The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2101 The Last Secret

Chapter 2101 The Last Secret

It turned out that Goddess had built a layer of protective space around Yi Tianyu back then. This layer of space was three-dimensional and almost in a vacuum state, so it was basically indestructible.Moreover, from the outside, this Yi Tianyu is just in a void.Those who enter this three-dimensional space by mistake will either lose their direction or lose themselves, unable to turn out and die inside.

But in the junction between this three-dimensional space and Yi Tianyu, there is a very thin place, that is, a node. If you break this node, you can enter the three-dimensional space, and if you leave the three-dimensional space, you will of course return to the fairyland.

"According to this, even if we break this node, we still have to go to the three-dimensional space, and this three-dimensional space is full of ecstasies?" Li Xiaogang said with a frown, so breaking this node is not enough.

"So, I can answer your question. The goddess said, this Yi Tianyu, only a mysterious beast can completely break this node, and she gave me this!" Said, Bai Wa took it out of her pocket. I picked up something like a green gourd. The gourd was so green that it seemed to be translucent, and I could vaguely see the wobbly liquid inside.

"What is this?" Li Xiaogang asked with his eyes wide open.

"This is a spirit gourd. It contains refreshing fairy water. After we drink it, we can guarantee that we will not get lost in this three-dimensional space." Bai Wa said solemnly, hugging the jasper gourd tightly, As if holding some priceless treasure.

"The Goddess is so thorough, it must be impossible for the Zizhen Beast to sneak in!" Li Xiaogang smiled, and said to Bai Wa: "You little baby, why did you say it now!"

"Tell the truth, or tell a lie?" Bai Wa smiled half-smile.

"Of course I'm telling the truth, but you want me to give you a fish shape again?" Li Xiaogang asked back.

"Well, at first, I didn't trust you." Bai Wa restrained her smile and replied.

"No way, I'm so honest and honest, and Senior Xuan is with me, you won't trust me?" Li Xiaogang asked strangely, but he was not angry.

"That's not necessarily true. Senior Xuan is soft-hearted, I'm not like him." Bai Wa stuck out her tongue and glanced at Xuan Beast.

Seeing his pink and white appearance, Xuan Beast was so cute, even though he was poked at a sore spot, he had no choice but to laugh.Jiukun Beast stayed aside, waited for the dawn, had nothing to do for a while, and suddenly asked: "You are all gone, so I will stay here in Yi Tianyu?"

Xuan Beast slapped his head and said: "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot, you still have an important task!"

Jiukun Beast was stunned. If it was before, he would never have thought that he would be with the famous Xuan Beast anyway. Now no matter what, the Xuan Beast even regarded himself as a trusted friend and entrusted him with a major task.

Only Xuan Beast continued to say: "Have you heard the legend of Lingshan?"

Jiukun Beast nodded fiercely, and hurriedly said: "My grandfathers have heard the legend of Lingshan countless times, but I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, I haven't seen it before."

"The legend of Lingshan is indeed true, and Lingshan is located in Yi Tianyu. Back then, I helped Goddess guard Lingshan." Xuan Beast said calmly.Li Xiaogang just listened quietly, he knew all these things, the mysterious beast had already mentioned it to him before, but he seemed to listen to what the mysterious beast would say next.

"So? Senior asked me to guard Lingshan for you?" Nine Kun Beast asked.

To the surprise of Li Xiaogang and Jiukunshou, Xuanshou shook his head and said, "I heard that Lingshan has been lost to nothing. At that time, I thought it was because of the goddess' anger, but now that I think about it, Lingshan is a rare treasure. And there are countless treasures, not to mention the fairy fruit spirit tree, the goddess has cultivated in that spirit mountain for who knows how many years, but she is so determined to sink it into the sea, I always feel strange!"

"Senior, what do you mean... is to ask me to look for Lingshan?" Jiukun Beast understood a little bit.

"You're right!" Xuan Beast finally nodded.

"But I've never seen Lingshan, and Yi Tianhai is so vast, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack!" Nine Kun Beast said.The Yi Tianhai he was talking about was the coast of Yi Tianyu. If the space of Yi Tianyu was limited, no one in Yi Tianhai had really crossed it.Even profound beasts know every corner of Yi Tianyu like the back of their hands, but Yi Tianhai can't even see the side, let alone travel through. No one knows where Yi Tianhai extends.Someone once tried to pass through Yi Tianhai, but they all returned in vain.Therefore, no one knows what kind of world Yi Tianhai is in.

The mysterious beast sighed, and said: "I have no idea, but I have a belief in my heart. Back then, the goddess did not sink the Lingshan stone into the Yitianhai. I have been to this Lingshan, and the goddess once told me that not only She, her descendants still need to take root in this Lingshan to cultivate. Lingshan has cost her too much energy and cost. She will never sacrifice Lingshan unless it is absolutely necessary. So, after I leave, you have to send more people Turn your hands over to Yitian Sea Territory to find some clues."

"It's been so long, if there is any clue, it would have been washed away by the sea long ago!" Li Xiaogang sighed.But he suddenly remembered that the memory stone had told him to find the "Illusion of Ice" and complete the energy exchange with Miao Xin, but he didn't know where the "Illusion of Ice" was.I wanted to ask, but I held back and didn't say it. I don't want to say whether they know it or not. Now that I haven't gotten out of Yi Tianyu, I don't know what's going on in the Immortal Realm. If something happens out of the ordinary, the loss outweighs the gain, let alone , he hasn't met Master Yunju yet, as the elder of Miaoxin Sect, he must know better.

So, he listened intently to what the mysterious beast had to say, but what surprised him was that when they were talking about it, Bai Wa frowned and never spoke.

"Bai Wa, is there anything else you haven't told us?" Xuan Beast asked suddenly, obviously, he also noticed Bai Wa's abnormality.

Bai Wa looked solemn, and said: "According to the order of the goddess, I will wait until you are completely out of Yi Tianyu before talking about it. Since you asked, it is God's will, so I'll say it."

"Oh my God, Bai Wawa, Grandpa Bai! What else did you not tell us?" Nine Kun Beast said with a big sigh.

Bai Wa smiled slightly, with a secretive look on her face that didn't match her immature face, and said, "This is the last thing. I came here according to the order of the goddess. These secrets are kept in my heart. It's also very uncomfortable!"

However, Xuan Beast had other thoughts. Since the Goddess entrusted such an important matter to Bai Wa, at least it means that her trust in Bai Wa will not be inferior to her own, and Bai Wa can relieve loneliness. Persevering for so many years must not be something ordinary people can do.

"So, your practice must have been deliberately concealed?" The mysterious beast said again.

Bai Wa blushed, and said: "Senior is still very powerful. Although I have no experience in the world, I can see that I understand the truth of being full of tricks, harming modesty and benefiting, especially in places where beasts are rampant. I don't dare to be too outstanding, otherwise I will definitely It will bring about a fatal disaster. Otherwise, how could I have been safe and sound for so many years?"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but look at this little doll with admiration.A real master is to make others look like a master, that's right.

"As a senior, I agree and admire you! But, from now on, you don't have to hide anything from me!" Xuan Beast said with a smile, his eyes full of approval.According to his estimate, after following Goddess for so many years, Bai Wa's practice is definitely not inferior to his own, even better than his own.

As for Li Xiaogang, of course he was happier in his heart, with two more helpers all of a sudden, his journey to the fairyland was smoother again.

The only unpleasant thing might be the Jiukun Beast. He thought he and Bai Wa were evenly matched, but Bai Wa must have deliberately lost to him in the fight at the beginning. Isn't this the same as being teased by others?
Of course, Bai Wa saw what Jiu Kunshou was thinking, and he returned to his original innocent appearance, and said playfully, "Brother Jiu Kunshou, you are still angry with me!"

"Don't think that I will let you go because you are so small. Huh, you are so cunning, how dare I let you go? Stop talking, call me brother, maybe you are from the grandpa's generation!" Jiu Kun Beast Said disapprovingly.What he said caused a burst of laughter from the rest of the people, but after saying this, he himself was also amused. It's too ridiculous for such a giant to call a kid brother.

"Speaking of which, what's the secret about the Lingshan Mountain?" Li Xiaogang stopped smiling and asked.

Bai Wa looked around and found that no one was eavesdropping, so she said: "You all think that Lingshan is a treasure mountain, but have you ever thought that it may have other more important uses?"

"In addition to countless treasures that help cultivation, Lingshan is also a treasure land of cultivation. For a practitioner, isn't this already the biggest use?" Xuan Beast asked wonderingly.Bai Wa smiled without saying a word, paused for a while, but revealed a shocking secret.

According to what Baiwa said, this spirit mountain was originally transformed by a piece of spiritual stone left by Nuwa to mend the sky, and later it was contaminated with demonic nature, so that even Nuwa couldn't control it, so he had to lock up the demons of this stone and let it go. His descendants practiced with him from generation to generation, hoping to awaken the mind of the spirit stone.But later, the spirit stone became more and more demonic, and the spirit stone was about to wake up in a blink of an eye. The goddess could not control it at all, so the goddess had no choice but to temporarily abandon him under Yi Tianhai.

Li Xiaogang's eyelids twitched: "Could it be that the Lingshan transformed by this spirit stone is the catastrophe that Nuwa's No. 60 descendants will face?"

Bai Wa nodded: "That's right, this is the disaster we are about to face. In this world, only a few of us know about it. It's just that after so many years, the magic nature of this spirit stone may no longer be under the control of the entire fairy world. If someone uses it to awaken his demon nature, the consequences will be unimaginable. No one knows what the situation will be!"

(End of this chapter)

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