The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2034 Extinction Crisis

Chapter 2034 Extinction Crisis
Monterey's assistant, Bell, added something that made everyone more anxious. He said: "I have sent dozens of reconnaissance planes, but once they flew hundreds of kilometers away from here, they lost contact. As far as I know, they are all gone." killed."

"This also means that the area affected by the disaster has spread to hundreds of kilometers away?" Monterey was shocked.

"That's right." Bell still maintained a very calm expression.

"That is to say, no matter how big our military strength is, it won't work anymore?" Monterey said dejectedly.What he is most proud of is the field army he has trained hard for ten years, as well as his vast arsenal, but at present, he cannot play the role of each soldier. This is really a very depressing thing.

Bell didn't answer this time, and his expression was no longer calm. Obviously, he was deeply shocked.

"I have a solution." Mia spoke suddenly, her eyes full of confidence, and everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"Mia, you seem to be different from before." Monterey stared at Mia closely and said, paused, then shook his head again, and said, "But, I can't find out what is different about you. .”

"It's not different, but the real Mia is back." Starley said thoughtfully.

Ever since he met Mia for the first time, he always felt that this girl was not simple, she had an indescribable unique aura, unlike ordinary girls who were superficial and self-willed, he secretly speculated that maybe it was the reason of the growing environment that made her Mia has developed a submissive character, there should be another side under her weak shell, and the current Mia is the real Mia.

Of course, in front of so many people, it was impossible for Starley to say so much, he just went to the end.

Mia smiled at him knowingly, but did not answer.After all, the war is urgent, and no one around is too concerned about Mia's changes. Monterey then asked: "Do you have any good ideas? Tell me and let's see."

After all, in this dire moment when the people are on the verge of extinction, anything that can be grasped may be a lifeline.

"At that time, I brought Latti and Newcastle from Levin City, but they were safe and sound. This means that I can enter that area. Since this is the case, I want to go there and try again." Mia said.

Monterey quickly waved his hand and said, "It was pure luck that you were able to escape at that time. If you go again, wouldn't it mean that you are going to die? I won't allow you to do this! Besides, you are not the only one who is okay, but also you." With Newcastle and Ratty, this can only show that you are lucky!"

Monterey's words reminded Newcastle, she remembered that the giant monster was going to attack Mia, but Mia escaped from the claws unharmed. Now that I think about it, there are indeed too many accidental things, but she At that time, I was also panicked, and I couldn't deny that I was dazzled, so I hesitated to speak.

"I'll accompany Mia there." Li Xiaogang said suddenly, he was the only one who knew the details here.

"I know you are very powerful, and I also promised to hand over Mia to you temporarily, but I can't promise you to take her to die!" Monterey said angrily.

Li Xiaogang knew that it would be useless for him to talk too much, and besides, the less people knew about Mia's life experience, the better, so as not to cause complications.

"Grandpa, let me go, trust me! Since you know that my life experience is complicated, you must also know that I am not an ordinary person." Mia stepped forward and whispered in Monterey's ear. Such an intriguing remark.

Li Xiaogang's ability is extraordinary, of course he heard Mia's whispered words, not only secretly admired her intelligence, but did not point out what she said, it seems that Monterey must know it well.

Sure enough, Monterey sighed softly, and said to Li Xiaogang: "I will leave Mia to you, I hope you will take good care of her."

At this time, Levin City was in ruins, and there were no signs of living creatures. There were broken walls and ruins everywhere, a piece of blackness, a mixture of yellow and red, and the smell of rotting corpses.The only place where there are living things here is the underground super laboratory of the former Union Building.

In one of the largest conference rooms, there were five people with sullen faces, in stark contrast to the luxurious decoration around them.Via sat on the rostrum, and the previous high spirits were completely gone. At this moment, he was listening to Xiao Ke's report with a dark face.Next to Xiao Ke were Peng Li, Ola, and Daisy, and there was another person who was Us, one of the members of the Federation. The strange thing was that Joss did not follow him, and Ben Bensa disappeared. Looking at Daisy, she was dressed in plain clothes, with a sad face.

Xiao Ke was trembling, changed his usual calm expression, and was tremblingly saying something to Via.Suddenly, Via became angry and slapped the table hard, causing the shocking documents to be scattered all over the floor.

"What did you say? At present, "Sleeping Beauty" has entered the DNA stage ahead of time, and has already reached the Ula Mountains? Didn't you tell me that it will be at least a month later? Why is it so far in advance, so I have no preparation at all!" Via shouted angrily.

"I'm just saying it's possible. Moreover, the system is already out of control, and I can't predict what it will do!" Xiao Ke explained, with a flash of panic on his face.

"Hmph, I think someone is very happy and wants to claim credit! It's so bad that we can't go home now!" Wu Si sneered.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ke turned his head and replied viciously.

"What I mean is, thanks to you now, you killed the two members of the Federation, Ben Bensa and Joss, really amazing!" Us didn't buy it, and replied unceremoniously.

"The death of the two of them was purely accidental. I also activated the Sleeping Beauty system according to the will of Emperor Via! Who told them to have nothing to do, full of food, and not to travel and enjoy themselves outside? What village is going to do some people-friendly activities, if you stay here well, how can you get infected with the virus?" Xiao Ke snorted coldly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he angered Daisy and Ola.

Daisy strode forward and slapped Xiao Ke.Xiao Ke didn't expect Daisy to be so fierce. He just covered his face, opened his mouth slightly, and opened his eyes with a surprised expression on his face.

"Haha, good sister, you fight really well, you really relieve hatred!" Ola clapped her hands aside.

Us also couldn't stop laughing, although he has been complaining about this pair of stupid brothers and sisters, but Daisy's move really relieved the hatred.After all, Joss and Uss are of the same breed, and his death indirectly weakened Uss' strength. How could this not make Uss angry!

But Daisy is Via's wife after all, and her rude behavior was tantamount to slapping him unintentionally. Via was very angry about Sleeping Beauty time, and there was no place to say it. Daisy's behavior really made Via The fire was slowly coming up.

"Daisy, what are you doing? As a member of the federation, how can you be so impulsive? Hurry up and apologize to Xiao Ke!" Via ordered without any doubt.

"You still speak for this murderer. If it wasn't for the bastard Xiao Ke who encouraged you to use Sleeping Beauty to kill those people on Earth, how could you get burned and kill so many innocent people on the planet Najib? Where can my father and Joss be?" Wrong? At this time, if they don’t appear in front of the public again, can they appease the public? They are going to atone for you, not only are they not flattering, but they will also get a deserved infamy. What’s the reason for this?” Daisy looked very excited, Say these words in succession.

"What do you know? The Sleeping Beauty system is just a failed experiment, and it will eventually collapse by itself. It's just a few deaths. You are so impatient? You are as stupid as your father!" Via said rudely Said.From Via's heart, although the disaster brought about by the collapse of the Sleeping Beauty system is menacing, he has always believed that this is just a normal phenomenon, and all it takes is a matter of time.Although the disaster killed some innocent people, but after all, it got rid of two confidantes for him, so he felt that it was more cost-effective.

"You are really shameless!" Daisy was completely enraged, and she was ready to rush forward to slap Shanvia in the same way.

Unexpectedly, Peng Li had already noticed that the situation was not good. He rushed forward, grabbed Daisy's outstretched palm, and threw Daisy aside.Daisy was already huge, but she staggered and bumped into the bar full of expensive foreign wine. With a crashing sound, the foreign wine bottles fell to the ground and turned into residues, and the conference room was immediately filled with the smell of wine.

"Peng Li, you executioner, you slave, when will you dare to lay hands on me? I'll kill you right now!" Daisy has never been so humiliated, escaped from the little prison, and she will target Peng Li .

"Daisy, if you dare to shoot, you will never get out alive!"

Via's words made Daisy feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. She was so cold that she was stunned and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Via, you despicable villain! I have long seen that you have bad intentions. You see that my father is gone, so you want to kick my sister away like this?" Ola said angrily.

"It's the same for you, I'm crushing you like an ant now! How dare you talk to me like that!" Via sneered, obviously after Ben Bensa's death, he no longer took the siblings seriously .

"Oh, stop arguing. According to me, everyone should sit down and have a good discussion. After all, the people on Planet Najib still need us to save them quickly. Otherwise, Planet Najib is really going to die. Can't a few of us go to reproduce? If the planet Najib doesn't exist, what's the point of arguing about who is right?" Us hurried over and persuaded.As a businessman, he has a very keen sense of smell, and he clearly realized that Joss' death had already caused him to break an arm. If Daisy and Ola didn't restrain Via, he would be the next one to fall.Therefore, as soon as he saw that the situation was not good, he hurried over to smooth things over, lest they really fall apart.

(End of this chapter)

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