The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2029 Lan Ruoshan Master and Apprentice

Chapter 2029 Lan Ruoshan Master and Apprentice

"It's okay if I agree to listen to you, but I have one request." Li Xiaogang said suddenly, but looked at Mia.

Mia was stared at by Li Xiaogang for a while, so she could only lean back and lean behind Monterey.

"What request?" Starley asked.

"Give Mia to me!" Li Xiaogang said.

"What do you mean by giving it to you?" Monterey frowned, feeling that although his request was not excessive, it was really unreasonable.

"I can only tell you that I won't do anything to her, but as I said earlier, whether you agree or not, I will definitely decide on her." Li Xiaogang said incredulously.

Monterey was in a dilemma, after all, it was somewhat disgraceful to use a girl in exchange.

"Grandpa, I am willing to be with him." Mia came out from behind Monterey and said firmly.

"I don't want you to go! Sister Mia, Grandpa, please save Sister Mia." Latti ran over, grabbed Mia's arm, and cried.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said, "You seem to have made a mistake. I'm just looking for something, and I just need Mia's help. There's no need to make me look like a slave girl."

Princess Qiao Na also said: "Uncle, brother Xiaogang is very nice, I think he must have a reason he can't explain to Mia, and Mia will definitely come back well."

Monterey nodded, and seemed to agree with Princess Jona's words, and then said to Li Xiaogang: "I watched Mia grow up, and I have always regarded her as a junior. You can tell me that you want her to do it." What? Of course, I can respect your choice, and you can reserve the right not to say anything."

"You mean that Mia grew up on the planet Najib since she was a child, but she doesn't look like a person on this planet!" Li Xiaogang said in surprise, thinking, since this girl has the breath of Nuwa Yuanshen fragments, The history must not be simple.

"That's why I don't want to hand her over to you easily. I can't hand her over to you, because I haven't helped her find the person who possesses the power of Nuwa Yuanshen!" Monterey said as if he had made up his mind.It seems that the matter has reached today, and it can no longer be concealed.

"What?" Li Xiaogang's eyes were about to drop when he heard this.Isn't the person Monterey said was himself?

Mia couldn't believe her ears when she heard this, and asked Monterey loudly, "Grandpa, didn't you say I was an orphan? Who gave me to you back then, could it be my parents?"

Monterey shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Now that things have happened, I don't want to hide anything anymore. That person is not your parents. He once told me that as long as I can hand you over to someone who has the power of Nuwa Yuanshen Man, he can make me never die of old age. But I haven't found it yet!"

Upon hearing that they were not her parents, Mia's eyes were immediately filled with disappointment.

"Why did that person entrust you with this task?" Li Xiaogang was puzzled.

"I asked the same question at the time." Monterey said, "That person told me that because I have great influence on the planet Najib and can extend my influence to all planets in the universe, this task was entrusted to me, so at that time, When Via attacked the earth, I also had my own selfishness, and I wanted to look for clues on the earth."

"Do you still have contact with that person?" Li Xiaogang thought of a key question.

"That guy hasn't come back since he left, but every five years or so, someone will give me a pill to keep me fit and ageless," Monterey said.

"No wonder you can still marry such a young beauty." Li Xiaogang joked, not caring that Newcastle's pretty face was already flushed.

Monterey smiled awkwardly, and said: "Although Najib's planet is advanced in technology, people have to live and die, so the temptation of immortality is still very strong to me. Besides, the pill he gave is really effective. Every time you take it I feel like I'm ten years younger."

Li Xiaogang is not interested in this, but he really wants to know, what is this person doing with Nuwa Yuanshen?

"How many years has it been since he gave you medicine last time?" Li Xiaogang asked suddenly.

"Forget it, it should be soon." Monterey replied.

The top of Lanruo Mountain is gentle, like a giant Buddha that has been sitting silently for thousands of years. A huge yellow and white courtyard is built on the mountain and rises from the ground. In the shade of lush ancient trees, I really thought it was Qionglou Yuyu, Tianwaifei Pavilion.

Not far from Lanruo Mountain is a pool of clear water called Ruoshan Spring.Just like a fairyland in Tianshan Mountain, the peaks are surrounded by arches, and the steam is filled.The shadows of the peaks and the clouds are reflected in the blue pool, and the colors are colorful, just like a misty fairyland.Next to the green pond, a huge white waterfall flutters left and right with the wind, pours down, splashes on the rocks, and raises dots of emerald jade. Under the sunlight, it is crystal clear, majestic and elegant.

A boy dressed in Taoist clothing was gathering herbs, and the surroundings were completely silent, and there was no one to be seen, as if no one had been here for tens of thousands of years.

At this time, suddenly came an old man. This man's clothes fluttered, he had a childlike face, a handsome face, and a noble aura that made people dare not look at him closely. "Reverend Yunju, why did you come here in person?" Seeing the old man approaching, the little boy asked respectfully.

"My complexion is much better today, and the weather is good, so I will go out for a walk." The old man known as Yunju Daoist said slowly, his complexion was not very smooth, he looked like a person who had just recovered from a serious illness.

"Really, you still have to take good care of it, just tell me if you have anything to do!" Xiao Tong grinned, looking innocent and funny.

"Hehe, since you were five years old, it's not easy to stay with me lonely here for ten years." Master Yunju said lovingly to the little boy.

"If it wasn't real people, my parents and I would have been killed by people from the Miaoxin Sect long ago, and you taught me skills, I am sincerely grateful to you!" The little boy said seriously, making him look younger than his peers. People are more mature.

Master Yunju nodded approvingly, and then asked, "Have you delivered this year's medicine to that person?"

"I'm planning to go there in a few days." Xiaotong replied honestly.

"Well, when you pass by again, you can ask if you found him?" Master Yunju asked.

But the boy asked with a look of surprise: "Really, didn't you tell me that the people on the planet Najib are not on the same level as us, so we must never meet them?"

Master Yunju shook his head, and said: "We are immortals, and indeed we cannot participate in human affairs, but I am afraid that my illness will not last!" Maybe it was because he was emotionally aroused, and he coughed violently.

The boy hurried over, helped the old man to sit on the stone bench, and said, "I understand, this time I will urge him to find someone with Nuwa's supernatural power."

"Actually, you don't need to meet him, you just need to send him a message. If you still have no clue, you can simply bring Miao Xin back. Think about Miao Xin, she should be this year too!" Yun Ju The real person said silently.

The boy gave Master Yunju a thump on the shoulder, and said: "I will definitely follow the instructions of the Master, but I see that she is having a good time with the little girl named Ratty in the Monterey family, and she is having a good time. Comfortable, once you bring her here, I don't know if she will."

Master Yunju's expression became serious, and he said to the boy, but he seemed to be talking to himself: "It's not up to her, from the moment she was born, she was different from ordinary people, if it wasn't for the sake of the world, I hope she Knowing nothing, being able to live such a happy life. Moreover, the group of Miaoxinmen will never give up if they can't find her for a moment! For her, they have already sacrificed too much!"

"It's also thanks to Daoist that you have more thoughtfulness and sent her directly to the human world. Otherwise, she might not survive." The boy said with full admiration.

Master Yunju shook his head helplessly, and said, "Don't underestimate Master Wuhen. Since he was able to take away the Miaoxin Gate from my hand and beat me to serious injuries, it's his fault." Great thing."

"That's right. I heard that the Futu Sect and the Dusheng Sect have been fighting each other recently. I guess this matter has something to do with the Miaoxin Sect." Xiaotong said.

"You went out again recently?" Master Yunju frowned and said, "Do you know that people from Miaoxinmen have issued arrest warrants for us?"

The boy immediately explained: "I recently discovered that rainbow grass is very good for restoring your vitality, but for some reason the rainbow grass here is becoming more and more difficult to pick, so I went outside to pick some."

Master Yunju's heart is not broken anymore, after hearing what the boy said, his complexion became better again.

The boy saw that Master Yunju didn't continue to say anything, so he added: "Reverend Yunju doesn't have to be so nervous, after all, I have been here for more than ten years, and I was only five years old at that time, so no one would recognize me .”

"It is said that once bitten by a snake for ten years, I was afraid of well ropes. Although I dominated the fairy world back then, Master Wuhen was elusive, insidious and cunning. In this world, except for me, no one has seen his true face. Now I am here You are so vulnerable, I can't say anything else, I can only advise you, although you have obtained my true biography, you can't be careless!" Yunju Master said meaningfully.

"I have written all these down, and next time I will definitely not go to Miaoxinmen's territory easily." The boy said hastily, "However, when I went out this time, I found that there were many medicinal herbs in the market. Your injury is of great benefit."

Master Yunju listened, but he didn't show the slightest joy. Instead, he said calmly, "My illness is not an ordinary one. I'm just dying. You don't need to bother to comfort me anymore. Let me tell you what you saw and what you saw when you went out this time." Tell me about it!"

In fact, the boy also knew that most of the reason he went out this time was because he was playful, so he was still full of guilt, but Yunju didn't point out himself, but changed the topic instead, and the guilt in his heart not only increased.

(End of this chapter)

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