The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2044 Leaking Secrets

Chapter 2044 Leaking Secrets
"He wanted me to pay attention to a girl between the ages of 20 and told me that this girl is not from the planet Najib. I think this aunt looks a bit like what they described, so I want to take him back and show him?" Bald The old man hastily explained.

"Did you still make an appointment with him?" Li Xiaogang asked.

The bald old man really wanted to die at this moment, he had accidentally leaked such important information, and now, when he met such a powerful enemy as Li Xiaogang, he had no choice but to say: "This person wants me to be in Cui Nagu gathers [-] strong barbarians, and if there are enough people, go to the Demon Flame Sea to find him! As soon as I reach the Demon Flame Sea, he will naturally show up. The rest will be gone!"

"So, the strange fact that the hot spring here can save people is also made by that person?" Li Xiaogang asked.

The bald old man quickly replied yes.

"Okay, it's none of your business, you can go." Li Xiaogang said coldly.

When the bald old man heard what Li Xiaogang said, a burst of ecstasy welled up in his heart, and his whole body seemed to be full of strength, so he turned and ran.But Li Xiaogang sneered, a palm wind passed, purple light flashed, the bald old man didn't even have time to utter a word, and he died.Li Xiaogang emitted another red light, and he was reduced to a pile of ashes.

Mia was stunned by Li Xiaogang's clean and neat actions, and stammered, "You just killed him like this?"

Li Xiaogang snorted, and said: "He dares to treat you like this, let him die so painlessly, it is already cheap for him!"

Mia whispered, "It's not like letting him die."

Li Xiaogang sighed, and said to Mia: "You are a descendant of Nuwa, you can't be so arrogant, this old man used tricks to satisfy his own desires, so many ordinary people came here, and so many innocent people were squeezed to death. Do you think he deserves to die?"

Mia nodded.

Li Xiaogang added: "Now I can be sure that there is indeed something tricky here, now we have to rush back and ask Joey to send troops to seal this place, and we can't let people come here for pilgrimage, otherwise, not just dozens of people will be squeezed to death. "

Mia looked into the distance, and there seemed to be more crowds, mixed with the cries of children and people's scolding, there was no feeling of a clean place.

"Then, do you still want to go to the Demon Flame Sea?" Mia asked.

"Mo Yanhai is going, what is the origin of this person, I still have to know!" Li Xiaogang replied, since this person has the magic weapon of the fairy family, I believe the origin must not be simple.At the same time, there are more and more mysteries in my heart.

"However, Via is really doing evil things. Are we really going to let Grandpa Monterey clean it up?" Mia said.Ever since he was with Li Xiaogang, he never mentioned how to deal with Via. Mia thought that Li Xiaogang didn't care about the life and death of the people on Najib at all.

"Is this the kind of person I am in your heart?" Li Xiaogang smiled, and then said: "Although the poison gas cholera on Planet Najib was directly caused by Via, it has something to do with me. The innocent people are civilians. Since I have determined where Via is hiding, and I will kill him this time when I go back, and then we will work together to find a way to rescue the people of Planet Najib."

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Mia couldn't tell how happy she was. After all, the planet Najib was her second hometown where she grew up. Of course, she didn't want it to be a mess or even become extinct before she left.

"Well, after all these things are settled, let's think about how to go back to the fairyland, shall we?" Mia said, looking at Li Xiaogang full of expectations.

In fact, Li Xiaogang didn't think so in his heart?This place is originally a peaceful place. Like the earth, people hope to live in peace. If Najib's planet is destroyed by himself, he will feel uneasy.

"I promise you. Now let's go to Monterey to determine the next step. I'm not worried about Via's tricks. The main thing is how to stop the spread of the poisonous gas, and how to heal those injured by the poisonous gas. people." Li Xiaogang said.

The two talked for a while, and then left Trina Valley.

Monterey, Mars, Daisy and the others had already rested, and were discussing something with Joey in the living room, while Suo Tu, who was "hijacked" by Li Xiaogang, was standing beside him.

"You said they let you back when they arrived in Trina Valley?" Joey looked disbelieving.Thinking about Li Xiaogang's bandit behavior at that time, he thought that Suo Tu was doomed now.

"It's absolutely true. They were just looking at Cuina Valley, and I don't think they have any malicious intentions." Suotu replied honestly. Although on the surface he and Joey are in the relationship of monarch and minister, in fact, both of them are in the same relationship. The old king grew up beside him, and he has long been in love with his brother.

"Joy, don't doubt it anymore. Although I don't know Li Xiaogang's intentions for coming to Planet Najib, I'm sure he won't be malicious." Monterey also said.

Joey's doubts were mostly dispelled. After all, Li Xiaogang is not the focus of his current concern, so he went on to talk about other topics and said, "I heard that many southern barbarians have flocked to our border recently. There is cholera in the north, and the south is suffering from cholera. There is an influx of alien races, can the committee members think of a way for me?"

"These barbarians have always lived in the south safely. Besides, they don't want to stay here, but they have to go over the Ula Mountains and come to Mecca for what?" Masi was sipping tea leisurely when he heard Joey Having said that, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Well, judging from the current situation, it will be really difficult for Planet Najib to return to its original appearance." Monterey sighed, but he had a worried expression on his face.

"I can't think of the future. It would be nice if the current situation can be settled." Ma Si said, at the same time, he drank a glass of Maotai fruit wine from Mecca, and then ruthlessly touched the thigh of the young maid next to him. .

"The thorn in Via hasn't been removed yet!" Daisy reminded.She has always remembered the revenge of killing her brother.

"I can help you get rid of Via, what benefits do you want to give me?" Suddenly a person walked in with a smile.

Everyone looked at the front door, a man and a woman appeared immediately, but it was Li Xiaogang and Mia who rushed back overnight.

"You came back so soon?" Joey said in surprise.Apparently, Li Xiaogang’s sudden appearance surprised Joey the most. Trina Valley is at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the capital of Mecca, one is the southernmost and the other is the northernmost. .But Li Xiaogang and Mia can come and go freely with bare hands?
Li Xiaogang smiled at him, but didn't answer his words. He turned to Monterey and said, "I'm going to Levin City tomorrow to take Via's old den."

But Monterey was not happy.

"Grandpa, Brother Xiaogang has decided to help you get rid of Via, why are you unhappy?" Mia noticed the strangeness in Monterey.

"But what about the future of Planet Najib? It's a small matter to get rid of a Via. Planet Najib can't be destroyed in the hands of our generation of committee members!" Monterey expressed his doubts.

Just when Li Xiaogang was about to say something, Monterey's expression suddenly changed, he pulled Li Xiaogang, and said excitedly: "That mysterious person is looking for me!"

Li Xiaogang was startled, and said, "The person from the fairy world who brought you the medicine?"

Monterey nodded affirmatively, and said, "I can sense it, he asked me to wait for him near Monterey Manor in a day's time!"

Li Xiaogang and Mia smiled at each other, and it was time to unravel many doubts.

However, the people next to him were completely confused by Li Xiaogang and Monterey, and they didn't even know who they were talking about.

"That's just right. By the way, Via's group will be wiped out." Li Xiaogang said, as if it was as simple as trampling an ant to death.In fact, if it wasn't for Via's tricks, plus he could hide faster than a rabbit, he would have died many times in Li Xiaogang's hands. Thoroughly.

"Then what is our mission?" Daisy asked.

"You wait in Mecca, and then wait for our news." Monterey replied.

"Are we just waiting?" Daisy was not reconciled. She had always wanted to kill Via herself to relieve her hatred. Even if she couldn't do it herself, at least she would be happy watching this person die tragically.

"Oh, Daisy, Levin City is so dangerous, I don't think you should go. Since you don't need to go out, wouldn't it be better? You still insist on hitting the gun." Masi quickly persuaded, afraid that Monterey would agree When Daisy passed by, she brought herself along by the way.

"That's right, you'd better not go, you are the only one who survived the Benbensa family, so just wait for the news." Monterey said.Although Ben Bensa was a deadly enemy with himself before he was alive, he was also an enemy and a friend after all. At least he fought openly, and he was considered a bad friend. Seeing that he died tragically now, and his only son did not end well, Monterey couldn't bear it. I really don't want Daisy to have any more accidents.

"Let me go, after all, I have seen the design drawings of Via's underground laboratory, and I am familiar with all the structures inside!" Daisy still did not give up.

But Li Xiaogang laughed "haha" and said, "You think I'm going to go to his crappy laboratory? Just bombard him from the outside, don't you see that he's burnt on the outside and tender on the inside!"

"I think you must have experienced Via's cunning. Besides, you have to go in and cut off the central controller of Sleeping Beauty, otherwise you still can't fundamentally get rid of the source of these poisonous gases. If it is strong, wouldn’t it be counterproductive to release any destructive poisonous gas?” Daisy analyzed.

Li Xiaogang and Monterey looked at each other, obviously feeling that what Daisy said was very reasonable.

"Okay then, you can go with us." Li Xiaogang said.

"I don't need to go, I'm here to sit in Mecca to prevent any mistakes from them." Ma Si said while eating some unknown melon and fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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