The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2147 Kiss me and touch me again

Chapter 2147 Kiss me and touch me again
"You, you get up first, I'll tell you." The woman said angrily, she was really a little scared, she must not be able to beat this hooligan, and this guy looks stupid, why is he such a hooligan.

"You are not qualified to negotiate conditions with me. Tell me quickly why you followed me, what identity, what name, what measurements, weight and height, all of them will be revealed to me." Li Bai said angrily, daring to play tricks with him, see Who can play.

Although he inherited his father's honesty and perseverance, he also inherited his mother Long Linger's cleverness. That girl Li Bingbing also wanted to come to Earth, but Li Bai preempted her. He didn't dare to bring that ghost girl with her.

"You shameless rascal, I just won't tell you, what can you do to me, I'll sue you for Qiang Ji'an, believe it or not." The woman said angrily, she still didn't believe that she couldn't scare this very rustic guy.

Li Bai chuckled and said, "If you don't say yes, then I won't be polite."

Li Bai stretched out his hand and tore off the T-shirt the woman was wearing, revealing the black bra inside, and covered it with his hands, and then he also loosened the pants under the woman with one hand, no matter how much the woman resisted, it was useless.

Only now did she realize how stupid she was, this bastard really dared, the strange feeling from above and below his chest made him blush, and he regretted why he followed Li Bai.

"Don't touch it anymore, I said, can't I tell you, stop it." The woman cried and said, he already felt that something Li Bai pressed under him was already hot against her.

"It's too late to say it now, I'm already like this, who told you not to say it earlier, I'm a virgin, and my endurance is limited." Li Bai said, he had already pinched the woman's breasts into several shapes.

At the same time, the woman's delicate red lips were also printed on the lips, a cool and delicious, somewhat sweet feeling came from the soft lips, which made him very excited. After all, a young man with a strong blood seems to be a bit unstoppable. Yes, I just wanted to play at first, but I didn't expect that I couldn't stop now.

It is said that the lips are the softest and most tactile part of the human body, not to mention the lips of a woman, they are so soft and sweet.

While Li Bai was enjoying it, there was a sudden sharp pain from his lips, and then the warrior's lips bounced off the woman's body.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he was actually bitten, really.

Li Bai looked at the corners of the woman's teary eyes, her chest was wide open, exposing a large area of ​​skin, and she seemed to feel a little guilty.

However, he still had the confidence and said angrily, "You can say it now. If you don't say it again, I don't guarantee that I will be able to bear it. Moreover, you sent it to the door yourself, so you can't blame me."

"Shameless rascal, I followed you just out of curiosity. Didn't you sell my grandpa US dollars more than a hundred years ago, and even kicked Zhao San out of the Antique Street? People just followed you out of curiosity, so you To him, shameless rascal, how can you let him see people in the future." The woman dragged the quilt to cover herself, tears fell down, and the people watching felt distressed.

Li Bai was also dumbfounded. In his opinion, this must be the person who the third master wanted to take revenge on him, and he would use the knife even if he made a move. This is why he can use the knife like this out of curiosity.

"Just curious, then why did you directly stab me and say you want to kill me?" Li Bai wondered. The woman said that he sold US dollars to his grandfather. Could it be the granddaughter of old man Feng, probably not.

"I want to play with you. You chased Zhao San away, so I want to see if you are that powerful. Who knows that you are a shameless rascal, so you just don't let others talk, woo woo woo." Li Bai didn't know what to do about Li Hua's grievances. Who can blame this shit? You played yourself to death, and now you have aroused your own anger. Who can you blame.

"Then you can't blame me, you're going to kill yourself, and you insist on saying something to kill me. I thought it was Zhao San who sent someone to take revenge on me, and you are not ugly. You want breasts and buttocks. The long legs are also very attractive, and I am a virgin, isn't it a physiological reaction of mine, and I am not blaming yourself." Li Bai said innocently, this is really unclear, if you say you are curious, just be curious, come on Why kill me, otherwise I can do this to you.

You said at the beginning that you were just curious, don't you know that I can use force against you like this, if you don't die, you won't die.

"Blame me, you still say blame me, it's not that you are a shameless hooligan who doesn't let people talk, and brings them to this kind of place, will they be treated like this by you, shameless hooligan, the whole mind is full of dirty thoughts, I don't care, you want Be responsible to me." The girl stared at Li Bai shyly, acting coquettishly as if Li Bai really did something to her.

"I'm not responsible. I'm the one who bumped into you. You are old man Feng's granddaughter, so what's your name?" Li Bai is also playing a rogue, so he wants me to be responsible. You are too naive. Coming to Earth, I haven't had a good time yet.

"Feng Yunxi, if you don't take responsibility, I will kill you. What did you do to me? Kiss me and touch me again. I'm going to rely on you." Feng Yunxi stared at Li Bai, remembering what this guy did to her just now, she said Feel ashamed.

She didn't expect that she was just curious, and wanted to see how powerful this handsome guy was. She had also learned ancient martial arts, but she didn't expect that Li Bai's fancy fists and embroidered legs would be restrained by Li Bai in one fell swoop, and she became what she is now. Who can blame this appearance.

Fortunately, this guy is very handsome, and the most important thing is that his martial arts are so powerful. No, this bastard must be responsible. Thinking of this, Feng Yunxi directly lifted the quilt, got up from the bed and watched Li Bai being bitten by her with concern. lips.

"Are you okay? He was careless just now. You must be responsible to him."

Li Bai's face was full of black lines, this could not be planned by this woman long ago, she still fell in love with him, and wanted to rob him from the beginning to the end, it was too shameless, and she could not compromise.

"Don't think about being responsible for you. I will never be responsible for you." Li Bai rushed out of the room in a hurry. I don't care what you are responsible for. I am responsible for the one that bumped into me. How can there be such a good thing in the world.

"Ah, you bloody hooligan, I must make you responsible. I still don't believe that I won't see you again. Shameless hooligan, who wants to slap his ass and leave after tarnishing someone's innocence. How can such a cheap thing happen?" Feng Yunxi looked at it. With her delicate figure, she couldn't help saying angrily: "I have wronged you with such a good figure, you are a rascal, you don't know what to do, this lady is also a school flower, a bumpkin dares to despise me, you damn bastard."

After Li Bai left the hotel, he had nowhere to go. There were still a few days before school started, so could he do something else?

The reason why he came to the earth is because of his parents. His father is a farmer, the strongest farmer, but it has been a hundred years ago, although his father's name is still well known.

But there are very few of them. He wants to see his father's life and feel the fruits of his hard work, but after more than a hundred years, few people remember what his father did for farmers and the earth.

He wants to change. Since his father can do it, so can he, and he will definitely do it. He wants to let the name Li Xiaogang shine on the earth again, and at the same time let everyone know that farmers can change the world.

Father Li Xiaogang can do it, and Li Xiaogang's son Li Bai can do the same, or even better. No matter how long it has passed, when people mention farmers, they will always think of Li Xiaogang and Li Xiaogang's son Li Bai.

After thinking about this, Li Bai has a bottom line in his heart and a goal. He didn't know what his father did at the beginning, but he will choose his own way, let Li Bai's name stand on the top of the earth, and then shout to the world , I am Li Bai, the son of Li Xiaogang, we are all farmers, the strongest farmers.

Huaxia Academy, the most famous academy in Huaxia today,
Li Bai stood at the door, looking at the crowds of students, he was very excited. What he wanted was this feeling. Living in the universe with his parents, although he was very happy, he lacked passion. He came to the earth to find this passion.

Only where there are human beings can there be passion, otherwise, no matter how strong he is, what good is he no matter how handsome he is, he can only play around with those girls all day long, what he wants is passion.

Li Bai was caught by someone just after completing the admission procedures.

It was none other than Feng Yunxi, the girl he had touched and kissed before. He raised his foot and wanted to run, but he was in no hurry, Feng Yunxi had already stood in front of him.

"Damn rascal, it turns out that you also came to college, hehe, let's see how you run." Feng Yunxi hugged Li Bai's arm, and after returning, she asked Li Bai's news carefully, this time she couldn't be given by this guy Ran.

Li Bai had no choice but to look at the surprised gazes around him and felt something was wrong, but now he couldn't help it, he couldn't just let Feng Yunxi go, this woman was like brown sugar, she couldn't get rid of it at all.

But it feels pretty good, and the two lumps of soft flesh on his chest are also very comfortable to stick to his arms. Although his personality is a bit difficult, he looks pretty good, and he can be regarded as a beauty.

Fair skin, playful and cute, with a faint fragrance on her body, many braids on her hair, and two shallow dimples on her face, she is really cute.

"Hey, I have a grudge against you, look at the people around me who are about to kill me, can you behave yourself." Li Bai said helplessly, this is still at the gate of the academy, this girl is hanging on him , Looking at the eyes of the people around, I must be thinking in my heart, a flower is stuck in the cow dung again, as if it has been grassed by dogs.

"Who told you to touch and kiss me, you have to be responsible to me now, don't try to get rid of me." Feng Yunxi pouted his red lips and said angrily. In fact, he was very curious about Li Bai. Getting rid of Zhao San's bully made her want to know Li Bai better.

"Hey, Yunxi, who are these two idiots?" At this moment, a joking voice appeared behind the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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