The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2165 Xiannong Society

Chapter 2165 Xiannong Society

When Li Bai returned to the classroom, he suddenly found many people surrounded by the door.

Wang Chu, Hong Yu, Fang Cheng, Chen Feiyu, Bai Jun, and Zhang Yuhan were waiting at the door. It seemed that the matter was settled.

"Brother Bai, all the money is here, except the cash, it's all in this card." Wang Chu handed a box of money and a card to Li Bai.

"Well, hurry up and clear the venue now, what's the matter with so many people." Li Bai glanced at the people following behind him, it was too high-profile.

"Okay." Hong Yu yelled at the top of his voice, "Get out of here, what's so interesting."

Although a group of people still want to see it, this guy earned two or three million yuan in one day, which is too eye-catching. Maybe he can share a little bit, but just now, many people shared the money, even though it was only 300 yuan , but for watching the excitement, it is already worth it.

According to Li Bai's wishes, Wang Chu selected some people, and if no one gave away a hundred, it was considered to win people's hearts.

Although they didn't want to leave, a group of people were still a little afraid of Li Bai. After all, strength was at stake. They had abolished all the instructors of the Tianlong Martial Arts School before, so there was still some deterrence.

Seeing a group of people leaving, Li Bai looked at the six people in front of him and said, "You guys take the money first. I'm going to start a new society called 'Xiannong Society', and I'll leave the formalities to you."

"Xiannong Society, what is this society for?" Zhang Yuhan, the only girl among the six, asked. She was a little surprised, why was she called such a weird name, but she was full of curiosity about Li Bai, how did this guy have such a strong strength .

Li Bai stared at Zhang Yuhan. She was also considered a beauty, but she was not as good as the school beauty, but she was also pretty, with healthy wheat-colored skin, a petite figure, and her palms seemed to be rougher than ordinary girls. If he didn't look If he was wrong, he should have practiced some foreign skills.

"The main purpose of a very special farmer is farming, right?" Li Bai smiled and explained meaningfully.

But the six of them didn't understand what a very special farmer was, and the rural areas of China had basically turned into farms, and their lives were relatively no worse than those in the cities.

"Farming? Is it allowed to farm in the school?" Several people were full of doubts, not knowing what Li Bai was going to do.

Li Bai chuckled and said, "You guys go ahead and apply first, and then I have my own plan. After that, I will recruit more people from the agriculture department or planting department."

Watching a few people leave, Li Bai also started to think about his own affairs. The Xiannong Society is just a matter of the school. Besides, he is also planning to start a company. The 1000 million that Su Hongming gave has not been spent yet, and it is not comfortable to carry it all the time. .

"Brother Li Bai, you are so majestic today." Su Daji appeared from behind, her seductive cheeks were slightly dissatisfied, but she still didn't show it.

"Oh, by the way, I happen to have something to ask you, let's open it?" Li Bai pulled Su Daji straight out of the school.

Su Daji was dragged by Li Bai, panicked, what's going on, she actually dragged herself to open a room, this is too rascal.

It wasn't until they were in the hotel that Su Daji hesitated to refuse, saying: "Brother Li Bai, I think we should have thought about it better. If you treat me like this, I will be yours. In the future, you will Be responsible to me, or you’re not a man.”

"Oh, come on then." Li Bai said.

"But I'm not ready yet, why are you so anxious all of a sudden, can't you just wait a few days?" Su Daji's shy appearance is endearing, but she is far away from Li Bai, afraid that this rascal will suddenly eat her up up.

Li Bai saw that it was almost the same, he laughed and said, "It's not what you think, it's just to keep you safe, don't think too much, lie on the bed and don't move."

He took Su Hongming's money, so he had to do something, otherwise, if the Black Wolf Killer Group came again, it would be terrible if he wasn't by Su Daji's side.

So you have to make preparations in advance and do some tricks on Su Daji first, but it is obvious that Su Daji is thinking wrong, and you can't blame her for it. Anyone who is directly dragged into the hotel will not think wrong.

"Lie on the bed and don't move? Isn't that what I thought? Don't you like people to be passive all the time? Even if you want to get rid of it, you have to let them take the initiative. They won't be able to stand it." Su Daji bit her red lips, although Li Bai I really didn't want to do anything to her, but it's hard not to think about the situation.

"Lie down quickly, there are so many nonsense, why are you women so dirty, you think about some unsuitable pictures in your head all day long, I am not as dirty as you think, let alone your immature body, I am not I'm so interested." Li Bai pulled Su Daji onto the bed, and then pulled off Su Daji's coat.

Su Daji just thinks that this hooligan is really duplicity, you just admit it if you want, what do you mean my thoughts are dirty, why don't you say that your own behavior is so dirty, you come here at this time and say that you didn't want to do this thing, really Shameless.

Just when Su Daji closed her eyes and waited for Li Bai's next move, she did not wait for Li Bai's rude behavior for a long time, but a cool breath wrapped her delicate body.

Opening his eyes, he saw Li Bai's hands open, and countless silver rays of light seeped out from his hands, and the countless silver streamers slowly formed a silver flower.

"Ah, it's so beautiful, what is this?" Su Daji covered her mouth and exclaimed in surprise. He discovered that Li Bai at this time was completely enveloped in silver light, which made her very curious.

"Close your eyes and don't move." Li Bai whispered, and then the silver flower rushed into Su Daji's body in an instant, and disappeared after a while, as if nothing happened.

"Okay, get up, put on your clothes, and go out for supper." Li Bai threw Su Meng's clothes to her, and did not make any further moves.

Now Su Daji is on fire, this bastard is discriminating against her, what is an undeveloped figure, her figure is already perfect, okay, there is no problem with this bastard, why do you see yourself like this no response.

"What are you doing?" Li Bai looked fearfully like an erupting female cat.

"What were you doing just now?" Su Daji asked, although she was very angry, she still wanted to know exactly what the bastard did just now.

"It's nothing, a kind of energy. If you are in danger, I can quickly reach your position and protect you." Li Bai said truthfully. He knew that the relationship between Su Daji and Su Hongming didn't seem to be good, so please protect Su Daji himself. It seems that Su Daji doesn't know about Daji.

"Really, then why do you want to protect me?" Su Daji asked, she raised it abnormally, when did this guy treat her so well, it's completely unscientific.

"There is no reason, you see that you are in such a good figure, and you are a beauty, who doesn't like a beauty, right? And the killer of that day may come back. If I am not by your side, you will die. As a righteous I can't bear the heart of such a beautiful woman to disappear in such a beautiful way." Li Bai said, usually the truth is half a lie, anyway Su Daji doesn't know.

Su Daji just thinks why this bastard speaks so nicely today, but she heard it just now, this bastard said that he is not mature yet, but now he speaks so nicely.

The incident of being assassinated last time did make her feel a little scared, but what Li Bai put into his body, what are these silver things that look like silk threads, she became more and more curious about Li Bai.

"But, why did you save me? It's really because you like me. Although I'm indeed very attractive, you bastard has never shown any interest in me. There won't be any conspiracy?" Su Daji tilted his head. asked the head.

"Hurry up and get dressed. Why are there so many? I'll take you home. We'll talk about things tomorrow." Li Bai said.

After the two left the hotel, Su Daji insisted on going to eat, and it was a roadside stall, saying that she really wanted to eat that kind of food.

Li Bai had no choice but to sit at a roadside stall with Su Daji and eat spicy hot pot. This made him very puzzled. A young lady with such a rich family likes to eat this kind of roadside stall, and she is dressed so Well, it's obviously not suitable to sit here and eat Malatang.

"Boss, we need to eat a lot of food, and we need very spicy ones." Su Daji said to the boss like a fairy.

"Okay, come right away."

"Li Bai, do you know that I didn't dare to come to this kind of place to eat before, but I really want to eat, but I am not afraid when you are with me. You are so powerful, although you have always hurt me, but I know you will protect me." Su Daji looked at Li Bai with a sneer, and seemed to be a little moved.

Li Bai was slightly moved, it was the first time he had seen Su Daji's expression like this, she was a rich lady in front of everyone, a charming goblin, she could become the focus wherever she went.

Li Bai suddenly discovered that no matter how strong and powerful she pretended to be, everyone called her Su Daji, but she was just a girl after all.

"Actually, you can be yourself. As long as you want to come and eat these things, you can call me at any time, and I can accompany you, but you should be careful." Li Bai said, looking at Su Daji's ruddy little mouth covered with oil stains , she is more real like this.

"That's all right, even if you are having sex with other women, if I call you, you must come right away." Su Daji smiled coquettishly, revealing her devilish nature again. It seems that this girl herself is very Evil, although there is an element of pretense on the outside, most of it is still on the inside.

"Okay, but after you come here, you have to solve the things I haven't solved. Otherwise, you know that if a man doesn't vent in bed, he will be very upset." Li Bai laughed. It made the relationship between the two more subtle.

"What's the matter? I'll solve it for you in a few minutes. You can say whatever you want with your hands and mouth. It's the same as anyone who is afraid of others. I'm afraid that you, a rascal, only dare to talk and dare not do it. Hmph." Su Daji licked the red Lips, I am afraid that only she can say such words so boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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