The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2181 Wang Chu Injured

Chapter 2181 Wang Chu Injured
Li Bai was very speechless, he gave you a comfortable bed to sleep in, it's fine if you don't thank him, and you have to be punished, what's the point?

"It's not good, Brother Bai." At this moment, yesterday's Jiguantou ran up to Li Bai and said in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai asked.

"Brother Bai, brother Wang Chu is gone, and yesterday's pine nut pulp was also dumped on the ground, ruined." Ji Guantou said in a panic.

Li Bai's face changed, how could he forget this, Wang Chu camped there yesterday just to guard the three tanks of pine nut pulp, unexpectedly something happened.

"Damn it, I'll go to Wang Chu, and then go to the pine forest over there and beat down all the pine cones, and then wait for me to come back." Li Bai said to the cockscomb head, and he was also heading for the pine forest. Since Wang Chu is Those who disappeared over there should have clues there.

When I arrived at the pine forest, I saw that the remaining three tanks of pine nut pulp from yesterday had all been poured on the ground, and had seeped into the ground, completely wasting.

He didn't see Wang Chu either, so Li Bai could only look at the footprints and chased after him. If his sister's guess was wrong, Wang Chu should have found the person who knocked down the three tanks of pine pulp and chased after him.

Following the footprints to the woods, the footprints stopped, but there were many more messy footprints. After Li Bai observed, there should have been a fight here.

Moreover, bloodstains appeared on the grass. It was unknown who was injured. Li Bai followed the bloodstains again and walked into the woods.

Wang Chu folded his arms and fell in the grass. At this time, his face was pale, his lips were chapped, and his shoulder was pierced by a dart. It seemed that he had lost a lot of blood, and he didn't dare to be careless. will find him.

He didn't dare to move, but he still heard the approaching footsteps, his heart was already in his throat, and he didn't dare to relax at all, even though Li Bai gave him the ancient martial art, Jiuding Qiankun Jue, but the training time was too short , just improved a lot of strength, the strength is still pitifully weak, obviously those few people are masters.

Wang Chu was already ready, once he was discovered, he would use all his strength to perform the Jiuding Qiankun Jue, even if he died, he would have to take his life to be buried with him.

"Ah, labor and capital are fighting for you." Qiankun Jue was cast instantly, and the power of the nine cauldrons was condensed on the fist, and he rushed directly to the person behind him.

But it's a pity that the opponent seemed to have easily grabbed his fist and resolved his last attack.

"Boss, why is it you?" When Wang Chu saw that it was Li Bai, his whole body relaxed and he passed out.

Li Bai looked at Wang Chu's injury, took out a elixir from the ring space, poured it into Wang Chu's body, looked around, it seemed that those people were no longer nearby.

"Go back and talk about it." Li Bai went back directly with Wang Chu behind his back. No matter who dares to destroy his affairs, he will definitely make people feel better, and seriously injured his brother, which is unforgivable.

After returning to the camp, Li Bai left Wang Chu to a group of girls to take care of him. With his elixir just now, Wang Chu's injury can be recovered quickly, but he still needs to sleep.

"Sister, the matter is complicated. Some people don't want us to find enough Donggen. From the circuit breaker warning when we came, to all the diarrhea in the town, and now destroying the pine nut pulp and seriously injuring Wang Chu, what do you think will happen?" Who is it?" Li Bai and Qin Yubing were inside the tent, the most important thing is that he doesn't know who it is now, why should he stop them from looking for Donggen.

Who doesn't want to treat those who have been poisoned by drugs. The people who are poisoned by drugs belong to Shengtian International Pharmaceutical Company. If the matter has not been resolved, Shengtian International should be the most unlucky person.

"I don't know about this. The drug poisoning this time is spreading. If there are not enough Donggen, not only Shengtian International and the company will be unlucky, but Huaxia will be the most unlucky. Once this virus spreads, not only Shengtian Tianji International, and Huaxia people." Qin Yubing said.

"Then who is it? Could it be Shengtian International's business opponent, who wants to completely destroy Shengtian International, so they don't want us to find Donggen." Li Bai wondered, saying that this is not their responsibility at all. It's within the scope, but now that their mission is blocked, that's a big deal.

"There is also this possibility, but there is another possibility. It is aimed at Chinese people. They want this drug virus to spread in China, which will be a devastating blow to the entire Chinese economy and Chinese people." Qin Yubing's face is also very serious. Ugly, she had thought that it would not be so easy this time, but she did not expect it to be more difficult than she imagined.

"The entire Chinese economy and Chinese people? Isn't that a foreign country? Who has such a deep hatred for China and uses this method to deal with us?" Li Bai wondered. He really didn't know much about these things, so he could only ask Qin Yubing.

"The island country, the United States, the Koryo country, are all hostile to the now powerful China, but I don't know who it is." Qin Yubing said, it can be seen that she is also helpless, if not for Li Bai's side, If she was the only one who made up her mind, she might have collapsed.

"It's okay, as long as those people dare to come again, I won't let them leave, hmph." Li Bai snorted coldly, thinking they would only do some small tricks to disturb them, but he didn't expect to hurt people, so don't blame him.

Moreover, according to Qin Yubing's analysis, these people may not be Chinese, so there is nothing to say.

Now all the students are smashing pine cones over there, and the pine cone pulp has to be collected again, otherwise it is still impossible to distinguish Donggen.

Li Bai walked to the side of the pine forest, called Cockscomb in front of him, and said, "What's your name?"

"Brother Bai, my name is Chen Qu, you can just call me Xiaoquzi, do you have any orders?" Jiguantou Chen Qu said with a smile, it happened that Wang Chu was injured, and it was time for him to perform his best.

Li Bai said with a smile: "Just hit as many pine cones as yesterday, and then let everyone go away and call me yourself."

"Okay, Brother Bai." Chen Qu agreed, he hit pine cones with Li Bai and Wang Chu yesterday, naturally knowing how much is enough, although Li Bai and Wang Chu basically collected them yesterday, although they are fast Not fast enough, but fortunately, there are more people and more strength.

Of course, the speed can't keep up with yesterday, but it's not slow, at least it's almost a third of the way now.

Li Bai returned to the camp again, glanced at Song Gang who was doing nothing, and then walked over directly: "Teacher Song, I have offended you so much these two days, but I still respect you very much, ha ha."

Song Gang was slightly puzzled, and looked at Li Bai in surprise. He didn't know why Li Bai's attitude towards him suddenly became better, but he was a little uncomfortable, and said vigilantly: "It's okay, but you called all my students to the pine tree over there. What are you doing, is that pine cone useful?"

"Of course it's useful. It's a key item to distinguish between eastern roots and weeds. Unfortunately, it was destroyed last night and I have to collect it again today. But it doesn't matter. As long as there is enough pine cone pulp, it will be fine. We found a place with a lot of Donggen, we should have enough Donggen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then we can go back." Li Bai said with a smile, he found that the dwarf teacher seemed a little too calm, and seemed to be too calm about Donggen. The collection is not in a hurry at all, it is a bit suspicious.

"Really, that's very good. Where will there be a lot of Donggen? Doesn't it mean that this thing is difficult to pick? You didn't harvest much at all yesterday." Song Gang asked doubtfully, as if he was concerned about what Li Bai said. The place where the east roots gather is very interesting.

Li Bai smiled and pointed in the direction of Dongshan, and said, "I asked the villagers on the farm over there. The mountain over there is said to be called Dongshan, also known as Poisonous Insect Mountain. It is said that there will be a lot of Donggen, and they can be collected in a day. Enough, the villagers are very clear about the terrain here, he probably won't lie to me, even there are many poisonous insects on the mountain over there, but it doesn't matter to me."

"Poisonous insect mountain? You can't go to that place casually. If you are attacked by poisonous insects, it will be dangerous. You can't let my students go there. I want to ensure the safety of my students." Song Gang said nervously.

"It's okay, I'll just take a few people there, I won't let the students in your class go, but Teacher Song, if we don't come back, I have to trouble you to persuade Teacher Qin to go back to school together, I don't want to either Teacher Qin is wasting time here again, and it's very dangerous, if Teacher Qin gets injured, I can't forgive myself." Li Bai said solemnly, he felt a little strange, not only Song Gang, but also the clinical medicine class Some students are also very strange.

"That's fine. After all, if a beautiful woman like Mr. Qin gets hurt, even a man will feel sorry for her. But I still have to persuade you. The Poisonous Insect Mountain over there should be very dangerous. If you can, try not to go there. If something happens Going back to school is hard to explain." Song Gang looked at Li Bai earnestly, and he felt that even if he said so, Li Bai would still insist on going, and he would definitely not be able to stop him.

"Since Mr. Song said so, then I won't go. I should be able to find enough Donggen on these mountains. Thank you, Mr. Song. I think it is much more important to be safe, and Mr. Qin will not let me go Yes, I still won’t go.” What Song Gang didn’t expect was that Li Bai actually listened to his persuasion and didn’t go straight away, thinking that I just persuaded you casually, why did you take it seriously, you go, you’re dead Is it okay to deal with the funeral for you?

Li Bai couldn't help laughing at Song Gang's appearance. This guy is still acting with him, but his acting skills need to be improved. Anyway, you should persuade me again, so that the acting will be more real.

"Actually, I think the poisonous insect mountain over there is just like that. It's not as dangerous as you say, and Li Bai, you are a person who has learned kung fu, and you are not afraid of those poisonous insects at all. If you can find enough Donggen early, then we are not all Can I go back early?" Song Gang said again, he wished that Li Bai would not come back, so that he would have a chance against Qin Yubing, and now that big man Wang Chu is injured, if this savage student also went to Poisonous Insect Mountain, it would be a real shame His golden opportunity.

"Then I should go?" Li Bai asked doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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