The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2196 Mountain Ant

Chapter 2196 Mountain Ant
Xing yo?Su Daji laughed. She suddenly felt that she had suppressed Feng Yunxi in terms of IQ. Does a guy as powerful as Li Bai still need to fight? How could this pervert only talk about a woman.

Even his stupid head can see Li Bai's thoughts, but this silly girl doesn't know it yet.

"Let's not talk about that, I'll take you home." Li Bai stood up, and the three of them got into the car and went straight back to school. Because Feng Yunxi lived in the school, they could only watch helplessly as they got out of the car.

Li Bai drove Su Daji home, this girl was dishonest again, you were lying on Li Bai's lap, Li Bai almost couldn't help it.

"Brother Li Bai, why don't we go open a room?" Su Daji said, if she wanted to say her mind, she was sure when Li Bai rescued her for the first time, and she must pester this guy.

"Don't make trouble, I have business to do, you behave with me, I'm driving." Li Bai said, this aunt is really good at seducing people, she has a seductive face that is disastrous to the country and the people, and she likes to seduce people so much , who can stand it.

"What's the matter, I think it's a matter of getting a room, you can't do it, right?" Su Daji directly pushed her head between Li Bai's legs, darling, this goblin, do you want to be so explosive.

Now Comrade Xiaobai was really angry, causing Su Daji to smile coquettishly, and said: "Okay, then why don't you want me, I will be your first woman, there is a commemorative meaning, even if you have There are many women, and you will not forget me."

"Don't make trouble, you goblin, do you really want to play with fire? I have something to do at your house." Li Bai said angrily, is there anyone who is so seductive? He is a normal old man, but he was molested by a goblin like this.

"Why are you going to my house? You don't want to be at home, right? My house is inconvenient. Someone is here." The goblin said shyly, not short of money, why would you want to go home? How embarrassing.

"What are you thinking about all day long? I have something to do with your father." Li Bai said.

"He knows about his company all day long, how could he have time to see you, who do you think you are?" Su Daji was a little upset, since she was very young, she didn't like her father, although it has improved a little over the years, But she still didn't want to talk to the man who was always on his career.

"It's not easy for your father. You understand him better. I really have a business to go to him." Li Bai hugged Su Daji in his arms and let her lean against his lips. There are reasons for hating my father, but I haven't solved it.

While speaking, they had already reached the entrance of Su's villa, Li Bai also opened the door and got out of the car with Su Daji.

The old couple was still waiting at the door, and the old man said, "It's Young Master Li Bai, the master is already waiting for you, come in with me."

"Okay, thank you." Li Bai and Su Daji entered the villa together, Su Daji glanced at Su Hongming in the living room, and went upstairs directly.

Li Bai and Su Hongming arrived in a separate room, and Su Hongming poured a lifetime of coffee and said, "You're looking for me because of things tonight?"

"Yes, although I have solved it, I can't guarantee that I will be by Su Meng's side every time such a thing happens. These people are no longer simple killers for such a large-scale explosion." Li Bai said.

"Then what do you want to do?" Su Hongming was also very worried. He didn't expect that these people were so frenzied that they used bombs, and they didn't care about the lives of ordinary people.

"What I mean is, who is your opponent? I will solve it directly. He won't issue a mission, and nothing will happen soon. Although I have been around for such assassinations a few times, no one can say whether they will or not." I will do it when I am not around." Li Bai said, he really came to discuss this matter with Su Hongming, this is not the way.

"And this time it's foreign supernatural beings, an organization composed entirely of supernatural beings, the supernatural hall, they are not ordinary people, if I'm not here, Su Meng will have no life." Li Bai said, this is not alarmist talk , although supernatural beings are nothing to him, but to ordinary people, they are definitely superhumans, who can be killed casually.

Su Hongming pondered for a long time, but Li Bai didn't bother him either. It seemed that he had provoked a very difficult enemy, and the opponent was quite powerful, and he could afford the absolute price to hire the supernatural beings from the supernatural power hall.

"Hey, I've been worrying about this too, but I can't help it. I don't know who the other party is, and this matter is related to Xiaomeng's mother. At that time, Xiaomeng was still very young. The only thing I can do now is , you must protect Xiaomeng, you must, even if it takes my old life, you must not let something happen to Xiaomeng, or I will be sorry for Yaoyao if I die." Su Hongming said angrily, this matter is too complicated, and Su Meng His mother is also related, but even he himself doesn't know what's going on.

"I can only tell you this, they captured Xiaomeng's mother, it seems that they want to grab something, and now they are killing Xiaomeng, they should also want to get something from Xiaomeng, or something in Xiaomeng's body "Su Hongming wiped his face with his hand and said.

"Something? I've checked her body, and there's nothing wrong with it." Li Bai was puzzled, but he felt that the words were a little strange, so he quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, I used my ability to check Su Meng's body, and there was nothing wrong with it." Find something special."

"It's okay, don't explain, Xiaomeng is my daughter. Although she has misunderstood me, I can see that she likes you, and you can protect her. I won't say anything. I know that for you , My family business is nothing at all, but it doesn't matter, you just take care of her for me, this is what a father can do for her." Su Hongming laughed, this old man is a bit interesting, I didn't expect to be so open-minded, It's different from the plot on TV where a big family dislikes a poor son-in-law.

"I will, although she has a bit of a childish temper, but generally speaking, she is still very good. Since you have recognized me as a son-in-law, I don't mind saying a few nice words to you in front of her. Each other." Li Bai smiled, he found that this old man is really not that pedantic, or it has something to do with his experience, such a big career should be different from ordinary people.

"Have you run out of money, do you want me to give you some more?" Su Hongming said with a smile, this brat is pretty good, what kind of eyes does he have, the first time he saw Li Bai, although the two danced very tightly, but he could see Li Bai to some extent human.

And in the following period of time, Li Bai also did well enough, not to say that he would not do things after taking the money, so he came to him today to ask him who the enemy is, and he wanted to solve the matter directly, and found that this kid was not good. The most important thing is to break away from the master of water, and the most important thing is the strength that can be crushed by ancient warriors and supernatural beings. He is also very curious about Li Bai's identity.

"Don't, you spoil me so easily. Don't think about giving me money all day long. I have a business of my own, and I'll start it right away." Li Bai laughed. Give money, although he is not prepared to ask for it, but he is very happy.

This is a psychological effect, just like you borrow money from a friend when you are obviously rich, and the friend asks how much you want, even if you are not going to ask for it, it will be very comfortable to hear such words.

"Since this is the case, I have to be more careful, but old man, if you have any news, you must tell me as soon as possible. If you know who it is, I will deal with it directly. Otherwise, it will be too painful to be so passive all day long." Li Bai smiled.

"Bastard boy, who do you call an old guy?" Su Hongming scolded with a smile, he found how relaxed he was when chatting with this kid, he had never felt so relaxed before.

Li Bai had already rushed out of the villa, got into the sports car and left directly.

At home, Icicle was still opening the door to welcome Li Bai in.

Li Bai collapsed on the sofa, this day is indeed quite tired, there are too many things to do.

"Brother master, let me rub it for you." Bingthorn leaned Li Bai's head on his own, massaging Li Bai's head.

In fact, this kind of tiredness is from the heart. Physically, Li Bai is full of energy. The body of a cultivator is not a joke.

Turned on the live TV, changed a few channels, nothing interesting, just when I was about to turn it off, a piece of news caught Li Bai's attention.

"Special report, the Shengtian International virus incident has expanded again, and three more poisoned patients have been added. Light, hope that someone with lofty ideals will lend a helping hand and go to the mountains to take Donggen."

Seeing this kid, Li Bai couldn't help laughing, he's just waiting here, Donggen is still not enough, then he will get rich.

When he left Tianyou Mountain, he felt that the matter would not end so easily, so he brought back countless weed seeds.

It is the seed of Donggen. In the past, Donggen stood out from the weeds, but now it is different. Li Bai has the king of poisonous insects. What does the three-legged golden toad do? That is the poisonous king of Tianyou Mountain. To Donggen The process of birth is clear.

When he left, the three-legged golden toad took him to pick a lot of medicinal seeds and seedlings of spiritual grass for the Xiannong Society, which is the foundation of the Xiannong Society.

The reason why Donggen was born in the weeds is because of a particle volatilized from the weeds, which should be called 'pulp' in the explanation of the three-legged golden toad.

This particle exists in all weeds. Once these weeds volatilize enough pulp, east roots will be produced. The reason why there are few east roots is because the 'pulp' contained in each weed is too scarce. Therefore, among the countless weeds, there will be a plant of Donggen.

And Li Bai knew from the three-legged golden toad that there is a kind of insect that is born with this kind of particle 'pulp', an insect called 'mountain ant', their bodies contain a lot of pulp, once it reaches a certain level, then Weeds in the area will all become east roots.

After Li Bai knew about it, he immediately decided to try it out after he came back to see if it would work. If what the three-legged golden toad said was correct, it was almost an absolute success.

If East Root can be planted for a long time, it is definitely an excellent way to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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