The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2070 Yun Zhang Ke Toxin

Chapter 2070 Transporting Toxin

"It's really hard for you to put the burden on a girl like you!" Starley said heavily.

"Didn't my father always praise me for being better than you when I was young? So, don't worry, I promise to complete the task with quality and quantity!" Princess Jona said with a smile.

"Princess Qiaona, I also want to ask you something." Li Xiaogang had been silent for a while, and then he suddenly spoke.

"Brother Xiao Gang, don't you want to go back together? Didn't you always say that you would personally save Shen Qihong and the others? Isn't this the right time?" Princess Qiao Na wondered.

"I'm going to wait for Starley and the others to go together. After all, this Magic Flame Sea is not an ordinary place. I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen. However, as you said, what I want to ask you to do is also about Shen Qihong and the others. !” Li Xiaogang said.

Princess Qiaona understood when she heard it, and knew that Li Xiaogang couldn't let go of this place, but for the planet Najib, the most important thing is to extract more Ketoxin, so since Li Xiaogang is willing to stay and help Starley, of course A good thing, but she also understood what Li Xiaogang meant. He wanted Princess Qiaona to go back. The first thing he did was to use Ketoxin to see if he could save Shen Qihong and the others.

"Brother Xiaogang, don't worry! No matter what, Brother Shen and the others are in trouble because of us. As soon as I return to Planet Najib, I will rush to Juxing Lake first, and first go to the "Genesis" to see Shen Qihong and the others. Can this gram of toxin really cure their poison? By the way, report to my sisters-in-law for safety!" Princess Jona swore.

Li Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Si Dali: "Does this gram of toxin have any side effects?" If Princess Qiao Na brought the gram of toxin back to Shen Qihong and the others for the first batch of use, Li Xiaogang must ask clearly about the gram of toxin The usage and efficacy should not let Shen Qihong and the others become guinea pigs in vain.

Of course, Starley also understood Li Xiaogang's meaning, thought for a while and said: "The principle of toxin suppression is to greatly mobilize the body's own immune function and vitality, and will not produce chemical reactions with the elements in the body, so it will not What's the problem? Moreover, it's not the first time I've used Ketoxin. As early as a few years ago, I found out that the magic flame sea mud had Ketoxin. , so there is no large-scale research and development and promotion, and we generally use it on people who are really terminally ill. Later, we found that after using Ketoxin, these people recovered very quickly, and almost all the indicators of the body tended to decline. It is more than normal, clinically also shows that their lives are very normal, and their physical indicators have always been very stable.

Generally speaking, within three years, a person's physical indicators are stable at the same level, basically he is no different from a normal person, so I can say with certainty that even if this gram of toxin cannot completely clear the toxins in Shen Qihong's body, at least It will not be harmful to his body! "

Only then did Li Xiaogang feel relieved.

"It seems that I have to prepare a copy of the research materials of this toxin. I'm really afraid that our scientific research institute does not understand this knowledge. It will be bad if we can't operate it by then." Princess Jona reminded.

"You don't need to worry about this, have you forgotten? There is my best friend in the Planetary Research Institute! At that time, I dragged her to do this job, so you can go back and ask her to help you." Stari smiled. speak.

"You mean Aunt Wensi? Isn't she retired?" Princess Jona's eyes widened.

"Cough, cough, you can't call her aunt in front of her, she really minds her age, just call Wen Si, or elder sister!" said Starley.

"Auntie Wensi, no, it's Sister Wensi. It is said that she has a very strange personality. I remember that she is a dozen weirdos from the Planetary Research Institute. I wonder if she is willing to help me!" Princess Qiaona hesitated, with a stiff expression in her eyes. The image of a serious strange woman comes.

"Don't worry about this. Wensi is my long-term friend. You can tell her what I mean directly. Besides, Wensi retired early because he couldn't understand the committee, Benbensa and Via, who were working for tigers and bossing them around. They left in a fit of anger. Now you She was asked to help out to save the planet Najib, and she will not stand idly by." Starley said.

"I don't know if the Planetary Research Institute has suffered damage... There are also many medical institutions and secret bases. These are the scientific crystallization of Planet Najib for many years. I don't know if they have suffered damage." Princess Jona murmured.

"Don't worry about this. These institutions are scattered and established. Every country has branch institutions. It will never be destroyed by such a coincidence. As long as you find the person in charge of each branch institution, once the planet Najib is rebuilt, these businesses will be restored It can start running again! Don't worry, don't worry, take your time." Starley said in relief.

"Yes, Planet Najib won't be destroyed so easily!" Princess Jona's eyes regained her confidence.

"Jonah, you have to be careful along the way!" Leon Horton warned, his eyes full of reluctance.

"It's okay, Starley has already prepared a flight plane for me, and the itinerary and landing site have been set up. It's very convenient. I will report to you as soon as I arrive at the place." Princess Jona stretched out her hand and shook it firmly. Holding Leon Horton's palm, said softly.

"Well, I'll take you up." Li Xiaogang said.It happened to be a good time to investigate carefully to see if there was a "monster" like the one described by Staley.

"Okay, I've vacuum-sealed all the Ketoxins I've extracted so far and put them in the cargo hold of the plane. Take care on the way!" Starley walked over and hugged Princess Jona as a farewell.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Princess Qiaona left the submarine laboratory with Li Xiaogang.When I got to the white sailboat on Laboratory Mountain, I found that there was a huge sailing plane parked here at some point.

Only then did Li Xiaogang discover that this unremarkable white sailboat turned out to be a retractable luxury aircraft carrier!
"Brother Xiaogang, go back! I'm leaving now." Princess Jona said as she got on the plane and activated the flight controller.

"Okay, once Shen Qihong and the others recover, we must try to notify this place!" Li Xiaogang said again, the only thing that worries him now is the safety of the brothers Shen Qihong and Sun Gan.

Princess Qiaona looked at the eagerness in Li Xiaogang's eyes, nodded her head vigorously, stopped talking, concentrated on slowly starting the plane, and slowly went straight up to the sky.Then he waved his hand at Li Xiaogang again, and then slowly disappeared into the sky.

Only now did Li Xiaogang come back to his senses, and found strangely that after the plane left, the white aircraft carrier returned to its original small shape, just like an inconspicuous small cargo ship.This series of changes took only ten minutes.

"I really don't know what's going on in this boat. That kid, Starley, really has two skills." Li Xiaogang said to himself.

Princess Qiaona drove the automatic plane by herself, and quickly flew over the magic sea of ​​flames, passed through the planet Najib, and finally saw the lush and lush human scenery. However, when she passed Trina Island, she found that there It turned out to be a mess, lifeless, with corpses all over the field, as if it had suffered a huge disaster.

But she is a single woman after all, even though she is courageous, she bears the hope of the rise of the Bixiu Si Empire after all, and she also promised Li Xiaogang to revive Shen Qihong and the others as soon as possible. Simply go to work first, and then bring someone over to take a closer look.

This also made Princess Jona wake up, maybe things are not as simple as she imagined, and unexpected things always fall from the sky.

In this way, Princess Jona sped up her speed again, directly crossed the country of Mecca where Monterey was located, and soon arrived at the "Genesis" in Juxing Lake, and found an area to stop.Unexpectedly, her movement disturbed the villagers here, and they quickly surrounded them and surrounded Princess Qiaona who got off the plane.

"This is Princess Qiaona, it's Princess Qiaona! Come here, everyone!" Someone yelled, and it seemed that they recognized Qiaona as the princess of their country.

"It's indeed Princess Qiaona, I thought she would leave us behind!" Someone whispered again.

"Impossible, King Dion was very kind to us back then, and his children would not abandon us!" Someone next to him retorted.The villages by Juxing Lake are all demonstration villages established by the Bixiuth Empire, so King Dion often brings people over for inspections, and they also mingle with the villagers here, so they support King Dion's rule very much, even though King Dion was persecuted , the villagers turned their support to his children.

"Uncles, I am indeed Princess Qiaona. I came here to save everyone with my father's last wish. Don't worry! As long as I, Qiaona, is alive, I will be with you all!" Princess Qiaona said impassionedly. Get the villagers excited too.

They all cheered.The village, which was originally a little deserted, unexpectedly had a festive atmosphere.

"Princess Qiaona, some monsters came out of nowhere and harmed our common people. You have to decide for us! My son was killed by these monsters!" Suddenly, an old woman rushed out, cried.

"That's right, they have ruined my family's crops too!" A young and strong boy gritted his teeth.

"If the country doesn't send troops over, we're going to form our own self-defense army!" Several people said in a hurry.

Princess Jona understood that the monsters they were talking about must be the mutated species that had been tainted by poisonous gas.

She reckoned that Monterey should take action, and even if she hadn't taken any action, she would still apply for assistance from him, so she comforted everyone and said, "Don't worry folks, the reinforcements will definitely arrive soon! It is recommended that you live in groups to resist the persecution of monsters, as long as you do not take the initiative to kill them, but take the initiative to put some food outside the door, they will generally not attack you!" Princess Qiao Na reminded.

The villagers nodded and said yes.

Suddenly, Princess Qiaona remembered some citizens Luo Xiaoxian had rescued, and asked, "By the way, some citizens who came from Levin City last time, how are they living now?"

A girl replied crisply: "They, most of them don't remember who they are, they were all taken in by those aliens, and they are currently in some spaceship."

Princess Qiaona soon understood that the aliens they were talking about must be Li Xiaogang's wives, and the spaceship was the "Genesis".

"I came back this time to relieve the disaster. I assure everyone that within a month, our lives will return to normal." Princess Jona said to the villagers. The one-month time limit was estimated by Starley and the others. result.

(End of this chapter)

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