The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2052 Shaking hands and making peace

Chapter 2052 Shaking hands and making peace

"I, I can't change it... I'm not as cunning as you!" Luo Xiaoxian was afraid and anxious, but he still wanted to make fun of it.

"Hmph, I think you are just such a bowl of water, and you can't even bring it up! Since you are not afraid, thank you." Li Xiaogang said, and once he exerted his strength, the purple eagle really swallowed the three heads in one gulp. The giant python swallowed it, Luo Xiaoxian didn't see what was going on, and in the blink of an eye, the achievements of more than ten years of cultivation honored Li Xiaogang in this way.

Luo Xiaoxian's face turned gray all of a sudden, and he collapsed on the ground, muttering: "I'm done, I'm done, how can I explain to Master now. It's over!"

Li Xiaogang knew that these three black pythons were all Luo Xiaoxian's primordial spirits gathered together, and they were swallowed up by him at once. Luo Xiaoxian's ten years of skill training was in vain, so he was so depressed, but this kid is really too arrogant , It is also appropriate to give him a little color to see.However, Luo Xiaoxian did not expect that Luo Xiaoxian had a lot of backbone, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Become a king and lose a bandit. I have lost to you. You can deal with it as you like!"

"I don't want your life. As long as you answer a few questions, I will return your soul." Unexpectedly, Li Xiaogang said this.Although for Luo Xiaoxian, ten years of painstaking practice is indeed not worth the loss, but for Li Xiaogang, this little energy has little effect, it is better to be a favor.

"What? Are you willing to let me go and give me back all my skills?" Luo Xiaoxian's eyes were filled with surprise immediately, but he lowered his head again and said softly, "No, you must be playing tricks on me on purpose. of!"

Li Xiaogang was also amused by Luo Xiaoxian's childishness, thinking that although Luo Xiaoxian's mouth is unreasonable, but he is straightforward, he couldn't help but feel some love in his heart, so he said: "I, Li Xiaogang, will do what I say. Let's fight. It can be regarded as fate. As long as you answer my few questions honestly, I promise to do what I say!"

Luo Xiaoxian saw that Li Xiaogang was not a person who backtracked on what he said, and Li Xiaogang's strength was unfathomable, so he didn't need to lie to himself, so he let go of his arms, patted his chest, and said: "Li Xiaogang, we don't know each other if we don't fight, you My friend, I agree, so tell me, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I will tell you everything." In his tone, there was a hint of heroism.

Li Xiaogang nodded, then asked: "You told me just now that you are from the fairy world, why did you appear on the planet Najib?"

Luo Xiaoxian smiled and said: "I knew you would ask this question, but unfortunately, I can't tell you this question alone, and you can ask anything else!"

Li Xiaogang said: "A gentleman does not force others to be difficult, but you can't tell me why?"

Luo Xiaoxian scratched his head, knowing that he had already made a promise, and he could no longer go back on his word, so he said: "Because I am a person from the fairy world, the fairy world and the human world cannot communicate with each other without authorization, so it is against the law of heaven for me to appear here." , As for why it appeared here, I was entrusted by the master to find someone for him!"

Li Xiaogang knew that the master Luo Xiaoxian was talking about should be Immortal Yunju, and he knew it was not the time to delve deeper, so he changed the subject and asked, "How did these people from Levin City come here?"

Luo Xiaoxian laughed "haha" twice, and said proudly: "I happened to come here and found that the people here were all invaded by a kind of poisonous gas, and most of them were seriously ill, so I simply did some good deeds and sent them They were all cured, and then they were all brought here, but my strength and primordial spirit are limited after all, so I have only saved a few hundred people so far."

"Since you saved them, why don't they remember the past?" Li Xiaogang wondered.

Luo Xiaoxian smiled embarrassedly, and said: "I'm ashamed of this, although I learned a little medical skills from my master, I just went to the doctor in a hurry, and it only made them regain their wisdom, but some people lost their memory, and it may be slower. Slow recovery!"

Li Xiaogang thought of Yula, the child who refused to recognize his parents, and asked again: "But why does that child named Yula keep saying that others misidentified him?"

"Yula is right. Not only are those two men and women not their parents, but they are not their fathers. Their memories are all messed up! It's all my fault. I only saved that person's life, but some people are My thoughts are confused, I really can't do anything! I can't walk around now, and I'm afraid that these amnesiacs will do something again!" Luo Xiaoxian sighed.

Only now did Li Xiaogang understand that Luo Xiaoxian came to the human world to do business, but later he got a wrong brain and tried to save people by relying on his three-legged cat medical skills.It seems that good intentions are also doing wrong things, but Li Xiaogang's eyes still shine. After all, this shows that Shen Qihong and the others have at least the possibility of being rescued!It's better than lying there ignorant.

Li Xiaogang thought of this, and said: "I also have a few brothers who have been poisoned by this poison, why don't you help them diagnose?"

Luo Xiaoxian waved his hands again and again, and said: "I have used up all the medicinal materials, besides, my medical skills are not good, so I can't put your friend to death!"

"You child, you really can't speak, how can you curse people like that!" Li Xiaogang said angrily.

Luo Xiaoxian stuck out her tongue and said: "I grew up with Master when I was young, and I don't know much about the world, so don't take it to heart, but since we met once, I will definitely ask Master to save your friend if I have the chance!"

"What does your master do?" Li Xiaogang asked again.

"Hey, my master is a master in the fairy world, not something that ordinary people can see! His medical skills are very good, and his spells are powerful. Anyway, I haven't learned one hundredth of his abilities!" Luo Xiaoxian is rare to be humble.

"Anyway, after all, they have recovered their human nature, which is better than monsters, and you have done a great deed!" Li Xiaogang patted Luo Xiaoxian on the shoulder.

"Hey, I'm also hitting on the wrong side. Although I'm saving people, I'm actually looking for people!" Luo Xiaoxian said.

"Who are you looking for, can you tell me?" Li Xiaogang asked.

Luo Xiaoxian said: "I have already contacted him, and I will be able to meet the person I am looking for in a few days, and I will come to say goodbye to you when the time comes." It seemed that he didn't want to reveal much.

Li Xiaogang didn't want to make things difficult for him. If it wasn't about Mia, he didn't want to ask too much about the fairy world, so he said, "No problem, I have some things to do recently, or let's leave it alone!"

But Luo Xiaoxian said in embarrassment: "I want to leave too, but I can't let go of these people from Levin City!"

"It's okay, I know the princesses here, they can help take care of them, so don't worry about it." Li Xiaogang said, thinking of Princess Jona, Horton and the others, it is the duty of these rulers to take care of their own people. .

Luo Xiaoxian looked very happy, as if Li Xiaogang had helped him a lot, and said happily: "Thank you then, I owe you a favor! I will definitely ask my master to save your friend!"

Just when Luo Xiaoxian was about to say goodbye and leave, Li Xiaogang suddenly asked: "Your real name shouldn't be Luo Xiaoxian, right?"

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from you..." Luo Xiaoxian smiled awkwardly.

"It's not that I'm smart, but that your name is too...common..." Now it was Li Xiaogang's turn to be speechless.

"My real name is Luo Duan." Luo Xiaoxian said.

"Luo Duan...a good name!" Li Xiaogang laughed, thinking that one day he really came to the fairyland, and it would be better to have someone he knew well than to have no relatives.

Luo Duan didn't see what Li Xiaogang was thinking, so he clasped his fists together and said, "Then let's leave this place, I'll leave this place to you, and we'll meet later!"

So Luo Duan turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.Li Xiaogang looked around, if other people saw this scene, he might faint from fright.Just as he was looking around, he found several acquaintances walking towards this side.Dingqing saw that it was Princess Jona, Leon Horton, and Starley.

"Li Xiaogang, why did you come back alone, what about Mia and the others?" Si Dali was very surprised to see Li Xiaogang, especially when he found out that he came back here alone.

"Hey, you don't ask me if I'm okay, but you're concerned about Mia!" Li Xiaogang joked, without answering him directly.

Princess Jona smiled and said, "Brother Xiao Gang, don't make things difficult for him, he is almost falling in love these few days!"

This sentence made everyone laugh, only Si Dali stood there blushing and at a loss.

"I really can't see that a man like Starley, a boutique man from the Najib planet, has an extraordinary and suave appearance, but he can even blush." ​​Leon Holden said with his tongue.

"What do you know? It's one thing and one thing. He fell in love with Mia at first sight, and he never forgets it. Those flowers and plants in the past don't count!" Princess Jona said.

What these two people said to each other woke up Staley. He raised his head and said deliberately: "How about I just fell in love with her? Mia is beautiful and kind-hearted. I fell in love with her at first sight." , in this life, I will not marry her!"

Hearing his childish words, both Princess Qiaona and Leon Horton laughed, but Li Xiaogang didn't express it.Judging from Starley's reaction, he was genuinely moved by Mia. Leaving aside whether the two are compatible or not, the two are people of different levels, and there will be no results at all.Besides, what the gods taboo most is true love. Once she is bound by feelings, Mia's plan to step into the fairyland will fail before it even starts.Both Starley and Mia are in the age of cardamom, and it is necessary to stop the signs of their feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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