The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2188 Curiosity Killed the Frog

Chapter 2188 Curiosity Killed the Frog

"Your uncle." Li Bai yelled, this little thing can still mock, but he can't help it, it's a shame.

Being ridiculed by a frog would make anyone angry, not to mention that Li Bai is so arrogant.

"Quack, quack, quack!" Seeing Li Bai's panic, the three-legged golden toad couldn't help screaming again, laughing more joyfully, and countless golden threads shot out from its small body, which shocked Li Bai again.

"You can still spin silk. Are you a toad or a spider? I'll wipe it." Li Bai wondered, but before he could think about it, a large golden net had already surrounded Li Bai.

Li Bai roared, and the silver starlight instantly covered the long knife, and directly pierced a big hole in the golden net and drilled out. His long knife is called Tianyun, which is made of fine meteorites in the universe. It's also a special energy, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't do anything with this golden spider web.

"Crack, croak." Three more calls, the golden thread around the three-legged golden toad directly turned into countless tentacles, like a frog with countless centipede legs, it looks very ugly, this little thing turned itself into It's really interesting to keep centipede.

The countless tentacles hit Li Bai indiscriminately. Li Bai could only stab one after another, and was a little flustered by the countless tentacles. Although his sword skills were very strong, he was still very embarrassed.

Countless poisonous insects almost surrounded Li Bai, and the star power in his body was somewhat exhausted. This was the first time he felt this kind of feeling, and he never thought that there would be such a time on Earth.

"Quack, quack, quack, quack!!" The three-legged golden toad yelled even more joyously, looking at the little thing like Li Bai, who was in a hurry, seemed to be very excited, and did not expect such a fun human being.

Li Bai was thinking of a way, while waving the long knife in his hand, while thinking of countermeasures, this little thing is really too fast, he feels that it is useless to hit mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns, but this mosquito has countless younger brothers, It can ravage you, which is pretty unpleasant.

This three-legged golden toad seemed to be very happy to play with this strange human being, calling for countless poisonous insects to surround Li Bai tightly.

Li Bai knew that the three-legged golden toad should have a simple intelligence, but this little thing must be still in its infancy, and it seemed that it had no intention of killing Li Bai, but kept using its countless attack methods to greet Li Bai. body, very excited to play.

"Quack, quack." There was another scream, and the three-legged golden toad retracted its countless tentacles, and the countless golden threads converged into a pair of wings. The wings were very thin, somewhat similar to the wings of a bee.

With this pair of golden wings, the speed of the three-legged golden toad is even faster. Every time it moves, it can draw a golden thread, which is ridiculously fast.

Li Bai said that he knew it. The three groups of golden cicadas are just monsters. The golden threads rushing out of his body can transform into various forms, which can be called invincible.

But he is not a vegetarian, and all things are not invincible, as long as he is given a chance, he will make this little thing pay a price.

The silver star power is still lingering around, the current situation is that the three-legged golden toad is playing very happily, and he seems passive, but the three-legged golden toad is not a threat to him at all, unless his star power is exhausted, even if the star power is exhausted It's very fast, but it's not a problem to last for another half an hour, half an hour is enough for him to find some opportunities.

Although there are many poisonous bugs, they still pose no fundamental threat to Li Bai. As long as there is star power, ordinary poisons are useless to him. Although the golden thread is also poisonous, star power can still block it.

Li Bai has star power, the three-legged golden toad can't do anything about him, and the speed of the three-legged golden toad also makes Li Bai helpless. As long as Li Bai's star power is not exhausted, one person and one toad can only be regarded as comparable.

What's more, even if the star power is exhausted, Li Bai can directly get into the space of the ring, and the three-legged golden toad still has nothing to do.

Li Bai was waiting for the opportunity, but the three-legged golden toad was having a good time, changing the characteristics of almost all the poisonous insects, and using all the attacks on Li Bai once, but there was still nothing to do.

But the little thing is more joyful, it thinks this human is so funny, it is willing to play with it all the time, it feels very excited.

"Fuck, it's really exhausted, so I won't play with you anymore." Li Bai smiled wryly, and went directly into the space ring, leaving a ring on the spot.

The three-legged golden toad blinked its big eyes, and croaked, even crying a bit. It was having fun, but why did this weird human suddenly disappear.

Looking at the ring on the ground, the little thing directly bit the ring with his mouth, and landed on the edge of the eating pool, staring at the croaking sound of the ring, it really wanted Li Bai to come out to play with it again.

When Li Bai entered the space ring, several people were also slightly surprised. Qin Yubing was also slightly taken aback when he saw Li Bai coming in. He couldn't think of anything else that could make Li Bai so embarrassed.

"What's going on?" Qin Yubing looked at Li Bai and asked.

Li Bai sat down on the ground, and said: "When I met a very perverted little thing, I had to hide in it."

"There are still things you can't solve, so what should we do now?" Qin Yubing worried, he has never seen Li Bai so tired, it seems that the things outside are really strong.

"It's okay, wait for me to recover, are they still awake?" Li Bai looked at Su Daji and other girls who were still unconscious on the ground. It seems that the strange fragrance should be poisonous to ordinary people.

I just don't know if it is deadly or highly poisonous, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"No." Qin Yubing was very worried about Su Meng and the students who were unconscious, but seeing Li Bai, it seemed that as long as Li Bai was around, he could solve everything that couldn't be solved.

"Let's see, why haven't you woken up yet?" Li Bai used the remaining star power to penetrate into Su Daji's body. He had put star power in Su Daji's body before, just to be in danger when Su Daji He can know.

It shouldn't be a problem to check now, Su Daji opened his eyes with a slight shock.

"Ah, so many centipedes." Su Daji rushed into Li Bai's arms in fear just after waking up.

"It's okay, you can take a rest first." With a thought in his mind, Li Bai flew directly to a bed from a distance, and let Su Daji lie on it. This delicate and expensive girl couldn't bear such a fright.

"They'll wait and see when I recover." Li Bai was also a little weak. The reason why he was able to wake up Su Daji directly was because he had put star power in her body before, and she wasn't poisoned. It's hard for others to say.

Li Bai sat cross-legged on the spot, almost exhausted his star power for the first time, it seems that he is still not strong enough, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a mess.

Unexpectedly, he could be in such a mess on the earth, which made Li Bai feel the crisis for the first time, and he had to step up his practice.

After a few hours of recovery, the star power in Li Bai's body has almost recovered. Looking at the few people who are still in a coma, the star power seems to have no effect after rushing into the body. It seems that the nerves have been hypnotized, and it is actually similar to spiritual something that attacks.

None of Wang Chu, Chen Qu, and Qin Yubing were in a coma. It should be because of their relatively strong bodies. This kind of mental hypnosis seems to be a little troublesome. There is nothing to do about this kind of Li Bai. We can only wait and see, and now we have to pay attention to the outside world. As for the situation, it is the problem of the three-legged golden toad.

With a thought in his mind, Li Bai immediately lost his consciousness. Looking at the situation outside, the three-legged golden toad was still staring at the ring and croaking, seeming very curious.

Li Bai suddenly had a plan in his mind, but he didn't know if it would work, so he directly moved out of the ring.

"Quack, quack." The three-legged golden toad yelled excitedly when he saw Li Bai appearing, and when he wanted to attack Li Bai again, Li Bai disappeared again.

The three-legged golden toad kept spinning around the ring and croaking non-stop. It seemed very strange that Li Bai suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

Li Bai appeared outside the three-legged golden toad again, causing the three-legged golden toad to scream excitedly again, but Li Bai got into the space again.

After repeating it several times, the little thing turned around in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

Li Bai chuckled, the silver star power surged, went out again, and went in again the next moment, but this time it was different, a silver vortex was left on the top of the ring, just enough for the three-legged golden toad to come in.

The little thing opened his eyes wide, staring at the swirling silver vortex on the ring, hesitated for a moment, but jumped into the vortex directly.

Li Bai chuckled, this little thing was really fooled, a somewhat weird small formation instantly wrapped the little thing, Li Bai appeared outside again, with a movement of his finger, a drop of blood essence dripped directly into the bloody formation, and immediately Drag it into the space ring.

"Hey, look at you and run away for me." Li Bai was trembling with excitement, and it was really cool.

He went out several times in a row, just to arouse the curiosity of the little thing, and then jumped into his trap, and his trap was not an ordinary thing, it was the famous demon spirit array in the world of comprehension.

The so-called demon spirit formation is a formation specially used in the cultivation world to subdue monsters, and it is the best way to deal with monsters.

Once the demon spirit array is integrated into this little thing's body, even if the demon spirit array is injured by the blood spirit array, even if this little thing is completely subdued by him, the drop of life essence blood he just dropped will also form a soul level with the little thing contract.

To be his spirit beast, Li Bai didn't have many of these things, but he felt that it was worthwhile to give the three-legged golden toad a demon spirit formation. This is the three-legged golden toad, the well-deserved king of poisonous insects. Things, even if you have hundreds of millions of poisonous insects, it is definitely a bargain.

As the array was continuously squeezed, the little thing realized that he had been fooled. The golden energy on his body seemed to want to resist the invasion of the array, but it was useless at all.

"Curiosity killed the cat, little thing, I'll see where you're going, so just be obedient to me now." Li Bai laughed, his essence and blood poured into his body, and it was too late to struggle.

Moreover, this demon spirit array is specially used in the cultivation world to subdue monsters. Although this little thing is a little intelligent, it can be regarded as a juvenile monster at best. It can be suppressed by the array and can run Then there are ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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