Chapter 2163

"258 people, okay, according to [-] earth coins per head, these cars and excavators don't need to be taken away, just use the money to redeem." Li Bai glanced at Tang Bainian and Huang Dong below, and when he made a move, It has already crippled the strength of the two of them. He is not a good person, so naturally he will not be soft.

"Ten thousand per person, isn't that extortion?" The people from Tianlong Martial Arts School said in surprise.

Li Bai smiled, looked at the students of the Tianlong Martial Arts School in the deep pit below, and said, "That's right, it's blackmail. You went to Huaxia Academy to make trouble, and what can I do if you send them to my door to be blackmailed? Why do you have any opinions?"

"It's okay to have opinions. I can turn you into your teacher Tang. I don't know if you have heard of the saying of crippled martial arts. You should have heard it on TV. I just shattered all the meridians in his body. That’s all, you don’t have to give money, I can help you.” Li Bai looked at the dissatisfied young man with a smile.

"We have money and money, we pay?" Countless people can only compromise under Li Bai's lust, otherwise they will be disabled forever if their meridians are disabled.

"Very good, does anyone have any objections? Call to raise money if you don't have any objections. Look at Hong Yu, use the money to redeem people, and let whoever gets the money get out." Li Bai looked at Hong Yu and ordered.

"Okay, Brother Bai, what about these cars?" Fang Cheng asked.

Li Bai looked at the three buses and the excavator, and said, "Let Tianlong Martial Arts School take 100 million to redeem. I still have classes in the afternoon, so I'm leaving first. When I'm done, come and find me, the third class of pharmacy."

Li Bai pulled Feng Yunxi who was in the crowd and left directly, so he didn't have to worry about the rest, this is the advantage of leadership, as long as you give orders, others will help you.

Wang Chu twisted his buttocks and leaned in front of Li Bai, and said with a smile, "Brother Bai, see what I can do, or you can take me in too."

"I'm not interested in men, let's go with them, we're all on our own." Li Bai kicked Wang Chu's ass and left directly.

Back in the classroom, there seemed to be a big class in the afternoon, but there were very few people. Li Bai was so bored and drowsy that he fell asleep directly on the table.

After a while, the few people regained their spirits, and saw a beautiful woman with a delicate figure walking into the classroom with a textbook under her arms.

The beauty looked at the people in the classroom and seemed a little surprised. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. Her class was always overcrowded before. Why are there only a few people today.

He didn't know that many people were watching the excitement of Tianlong Martial Arts School at the gate of the school, and it was Li Bai's reason.

Li Bai also raised his head and glanced at this beautiful teacher. She should be around 25 or [-] years old, and her figure is extremely seductive, which is indeed a bit overwhelming.

Qin Yubing, the beautiful teacher of Huaxia students, has the reputation of being the Queen of Uniforms. Among the students, there are top ten campus beauties. Of course, there are also beauties among the teachers. Qin Yubing is the most famous one, and she really deserves the title of Queen of Uniforms. Teachers, all of them regard it as a goddess.

If you can put this beautiful teacher with an excellent figure under your body, think about the feeling, absolutely no man can resist this temptation.

Although Qin Yubing was surprised by the number of people today, he didn't delve into it. He picked up his textbook and started class.

It is a big class in itself, and there is no discipline at all. Qin Yubing just said that it is a bit strange that there are so few people today, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Bai looked at it, he wanted to sleep anyway after class, he didn't care what kind of beautiful teacher you are, he just lay down on the table and fell asleep.

After just sleeping for a few minutes, he was woken up by Ran Pai, and the buddy next to him pointed to the door and said, "The outside seems to be looking for you."

Li Bai rubbed his eyes, only to see Wang Chu waving to him outside, there should be something.

Li Bai stood up and walked outside, when he was stopped halfway, it was the beautiful teacher Qin Yubing.

Qin Yu stood in front of Li Bai with a cold face, and said angrily, "You are not allowed to walk around after class?"

Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing, and even though he was wrapped in clothes, he could tell how straight the teacher's chest was. It was definitely epic. Li Bai's visual inspection definitely had an E or even an F.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I have something to deal with." Li Bai said, looking away from Qin Yu's chest.

Qin Yubing's face was slightly angry. He knew that Li Bai had been sleeping all the time. Today, there are few people in her stomach, and she was very angry. No one in her class used to sleep. Who knew that this guy not only sleeps, but also immediately leaves the classroom when he sleeps. She was furious.

"As I said, you can't walk around during class time. Go back to your seat." Qin Yubing closed the door of the classroom with a cold and pretty face, and stared at Li Bai angrily as if there were flames in her eyes.

"Teacher, have you come to my aunt? Are you in a bad mood? I really want to go out." Li Bai said cruelly, and then directly pushed Qin Yubing against the door, and leaned his body against Qin Yubing, making a rather ambiguous wall dong.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The students in the classroom watched this dramatic scene, what was this bastard doing, let alone disobeying the teacher, but now he dared to violate Teacher Qin, and used such an ambiguous posture to get so close to Teacher Qin, damn it.

Qin Yubing's pretty face was flushed, her breasts were already big, Li Bai kept approaching, she felt that Li Bai's chest was pressing against hers, a feeling of numbness and electric shock spread all over her body in an instant, she was a little dazed.

"Teacher, can you get out of the way?" Li Bai pushed Qin Yubing's slightly trembling body aside, opened the door and walked out.

"Bastard, rascal, shameless, obscene." Qin Yubing blushed, and cursed at this bastard student from the bottom of her heart. She was so courageous that she dared to eat her tofu, and it was still in front of so many students. It was really embarrassing.

After Li Bai left the classroom, Wang Chu gave him a thumbs up and said, "Brother Bai is amazing, even the Queen of uniforms dares to tease him, hehe."

"Teasing your sister, what happened?" Li Bai kicked Wang Chu's ass. The kid looked so cheap that he couldn't help but want to kick him.

"Brother Bai, the head of the Tianlong Martial Arts School has come and said he wants to negotiate with you. We can't make up our minds, so we can only look for you." Wang Chu said.

The two went to the gate of the school together, and saw another car coming from a long distance, and a man wearing a double-strand vest was talking to Hong Yu and the others.

"Brother Bai is here, you can talk to him yourself." Hong Yu said to the man in the vest when he saw Li Bai approaching from a distance.

The man in the vest also went straight to Li Bai, and stretched out his hand from afar: "Brother Li, hello, I'm Lin Hu, the head coach of Tianlong Martial Arts School, and I'm here to have a good talk with you about this matter."

Li Bai stretched out his hand and shook Lin Hu. This guy has very strong muscles and looks like a master insider. His strength should not be inferior to that of Tang Bainian. It is unexpected that Tianlong Martial Arts School wants to negotiate, but this is beyond their control.

"How to talk about it, isn't what I said obvious enough, use money to redeem people." Li Bai stared at Lin Hu and said.

"No, brother Li, we are indeed wrong about this matter, but your price may be a bit high, our bearing capacity is limited, can it be lowered." Lin Hu said.

Li Bai chuckled and said, "Is the price high? When you dug a hole at the gate of the school and threw my people in, did you ever think about what it meant to me? If I didn't have the strength to make your Tianlong martial arts school submit, Will you come to talk to me, I'm afraid I have already been arrested by Tang Bainian and beaten to death in your school."

What Li Bai said made Lin Hu speechless. This is indeed the truth. They did not expect Li Bai to be so strong. Tang Bainian is a natural master, and he brought more than 200 students. He was still completely abused by Li Bai. Now he loses Well, it's no wonder he was used as a hostage for blackmail.

Although this is the case, Lin Hu still feels that the price is too high. This time, he has gone to several million, and this time he has really hit the iron plate.

"If there is anything else to say, I'll leave if I have nothing to do. If your Tianlong Martial Arts School refuses to accept it, you can call people to come, and I will follow. I will destroy the other if you come." Li Bai looked at Lin Hu and said coldly, of course he was defeated. You need to pay compensation, otherwise what will you use your strength for.

"Brother Li, you see, we will meet again in the future, so it's better to leave some room. Tianlong Martial Arts School is not as bad as you have seen. We can only pay 80 yuan at most, and Tang Bainian and Huang Dong have already been arrested. You ruined the meridians, this is a big taboo for martial arts practitioners, you ruined their lives, is it too much for you to do this yourself?" Lin Hu said stubbornly, he still didn't believe that the hair hadn't grown yet Qi's kid really didn't care about the future, and completely offended Tianlong Martial Arts School.

Li Bai laughed, and dared to threaten him, he could only say he was too naive, he turned his head to Hong Yu and said, "The negotiation broke down, those who haven't got any money from below will be buried alive, and I will take these cars to the second-hand market It doesn’t matter if you have more money or less money, you can sell as much as you can.”

Hong Yu's face changed when he heard it, but he still nodded fiercely, what are they afraid of if Li Bai is responsible for everything, there are almost a hundred people in the pit now, if they are directly buried, there will be big troubles, but He doesn't care so much, just do what Li Bai said.

A group of Huaxia students who have been watching the results have to admire, and also have to say, it's very cool, how arrogant Tianlong Martial Arts School is, and the whole Kyoto knows that they are the only ones who bully others, how can they be bullied.

But this time is different, Tianlong Martial Arts School was not only bullied, but also bullied terribly, and it was their Huaxia Academy who stepped on Tianlong Martial Arts School, and instantly felt that they were superior.

But Lin Hu's face changed drastically and he pointed at Li Bai, speechless. He didn't expect Li Bai to be so shameless that he didn't dump him at all, didn't care about his threats, and asked people to sell those cars .

Even if these two excavators and three buses were sold second-hand, they would definitely sell for more than 100 million yuan, and they directly buried the rest of the Tianlong Martial Arts School alive.

(End of this chapter)

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