The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2020 The situation is critical

Chapter 2020 The situation is critical

"Dr. Shen, I discovered a strange phenomenon." Huang Zeyou hurried over to report to Shen Qihong.

However, when he rushed over, he found that Shen Qihong was squatting on the ground, observing something.

"Dr. Shen..." Huang Zeyou just wanted to continue to say something, but Shen Qihong waved his hand to signal him not to disturb.

Huang Zeyou took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw a small stream of water flowing slowly along the wall, and it was getting faster and faster, without any intention of stopping at all.

"Dr. Shen!" At this time, Sun Gan, who was strolling outside, ran over quickly and said in a panic, "Just now I accidentally turned on a laboratory computer. It sounds like calling for help, it’s very strange! No matter how you turn it off, it won’t turn off, and it also drives the surrounding computers to start up automatically.”

"What did you say? The computer turned on automatically, and it made a chirping sound?" Liu Xuehai asked strangely. This was the first time he had seen this kind of situation. Why was he acting like a mental patient?

"Take me to have a look!" Shen Qihong put down his research, followed Sun Gan and rushed towards the nearby laboratory.

Before arriving at the place, I heard a group of "chirping" sounds from a long distance, which seemed very strange in the empty building.

As soon as they entered the office, everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

Not only did the computer start automatically, but even the microwave oven and the refrigerator all seemed to be possessed by a demon. They shook and wailed wildly like claws and claws. Those who didn't know it thought they were in a mental hospital.Terrible.

"What should we do now?" Someone asked.

"Evacuate quickly." The keenness of the scientist made Shen Qihong smell the danger.

After all, everyone was ready to rush to the elevator.

"No, the elevator is out of control! You can't take the elevator!" Huang Zeyou shouted.

Everyone saw that the floor indicator light of the elevator was blinking non-stop. Sun Gan rushed over and couldn't stop pressing it desperately.

"Climb the stairs!" Some soldiers from country M started to commotion, and started running towards the direction of the stairs.

"Take the stairs? This is a sixty-story building!" Another group of people shouted.

"Everyone, don't panic. After all, your life is not in danger yet." Shen Qihong shouted, trying to stop this chaos.

However, except for Liu Xuehai, Huang Zeyou, Hu Dinghai, and Sun Gan who responded, the rest of the people all had expressions of panic and disbelief, or some of them had already run towards the stairs.

Just when Shen Qihong was about to think of a countermeasure, there were screams one after another in the distance.

"Hurry up and have a look!" Huang Zeyou said as he rushed over alone.

Shen Qihong also panicked now, so many things happened in just a few minutes, and it was a strange phenomenon that even the scientific community could not explain.

At this moment, Huang Zeyou came back again!

"Huang Zeyou, what happened over there?" Sun Gan asked hastily.

But Huang Zeyou's eyes were dull, and he didn't respond at all.

Sun Gan stood the closest, and felt that Huang Zeyou was not normal, so he went to pat him.Unexpectedly, when Sun Gan's hand first touched Huang Zeyou's face, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, his fierce eyes stared straight at Sun Gan, and he opened his mouth to bite Sun Gan's hand.Luckily, Liu Xuehai had sharp eyes and quick hands, and quickly pulled Sun Gan away. Seeing that Huang Zeyou was about to pounce on him again, he kicked him far away with another scud.

According to Huang Zeyou's physical strength, in normal times, even the three Liu Xuehais would not be his opponents, but at this time, it was really strange that he was easily thrown out.

When Huang Zeyou hit a wall, he seemed to come back to his senses and returned to normal. He shouted in fear: "There is poisonous gas on the stairs!" After saying that, he passed out.

Shen Qihong quickly put his hand towards Huang Zeyou's breath, but Huang Zeyou's breath sometimes disappeared, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, which was very strange.The situation was critical. Seeing Huang Zeyou's reaction, Shen Qihong already vaguely felt uneasy, as if he had a premonition that a powerful force was about to approach him.He quickly asked everyone to turn on the defense equipment, put on gas masks, and fully arm themselves.

"What shall we do next?" Liu Xuehai turned on the loudspeaker and asked Shen Qihong.

Shen Qihong understands that when he does not understand the characteristics of the enemy, the most important thing is to stabilize everyone's hearts, and he must not panic first.

"According to the information that Huang Zeyou brought us just now, there should be poisonous gas ahead, so everyone should enter the first-level defense state. Next, Sun Gan and I will lead five people to the front to explore and rescue. The rest of you stay here and wait for us. information!"

"No! Let's go together, we can't wait to die here!" A soldier from country M shouted, expressing his disagreement.

"Wait to die? Are you willing to wait here to die, or do you want to become like Huang Zeyou!" Shen Qihong suddenly became angry, pointing at the fainted Huang Zeyou, and shouted, "Whoever wants to become like him, come with me!"

The soldier from country M stopped talking.

Shen Qihong ignored him, turned around and said to Liu Xuehai: "Brother Xuehai, don't move here. Once we have no news within 15 minutes, it means that the poisonous gas is spreading. When the time comes, you will lead them up." Run, I believe Li Xiaogang and the others will arrive soon. The longer the delay, the greater the possibility of survival."

At this time, the screams in the distance became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared.It can be heard that the poisonous gas has already taken the lives of those soldiers from country M.

"We can't delay any longer, act now!" After Shen Qihong finished speaking, he and Sun Gan picked out five strong men, and immediately ran towards the place where the screams occurred.

"Others wait where they are, take all actions and obey my orders!" Liu Xuehai said to the others in a deep voice.

As of this time, only 10 minutes had passed since Staley's departure.

"That's the way things are." Sida Ligang finished reporting what happened to Li Xiaogang.

"Could it be that we are waiting for Via's paratroopers at this time?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"Now, after all, we are no longer within Via's surveillance range, and we have successfully reached the commercial and economic center of Planet Najib. No matter how cunning Viado is, I believe that he will never move the information center far away. Therefore, Let's go to Princess Jona, and your other partners, and make a plan together."

"You're right! Now we're tied with Via. We should plan carefully. I don't believe we can't get Via that bastard out!" Li Xiaogang said.

"Well, I'm going to find Princess Qiaona and the others. Gather your people and we'll gather by Juxing Lake!"

"Okay!" Li Xiaogang agreed.

Of course, the two of them didn't know that, just when they thought things were getting better, Shen Qihong and the others were hanging by a thread, and there were many crises.

At this time, seven people including Shen Qihong and Sun Gan were carefully looking forward.Shen Qihong took out the air detector and measured it while walking, and found that the acidity of the air was two hundred times that of normal acidity.And there are other unknown toxic ingredients.

Shen Qihong was surprisingly calm,

After all, several people were wearing super gas masks and anti-virus clothing, so they didn't feel that they were standing in a poison room that was hundreds of times more poisonous than "sulphuric acid".

Sure enough, after walking for a while, a few soldiers were found lying on the ground, unconscious.

Shen Qihong plucked up his courage and walked over to sniff a few people, but their symptoms were the same as Huang Zeyou's.The difference is that several people have scratches or signs of fighting on their bodies, and it can be seen that several people have beaten each other when they were sober.

Sun Gan saw that Shen Qihong's brows were getting tighter and tighter, and just about to ask something, Shen Qihong waved his hand to stop him, then ran around in various directions for a few times, thoroughly observed the surrounding situation, and then stopped, Then he finally spoke: "The poison gas is spreading, we are in a poison room, and the poison is still increasing."

Everyone was not surprised to hear this news.After all, he had been mentally prepared for a long time, but Shen Qihong's next words made everyone, including Sun Gan, feel colder.

"However, I found that the water flowing slowly along the wall is getting faster and faster, and many electrical equipments are almost out of control. So, I guess, this is a kind of powerful electric wave interference flow." Shen Qihong said in a low voice .

"How strong is it?" Someone asked.

"This radio wave interference flow can make lifeless things like water supply and drainage systems and computers out of control, and it can be so powerful that it can collapse any breathing object! Including us." Shen Qihong quietly said a cruel fact.

"Then why are we still standing here?" Someone asked again.

"One is that we people have relatively strong willpower. Another important reason is that we have activated the first-level defense system. But I guess, this wave of radio interference is multiplying. The water supply and drainage system has collapsed. It won't be long! Even if we hold on for a while, once the water pipe bursts and all the systems are paralyzed, we will be killed by these living machines!"

While they were talking, suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and everyone looked forward, and saw a heavy transformer falling from mid-air, and after hitting the ground hard, it seemed like long legs were alive again. , rolling towards several people with a murderous look.

"Hurry up!" Someone yelled, and several people subconsciously took out their submachine guns and fired indiscriminately.

This transformer is more than five meters high and weighs at least one ton. It doesn't pay attention to these submachine guns at all, but accelerates the attack speed even faster.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the M soldiers who had been stunned by the poisonous gas stood up again as if they had come back to life. Their eyes were full of murderous intent, as if they were infected, and they also walked slowly towards the seven of Shen Qihong.

"What should we do? Are they trying to unite and block our road?" Sun Gan asked in a panic seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, his heart beating faster.

(End of this chapter)

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