Chapter 2027
The co-pilot was the well-known General Monterey.

The two of them looked through the monitor screen and seemed to be looking for something.General Monterey frowned and looked anxious.

"General, I have scanned this area several times remotely, and I did not find Miss, and I also activated the DNA search device, but I did not find it." The mighty man replied with a straight face. The technology is very confident, the answer is also very positive.

General Monterey asked suspiciously: "Not even DNA? Could it be that they left Levin City. Otherwise, they wouldn't have disappeared so completely!"

"At present, there is only speculation. Unless they leave, they won't disappear so completely!" The mighty man replied.

"Then I'm relieved, can you expand the search area?" General Monterey continued to ask.If he can't find his little granddaughter for a while, his heart will not be at peace. Leti is his only sustenance in this world, no matter what the price is.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The poisonous gas has spread from south to north piece by piece, and the sky is completely covered. I have activated the protective film, but the poisonous gas penetrates too powerfully, and the protective film is getting thinner and thinner. I'm afraid it won't last long! "The mighty man said without a doubt.He has a strong military air about him.

This mighty soldier is General Bell, who was carefully cultivated by General Monterey. He has many years of service experience and has no relatives. However, because of his bad temper, he killed someone in the army. His fortitude is precisely what Monterey likes. , not only saved him, but also allowed him to control his own private military power.After nearly ten years of training and getting along with each other, Bell has long regarded Monterey as his benefactor and relative, but not his boss.

"After searching all the way, we didn't find any information about the young lady and his wife. I think they should have gone to the south, so the chances of them surviving are still very high." Bell quickly made a judgment.

Hearing what he said, Monterey felt a little better.

"General, what are we going to do now? In the past ten years, our forces have never been dispatched in such a large number!" Bell asked while skillfully turning the plane back.

"The attack power this time is very strange. Before making a judgment, we can't act rashly. However, someone dared to kill the people of our planet Najib so blatantly, and it was so fierce. A fierce battle is inevitable." There was a stern look in Monterey's eyes.

"Since this is the case, I will go back and immediately put all my troops into a state of readiness. There are also some lethal weapons that can also be used!" Belsen smiled. He had been waiting for the day to return to the battlefield. He had been waiting for a long time.

Unlike the earth, the terrain of Najib’s planet is very flat, with a wide coastline. It is not an exaggeration to say that half of it is sea water and half is land. The strange thing is that all lakes, oceans and even ditches communicate with each other, so , the seafood industry on Planet Najib is very developed, and sea transportation is also a major aspect of transportation.The only higher-lying area is the Ula Mountains. This mountain range spans the north and south of the planet Najib, so the south is close to the sea and is humid, which is very suitable for planting crops. The north is dry and flat, and it is mainly the political and financial center of the planet Najib.

The Juxing Lake where Li Xiaogang and the others are located is close to the south of the Ula Mountains. The accident of Shen Qihong and the others completely broke Li Xiaogang's plan. Although the induction of the seventh Yuanshen fragment became stronger and stronger, the matter could not progress for a long time. It seems to be at an impasse.

Although a large amount of true energy is injected into Shen Qihong and the others every day, it can only maintain their survival. If they really return to normal people, Li Xiaogang has no idea in his heart. For him, this is really the first big one. problem.

Just when he was at a loss, Mikiko came to tell him that Princess Jona and Starley were back.

Upon seeing Starley, Li Xiaogang said before they could ask, "That's right, I blew up the Union Building!"

But what he said confuses Starley.

"You also released the poisonous gas in Levin City?" Princess Jona asked.If they hadn't flown over by plane, they might not have been able to escape the poisonous gas.

"Although I don't have a good impression of your planet Najib, I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately." Li Xiaogang sneered.

"It might be Via's fault!" Staley analyzed, "When I was with Dr. Mo, I heard her mention that Via invested in a huge biological and chemical weapons project."

This sentence suddenly reminded Li Xiaogang.

"No wonder I couldn't find this bastard no matter how hard I searched, why didn't I think of digging to see!" Li Xiaogang suddenly realized.

"How are Shen Qihong and the others?" Starley asked.

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "Something went wrong, Via and the others released a large amount of toxins, and there are also some controlled aggressive monsters. Shen Qihong and the others are now in a poisoned coma."

"Damn it, it looks like Via and the others really did it." Starley scolded.

"I searched almost the entire planet Najib, but I couldn't find this kid's lair. It seems that I accidentally destroyed his lair, which is why I released so much poisonous gas." Li Xiaogang paused, gritted his teeth and said : "It seems that they set up their lair under the Federation Building, I really should have thought of it a long time ago!"

"What?" Starley and Princess Jona were shocked. Only Via could think of building a base under the noses of the members of the federation.

"I'm going to kill them now!" Li Xiaogang said.

Just when he was about to get up and leave, suddenly, a huge current seemed to pass through his body.He suddenly sensed that the seventh Nuwa God Stone was approaching.

"You guys wait here, I'll come as soon as I go." After Li Xiaogang finished speaking, he rushed out without waiting for Si Dali and the others to reply.Following the feeling, I came to a village, and saw three girls standing not far away.

Li Xiaogang's heart was beating wildly, and his eyes were fixed on the girl with chestnut hair.

Needless to say, these three girls are Mia, Newcastle and Latti. They finally found a well-preserved car and drove all the way to Juxing Lake.I just had a rest by the side of the village, but I didn't expect to meet Li Xiaogang.

"Look, there is a very strange person staring at us over there, but he seems to be about the same size as Mia!" Newcastle pointed to Li Xiaogang, of course, she pointed to "Long The "almost" means that both of them are earthlings after all.

"He didn't come to harm us, did he!" Latti leaned against Mia.

"No!" Mia said with certainty, and she didn't know why, but she always felt that this person had a very familiar feeling.

"Brother Gang, that girl is not simple!" Suddenly, a small voice came from Li Xiaogang's waist, and it was the top wizard Lenny who was always on his body talking.

"Did you sense anything again?" Li Xiaogang asked.

"It's hard to say, but she has a very powerful energy and aura. People dare not touch it." Lenny said.

Li Xiaogang didn't pay attention to Lenny, it's normal for a wizard to feel something like Nuwa Yuanshen Fragment which contains powerful energy.

"She is a fairy." Lenny said again.

"What, the gods don't want to stay in the fairy world, but they ran to an alien planet? You are too ridiculous!" Li Xiaogang said.

"Are you kidding me? Didn't you know it when you went over?" Lenny still insisted on his opinion.

Li Xiaogang stopped arguing with him and walked directly to Mia and the others.

Seeing Li Xiaogang coming, Mia couldn't hide, so she just stood there and waited for him to come.

"May I ask, what are the beauties doing here?" Li Xiaogang accosted.

"Hey, I should be the one asking you that! You alien, what are you doing with our planet Najib?" Newcastle asked back, seeing that Li Xiaogang had no malice, her voice became louder.

"I'm not interested in you. May I ask what this lady's name is? Is she from the planet Najib?" Li Xiaogang didn't bother to pay attention to Newcastle, although she was quite attractive.

Of course the lady Li Xiaogang was talking about was Mia.

"My name is Mia, and I grew up here since I was a child." Mia didn't know why, but she answered honestly.

"My name is Li Xiaogang. I am very happy to be able to make friends with a beauty like you." Seeing that his graduation went well, Li Xiaogang added a little more confidence in his charm.

"Who wants to be friends with you, it's just that you don't look like a bad person." Mia didn't give Li Xiaogang any face.

Li Xiaogang let out a "Yi", and not only looked at the really weak girl, but also heard him say: "I don't see that you have a strong personality, but I still like it better, come with me!"

"Follow you?" Mia's eyes widened.It was the first time she had seen such a domineering person.

From the first time he saw Mia, Li Xiaogang's eyes were attracted by the green gemstone on her neck. He was almost certain that this gemstone was directly related to the seventh fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen.From this point of view, he has also made Mia "in his pocket".

"We don't know each other, I won't go with you!" Mia said angrily.I secretly blamed myself for being blind at first.

Li Xiaogang laughed secretly in his heart, but said in his mouth: "You can't help it!" Say it, and took Mia's hand involuntarily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Newcastle and Latti rushed towards Li Xiaogang, ready to stop her "violence".

"Stop!" Suddenly there was a burst of shouting from above.

Because Li Xiaogang had paid too much attention to Mia before, he didn't realize when several fighter jets had hovered in the sky, embracing them.

"Grandpa, grandpa is coming!" Ratti looked up and heard Monterey's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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