe, that's why Grandpa remembered correctly. Not enough, I have something for you. Come on, follow me to the study." Monterey said, beckoning, and asked Mia and Latty to go with him .

"Grandpa, you have given me enough presents. You should give them to me another day. If you don't go there, Newcastle will be really angry." Mia reminded again kindly, she dared not repeat Newcastle's temper. Learned.

"It's okay, I found some fireworks for her from a foreign country, she is having a good time, she can't think of me right now!" Monterey said cheerfully.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to see the presents, to see the presents!" Latti clapped her hands and shouted excitedly.

"You little bastard!" Mia stuck out her tongue at Ratty and made a grimace.

After reaching the study, Monterey went straight to the safe.

"Grandpa, you still locked such a mysterious gift in the safe?" Ratti asked curiously.

Monterey didn't answer. After opening the safe, he took out a very old wooden box. This wooden box was not very eye-catching at first glance, but it was red all over, emitting a faint and mysterious light, which made people who saw it There is a special urge to open.If you look closely, you will also find a vivid beast painted on the top of the wooden box.

"Grandpa, what is this?" Mia asked suspiciously.

"This is what grandpa specially wants to give you." Monterey said solemnly, changing his cheerful expression just now.

"Specially for me?" Mia was completely confused.

"18 years ago, when I picked you up, I found something next to you, and when I picked you up, there was a voice that lingered in my ears, and I can't forget it until now." Monterey closed Close your eyes, it seems to be remembering.

"You mean, I'm not an orphan, my parents know I'm here?" Mia became excited.

"I don't know the specifics. It's just that when the servant who picked you up gave you to me, a voice echoed in my ears, telling me that I must adopt you, and then let me put this box in your Leave it to you." Monterey shook his head.

Upon hearing the news that there were still no parents, Mia's expression darkened again.

"That power is very mysterious, powerful and undeniable, that's why I adopted you. Later, I saw that you are also very cute and smart, but I also feel that this is a gift from heaven to me in the dark!" Monterey continued.

Mia's mind was full of the mystery of her own life experience, and she didn't even hear what Monterey said about the "mysterious voice in the dark".

"Then I don't want this box anymore. Since they don't want me anymore, what do I need their gifts for?" Mia said with a sob.

"You should open the box and have a look, maybe there are clues about your life inside?" Monterey picked up the box and handed it to Mia.

"Grandpa, help me look, I really don't have the courage to look." Mia pushed the box back.

Monterey smiled dumbly, and said helplessly, "But, I can't open this box!"

"No way, I don't believe it!" Ratty's curiosity was already tickled by the box, and he hid the box in a frenzy.

Sure enough, after a while, Latti handed the box to Mia with a sad face, and begged, "Sister Mia, I'd better leave it to you, I can't open it either!"

Mia took the wooden box hesitantly.Looking intently, the little auspicious beast on the box moved secretly. Because the seconds counted too fast, Mia thought she was dazzled, and shouted in surprise: "Grandpa, Latty, have you seen it?" This little animal just moved a little bit."

"Haha, I think you are too excited, where are the animals!" Ratti joked.

Monterey didn't laugh. Although he didn't look at the little animal carefully, he felt that the box was more complicated than he imagined.

At this time, there was a burst of footsteps, and it turned out to be a servant trotting in hastily.

"What's going on? In a hurry?" Monterey taught the servant so ignorant of manners.

"Miss Newcastle lost her temper in the garden... She said she couldn't find you anywhere... Go over and have a look." The servant said hesitantly.

"Bastard, what does it look like to get angry in front of the whole manor! I'll go and have a look." Monterey said, and walked away with the servant.

"By the way, Latty, Mia, come here quickly!" Monterey left in a hurry after leaving a word.

Only Mia and Ratty were left in the study.

"Sister Mia, open it up and take a look! I really want to know what's inside!" Latty finally waited for Monterey to leave, and couldn't wait to encourage Mia.

Mia let out a "hmm", put the box on the desk full of apprehension, and then slowly tried to open it.

The moment her hand touched the little auspicious beast, the wooden box flashed red, and it bounced off automatically with a "pop"!
"Wow, it's amazing, take a look, what's inside!" Ratti quickly stretched out his head to look.

It turned out that there was only one piece of jade lying in the center of the box.

Mia picked up the piece of jade and turned it around. Except for the green color, there was nothing special about this stone, so she gave the stone to Latti who was running around in a hurry.

"Oh, it turned out to be an ordinary stone, not as good-looking as the gems in my grandfather's collection!" Latti said disappointedly, while playing with this small green stone.

"Yi?" Suddenly, her eyes were attracted by a raised spot, and she said in surprise: "There seems to be a word here!"

"Where is the word?" Mia asked hastily.

"I can't see clearly..." Lettie recognized it, and said, "Quickly bring my grandpa's telescope... oh, no, it's a magnifying glass, bring it!"

When I took a magnifying glass to take a look, it turned out that it was really two small characters.

"What's that word?" Latti didn't know it either.

(End of this chapter)

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