The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2039 Escape

Chapter 2039 Escape
Daisy simply pretended that she didn't hear or see, and continued to focus on the front. However, she unconsciously increased her speed by a few hundred yards per hour.She was eager for revenge, and she had secretly made up her mind a long time ago, no matter what the price was, she would definitely get retribution for Via, even if it meant sacrificing her own life.

Masi desperately grasped the bald head with few hairs with his stubby fingers. When he thought that he was staying on a flying saucer that had not been clouded for more than ten years, he was terrified, and complained in his mouth: "I think you are crazy about revenge. How many years has it been since you started this old thing? I don't know if the engine can support the sudden high load. I don't want to die with you!"

Coincidentally, as soon as Ma Si's words fell, the flying saucer lost control instantly, and under inertia, it began to fall rapidly along the front.When Daisy looked at the speedometer, it quickly returned to zero as if being possessed by a ghost. Then she looked at the power meter, no matter how much she pressed it, there was no response.

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? Well, this is what you want! I think we are really doomed now!" Daisy threw away the controller and yelled at Masi.

Ma Si was also stunned, forgetting to be afraid, and opened his mouth wide open, unexpectedly he was really hit by what he said.

Just when the two were at a loss and had to wait to die, they felt that the falling speed of the flying saucer slowed down bit by bit.

The two people who had been terrified for a long time felt that the flying saucer slowed down a little bit.

Daisy came back to her senses, thought it was just an illusion, and hurried back to the control panel, but after playing with the daylight, she found that the control panel didn't work at all, and the flying saucer still slowed down unstoppably. After a while, it simply stopped.

"Oh, what can we do? If we stay here for a long time, Via will definitely take us back." Ma Si was in a panic, walking back and forth non-stop.

Daisy didn't care about Guan Masi's ramblings, she had no choice but to sit down on her buttocks, and said dejectedly: "Now I think it's really over, the flying saucer is out of order, or we will die here, or else we will die here." It was captured by Via and tortured to death."

However, just as the two complained of despair, the flying saucer moved slowly again, and flew forward quickly.

Compared with the panicked Daisy and Mars, Li Xiaogang, Mia, and Monterey watched the show with relaxed faces.

"You said she was Via's wife?" Li Xiaogang said in amazement.

"Yes," Monterey replied.At that time, Daisy, Benkosa and the others worked together to exclude themselves, how could Monterey forget?

"No way! Although Via is ugly, she shouldn't marry this ugly woman! Besides, I think this woman is almost like a man, very aggressive!" Li Xiaogang said.I felt a little gloating in my heart, although Via claimed to have great power in her hands, and she could get what she wanted, but she married such a woman, what a family misfortune.Thinking about my wives who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, virtuous and virtuous, a kind of warmth arises in my heart.

"Hmph, what kind of wife did Via marry? She married a backer to go home! If he didn't marry Daisy, would Benbensa support him so strongly?" Monterey said disdainfully.

It turned out that Monterey discovered from a distance that it was Via's flying saucer, so he asked Li Xiaogang to fix the flying saucer with an external force, and later found that there were Mars and Daisy inside, and then restarted the flying saucer, and let the flying saucer move towards the flying saucer. The Neighboring Country of the Bixiuth Empire, Maida, was heading to the country. Since they had checked in advance that there was no poisonous gas infestation there, they decided to get Daisy and Mars down for interrogation first.

"As long as you catch Daisy, I believe you should be able to get the latest situation of Via. This is a big fish!" Monterey said excitedly, as if he had won the lottery.

"Well, even so, we still have to be careful, who knows if this is some kind of conspiracy!" Mia interjected.

"Hmph, don't care about his scheming, as long as I, Li Xiaogang, are here, no matter who it is, can he escape from my hands?" Li Xiaogang said confidently.

Monterey and Mia nodded at the same time. They had no doubts about Li Xiaogang's strength.

"Let's hurry up and chase after it. I guess the flying saucer is about to reach the country of Mada." Monterey said while watching the flying saucer flying forward at a constant speed and inertia.

Li Xiaogang said "Okay" and followed with the two of them.

Besides, for Max and Daisy, they encountered so many situations along the way, they were almost scared out of their wits.However, when Daisy found out that they had left Bixius Empire and Levin City, she felt a little more at ease. No matter what, she was lucky to escape that freak of Via, even if she died.

"We've arrived in the country of Mada!" said Daisy.

"What's the use of going to Maita? If the flying saucer is not happy anymore and we're tired from flying, maybe we'll just be thrown to our deaths!" Masi said angrily.

Daisy didn't seem to hear Masi's complaints, but she looked through the binoculars and said to herself: "Hey, it seems that the country of Mada has not been harmed by the poisonous gas. I think everything is normal here!"

"Is it true?" Masi seemed to jump up again when he heard this, and hurried over to take a look, and he found that the country of Maita was peaceful, as if the city of Levin was as happy as it used to be.

"Well, since this is the case, it's okay for us to find a way to land here." Daisy mused.

"The key is that we are just birds in a cage now, and there is no key to unlock the lock at all." Masi stomped his feet, wishing he could jump off right now, find a place to have a good meal, and find a few girls for entertainment.

"Who said no? The new king of Mida is my good friend since I was a child. I will send a signal for him to come and rescue us now!" Daisy said.

"What are you talking about, you can send a signal out?" Mass asked.

Daisy nodded, and tapped a computer keyboard-type object, and said while tapping: "Although I can't control the flying saucer, the signal transmission system is still good, and now the information code has also been transmitted to the country of Mada. The Empire State Building is here, I believe they will receive my news in a short while, don't forget, our planet Najib is connected to the world!"

Masi immediately smiled, seeing Daisy's full confidence, he seemed to have seen himself lying comfortably in the bathtub, waiting for a few beautiful beauties to massage his body.

Daisy just finished operating, suddenly, the flying saucer shook violently, Daisy and Mars staggered and fell to the ground.

After shaking violently for a while, the flying saucer suddenly plummeted, and the two felt that their internal organs were about to collapse, not to mention how uncomfortable it was, but the speed of the flying saucer's descent did not slow down, but became faster and faster.Just when the two of them were about to faint, the flying saucer suddenly slowed down again, and then fell slowly for about a few minutes before stopping, as if it had landed.

After the flying saucer stabilized, it took a while for Daisy and Mars to regain their senses. Mars had already been thrown under a chair, he shook his head, and after confirming that he was still alive, he shouted Daisy's name.

"Stop shouting, I'm not dead yet!" Daisy covered her head and got out from nowhere.She also looked disheveled, and her fat face, which was already ugly, was even uglier.However, they didn't care about their own appearance, but hurriedly checked the surrounding situation, but what they saw surprised and delighted them.

It turned out that after all the tossing just now, the flying saucer actually landed.

Excited, Daisy hurriedly found the door controller button, only to hear the sound of "boom boom", the front door of the flying saucer opened, and a ray of sunlight came in, and at a glance she could glimpse the faint green grass and the blue sky.

"Oh, what are you waiting for, we landed successfully! Hurry up and get out!" The reborn Masi shouted excitedly, and before Daisy could say anything, his fat body became more vigorous, and he rushed to the door.

Needless to say, Li Xiaogang and Monterey were of course waiting for Daisy and Mars to come out of the cabin.

Seeing Monterey standing in front of him alive, Ma Si thought he was hallucinating, he quickly rubbed his eyes, and said to Daisy beside him: "Daisy, I saw Monterey standing in front of me, you Pinch me to show that I am not dreaming!"

Although Daisy was disheveled and disfigured, her mind was very clear. She shook her head and replied, "That's right! It's indeed Monterey, not only Monterey, but there are two earthlings beside them, a man and a woman, It doesn't look good!"

Only then did Ma Si turn his attention to Li Xiaogang and Mia.However, he saw that the man was ugly and the woman was fair, and he didn't pay much attention to them, so he returned his thoughts to Monterey.

"Whether they are good or not, I think Monterey is the focus of our concern. You can watch me later!" Ma Si said confidently. Since he escaped, this was the first time he had a happy face.

Sure enough, Mas raised his hand, pretending to meet him by chance, and walked towards Monterey, and said, "Oh, man, it seems that we are really destined to meet each other in this chaotic time. I have a lot to say." Tell me bro!"

Monterey snickered to himself, thinking that Masi's acting skills were really first-class, but it was not good to expose him immediately, so he followed his words and responded loudly: "Yeah! It's been a long time indeed! I'm about to Looking for you to catch up on the past!" Looking closer at Masi's disheveled look, Monterey couldn't help laughing, and said, "Dude, what's wrong with you! Did you just come back from archaeology?"

Ma Si gave a dry laugh, patted the dust on his body, and then lied again: "It's a long story, I was investigating work outside, and suddenly encountered a strong wind, and the flying saucer also encountered a problem, hey, it's my fault too Great, he was not killed by the fall!"

(End of this chapter)

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