The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2151 Take Me Fly

Chapter 2151 Take Me Fly

"These flying knives seem to be nothing." As the flying knives approached, Li Bai's hands were instantly covered with a layer of silver starlight, and he directly blocked the three flying knives in front of him.

"What? Impossible?"

Hei Jiu stared at the three flying knives in disbelief. The three flying knives that were supposed to kill Li Bai actually spun in Li Bai's palm at this moment.

Li Bai chuckled, the flying knife in his hand was covered with a layer of silver starlight and flew back backwards, then turned around and rushed away with Mu Xiaoting and Su Daji in his arms.

Behind him, Hei Jiu stared at the three flying knives stuck in his chest, his eyes wide open. He probably didn't expect that the murderous flying knives he was proud of would take his own life one day.

It was not until he returned to the apartment he rented that Li Bai put down the two beauties in his arms. Although the hand feeling was good, both of them seemed to have some opinions.

"Senior sister, it's okay." Li Bai stared at Mu Xiaoting, and didn't know how to explain what happened that night, but it didn't matter, anyway, Mu Xiaoting already knew that she was good at it.

"It's just fine, do you have a place to take a bath here? I want to take a bath." Mu Xiaoting glanced at Li Bai and said with a reddish face.

"Well, it's inside." Li Bai pointed to the bathroom, this apartment was rented by him, and the conditions were not bad.

"Li Bai, are you a superman?" Seeing that Mu Xiaoting had already entered, Su Meng asked in surprise after taking a deep breath, her head was a little unresponsive, originally she just wanted to teach Li Bai a lesson and make this bastard look ugly .

Unexpectedly, I saw this scene only appeared in the movie. A killer like Xiao Li Fei Dao came to kill me. Although I was very scared, I saw Li Bai empty-handed into the sword, and finally "flyed" with himself. Such a long time, so excited, she felt that this guy suddenly became superhuman.

"It's good that you're not scared stupid. Are you going home? I'll see you off." Li Bai said, although he saved Su Daji, although the demon girl is a bit pretty, the evil deeds of framing her are still vivid in my memory. Drive people away.

"I'm not going home, Superman, you take me to 'pretend to be a wave' and take me to fly." Su Daji said excitedly, she didn't expect this bastard to be Superman, it was so exciting, she had to experience it again.

"Fei your sister, you goblin, hurry back, there is no place for you, a young lady." Li Bai pulled Su Daji and pushed away, but Su Daji threw Li Bai away like a cat in heat.

"Don't even think about driving me away. I won't leave for such a fun thing. Are you afraid that I'll disturb your good business with Miss Xiaoting here?" Su Daji looked at the room and saw that there was only one bed in the room. Thinking wrongly, it turned out that Mu Xiaoting ignored everyone at school because there was this superman at home.

"It's against you, you really think that I dare not do anything to you, get out of here." Li Bai stretched out his hand and went to pull Su Daji, the goblin was still here.

"Ah, you bastard, what are you doing?" Su Daji raised her leg and kicked Li Bai's crotch. This goblin is really stubborn and likes kicking people's crotch the most. If he didn't react quickly, he would have been kicked by this goblin. , the most important thing is that this goblin even dares to lift her leg to kick people in a skirt, which is too bold.

"Grandma, I'm afraid of you, why don't you hurry up, I'll take you back." Li Bai regretted bringing this goblin back, but it would be difficult to send him away now.

"You want me to go, that's fine, tell me if you are a superman, or you will never drive me away?" Su Daji was determined not to forgive others, and she became even more serious when she saw Li Bai succumbing to softness.

"I can't deal with you anymore, senior sister. I'll send this fairy home. If you want to leave, just go and close the door for me." Li Bai looked at Mu Xiaoting who had just come out of the bathroom, and pulled Su Daji Just left the house.

Mu Xiaoting didn't say anything, she knew that the goblin must be entangled with Li Bai, but she couldn't help it, even she was very curious about why Li Bai was so powerful, let alone Su Daji, a goblin.

"Well, I'll wait until you come back before I leave." Mu Xiaoting didn't know what she was thinking, as if she was expecting something to happen tonight.

Li Bai pulled Su Daji out, and he didn't care about the goblin dancing and hitting him, this goblin was too disregarding his image, he could make such a big move in a skirt, he had seen the goblin's skirt several times.

"Your car is still over there, let's go, drive away." Li Bai took Su Daji back to the entrance of the restaurant. The red sports car was still parked there, and there were a group of corpses. It seemed that it would be daytime. Or someone will call the police and someone will deal with it.

"I don't want to go back, you take me to fly back, just like just now." Su Daji was full of anticipation, she really hoped that Li Bai would take her to fly again.

"Hurry up and get out, we'll have to go to the police station when someone calls the police, and get out of the car." Li Bai scolded, this goblin is really annoying, he's bothered him before, and now he's relying on him.

"Then you send me back, my home is still far from here." Seeing that Li Bai would not compromise, Su Meng could only get into the car, and then pulled Li Bai into the car.

"Superman, do you think he is beautiful?" Su Daji raised one leg and put it on Li Bai's lap, staring at Li Bai seductively, as if she wanted to play a trick on Li Bai.

"Don't make trouble, drive quickly, I have to go back." Li Bai threw Su Daji's long legs down. Although he didn't mind such a goblin playing tricks on him, there was still a senior at home waiting for her. It's on.

"Hmph, I knew you wanted to go back and have sex with sister Mu Xiaoting, why don't we come to the car?" Su Daji threw herself directly on Li Bai, very proactive.

"Do you want to drive? If you don't drive, I will leave." Li Bai opened the car door and was about to go out, but was pulled back by Su Daji. It's not bad, look at the chest, it's soft and firm, look at the legs, it's long and white, and it's slippery to the touch, feel it."

Li Bai was really annoyed by this goblin. Is there anyone who is so seductive? It's soft and straight, long and white. He even took Li Bai's hand and touched her long legs vigorously, which made Li Bai feel a little uncomfortable. at ease.

I'm the man, okay? I know it's soft and firm, and I know it's long, white, and elastic, but it's not the time for Nima, and you're too casual, and the ones you catch are all cheap, or It is said that the women who are catching up are all buses. Although this goblin does not look like a bus, this kind of catching up is really uncomfortable.

After driving the red sports car for a while, Su Daji thought for a while and suddenly said: "I see, you think I'm not innocent, right? She's really innocent. Don't worry, she's not that kind of woman. "

Li Bai was shocked again, you look too much like that innocent woman, although you are not very old, but the image of the goblin and this unrestrained style are simply too similar to that innocent woman.

"Hurry up and drive, don't talk." Li Bai said, and he was also trying to restrain himself. If this kind of goblin took the initiative to seduce, there is really no reason to refuse, but the two of them have known each other for less than a day, so it's really sex. It's too fast, and it's hard to say whether it's a trap, and it's hard to say with this goblin's style.

After half an hour, he finally arrived at Su Daji's house. Li Bai looked at the rather luxurious villa, sighed and turned around to leave. He knew why this goblin was so spoiled and savage at school. Without such a family background, how could he be so rampant.

"Miss, who is that?" The servant stared at Li Bai's back, wondering.

"It's none of your business. I have nothing to ask. Is it your turn to take care of my affairs?" Su Daji stepped on her high heels and went straight into the villa, ignoring a large number of servants and middle-aged men waiting at the door.

A butler-like figure stood behind the middle-aged man, and said softly, "Master, the two bodyguards protecting Miss are dead."

"Murderer?" The middle-aged man looked slightly startled, and then asked two words.

"It seems to be members of the international assassin group 'Black Wolf', who came after the lady, but the lady is fine, it should have something to do with the young man who sent the lady back." The butler said, they only found the throwing knife at the scene, but not Hei Jiu's body, because Hei Jiu's body had been cleaned up immediately.

"Investigate, strengthen the protection of Xiaomeng, and investigate the identity of that kid. If possible, ask him to be Xiaomeng's bodyguard." The middle-aged man said coldly, looked at Su Meng who had already gone upstairs, Drove away from the villa.

When Li Bai returned home, Mu Xiaoting had fallen asleep on the bed, which made him a little embarrassed, why do you think all these beauties like to seduce him.

Look at Mu Xiaoting lying on his bed lazily like a kitten, wearing his own pajamas, with his chest wide open, he can see that deep white groove, and a long slender white leg is also exposed Outside, it is too tempting.

Isn't this a test of his determination? He doesn't treat him as a man too much. What if I can't help my beastly behavior.

Li Bai swallowed hard, pushed down the tent that had been propped up below, and fell asleep on the sofa.

Mu Xiaoting opened her beautiful eyes and glanced at Li Bai on the sofa. There was a hint of disappointment in her eyes, but she also felt happy. This guy actually held back. Isn't he attractive enough? But this guy often looks at her chest .

Quietly got up, walked to the side of the sofa, looked at Li Bai who was already sound asleep, she was curious about how many secrets this guy had, she looked at Li Bai's sexy lips, and bent slightly to feel the temperature of Li Bai's lips.

However, Li Bai turned around at a critical moment, and Mu Xiaoting was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. After hearing that Li Bai continued to sleep soundly, she hurried back to the bed, her heart still pounding.
The next morning, Mu Xiaoting and Li Bai went to school separately.

In class, Su Daji didn't come to class. Li Bai guessed that it must be the reason for the assassination yesterday. It seems that the goblin must be in danger.

In the classroom, Li Bai stared at the menacing group of people in front of him, trouble came again.

"I said I would come to you again, idiot?" The person who came was Wang Chong who was beaten up by him yesterday, and today he led a group of people to Li Bai's classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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