Chapter 2129
"Hey, the worst people to die are you fake merciful people. Seeing you die like this, I will make you happy." Two streams of milky white rays of light shot out, and these two rays of light directly shot into Wushuang Zhenren's eyes.

Daoist Wushuang didn't notice much at first, but the two milky white lights became thicker and stronger, and what's even more strange, they even made a "sizzling" sound.

Daoist Wushuang suddenly felt a sharp pain spreading from his brain, but he couldn't cry out, as if all the organs in his body were numb and he was no longer under his control.

At this time, the magic stone puffed up his cheeks again, opened his lips, and heard a "duh", his body shook suddenly, and a blue light shot out from his seven key points including eyes, mouth, and navel. , following the milky white light between the two of them, they went straight into the eyes of Daoist Wushuang.I saw that this white light began to change from white to blue, from blue to red, and the red and blue intersected.

Real Wushuang felt that the pain disappeared, and he felt dizzy again. At this time, a strong air flow was implanted in his body. The real Wushuang had a splitting headache, as if his mind was about to be torn into thousands of pieces, and he really wanted to suffer. He shouted, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't cry out.

At this moment, the milky white light was no longer hot, but started to turn cold again, so cold that it seemed to freeze his whole body, and the surface of the Wushuang real person's body began to be covered with hoarfrost.He could only hear his teeth "clacking", as if tens of thousands of insects and ants were crawling and biting inside his body.

Just when he couldn't control himself and was about to die in a frenzy, his body suddenly began to warm up again, alternating hot and cold, a numb pleasure flowed through his body, before he woke up, the warm current passed by, and instantly became scalding hot The lava burned up, and the seven orifices made a "boom", and blood gushed out.In the end, Daoist Wushuang finally wailed, as if he had been cut by thousands of knives, and even prayed to die immediately.

At this moment, Master Wushuang's face turned from white to red, from red to purple, from purple to black, extremely eerie.And the magic stone also withdrew that powerful force, truly completing the process of absorbing the primordial spirit.For Wushuang real person, it seems to have walked a big circle in the underworld, but in fact, these processes are just a moment.

"Why do you still retain my consciousness..." Master Wushuang murmured, his hair was all gray, his face was unkempt, and his complexion was gray, as if he had aged decades, like an old man who was about to die.

"This is my habit. It's very interesting that a cultivator has no primordial spirit but retains his consciousness." Moshi laughed wildly.

His eerie laughter made Master Wushuang shudder.

Such a vicious character, with such a mysterious and domineering cultivation skill, must be a great harm to the fairy world, Master Wushuang secretly speculated, but then he thought about it, he has become a useless person at this moment, what's the use of worrying about these things, magic stone There is a saying that is indeed true, a cultivator without a soul is like a mortal without a soul, like an immortal body without a soul, what is the use of being empty-handed for a hundred years?

Just when all his thoughts were in despair, Demon Stone said something that added fuel to the flames: "Your soul is pure and pure, it really is a great tonic."

These words really seemed to sprinkle a heavy layer of salt on the wound of Daoist Wushuang, making him in agony.

"You kill me! You kill me..." He just repeated these two sentences in a murmur, as if he was in a state of confusion. He stood up slowly and walked towards the distant hillside .It turned out that the magic stone unlocked the blockade of Wushuang Zhenren unconsciously.

"You can just fend for yourself!" Demon Stone said with a sinister smile.Of course, he definitely did not show kindness to spare Daoist Wushuang's life. He just killed a chicken for the monkeys to see. Now that Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin already know that he can absorb people's primordial spirit, then he will It can be even more blatant but committing crimes. Moreover, persecuting the ancestors in the fairy world like this may knock the mountains and shake the tigers, and make Li Xiaogang and Miao Xin confused. This is the ultimate goal of the magic stone.

However, in fact, he did achieve this goal. Li Xiaogang and the others who followed back to the fairyland did notice the abnormality in the fairyland at the first time. Of course, they also heard the legend of "monsters" who sucked other people's souls to make a living. Of course, According to the description, it is not difficult to guess that this is a bad thing done by the magic stone.

The magic stone is more cunning than they imagined. This is unexpected by Li Xiaogang. Almost all of his arrangements let the magic stone take the lead. He wanted to concentrate the power of the fairy world, but the fairy world has long been divided into two groups. Of course , most of them are wise and safe, and most of them are greedy for life and fear of death, but most of the forces of justice have been persecuted, and very few survived.

Of course, there are still some fans of the Goddess who have not been found by the magic stone, so when they learned that Miaoxin has returned, they of course flocked to Miaoxin's gate to think of countermeasures and deal with this sudden disaster together .

In fact, Miao Xin and Li Xiaogang were also very upset when faced with such an unexpected situation.They are not panicked by the ferocity of the magic stone, but because they are afraid that many innocent cultivators will be hurt because of it. After all, the existence of the Miaoxin Gate is fundamentally to ensure the order of the immortal world and to ensure that immortal cultivators can carry forward their eternal life. Come on, even if the magic stone can be removed in the end, but the fairyland is so smoky, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse.But in a short period of time, the magic stone has already killed many immortal cultivators, which indeed shocked the immortal world a lot.

"Ms. Miaoxin, I heard that Wushuang Daoist's practice has been abolished. He can't take the blow, and his mind has already destroyed himself!" A red-haired old man lamented.

"What? Even Daoist Wushuang has been..." Miao Xin couldn't continue. According to the memory of the goddess, Daoist Wushuang is the master of the fairy world. He didn't want to be burdened by common affairs, so it was inconvenient to force him, so he had to concentrate on his cultivation, which made the goddess take second place, and the real Yagu came from behind.

However, these are all prefaces, although Miao Xin and Wu Shuang Zhenren have never met, it is expected that he is not an idle person, he must be a great achiever.Therefore, when Miao Xin heard the news of Wu Shuang's tragic death, she felt extremely sorry for him!
"That's right! Daoist Wushuang has always been aloof from the world, devoted himself to cultivation, and yet he was murdered. I really feel sorry for him!" Another honest-looking middle-aged woman echoed.There was another burst of regret from the people around.

However, Li Xiaogang was secretly observing the dozens of immortal cultivators who came. Judging from the aura fluctuations on their bodies, all of them have extraordinary cultivation, and one can tell that they are people who have practiced well. At this juncture, many people can't avoid it Since they have the guts to come to Miaoxin today, they must be the ones who are determined to break their skins with the magic stone and go all the way to the dark. Therefore, Li Xiaogang doesn't want to deal with them, so he simply said: "Everyone here All of them are brave people, I believe I must know that the fairy world has encountered unprecedented challenges, and only when we unite as one can we defeat that demon."

"What this young man said is very true. We came here today to make an idea and take down this arrogant man!" An old man with a black face and white beard stood up and said.

In fact, Li Xiaogang understands very well in his heart that although these people here hate the appearance of the magic stone for breaking the order and peace of the fairy world, everyone's practice is the result of years of hard work. The real ones.

Since ancient times, the principle of shooting the first bird, these old guys are like a mirror in their hearts. After all, they have come to Miaoxinmen to complain, and they want to motivate Miaoxin to get ahead quickly and kill the magic stone, so as to maintain the order of the fairy world.

Why doesn't Miao Xin know what these old guys are thinking?Ever since she came to the Immortal Realm, these people have been avoiding them, hiding far away, and not seeing a single person who showed up to help Miaoxin contend against the real Yagu at that time, but when the disaster was imminent, they gathered one by one On the one hand, they are unwilling to submit to the magic stone, and on the other hand, they are afraid of being weak and being poisoned by the magic stone. These people, seemingly loyal, are actually more vicious than the other.

Although she thinks so clearly in her heart, she can't show it on the surface. She still understands the principle of unity in a special period. What's more, the fairyland is the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. These people must become the masters of the fairyland. I have all had unusual experiences, how can I not cherish my own practice?This is not a manifestation of selfishness, it is a need for survival, therefore, Miao Xin did not take these things to heart, and she was relieved after thinking about it.

Speaking of Li Xiaogang, a young man with long hair and white eyebrows and a white robe stepped forward, looked Li Xiaogang up and down, and asked, "Who is this person? Why doesn't he look like someone from the fairy world?"

Miao Xin smiled, this white-browed man is actually ten thousand years old, but he is good at maintenance, so he looks young, but he is also the most respected one here.Therefore, even Miao Xin respected him a lot.

"Grandpa Bai, this is the Xiao Gang I told you about last time. He came to help me from the lower world!" Miao Xin explained that since she officially took charge of the Miao Xin Sect, she has indeed visited these seniors in the fairy world one by one. The meaning of the mother goddess, so her prestige was quickly established.After all, the Goddess is the goddess in the minds of immortal cultivators, and no one can replace her supreme position.Her descendants naturally inherited the best lineage, and their status naturally rose, almost equal to that of a goddess.

"Is he your partner for dual cultivation?" The white-browed man asked unabashedly, this sentence directly caused Li Xiaogang to get a lot of attention.

(End of this chapter)

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