The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2171 The Wood Elf's Sigh

Chapter 2171 The Wood Elf's Sigh
"Stop making trouble, it's already [-]:[-], why hasn't Brother Bai come here yet?" Fang Cheng wondered.

Wang Chu was also more serious. He didn't dare to mess with Li Bai's orders. It's important to be a good follower, but it's also important to do what the boss ordered.

"Let's act first, and tell the people in Xiannong Club to watch it later. When Miss Xiaoting is performing, don't let other people go up, or they will be expelled from Xiannong Club directly." Hong Yu ordered, and he He was the first to be beaten, and he also had prestige. Although he couldn't do anything to Wang Chu, the other four still admired him.

"Okay." Fang Cheng, Chen Feiyu, Bai Jun and Zhang Yuhan responded at the same time.

It was much simpler for Wang Chu to call Li Bai directly, but no one answered the phone, which made him a little confused. How can he say that he is also the person who knows Li Bai best now? Only when the relationship between him and Li Bai is considered good, Hong Yu and the others can be regarded as the real people who do things.

"Hey, how did I find out that my current identity is a bit like the eunuch next to the emperor." Wang Chu muttered.

"You are, or I don't mind if the boss eunuchs you so that you can get what you want." Fang Cheng joked.

"Go away, but this gave me a little inspiration. I have to thank you for your square head. Think about it, what are the top ten generals in the school? This title is too domineering. What should we call our boss? First of all, I You think the boss is the strongest, so the title must not be weaker, at least not weaker than the top ten generals, right?" Wang Chu touched his chin and said.

"That's okay, tell me, what title do you think of?" Bai Jun smiled, people have already ordered them to go down, they just need to supervise them, so they also gathered together.

"Let's wait and see, isn't the boss going to send flowers later? Let's order it first. The boss will definitely like it, and he will definitely surpass the top ten generals." Wang Chu smiled mysteriously, but Li Bai hasn't come yet, it seems that he wants to Prepare for some surprises.

At this time, the host on the stage had already begun to announce the curtain.

"Below, I invite the beautiful dancer 'Mu Xiaoting' to bring the dance 'The Sigh of the Wood Elf'." After the host finished speaking, he stepped off the stage.

When the lights came on again, countless people sighed. The pure green long dress symbolized the breath of nature. Mu Xiaoting had a pretty face, posing as agile as a bird.

Mu Xiaoting's eyes were pure, like an elf falling into the mortal world, she began to dance lightly, every movement was like the trembling of an elf's wings, flawlessly perfect, as if he himself was a naturally dancing elf.

Everyone stared at Mu Xiaoting dancing on the stage. The pure and natural beauty seemed to be a natural elf dancing gracefully, which made people want to sigh.

And this is not the crux of the matter, it seems to have seen this elf's longing for nature and joy for green plants, but the surrounding trees are constantly withering and withering, and the wood elf played by Mu Xiaoting is also facing the withered Plant sighs.

The destruction of nature by humans has reached a very serious level. Although the current science has been able to help plants grow rapidly, it still cannot restrain the occurrence of desertification.

Mu Xiaoting's dance makes people sigh for its beauty, but at the same time, it also makes people sigh for the increasingly serious desertification of the earth. The double sigh is thought-provoking.

There was a slight strangeness in the depths of Mu Xiaoting's eyes, and there were three more actions to finish, but she still didn't see the figure she wanted to see, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The three movements are completed, the dance is over, and it is time to present flowers. At this time, Wang Chu and the others also started to organize.

After Mu Xiaoting's performance was over, she stood on it alone, like a lonely elf. The crowd was surging, but no one came to the stage to give flowers.

The people behind were surprised, how could such a good show have no flowers, it is impossible.

"Hey, why are you stopping us from sending flowers? What are you going to do?" A man glared at the members of Xiannong Society, very dissatisfied.

"No one can go up, at least not now." Hong Yu stared at the man and said angrily. Although Mu Xiaoting was a little embarrassed on the stage, this was an order, and he couldn't help it.

"Why, who are you, why do you stop us from sending flowers, damn it." Someone on the other side said dissatisfied.

"No reason, this is the meaning of our Xiannong Society Farmer Emperor." Wang Chu smiled. Although the crowd was surging, he was determined not to let people go up, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Mu Xiaoting looked at the movement below, Li Bai still didn't show up, but she was a little confused, anyway, it was right to stop those people, but he was still very disappointed that Li Bai didn't come.

1 minute is up soon, and she is about to step down.

At this moment, a loud laugh came out, and the crowd could not help but give way.

"You Xiannong Society has just been established, and you never thought you would be so domineering. What does it mean not to let people go up to offer flowers? I, Sun Miao, would like to ask, who gave you the courage?" A tall and handsome young man walked up In front, he looked at the members of Xiannong Society with a smile.

"Sun Miao, why is he here?" Wang Chu felt a little bad. Of course, Sun Miao's reputation was very good. The top ten generals ranked third, and Sun Sanshui was Sun Miao.

"Go, go over and stop him, even the top ten generals don't want to go in, otherwise how can you explain to Brother Bai." Hong Yu walked over with several people from Fangcheng, Wang Chuyou picked up the phone and called Li Bai.

It's a pity that no one answered Li Bai's call, which made him a little depressed.

"Sun Miao, our Nonghuang said that no one can go in to offer flowers, sorry." Hong Yu stared at Sun Miao, even if the king of heaven came today, don't even think about going up to offer flowers, this is what Li Bai ordered.

"Nonghuang, you really dare to call it, who is qualified to dare to be called emperor, this is clearly trying to beat our top ten generals, I will see today, what ability does your Xiannong society have to stop me?" Sun Miao raised her hand With a wave, a powerful energy directly pressed on Hong Yu and the other five.

Hong Yu's complexion changed, and he couldn't bear it. However, they also got Li Bai's ancient martial arts cheats, and their strength has also improved. They can withstand a little inspiration pressure.

"Oh, yes, it actually blocked it." Sun Miao's face changed slightly. He thought they were just a bunch of trash, but unexpectedly, he still had some skills, but he didn't pay attention to this strength.

Just as Hong Yu and the other five were dragging Sun Miao, a figure floated onto the stage.

The figure flew up from the crowd and landed directly in front of Mu Xiaoting, holding a huge bouquet of roses in her hand.

He was wearing a black robe that was only found in ancient times. It was ordinary and retro, but it was full of a kind of natural tranquility in ancient times. It didn't have the hustle and bustle of today's city, and some of it was just a simplicity and ancient charm.

"You haven't come to play yet, ha ha." Li Bai bowed slightly, pulled Mu Xiaoting up, and then threw a large bouquet of roses in his hand into the air.


Countless roses bloomed directly, surrounding the two of them, and finally formed a huge love around them.

"It's so romantic. Who is that? Is it Mu Xiaoting's boyfriend?" A girl envied. No one presented flowers before, and now such a romantic scene suddenly appeared. In the eyes of ordinary people, it must be a courtship.

"Sun Miao, I heard that Sun Miao is going to express love to Mu Xiaoting today, it must be Sun Miao." Someone said.

"It's not like, although Sun Miao is also handsome, but Sun Miao doesn't have such a classic temperament, and this person is even more handsome than Sun Miao."

"Bad guy, it's time for us to step down." Mu Xiaoting glanced at Li Bai shyly, tears welled up in her eyes, she never thought that this guy would show up when she was about to give up, she was almost necrotic.

"Then let's go. How can you thank me for helping you so much today?" Li Bai dragged Mu Xiaoting off the stage. The reason why he came so early was of course to prepare.

If there is nothing to do, Mu Xiaoting will not let him come to send flowers, so he already knew about Sun Miao. Sun Miao decided to confess to Mu Xiaoting on the stage tonight. If this kind of thing happens, no matter whether he agrees or not, it will not be good for her.

That's why Mu Xiaoting asked Li Bai to help stop all the people who came to send flowers, including Sun Miao.

"It's up to you, scoundrel." Mu Xiaoting smiled obediently, but she rarely showed such an expression. She was always indifferent, and she had such a little girl side, which made Li Bai dumbfounded.

"Hey, but I have another enemy." Li Bai pulled Mu Xiaoting and walked in front of Sun Miao.

"Boss, do you think we are doing well?" Wang Chu rushed to Li Bai to express his loyalty, and he did not forget to call out to Mu Xiaoting: "Hi sister-in-law, my name is Wang Chu, and I am the boss' confidant. I arranged everything for tonight, hehe."

Li Bai kicked Wang Chu away, glanced at the "Nonghuang" sign held by the Xiannong Society, and was not angry. He stared at Sun Miao, who was pretending to be calm, and said, "Sorry, I offended, my people Rather reckless."

"It's okay, but the Xiannong Society has just been established and its scale is still small, so it's probably not a good sign to be so arrogant." Sun Miao looked at Li Bai with unfriendly eyes, and he was very angry that everything he had planned was ruined by him.

Li Bai laughed, this guy is pretty good at pretending, he was so angry that he was on the verge of smoking, he was still pretending to be a wave, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I'm sorry, it's indeed my order, you can't let your people send flowers, If there is something wrong, why are you hitting me?"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Miao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He had already seen Li Bai very crazy. Both Wuxia and Wang Chong dared to fight. He was also prepared, but he still underestimated Li Bai's arrogance. .

"Where did the little bastard come from, dare to be arrogant in front of me." Sun Miao was really angry. His original plan was that all the flower senders would go up, and then finally go up by himself, and finally all the flowers would form a harmonious relationship. Li Bai had almost the same effect in the end.

But he didn't expect to be blocked by Li Bai. Seeing Mu Xiaoting hugging Li Bai affectionately, he felt like his face was being trampled on the ground. The Gu Wu disciple of the Gu Wu Sun family was slapped in the face in public, and he couldn't bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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