The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2086 Mutated Bumblebee

Chapter 2086 Mutated Bumblebee

"You'd better find a valid reason, or I'll let you rot here again!" Li Xiaogang sneered.

The Nine-Kun Beast didn't seem to take Li Xiaogang's threat seriously, instead it walked out of the swamp unhurriedly, slowly spread its wings and flew to the opposite of Li Xiaogang, and turned into a strong nine-headed villain. Half recovered.

"I am the leader of the Yanshou Tribe." Li Xiaogang thought that the Jiukun Beast was going to fight the trapped beasts, but he didn't expect him to tell his own story.Since he opened his mouth, it would be good for him to learn more about the affairs of the fairy world, so he might as well listen to him patiently.

It turned out that this sealed area was commonly known as Yi Tianyu, and there were three original tribes, one was Yanshou, the other was Moro, and the other was Qiha.

The race of the Yanshou tribe is the Jiukun beast, the race of the Moro tribe is the stinger beast, and the race of the Qiha tribe is the fire-breathing beast.For thousands of years, the three tribes have competed for each other, but they have always kept each other in check, so they reached an agreement, demarcating the three areas for non-aggression and peaceful coexistence.Unexpectedly, recently, the Moro tribe was supported by an unusually powerful unknown force, which not only tore up the agreement, but also began to kill Jiukun beasts and fire-breathing beasts in large numbers, claiming to destroy the two tribes and dominate one side.

When Jiukun Beast said this, his face became gloomy.

"Didn't you ask me to help you find a companion back then? Where is your companion? Where is it?" Li Xiaogang asked immediately.

"Actually, I don't know whether they are dead or alive. I just test whether you really help me, but now it seems that you are not a bad person." Nine Kun beasts grinned, and several heads laughed at the same time. Its eyes, the size of a tomb, looked terrifying.

"I'm not helping you for no reason, and I don't want to get involved in your tribal disputes. As long as you help me return to the fairyland, you and I will be settled." Li Xiaogang turned his head and said.

"Then listen to me and continue." Jiukun Beast didn't answer Li Xiaogang directly, but continued directly.

It turned out that Yi Tianyu and the Immortal Realm had the same origin, but for some unknown reason, they were sealed off by the Immortal Realm gods for no reason, and no one could set foot outside.Over time, many monsters emerged here, fending for themselves, killing each other, and it became a place of all evil and blood.

"According to what you say, I can only die with you?" Li Xiaogang said with a frown. Hearing the news, he was really in a bad mood.

"It's not impossible. I heard that someone has really reached the border between Immortal Realm and Yi Tianyu." Nine Kun Beast whispered suddenly.

"Where is that person?" Li Xiaogang seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

"I heard from my ancestors that many years ago, Yi Tianyu was also under the rule of the fairy world. Our three tribes were ruled by a powerful mysterious beast, but later this mysterious beast did not know what wrong it was, and was imprisoned. Moreover, Yi Tianyu was also sealed for a long time, and all beasts in Yi Tianyu could not take a step forward, otherwise they would be punished by heaven. Later, after the mysterious beasts were imprisoned, Yi Tianyu was also slowly divided into three, and there was no more Unify. Later, the mysterious beast tried to escape and found the exit, but was discovered by people from the fairy world and was detained again. According to legend, it was imprisoned somewhere in Yi Tianyu." Nine Kun Beast whispered, while He looked around while talking, for fear that someone would hear what he said.

"Aren't you talking for nothing? He didn't succeed at the time, so why should I do it? Besides, Yi Tianyu is so big, where can I find him?" Li Xiaogang shook his head, he didn't want to pin all his hopes on on a legend.

"If you meet someone else, you may not be able to find it, but hey, if you meet me, Jiukun Beast, you may not be able to find it!" Jiukun Beast said strangely, showing its long fangs, and then said: "In This is a huge place in Yi Tianyu, there is no one who can hide it from our Nine Kun Beasts, as long as you want to find it, you can't find it!"

Li Xiaogang cast a sideways glance and asked, "You put so much effort into helping me, you must not be out of good intentions!"

Jiukun Beast snorted coldly, gritted its teeth and said, "Of course it's not all for you, even if I didn't meet you by chance today, I would also swear to find that mysterious beast! The Moro Tribe's stinger bee beast killed the other two tribes, Almost drove us all to extinction, this hatred, I must pay all costs, to avenge it! Now you are also desperate, I don't think you are just waiting, why don't we unite?"

"But this mysterious beast is completely a legend. How can you be sure that he will listen to you and avenge you? Besides, I'm not familiar with Yi Tianyu. What I've heard so far is just your one-sided words!" Li Xiaogang still felt uncomfortable. Reliable.

"You are just a person from the lower realms, and you have nothing to do, why should I lie to you!" Jiu Kun Beast sneered, paused, as if making up his mind, and said, "My ancestors helped Xuan Beast escape back then, The beast has the feeling of master and servant. The mysterious beast once gave us a personal token, which can be activated at a critical moment to sense his presence." In order to win Li Xiaogang's help and trust, he had no choice but to take the risk and say something profound. Hidden family secrets for many years.

"It turned out to be like this." Li Xiaogang said to himself, and then straightened out everything.Compared with the Yanshou tribe where Jiukun Beast belongs to, they started their business by relying on themselves as slaves of Xuan Beasts, and later helped Xuan Beasts escape. After they were discovered, they were afraid that they would be punished by the Immortal Realm, so they simply prepared to rot this secret in their stomachs. .

"How? If you plan to do it alone, I won't force it!" Jiu Kun Beast said again.

If the facts are true according to what Jiukun Beast said, Yi Tianyu is an area sealed off by the Immortal Realm, and he will definitely not be able to rush out with his own strength, and he might lose his life for no apparent reason.If you follow the Nine Kun beasts, at least there is still a glimmer of life. Besides, if you encounter an emergency, you can still get out. It seems that you should take one step at a time and play by ear.Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang finally nodded and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Okay! You really are a happy person! By the way, I still don't know what to call you?" Nine Kun Beast laughed heartily.

"Just call me Li Xiaogang." Li Xiaogang replied.

"Li Xiaogang? This name is so strange!" Nine Kun Beast repeated his name, and then continued, "Now the Moro tribe is chasing us everywhere, in order to avoid being restrained by them, I think you still need to input some vitality Give me, help me transform!"

Li Xiaogang didn't say anything else, with his palm facing up, he sent out a burst of divine power and pushed it onto the body of Jiukun Beast.With the continuous injection of vitality, the Jiukun Beast howled wildly, a burst of white smoke flashed, and it turned into a humanoid bumblebee.

"Tsk tsk, this is the stinging bee beast of the Moro tribe. It's too ugly and ordinary! It's not as good-looking as your Jiukun beast!" Li Xiaogang looked left and right, and observed it.

Jiukun Beast gave a "dry cough" and turned its rough voice into a thin, emphatic voice, saying to Li Xiaogang: "Transformation is our Jiukun Beast's housekeeping skill! Hurry up and get on my back so that they can see it too." If it’s not for you, I’ll go to the tribe now to get back the token of the mysterious beast, so I can establish contact with it as soon as possible.”

Li Xiaogang understood the meaning of Nine Kun Beast, and turned into a purple smoke that lingered behind Nine Kun Beast's ear, vaguely, vaguely.

"Your incarnation ability has reached this level?" Nine Kun Beast said in amazement.

"It's not too late, let's act quickly, it will be bad if the Moro tribe finds out!" Li Xiaogang's urging sound came to Jiukun Beast's ear.

Jiukun Beast gave a "hmm" and was about to leave the place of right and wrong quickly, when suddenly Li Xiaogang yelled "No, there is someone!" It landed just in front of Jiukun Beast.Jiukun Beast secretly groaned, but pretended to be surprised, and asked: "I just received the tribal leader, asking me to come here to find a wounded Jiukun Beast, have you seen it?"

The giant wasp had obviously not been transformed, not only was it huge and ugly, but also had two pointed stingers exposed abruptly, dripping disgusting white saliva.The moment he fell, he quickly turned into a humanoid bumblebee exactly like the Jiukun Beast.

"Strange, the leader clearly asked me to search this area. I heard that this Jiukun Beast is also the leader of the Yanshou Tribe. It's already half dead, and it's just waiting for us to collect the body!" The bumblebee smiled slyly.

Jiukun Beast was very annoyed, but it was not easy to attack, so it had to pretend to be gloating, and echoed: "It is said, I also received a task to search this area, but I really didn't find any clues , maybe this guy is going to die on his own."

"It's really cheap for this guy to fend for himself! However, if you want to see people and die, you need to see corpses. If you don't find this guy's body, it will be difficult to do business!" Bumblebee said with a worried expression.

"Since they have all destroyed their doors, it's fine to let his body rot here. Yi Tianyu is so big, it's hard to find!" Nine Kun Beast also said along the way.

"You don't know that this Jiukun beast is very cunning, maybe it will turn into your appearance, we don't know yet!" Bumblebee said mysteriously.

Jiukun Beast was startled, wondering if the bumblebee saw the flaw?Although he was a little puzzled in his heart, he still pretended to be very puzzled and asked on the surface: "Even if the Jiukun Beast can transform, it won't appear in front of us so boldly!"

"The leader of the fire-breathing beast of the Qiha tribe is finished, and the Jiukun beast is our biggest threat! However, it is only a matter of time before our leader becomes king. Well, brother, you stay here and watch. Take a look at the place!" Bumblebee said and was about to leave.

It turned out that Bumblebee didn't realize that he was a fake Jiukun Beast, so he was relieved.However, the matter has not been fully clarified, and this bumblebee cannot be easily let go.Therefore, Jiukun Beast stopped him again.

(End of this chapter)

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