The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2046 Preparing for the Banquet

Chapter 2046 Preparing for the Banquet
"You mean the system was overwhelmed and crashed?" Peng Li was startled.Once the system crashes, it means that it is impossible to go into hibernation again.All that is out of their control.In other words, the poisonous gas will spread endlessly, no one can control it, and they will never even think about returning to the ground to survive.

"It's just that the pressure device burned out, it didn't collapse." Xiao Ke said calmly.

Peng Li breathed a sigh of relief. If the system really collapsed, he and Xiao Ke would definitely be killed by Via.

"But it will take at least two days for the pressure device to be repaired. In this case, our plan will be delayed." Xiao Ke said again.His words plunged Peng Li into a dark abyss again.

"How should we explain to Via? He has already informed everyone that a celebration banquet will be held tomorrow night!" Peng Li almost yelled.

"If you're not afraid of being heard by Via, then shout louder!" Xiao Ke said coldly.Seeing that Peng Li really kept silent, he said again: "Via doesn't trust us now, if we tell him that the plan will be postponed, he might go crazy and kill us together! Anyway, the underground laboratory wants to There are plenty of scientists who can replace us."

"What do you want me to do?" Peng Li asked with a frown.

"If you trust me, just do one thing for me. If you don't trust me, just pretend you didn't see what happened today, don't tell anyone, and you're paying me back as your mentor." Xiao Ke said very Say these words calmly.

Peng Li knew that Xiao Ke might decide to make a last-ditch effort. In fact, he had just debuted in the scientific world not long ago. He thought that he had hugged a big tree like Via. Who knew that it would be good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, but the big tree fell down. But the death is even worse.Peng Li shuddered at the repercussions of Via's out-of-control appearance. Thinking about it, he might as well follow Xiao Ke in one last fight, and he might become famous all over the world in one fell swoop. "Okay! I choose to talk to you! Tell me, what can I do for you?" Peng Li made up his mind and said, patting his chest.

Xiao Ke nodded gratefully, and then said: "I'm going to make a temporary pressure device to replace it. Making a new temporary pressure device is much better than repairing the original one! With your help, it can be done tomorrow, so that There will be no delay in planning."

"Temporary pressure device? This configuration is difficult to master!" Peng Li said worriedly.

"It's okay! The temporary pressure device can last at least half a year, and half a month is enough for me to repair the original one!" Xiao Ke said.

"Okay, just do as you said." Peng Li thought for a while, and he had no choice but to follow this method. According to what Xiao Ke said, there should be no mistakes, so he simply agreed with him.

At the same time, the butler Neville was also non-stop preparing for the next day's celebration banquet.From the moment he received the order, all the cells in his body were mobilized.After all, Daisy's escape last time had a lot to do with his negligence. Although he didn't let them go with his own hands, it still happened at his hands.Regarding this incident, although Via did not blame him, he has always been worried about it, thinking that he has neglected his duty. Who told him to watch Via grow up?In addition, the Via family has always treated him like a family member, and when he thinks that he has caused so much trouble for Via, he feels uncomfortable for a while.

However, now that the opportunity has come, victory is in sight, and Via will be able to unify everything on Planet Najib soon. He must hold this celebration banquet in a decent manner, and prepare unprecedented gorgeous costumes for Via.

Fortunately, he has already stocked up all the food and groceries, so he is still very sure about this dinner.So, he called all the servants No. [-] over.

"Ulla, you are in charge of desserts and fruits..."

"Moffel, you are in charge of preparing all the clothes for the president, and then call me to choose..."

"And you, go and see if there are enough tableware..."

"You are in charge of decorating the restaurant to make it more festive. I will go to see it in three hours..."


After completing this series of arrangements, half a day has passed without knowing it. After all, Neville is also an old housekeeper, and all the work has been arranged in an orderly manner. Go to the bedroom to rest for a while, and then check how the servants are doing. After all, there is still one day before the dinner party!Then, tremblingly, he walked into the bedroom, closed the door, and prepared to take a good nap.

When he turned around, the scene in front of him made him dumbfounded. He actually saw a person he never wanted to see again in his life.

"Day, Mrs. Daisy, are you still here?" Neville asked.He quickly rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was delusional.

And in front of him stood a tower-like woman staring at him with a half-smile. This person was none other than Daisy.

"Old butler, do you really want to drive me away?" Daisy asked with a smile.

"Well, it's unavoidable, President Via has been looking for you all this time, I'll tell him to go now." Only then did Neville realize that Daisy was really standing in front of her, and hurriedly wanted to open the door and leave.

But a strong man's arm blocked his way. Neville was startled, and looking along the arm, he saw a man.

"Who are you and how did you get here!" Neville asked in horror.This man was so weird that he didn't even have time to discover how this man got to him.

"Daisy, don't talk to him anymore, just do what you need to do!" the man said impatiently.

"Brother Xiaogang, Via built this underground palace with his old capital. There are countless priceless treasures. This old butler must know a lot. You should treat him better." Daisy joked.

Daisy pretended to be relaxed, but it frightened poor Neville. He hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I don't know anything! I don't know anything. Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"You are an old butler, how could I kill you! As long as you obediently cooperate with us, I will let you go and let you spend your old age in peace." Daisy said both softly and hard.

"As long as it saves my life, I will agree to whatever you say!" Neville said hastily.After all, having been a housekeeper for so many years, he still understands the reason why a man who knows current affairs is a hero.Besides, as long as he can please the two people in front of him, he doesn't care if what he said counts.

But his mind was seen through by the clever Daisy.

"Old butler, I still advise you to be good, if you dare to play tricks, you will definitely be killed by Via!" Daisy sneered.

"I, how can I play tricks, I will definitely agree to what you say you want to do!" Neville said with a smile, while looking at Li Xiaogang with a cold face next to him, afraid that he would surprise him and punch him.

"I want you to help us disguise ourselves as personal servants and approach Via," Daisy said.

"That's impossible! I can't do it, now Via doesn't need a personal servant at all, he is surrounded by a lot of traps!" Neville immediately refused, he could see that these two people wanted to target Via His life is over, the matter is very important, he dare not be this accomplice.But now, since Li Xiaogang and Daisy have come here deeply, the old guy can't decide everything by himself.

Neville's refusal seemed to be expected by Li Xiaogang, he pulled Neville's arm, and before he could react, touched his arm with his index finger, and then let him go.

Neville only felt a pain like an ant bite, and then it was normal.

"This is my tracker. Once you have any abnormal behavior or thoughts, I can sense it, and I can also kill you through the tracker. If you dare to do something extraordinary, you A blood vessel will burst and die." Li Xiaogang said.

"What, what? You put a tracker on me just now?" Neville screamed, and quickly stretched out his right arm, looking around.

"Don't look! If you can find it, then either you are stupid, or I am stupid!" Li Xiaogang laughed, but Neville's hair shuddered while laughing.It seems that I have to take one step at a time. I have lived my whole life for others tremblingly, and I can't die like this in the end!Neville thought so.

"But I really can't pretend to be your personal servants. Via is too cautious. Except for Xiao Ke, Peng Li, and me, he rarely lets others get close!" Neville said.

However, what he said was true.Via is notoriously cautious, otherwise, he would have offended so many enemies with his viciousness, and would not have survived to this day.

But Li Xiaogang said: "Just now I heard you talking about the celebration banquet, tomorrow is indeed a good opportunity!"

Neville groaned in his heart. It seems that these two people are really not easy to fool. He smiled bitterly and said, "How do you even know this?"

No matter what kind of person Li Xiaogang is, it is too easy for him to eavesdrop on the conversation of an ordinary person, and even the monitors that were ambush all the way in Via were pulled out one by one by him.

"You don't need to know so much, just do what we say obediently. Find a suitable time and send the two of us to the nearest place to Via." Li Xiaogang said.

"Old butler, I know that it will not be easy for you to work hard all your life. Don't worry, as long as you help us this time, I guarantee that you will be able to retire in peace. Uncle Neville, you have treated me well. I, Daisy, will repay you People." Daisy said to Neville, seeing him a little tempted, she continued: "In order to realize her ambition, Via released a large amount of poisonous gas. The people on Najib's planet are already dead and crazy. The enemy of the entire Najib planet, do you still want to be buried with him?"

"It's true that he poisoned the planet Nagy?" Neville asked.In this underground palace, it seemed that only Via, Penley, and Shock knew about it, and obviously the servants and other scientists including Neville didn't know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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